981 resultados para linear feedback shift register


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The Common Scrambling Algorithm Stream Cipher (CSASC) is a shift register based stream cipher designed to encrypt digital video broadcast. CSA-SC produces a pseudo-random binary sequence that is used to mask the contents of the transmission. In this paper, we analyse the initialisation process of the CSA-SC keystream generator and demonstrate weaknesses which lead to state convergence, slid pairs and shifted keystreams. As a result, the cipher may be vulnerable to distinguishing attacks, time-memory-data trade-off attacks or slide attacks.


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A design methodology for wave-absorbing active material system is reported. The design enforces equivalence between an assumed material model having wave-absorbing behavior and a set of target feedback controllers for an array of microelectro-mechanical transducers which are integral part of the active material system. The proposed methodology is applicable to problems involving the control of acoustic waves in passive-active material system with complex constitutive behavior at different length-scales. A stress relaxation type one-dimensional constitutive model involving viscous damping mechanism is considered, which shows asymmetric wave dispersion characteristics about the half-line. The acoustic power flow and asymptotic stability of such material system are studied. A single sensor non-collocated linear feedback control system in a one-dimensional finite waveguide, which is a representative volume element in an active material system, is considered. Equivalence between the exact dynamic equilibrium of these two systems is imposed. It results in the solution space of the design variables, namely the equivalent damping coefficient, the wavelength(s) to be controlled and the location of the sensor. The characteristics of the controller transfer functions and their pole-placement problem are studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The diversity order and coding gain are crucial for the performance of a multiple antenna communication system. It is known that space-time trellis codes (STTC) can be used to achieve these objectives. In particular, we can use STTCs to obtain large coding gains. Many attempts have been made to construct STTCs which achieve full-diversity and good coding gains, though a general method of construction does not exist. Delay diversity code (rate-1) is known to achieve full-diversity, for any number of transmit antennas and any signal set, but does not give a good coding gain. A product distance code based delay diversity scheme (Tarokh, V. et al., IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol.44, p.744-65, 1998) enables one to improve the coding gain and construct STTCs for any given number of states using coding in conjunction with delay diversity; it was stated as an open problem. We achieve such a construction. We assume a shift register based model to construct an STTC for any state complexity. We derive a sufficient condition for this STTC to achieve full-diversity, based on the delay diversity scheme. This condition provides a framework to do coding in conjunction with delay diversity for any signal constellation. Using this condition, we provide a formal rate-1 STTC construction scheme for PSK signal sets, for any number of transmit antennas and any given number of states, which achieves full-diversity and gives a good coding gain.


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A recirculating charge-coupled device structure has been devised. Entrance and exit gates allow a signal to be admitted, recirculated a given number of times, and then examined. In this way a small device permits simulation of a very long shift register without passing the signal through input and output diffusions. An oscilloscope motion picture demonstrating degradation of an actual circulating signal has been made. The performance of the device in simulating degradation of a signal by a very long shift register is well fit by a simple model based on transfer inefficiency.

Electrical properties of the mercury selenide on n-type chemically-cleaned silicon Schottky barrier have been studied. Barrier heights measured were 0.96 volts for the photoresponse technique and 0.90 volts for the current-voltage technique. These are the highest barriers yet reported on n-type silicon.


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In eucaryotes, gene expression and control is a complex nonlinear process, where there are many control mechanisms and ways, both physic, chemical and informational control. By the exploration from the angle of biocybernetics, the authors suggest that gene expression is a co-control process. In this process, physic, chemical and informational feedback controls are associated and influential each other, and are cross and co-functional. The physic, chemical and informational control ways composed an order non-linear feedback control system in eucaryotes.


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We describe the automatic synthesis of a global nonlinear controller for stabilizing a magnetic levitation system. The synthesized control system can stabilize the maglev vehicle with large initial displacements from an equilibrium, and possesses a much larger operating region than the classical linear feedback design for the same system. The controller is automatically synthesized by a suite of computational tools. This work demonstrates that the difficult control synthesis task can be automated, using programs that actively exploit knowledge of nonlinear dynamics and state space and combine powerful numerical and symbolic computations with spatial-reasoning techniques.


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We investigated age-related changes in adaptation and sensory reintegration in postural control without vision. In two sessions, participants adapted their posture to sway reference and to reverse sway reference conditions, the former reducing (near eliminating) and the latter enhancing (near doubling) proprioceptive information for posture by means of support-surface rotations in proportion to body sway. Participants stood on a stable platform for 3 min (baseline) followed by 18 min of sway reference or reverse sway reference (adaptation) and finally again on a stable platform for 3 min (reintegration). Results showed that when inaccurate proprioception was introduced, anterior-posterior (AP) sway path length increased in comparable levels in the two age groups. During adaptation, young and older adults reduced postural sway at the same rate. On restoration of the stable platform in the reintegration phase, a sizeable aftereffect of increased AP path length was observed in both groups, which was greater in magnitude and duration for older adults. In line with linear feedback models of postural control, spectral analyses showed that this aftereffect differed between the two platform conditions. In the sway-referenced condition, a switch from low- to high-frequency COP sway marked the transition from reduced to normal proprioceptive information. The opposite switch was observed in the reverse sway referenced condition. Our findings illustrate age-related slowing in participants' postural control adjustments to sudden changes in environmental conditions. Over and above differences in postural control, our results implicate sensory reweighting as a specific mechanism highly sensitive to age-related decline.


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System Dynamics enables modelling and simulation of highly non-linear feedback systems to predict future system behaviour. Parameter estimation and equation formulation are techniques in System Dynamics, used to retrieve the values of parameters or the equations for ?ows and/or variables. These techniques are crucial for the annotations and thereafter the simulation. This paper critically examines existing and well established approaches in parameter estimation and equation formulation along with their limitations, identifying performance gaps as well as providing directions for potential future research.


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L'objectif ultime en géomorphologie fluviale est d'expliquer les formes des cours d'eau et leur évolution temporelle et spatiale. La multiplication des études nous a mené à la réalisation que les systèmes géomorphologiques sont complexes. Les formes observées sont plus que la somme des processus individuels qui les régissent en raison d’interactions et de rétroactions non-linéaires à de multiples échelles spatiales et temporelles. Dans ce contexte, le but général de la thèse est de proposer et de tester de nouvelles avenues de recherche afin de mieux appréhender la complexité des dynamiques fluviales en utilisant des approches méthodologiques et analytiques mettant l’accent sur les interactions entre l’écoulement, le transport de sédiments en charge fond et la morphologie du lit en rivière graveleuse. Cette orientation découle du constat que les paradigmes actuels en géomorphologie fluviale n’arrivent pas à expliquer adéquatement la variabilité naturelle du transport en charge de fond ainsi que des formes du lit qui en résultent. Cinq pistes de réflexion sont développées sous forme d’articles basés sur des études de cas : 1. L'intégration des échelles de variation de l'écoulement permet d’insérer la notion de structures turbulentes dans des pulsations de plus grande échelle et d'améliorer la compréhension de la variabilité du transport de sédiments. 2. La quantification des taux de changement de l’écoulement (accélération /décélération) au cours d’une crue permet d’expliquer la variabilité des flux de transport en charge fond autant que la magnitude de l’écoulement. 3. L’utilisation de techniques de mesures complémentaires révèle une nouvelle dynamique du lit des rivières graveleuses, la dilatation et la contraction du lit suite à une crue. 4. La remise en cause du fait généralement accepté que le transport en charge de fond est corrélé positivement à l'intensité des modifications morphologiques en raison d’un problème associé aux échelles différentes des processus en cause. 5. L’approche systémique des dynamiques fluviales par l’utilisation d’analyses multivariées permet d’appréhender la complexité des dynamiques de rétroactions linéaires et non-linéaires dans l’évolution d’un chenal et d’illustrer l’importance de l’historique récent des changements géomorphologiques en réponse aux crues. Cette thèse se veut une avancée conceptuelle issue d'une profonde réflexion sur les approches classiques que l'on utilise en géomorphologie fluviale depuis plusieurs décennies. Elle est basée sur un jeu de données unique récolté lors du suivi intensif de 21 évènements de crue dans un petit cours d’eau à lit de graviers, le ruisseau Béard (Québec). Le protocole expérimental axé sur la simultanéité des mesures de l’écoulement, de la morphologie du lit et du transport de sédiments en charge de fond a permis de centrer la recherche directement sur les interactions entre les processus plutôt que sur les processus individuels, une approche rarement utilisée en géomorphologie fluviale. Chacun des chapitres illustre un nouveau concept ou une nouvelle approche permettant de résoudre certaines des impasses rencontrées actuellement en géomorphologie fluviale. Ces travaux ont des implications importantes pour la compréhension de la dynamique des lits de rivières et des habitats fluviaux et servent de point de départ pour de nouveaux développements.


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As consumers demand more functionality) from their electronic devices and manufacturers supply the demand then electrical power and clock requirements tend to increase, however reassessing system architecture can fortunately lead to suitable counter reductions. To maintain low clock rates and therefore reduce electrical power, this paper presents a parallel convolutional coder for the transmit side in many wireless consumer devices. The coder accepts a parallel data input and directly computes punctured convolutional codes without the need for a separate puncturing operation while the coded bits are available at the output of the coder in a parallel fashion. Also as the computation is in parallel then the coder can be clocked at 7 times slower than the conventional shift-register based convolutional coder (using DVB 7/8 rate). The presented coder is directly relevant to the design of modern low-power consumer devices


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Aircraft systems are highly nonlinear and time varying. High-performance aircraft at high angles of incidence experience undesired coupling of the lateral and longitudinal variables, resulting in departure from normal controlled � ight. The construction of a robust closed-loop control that extends the stable and decoupled � ight envelope as far as possible is pursued. For the study of these systems, nonlinear analysis methods are needed. Previously, bifurcation techniques have been used mainly to analyze open-loop nonlinear aircraft models and to investigate control effects on dynamic behavior. Linear feedback control designs constructed by eigenstructure assignment methods at a � xed � ight condition are investigated for a simple nonlinear aircraft model. Bifurcation analysis, in conjunction with linear control design methods, is shown to aid control law design for the nonlinear system.


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Aircraft systems are highly nonlinear and time varying. High-performance aircraft at high angles of incidence experience undesired coupling of the lateral and longitudinal variables, resulting in departure from normal controlled flight. The aim of this work is to construct a robust closed-loop control that optimally extends the stable and decoupled flight envelope. For the study of these systems nonlinear analysis methods are needed. Previously, bifurcation techniques have been used mainly to analyze open-loop nonlinear aircraft models and investigate control effects on dynamic behavior. In this work linear feedback control designs calculated by eigenstructure assignment methods are investigated for a simple aircraft model at a fixed flight condition. Bifurcation analysis in conjunction with linear control design methods is shown to aid control law design for the nonlinear system.


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In this paper we basically make two propositions - firstly a non-linear process that is primarily fuelled by mass cognitive dissonance could generate systematic deviations between the theoretical and market prices of long-term options, and secondly such deviations are best reconciled in terms of neutrosophic rather than ruled-based reasoning, especially in the context of the users of automated trading systems designed to generate trading signals based on analysis of information  from conflicting sources.


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A smart house can be regarded as a surveillance environment in which the person being observed carries out activities that range from intimate to more public. What can be observed depends on the activity, the person observing (e.g. a carer) and policy. In assisted living smart house environments, a single privacy policy, applied throughout, would be either too invasive for an occupant, or too restrictive for an observer, due to the conflicting goals of surveillance and private environments. Hence, we propose a dynamic method for altering the level of privacy in the environment based on the context, the situation within the environment, encompassing factors relevant to ensuring the occupant's safety and privacy. The context is mapped to an appropriate level of privacy, which is implemented by controlling access to data sources (e.g. video) using data hiding techniques. The aim of this work is to decrease the invasiveness of the technology, while retaining the purpose of the system.


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In this work, we deal with a micro electromechanical system (MEMS), represented by a micro-accelerometer. Through numerical simulations, it was found that for certain parameters, the system has a chaotic behavior. The chaotic behaviors in a fractional order are also studied numerically, by historical time and phase portraits, and the results are validated by the existence of positive maximal Lyapunov exponent. Three control strategies are used for controlling the trajectory of the system: State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) Control, Optimal Linear Feedback Control, and Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control. The controls proved effective in controlling the trajectory of the system studied and robust in the presence of parametric errors.