341 resultados para lichen planus


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Lichenoid lesions are mucocutaneous disease of chronic inflammatory origin. Can produce side effects to drugs, dental materials, affecting 0.5 to 1% of the world population mainly in women in the fourth decade of life. The history and meticulous clinical servation may clarify the reactive nature, but the clinical diagnosis will only be conclusive when associated with tests such as histopathology. Therefore the objective of the study is to report a case of a woman of 55 years old, complaining of "white spots sore". Reported being allergic to metals, chocolate, acidic foods and certain types of clothes. From accurate intraoral clinical examination, white plaques were found in the dorsum of the tongue, hard palate and buccal mucosa, inaccurate and rough limits, and ulcerations throughout the labial edge and upper palate. Histopathology revealed a lichenoid reaction. Was instituted as pharmacological treatment, the use of systemic corticosteroids. Clinical follow-up of one year showed reduction of clinical symptoms, allowing to conclude that the clinical follow-up of this disease is necessary since its dubious malignant potential and diagnostic difficulty. Thus, early recognition of this disease allows instituting appropriate treatment with relief of anxiety of the patient and their family.


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Hepatitis C is associated with autoimmune diseases, hepatocellular carcinoma,and extrahepatic manifestations that, in conjunction, may seriously compromise the patient's quality of life. We herein describe a case of chronic hepatitis C with oral manifestations and discuss some implications for diagnosis and treatment. A 63-year-old woman complaining of spontaneous bleeding of the oral mucosa presented with bilateral asymmetric ulcers surrounded by white papules and striae on the buccal mucosa. Her medical history revealed leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, and skin lesions associated with chronic hepatitis C. Propranolol and ranitidine had recently been prescribed. Lichen planus, lichenoid reaction, and erythema multiforme were considered in the differential diagnosis. Histopathological analysis revealed lymphocytic infiltrate in a lichenoid pattern. The lesions partially healed after 1 week and completely regressed after 6 months, despite the maintenance of all medications; no recurrence was observed. The final diagnosis was oral lichen planus associated with hepatitis C. Chronic hepatitis C may present oral manifestations, which demand adjustments in dental treatment planning. Medication side effects may interfere with the clinical presentation and course of the disease and should be accounted for in the differential diagnosis. The possibility of spontaneous remission of oral lichen planus should always be considered, especially when putative etiological factors of a lichenoid lesion are withdrawn in an attempt to differentiate oral lichen planus from lichenoid lesions. This case emphasizes the importance of recognizing the extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C as a cause of increased morbidity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G is a nonclassic class I molecule that acts as a modulator of immune responses, and the expression of these molecules in virus-infected cells has been associated with subversion of the immune response. Objective: In this study, we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of the HLA-G in benign, premalignant, and malignant oral lesions and correlating it with the presence of high-risk and low-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types. Specimens and Methods: Oral biopsies were collected from 51 patients and analyzed by immunohistochemistry using anti HLA-G antibody. Human papillomavirus detection and typing from oral biopsies were obtained by polymerase chain reaction using GP5+/GP6+ and specific primers. Results: The 51 biopsies were stratified into 3 groups according to lesion grade: oral benign lesions (oral hyperplasia and papilloma, n = 16), oral premalignant lesions (oral leukoplakia with dysplasia and lichen planus, n = 17), and malignant lesions (oral squamous cell carcinoma, n = 18). Human leukocyte antigen G overexpression was mainly observed in benign and premalignant oral lesions but was not related to HPV infection (P>.05). On the other hand, HPV DNA was detected in 24 (47%) oral lesions, mainly in benign and premalignant lesions, with the most frequent type detected being high-risk HPV type. Conclusion: The HLA-G molecule was expressed in a significant number of benign oral lesions and was not correlated with HPV infection or oral cancer. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Il carcinoma squamoso orale (CSO) è spesso preceduto da lesioni definite potenzialmente maligne tra cui la leucoplachia e il lichen ma una diagnosi precoce avviene ancora oggi in meno della metà dei casi. Inoltre spesso un paziente trattato per CSO svilupperà secondi tumori. Scopo del lavoro di ricerca è stato: 1) Studiare, mediante metodica di next generation sequencing, lo stato di metilazione di un gruppo di geni a partire da prelievi brushing del cavo orale al fine di identificare CSO o lesioni ad alto rischio di trasformazione maligna. 2) Valurare la relazione esistente tra sovraespressione di p16INK4A e presenza di HPV in 35 pazienti affetti da lichen 3) Valutare la presenza di marker istopatologici predittivi di comparsa di seconde manifestazioni tumorali 4) valutare la relazione clonale tra tumore primitivo e metastasi linfonodale in 8 pazienti mediante 2 metodiche di clonalità differenti: l’analisi di mtDNA e delle mutazioni del gene TP53. I risultati hanno mostrato: 1) i geni ZAP70 e GP1BB hanno presentato un alterato stato di metilazione rispettivamente nel 100% e nel 90,9% di CSO e lesioni ad alto rischio, mentre non sono risultati metilati nei controlli sani; ipotizzando un ruolo come potenziali marcatori per la diagnosi precoce nel CSO. 2)Una sovraespressione di p16INK4A è risultata in 26/35 pazienti affetti da lichen ma HPV-DNA è stato identificato in soli 4 campioni. Nessuna relazione sembra essere tra sovraespressione di p16INK4A e virus HPV. 3)L’invasione perineurale è risultato un marker predittivo della comparsa di recidiva locale e metastasi linfonodale, mentre lo stato dei margini chirurgici si è rilevato un fattore predittivo per la comparsa di secondi tumori primitivi 4) Un totale accordo nei risultati c’è stato tra analisi di mtDNA e analisi di TP53 e le due metodiche hanno identificato la presenza di 4 metastasi linfonodali non clonalmente correlate al tumore primitivo.


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The homeodomain-only protein (HOP) contains an atypical homeodomain which is unable to bind to DNA due to mutations in residues important for DNA binding. Recently, HOP was reported to regulate proliferation/differentiation homeostasis in different cell types. In the present study, we performed transcriptional profiling of cultured primary human keratinocytes and noted a robust induction of HOP upon calcium-induced cell differentiation. Immunohistochemistry of human skin localized HOP to the granular layer in the epidermis. Overexpression of HOP using a lentiviral vector up-regulated FLG and LOR expression during keratinocyte differentiation. Conversely, decreasing HOP expression using small interfering RNA markedly reduced the calcium-induced expression of late markers of differentiation in vitro, with the most prominent effect on profilaggrin (FLG) mRNA. Moreover, mRNA levels of profilaggrin and loricrin were downregulated in the epidermis of HOP knockout mice. Analysis of skin disorders revealed altered HOP expression in lichen planus, psoriasis and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Our data indicate that HOP is a novel modulator of late terminal differentiation in keratinocytes.


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During 2003, a total of 258 new patients with oral soft tissue lesions were admitted at the Stomatology Service of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Berne. For the present study, 185 patients with clinically and histopathologically verified diagnoses were included. The following data was collected: prevalence of oral mucosal lesions, distribution of benign, precancerous and malign lesions in different age groups, and the concordance of the referral with the working diagnosis at the Stomatology Service. The most frequent pathological soft tissue findings were fibrous hyperplasias (n = 44) and oral lichen planus (n = 30). Precancerous lesions were present in 41 cases (30 patients with oral lichen planus, eleven oral leukoplakias), and ten patients had oral malignomas. Most lesions were found in patients between the age of 40 and 60 years. The referral diagnosis concurred in 36.6% (n = 67) of the cases with the definite diagnosis before initiation of treatment, the working diagnosis in 70% (n = 128) of the cases. Therefore, it can be concluded that a specialised Stomatology Service serves as a center of competence due to large numbers of patients/cases seen and treated, and the resulting high level of clinical experience of the staff. Moreover, it is important in the primary diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma, in collaboration with the referring dentist in private practice.


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Stomatologic lesions at risk to develop an oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) such as oral leukoplakia, erythroplakia/erythroleukoplakia, or oral lichen planus, need an early detection, diagnosis and a long-term/lifelong follow-up to prevent malignant transformation. In the following report, two patients are presented with oral mucosal lesions, who were referred, diagnosed, treated, and underwent follow-up examinations at the Stomatology Service of the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Bern. These two cases emphasize the importance of early detection and managment of precancerous lesions or initial stages of OSCC. Additionally, risk factors, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption and their influence on stomatologic lesions and their prognosis, will be discussed.


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We encountered recently 3 cases with a histopathologic diagnosis of melanoma in situ on sun-damaged skin (male = 2, female = 1; median age: 59 years; range: 52-60 years). The diagnosis was based mainly on the finding of actinic elastosis in the dermis and increased number of melanocytes in the epidermis and was confirmed by strong positivity for Melan-A in single cells and in small nests ("pseudomelanocytic nests"), located at the dermoepidermal junction. Indeed, examination of slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin revealed the presence of marked hyperpigmentation and small nests of partially pigmented cells at the dermoepidermal junction, positive for Melan-A. The histologic and especially the immunohistochemical features were indistinguishable from those of melanoma in situ on chronic sun-damaged skin. In addition, a variably dense lichenoid inflammation was present. Clinicopathologic correlation, however, showed, in all patients, the presence of a lichenoid dermatitis (phototoxic reaction, 1 case; lichen planus pigmentosus, 1 case; and pigmented lichenoid keratosis, 1 case). Our cases clearly show the histopathologic pitfalls represented by lichenoid reactions on chronic sun-damaged skin. Immunohistochemical investigations, especially if performed with Melan-A alone, may lead to confusing and potentially disastrous results. The unexpected staining pattern of Melan-A in cases like ours raises concern about the utility of this antibody in the setting of a lichenoid tissue reaction on chronic sun-damaged skin. It should be underlined that pigmented lesions represent a paradigmatic example of how immunohistochemical results should be interpreted carefully and always in conjunction with histologic and clinical features.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The distinction of oral lichenoid reactions from oral lichen planus may be difficult in a clinical setting. Our aims were to ascertain the utility of patch testing to confirm the association of oral lichenoid reactions with dental restorations and to identify the benefits of replacement of restorations, primarily made of amalgam. METHODS Patients seen in an oral medicine unit over a 10-year period diagnosed with oral lichenoid reactions, with oral lichen planus resistant to treatment or with atypical lichenoid features were included in this study. All had been subjected to skin patch testing. Histopathology reports blinded to patch test results were scrutinized. Patch-test-positive subjects were advised to have their restorations replaced. All were followed up to determine disease resolution for at least 3 months thereafter. RESULTS Among 115 patients, 67.8% patients reacted positive to a dental material and nearly a quarter to mercury or amalgam. No correlation was found between pathology and skin patch testing results (P = 0.44). A total of 87 patients were followed up in clinic, and among 26 patch-test-positive patients who had their amalgam fillings replaced, moderate to complete resolution was noted in 81%. CONCLUSIONS Skin patch testing is a valuable tool to confirm clinically suspected oral lichenoid reactions. Pathology diagnoses of oral lichenoid reactions did not correlate with patch test results. Prospective studies are needed to ascertain that a clinically suspected oral lichenoid reaction with a positive patch test result may resolve after the replacement of amalgam fillings.


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Fil: Salomón, Susana Elsa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas


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INTRODUÇÃO: Líquen plano (LP) é uma doença mucocutânea de natureza inflamatória crônica de etiologia ainda desconhecida. A estimulação da imunidade inata via os receptores Toll-like (TLRs) podem influenciar as células dendríticas e direcionar a resposta de células T CD4+ e CD8+ efetoras, assim como também favorecer o estado inflamatório do LP. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o perfil fenotípico de células dendríticas mielóides (mDCs) e plasmocitóides (pDCs) e de linfócitos T CD4+ e CD8+ após estímulo com agonistas de TLRs no sangue periférico de pacientes com LP. Além disto, avaliar a frequência, perfil de maturação e os subtipos de células T CD4+ e TCD8+ reguladores. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 18 pacientes com LP (15 mulheres, 3 homens), com 41,57 ± 4,73 anos de idade e um grupo controle com 22 indivíduos sadios (18 mulheres, 4 homens), com 43,92 ± 7,83 anos de idade. As células mononucleares (CMNs) de sangue periférico foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo quanto à: 1) Produção de TNF-? em mDCs e de IFN-? em pDCs em CMNs ativadas por agonistas de TLR 4, 7, 7/8 e 9; 2) Análise de células T CD4+ e CD8+ monofuncionais e polifuncionais após estímulo com agonistas de TLR 4, 7/8, 9 e enterotoxina B de Staphylococcus aureus (SEB); 3) Avaliação de células Th17 e Th22/Tc22 em CMNs após estímulo com SEB; 4) Frequência, perfil de maturação e subtipos de células T CD4+ e CD8+ reguladoras. RESULTADOS: 1) Nos pacientes com LP foi demonstrado um aumento na frequência de mDCs TNF-alfa+ após estímulo com agonistas de TLR4/LPS e TLR7-8/CL097, mas com imiquimode/TLR7 houve diminuição da expressão de CD83. Já nas pDCs do grupo LP, o imiquimode foi capaz de diminuir a expressão de CD80 e o CpG/TLR9 diminuiu a expressão de CD83 no LP. 2) As células T CD4+ secretoras de IL-10 mostraram aumento da frequência nos níveis basais, que diminuiu após estímulo com LPS e SEB. Em contraste, a produção de IFN-y aumentou em resposta ao LPS enquanto diminuiu para CpG. As células T CD4+ polifuncionais, secretoras de 5 citocinas simultâneas (CD4+IL-17+IL-22+TNF+IL-10+IFN-y+) diminuíram no LP após estímulo com CL097 e CpG. Entretanto, na ausência de IL-10, houve aumento da frequência de células CD4+IL-17+IL-22+TNF+IFN-y+ em resposta ao LPS. Um aumento na polifuncionalidade foi observado em células TCD4+ que expressam CD38, marcador de ativação crônica e na ausência de IL-10. Similarmente, às TCD4+, uma diminuição de células T CD8+ IFN-y+ e TNF+ foram detectadas após estímulo com CpG. 3) As células Th22/Tc22 nos níveis basais e após estímulo com SEB se mostraram aumentadas. As células Th17 não mostraram diferenças entre os grupos. 4) A frequência das células T CD4+ e CD8+ reg totais (CD25+Foxp3+CD127low/-) está elevada no LP. Quanto aos perfis de maturação, há aumento na frequência de células TCD4+ de memória efetora enquanto que para as células T CD8+ há predomínio das células de memória central. Quanto aos subtipos, há aumento nas células T CD4+ regs periféricas (pT reg). CONCLUSÕES: O estado de ativação das mDCs após ativação das vias de TLRs 4 e 7/8 pode influenciar na geração de resposta T efetoras no LP. O perfil de resposta monofuncional e polifuncional aos estímulos TLRs reflete a ativação destas células no sangue periférico. Além disso, o aumento de Th22/Tc22 e das células T regs indicam uma relação entre regulação e células efetoras no sangue periférico evidenciando que existem alterações extracutâneas no LP


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Ao Médico Dentista cabe o diagnóstico e o tratamento de todas as perturbações que afetem a cavidade oral e estruturas anexas e, embora a cavidade oral seja uma zona de fácil visualização e acesso, as alterações que vão acontecendo passam muitas vezes despercebidas, ou não lhes é dado o devido valor fazendo com que, as patologias malignas sejam na maior parte das vezes, reconhecidas tardiamente não permitindo outro tipo de atuação senão paliativa. Uma das desordens que acontecem com recorrência é o Líquen Plano (LP). Tratando-se de uma patologia crónica, mucocutânea e autoimune, relativamente comum, que afeta maioritariamente as mulheres numa proporção de 3:2 para os homens, em idades compreendidas entre os 50 e 70 anos de vida. É uma dermatose caracterizada por ter potencial de recorrência, não sendo, contudo, contagiosa. O Líquen Plano poderá atingir a pele, couro cabeludo, unhas, mucosa genital e a cavidade oral. Na cavidade oral, designa-se como Líquen Plano Oral (LPO) e afeta a mucosa oral em 70% dos casos, sendo descrita pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), como sendo uma lesão prémaligna. Tendo em conta estes fatores, o objetivo deste trabalho é a análise da potencialidade de malignidade do LPO, uma vez que, existem distintas vertentes de entendimento e caracterização do mesmo. Para tal foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa de natureza bibliográfica com a aplicação de um conjunto de dados de pesquisa em websites, artigos de revistas e obras de índole cientifica, permitindo assim a realização de uma revisão bibliográfica.