698 resultados para ligament


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Parmi les blessures sportives reliées au genou, 20 % impliquent le ligament croisé antérieur (LCA). Le LCA étant le principal stabilisateur du genou, une lésion à cette structure engendre une importante instabilité articulaire influençant considérablement la fonction du genou. L’évaluation clinique actuelle des patients ayant une atteinte au LCA présente malheureusement des limitations importantes à la fois dans l’investigation de l’impact de la blessure et dans le processus diagnostic. Une évaluation biomécanique tridimensionnelle (3D) du genou pourrait s’avérer une avenue innovante afin de pallier à ces limitations. L’objectif général de la thèse est de démontrer la valeur ajoutée du domaine biomécanique dans (1) l’investigation de l’impact de la blessure sur la fonction articulaire du genou et dans (2) l’aide au diagnostic. Pour répondre aux objectifs de recherche un groupe de 29 patients ayant une rupture du LCA (ACLD) et un groupe contrôle de 15 participants sains ont pris part à une évaluation biomécanique 3D du genou lors de tâches de marche sur tapis roulant. L’évaluation des patrons biomécaniques 3D du genou a permis de démontrer que les patients ACLD adoptent un mécanisme compensatoire que nous avons intitulé pivot-shift avoidance gait. Cette adaptation biomécanique a pour objectif d’éviter de positionner le genou dans une condition susceptible de provoquer une instabilité antérolatérale du genou lors de la marche. Par la suite, une méthode de classification a été développée afin d’associer de manière automatique et objective des patrons biomécaniques 3D du genou soit au groupe ACLD ou au groupe contrôle. Pour cela, des paramètres ont été extraits des patrons biomécaniques en utilisant une décomposition en ondelettes et ont ensuite été classifiés par la méthode du plus proche voisin. Notre méthode de classification a obtenu un excellent niveau précision, de sensibilité et de spécificité atteignant respectivement 88%, 90% et 87%. Cette méthode a donc le potentiel de servir d’outil d’aide à la décision clinique. La présente thèse a démontré l’apport considérable d’une évaluation biomécanique 3D du genou dans la prise en charge orthopédique de patients présentant une rupture du LCA; plus spécifiquement dans l’investigation de l’impact de la blessure et dans l’aide au diagnostic.


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Periodontal tissue engineering is a complex process requiring the regeneration of bone, cementum, and periodontal ligament (PDL). Since cementum regeneration is poorly understood, we used a dog model of dental pulpal necrosis and in vitro cellular wounding and mineralization assays to determine the mechanism of action of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)(2), in cementogenesis. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) followed by qRT-PCR were used to assay responses of periapical tissues to Ca(OH)(2) treatment. Additionally, viability, proliferation, migration, and mineralization responses of human mesenchymal PDL cells to Ca(OH)(2) were assayed. Finally, biochemical inhibitors and siRNA were used to investigate Ca(OH)(2)-mediated signaling in PDL cell differentiation. In vivo, Ca(OH)(2)-treated teeth formed a neocementum in a STRO-1- and cementum protein-1 (CEMP1)-positive cellular environment. LCM-harvested tissues adjacent to the neocementum exhibited higher mRNA levels for CEMP1, integrin-binding sialoprotein, and Runx2 than central PDL cells. In vitro, Ca(OH)(2) and CEMP1 promoted STRO-1-positive cell proliferation, migration, and wound closure. Ca(OH)(2) stimulated expression of the cementum-specific proteins CEMP1 and PTPLA/CAP in an ERK-dependent manner. Lastly, Ca(OH)(2) stimulated mineralization by CEMP1-positive cells. Blocking CEMP1 and ERK function abolished Ca(OH)(2)-induced mineralization, confirming a role for CEMP1 and ERK in the process. Ca(OH)(2) promotes cementogenesis and recruits STRO-1-positive mesenchymal PDL cells to undergo cementoblastic differentiation and mineralization via a CEMP1- and ERK-dependent pathway.


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Humeral avulsion of the inferior glenohumeral ligament complex is an unusual pathology, often implicated in traumatic shoulder instability. Traditional open techniques involve at least partial detachment of the subscapularis, and arthroscopic techniques are limited by neurovascular boundaries. The technique described here presents an anterior and posterior arthroscopic approach that can be used individually or in combination to treat different types of humeral avulsion of the inferior glenohumeral ligament lesions. The anterior approach is based on anatomic guidelines described in the literature. The posterior approach is based on the arthroscopic and cadaveric anatomic studies described by one of the authors (D.N.B.); use of the recently described axillary pouch portal (Bhatia portal) permits safe arthroscopic instrumentation access in the entire inferior glenohumeral recess and provides adequate access to the posteroinferior aspect of the humeral head. The differential mattress stitch technique ensures secure fixation of the avulsed ligaments and eliminates excessive capsular redundancy. Technical tips to avoid complications are discussed, and a detailed rehabilitation protocol is presented.


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Distal clavicle fracture associated with complete coracoclavicular ligament disruption represents an unstable injury, and osteosynthesis is recommended. This study was performed (1) to retrospectively analyse the clinico-radiological outcomes of two internal fixation techniques, and (2) to identify and analyse radiographic fracture patterns of fracture that are associated with this injury. Conclusions: Internal fixation of this fracture pattern is associated with a high union rate and favorable clinical outcomes with both techniques. A combination of distal radius plate and ligament reconstruction device resulted in stable fixation and significantly lower reoperation rates, and should be used when fracture geometry permits (Types 1 and 2).


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Tendon stiffness may be involved in limiting peak musculoskeletal forces and thus may constitute an upper limit for bone strength. The patellar tendon bone (PTB) graft, which is harvested from the patellar tendon during surgical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), is an ideal scenario to test this hypothesis. Eleven participants were recruited who had undergone surgical reconstruction of the ACL with a PTB graft 1-10 years prior to study inclusion. As previously reported, there was no side-to-side difference in thigh muscle cross-sectional area, in maximum voluntary knee extension torque, or in patellar tendon stiffness, suggesting full recovery of musculature and tendon. However, in the present study bone mineral content (BMC), assessed by peripheral quantitative computed tomography, was lower on the operated side than on the control side in four regions studied (P = 0·0019). Differences were less pronounced in the two sites directly affected by the operation (patella and tibia epiphysis) when compared to the more remote sites. Moreover, significant side-to-side differences were found in BMC in the trabecular compartment in the femoral and tibial epiphysis (P = 0·004 and P = 0·047, respectively) with reductions on the operated side, but increased in the patella (P = 0·00016). Cortical BMC, by contrast, was lower on the operated side at all sites except the tibia epiphysis (P = 0·09). These findings suggest that impaired recovery of BMC following ACL reconstruction is not because of lack of recovery of knee extensor strength or patellar tendon stiffness. The responsible mechanisms still remain to be determined.


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BACKGROUND: Laboratory-based measures provide an accurate method to identify risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury; however, these methods are generally prohibitive to the wider community. Screening methods that can be completed in a field or clinical setting may be more applicable for wider community use. Examination of field-based screening methods for ACL injury risk can aid in identifying the most applicable method(s) for use in these settings. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate and compare field-based screening methods for ACL injury risk to determine their efficacy of use in wider community settings. DATA SOURCES: An electronic database search was conducted on the SPORTDiscus™, MEDLINE, AMED and CINAHL databases (January 1990-July 2015) using a combination of relevant keywords. A secondary search of the same databases, using relevant keywords from identified screening methods, was also undertaken. STUDY SELECTION: Studies identified as potentially relevant were independently examined by two reviewers for inclusion. Where consensus could not be reached, a third reviewer was consulted. Original research articles that examined screening methods for ACL injury risk that could be undertaken outside of a laboratory setting were included for review. STUDY APPRAISAL AND SYNTHESIS METHODS: Two reviewers independently assessed the quality of included studies. Included studies were categorized according to the screening method they examined. A description of each screening method, and data pertaining to the ability to prospectively identify ACL injuries, validity and reliability, recommendations for identifying 'at-risk' athletes, equipment and training required to complete screening, time taken to screen athletes, and applicability of the screening method across sports and athletes were extracted from relevant studies. RESULTS: Of 1077 citations from the initial search, a total of 25 articles were identified as potentially relevant, with 12 meeting all inclusion/exclusion criteria. From the secondary search, eight further studies met all criteria, resulting in 20 studies being included for review. Five ACL-screening methods-the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS), Clinic-Based Algorithm, Observational Screening of Dynamic Knee Valgus (OSDKV), 2D-Cam Method, and Tuck Jump Assessment-were identified. There was limited evidence supporting the use of field-based screening methods in predicting ACL injuries across a range of populations. Differences relating to the equipment and time required to complete screening methods were identified. LIMITATIONS: Only screening methods for ACL injury risk were included for review. Field-based screening methods developed for lower-limb injury risk in general may also incorporate, and be useful in, screening for ACL injury risk. CONCLUSIONS: Limited studies were available relating to the OSDKV and 2D-Cam Method. The LESS showed predictive validity in identifying ACL injuries, however only in a youth athlete population. The LESS also appears practical for community-wide use due to the minimal equipment and set-up/analysis time required. The Clinic-Based Algorithm may have predictive value for ACL injury risk as it identifies athletes who exhibit high frontal plane knee loads during a landing task, but requires extensive additional equipment and time, which may limit its application to wider community settings.


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Excessive mechanical stress due to caudal sloping of the tibial plateau may result In early breakdown of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). Five dogs with CrCL rupture associated with caudal sloping of the proximal tibial plateau are described. All were small dogs, of between three and six years of age, with a mean bodyweight of 9.3 kg, which had acute hindlimb lameness. Radiographic examination revealed cranial displacement of the tibia, with a tibial angle varying from 58 to 60 degrees. All cases were treated with a lateral fabellotibial suture and cranial cuneiform osteotomy of the proximal tibia. All dogs were using the operated limb three days after surgery, with normal gait re-established after a mean period of 10 days. Excessive tibial plateau sloping is not a frequent cause of hindlimb lameness In small animals, although it Is Important to consider it as a predisposing factor for rupture of the CrCL.


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Os achados clínicos e radiográficos após reparo intra-articular do ligamento cruzado cranial com prótese de poliéster, utilizando a técnica over-the-top modificada, foram avaliada em seis cães. Sete cirurgias foram realizadas devido ao acometimento bilateral em um dos animais. A avaliação clínica foi realizada ao 3º, 10º e 40º dias de pós-operatório, e a avaliação radiográfica realizada ao 5º e 24º meses após a cirurgia em cinco cães, por meio da qual se confirmou a progressão da doença articular degenerativa. A resolução dos sinais clínicos foi observada entre o 25º e 68º dias após a cirurgia, segundo avaliação realizada pelos proprietários. A função do membro operado foi considerada boa. Dois cães apresentaram desgaste e ruptura da prótese após a cirurgia. Concluiu-se que a prótese de poliéster, da forma como foi implantada neste estudo, não pode ser considerada como substituto satisfatório, uma vez que resultados superiores podem ser obtidos com ténicas menos invasivas e mais simples.


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Foram estudados o arranjo e o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas do ligamento colateral medial da articulação do cotovelo do cão, isolado ou associado ao ligamento oblíquo e tracionado até a ruptura. Dezoito articulações foram divididas em três grupos. O primeiro grupo teve o ligamento colateral medial coletado, mas não tracionado; o segundo grupo teve o ligamento colateral medial tracionado isoladamente; o terceiro grupo teve os ligamentos colateral medial e oblíquo tracionados associadamente. O ligamento colateral medial não submetido ao ensaio de tração apresentou um padrão ondulado das fibras colágenas, o qual não foi totalmente destruído quando foi tracionado, associado ao ligamento oblíquo, e perdeu totalmente o padrão reticular das fibras colágenas quando testado isoladamente. Quando o ligamento colateral medial foi submetido à tensão isoladamente, o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas aumentou em relação ao grupo não submetido à tensão. Associado ao ligamento oblíquo, o diâmetro médio das fibrilas colágenas foi o maior na região de inserção e o menor na região média, em relação aos outros grupos. Concluiu-se que o ligamento oblíquo pode favorecer a integridade da região de inserção do ligamento colateral medial, aumentando a eficácia de sua reconstrução após a lesão.