926 resultados para lily bulb


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08761


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La azucena del campo (Az-del campo) (Habranthus gracilifolius) y la azucenita colorada (Az-colorada) (Rhodophiala bifida) son bulbosas nativas de Argentina de valor ornamental potencial, de las que se tiene escasa información sobre la germinación y el crecimiento. Para establecer la aptitud germinativa, el régimen de incubación más adecuado, y el crecimiento de las hojas y los bulbos, se realizó un ensayo de germinación y las plántulas se cultivaron en macetas durante un año. Se emplearon cuatro regímenes de incubación: temperatura constante de 20°C y alternadas de 20°/30°C y de 10°/20°C, todos con 8 horas de luz, y de 10°/20°C en oscuridad. Las semillas resultaron fotoblásticas neutras. A temperaturas de 20°C o de 10°/20°C, en ambas especies, la energía y el poder germinativo superaron el 75 y 92%, respectivamente, pero temperaturas de 20°/30°C demoraron la germinación. De otoño a fin de primavera las plantas presentaron hasta 4 hojas en Az-del campo y 2,5 hojas/ planta en Az-colorada, pero en verano no exhibieron hojas. Los bulbos presentaron crecimiento lineal, siendo mayores las tasas en Az-del campo (ancho = 0,022 y longitud = 0,049 mm.día-1) que en Az-colorada (ancho = 0,011 y longitud = 0,014 mm.día-1). La multiplicación por semillas es efectiva, pero en ambas especies se necesita más de un año para alcanzar el estadio reproductivo.


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With the consolidation of the new solid state lighting LEOs devices, te5t1n9 the compliance 01 lamps based on this technology lor Solar Home Systems (SHS) have been analyzed. The definition of the laboratory procedures to be used with final products 15 a necessary step in arder to be able to assure the quality of the lamps prior to be installed [1]. As well as with CFL technology. particular attention has been given to simplicity and technical affordability in arder to facilitate the implementation of the test with basie and simple laboratory too15 even on the same SHS electrification program locations. The block of test procedures has been applied to a set of 14 low-cost lamps. They apply to lamp resistance, reliability and performance under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool 01 any LEO bulb.


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We have applied functional MRI (fMRI) based on blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) image-contrast to map odor-elicited olfactory responses at the laminar level in the rat olfactory bulb (OB) elicited by iso-amyl acetate (10−2 dilution of saturated vapor) with spatial and temporal resolutions of 220×220×1,000 μm and 36 s. The laminar structure of the OB was clearly depicted by high-resolution in vivo anatomical MRI with spatial resolution of 110×110×1,000 μm. In repeated BOLD fMRI measurements, highly significant (P < 0.001) foci were located in the outer layers of both OBs. The occurrence of focal OB activity within a domain at the level of individual glomeruli or groups of glomeruli was corroborated on an intra- and inter-animal basis under anesthetized conditions with this noninvasive method. The dynamic studies demonstrated that the odor-elicited BOLD activations were highly reproducible on a time scale of minutes, whereas over tens of minutes the activations sometimes varied slowly. We found large BOLD signal (ΔS/S = 10–30%) arising from the olfactory nerve layer, which is devoid of synapses and composed of unmyelinated fibers and glial cells. Our results support previous studies with other methods showing that odors elicit activity within glomerular layer domains in the mammalian OB, and extend the analysis to shorter time periods at the level of individual glomeruli or groups of glomeruli. With further improvement, BOLD fMRI should be ideal for systematic analysis of the functional significance of individual glomeruli in olfactory information encoding and of spatiotemporal processing within the olfactory system.


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In adult rodents, neurons are continually generated in the subventricular zone of the forebrain, from where they migrate tangentially toward the olfactory bulb, the only known target for these neuronal precursors. Within the main olfactory bulb, they ascend radially into the granule and periglomerular cell layers, where they differentiate mainly into local interneurons. The functional consequences of this permanent generation and integration of new neurons into existing circuits are unknown. To address this question, we used neural cell adhesion molecule-deficient mice that have documented deficits in the migration of olfactory-bulb neuron precursors, leading to about 40% size reduction of this structure. Our anatomical study reveals that this reduction is restricted to the granule cell layer, a structure that contains exclusively γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons. Furthermore, mutant mice were subjected to experiments designed to examine the behavioral consequences of such anatomical alteration. We found that the specific reduction in the newly generated interneuron population resulted in an impairment of discrimination between odors. In contrast, both the detection thresholds for odors and short-term olfactory memory were unaltered, demonstrating that a critical number of bulbar granule cells is crucial only for odor discrimination but not for general olfactory functions.


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The γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor is the predominant Cl− channel protein mediating inhibition in the olfactory bulb and elsewhere in the mammalian brain. The olfactory bulb is rich in neurons containing both GABA and dopamine. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors are also highly expressed in this brain region with a distinct and complementary distribution pattern. This distribution suggests that dopamine may control the GABAergic inhibitory processing of odor signals, possibly via different signal-transduction mechanisms. We have observed that GABAA receptors in the rat olfactory bulb are differentially modulated by dopamine in a cell-specific manner. Dopamine reduced the currents through GABA-gated Cl- channels in the interneurons, presumably granule cells. This action was mediated via D1 receptors and involved phosphorylation of GABAA receptors by protein kinase A. Enhancement of GABA responses via activation of D2 dopamine receptors and phosphorylation of GABAA receptors by protein kinase C was observed in mitral/tufted cells. Decreasing or increasing the binding affinity for GABA appears to underlie the modulatory effects of dopamine via distinct receptor subtypes. This dual action of dopamine on inhibitory GABAA receptor function in the rat olfactory bulb could be instrumental in odor detection and discrimination, olfactory learning, and ultimately odotopic memory formation.


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Dynamic blood oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI was applied at 7 T in the rat olfactory bulb (OB) with pulsed delivery of iso-amyl acetate (IAA) and limonene. Acquisition times for single-slice and whole OB data were 8 and 32 s, respectively, with spatial resolution of 220 × 220 × 250 μm. On an intrasubject basis, short IAA exposures of 0.6 min separated by 3.5-min intervals induced reproducible spatial activity patterns (SAPs) in the olfactory nerve layer, glomerular layer, and external plexiform layer. During long exposures (≈10 min), the initially dominant dorsal SAPs declined in intensity and area, whereas in some OB regions, the initially weak ventral/lateral SAPs increased first and then decreased. The SAPs of different concentrations were topologically similar, which implies that whereas an odor at various concentrations activates the same subsets of receptor cells, different concentrations are assessed and discriminated by variable magnitudes of laminarspecific activations. IAA and limonene reproducibly activated different subsets of receptor cells with some overlaps. Whereas qualitative topographical agreement was observed with results from other methods, the current dynamic blood oxygenation level-dependent functional MRI results can provide quantitative SAPs of the entire OB.


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Neuronal synchronization in the olfactory bulb has been proposed to arise from a diffuse action of glutamate released from mitral cells (MC, olfactory bulb relay neurons). According to this hypothesis, glutamate spills over from dendrodendritic synapses formed between MC and granule cells (GC, olfactory bulb interneurons) to activate neighboring MC. The excitation of MC is balanced by a strong inhibition from GC. Here we show that MC excitation is caused by glutamate released from bulbar interneurons located in the GC layer. These reciprocal synapses depend on an unusual, 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid-resistant, N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. This type of feedback excitation onto relay neurons may strengthen the original sensory input signal and further extend the function of the dendritic microcircuit within the main olfactory bulb.


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A 135-kD actin-bundling protein was purified from pollen tubes of lily (Lilium longiflorum) using its affinity to F-actin. From a crude extract of the pollen tubes, this protein was coprecipitated with exogenously added F-actin and then dissociated from F-actin by treating it with high-ionic-strength solution. The protein was further purified sequentially by chromatography on a hydroxylapatite column, a gel-filtration column, and a diethylaminoethyl-cellulose ion-exchange column. In the present study, this protein is tentatively referred to as P-135-ABP (Plant 135-kD Actin-Bundling Protein). By the elution position from a gel-filtration column, we estimated the native molecular mass of purified P-135-ABP to be 260 kD, indicating that it existed in a dimeric form under physiological conditions. This protein bound to and bundled F-actin prepared from chicken breast muscle in a Ca2+-independent manner. The binding of 135-P-ABP to actin was saturated at an approximate stoichiometry of 26 actin monomers to 1 dimer of P-135-ABP. By transmission electron microscopy of thin sections, we observed cross-bridges between F-actins with a longitudinal periodicity of 31 nm. Immunofluorescence microscopy using rhodamine-phalloidin and antibodies against the 135-kD polypeptide showed that P-135-ABP was colocalized with bundles of actin filaments in lily pollen tubes, leading us to conclude that it is the factor responsible for bundling the filaments.