998 resultados para liberação controlada
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O uso de peptídeos sintéticos para o desenvolvimento de novas drogas é uma estratégia promissora no campo da biotecnologia. Peptídeos derivados de toxinas bacterianas intracelulares, produzidas por sistemas de morte pós-segregacional (PKS) tais como CcdB e ParE são exemplos dessa estratégia. Porém, moléculas com estrutura peptídica derivadas de toxinas bacterianas apresentam sérios problemas na aplicação terapêutica por apresentarem baixa solubilidade e difícil permeabilidade em membranas bacterianas. O objetivo desse estudo consistiu no desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de sistemas nanoestruturados (lipossomas) que permita a imobilização de análogos peptídicos da toxina CcdB e sua consequente translocação no citosol bacteriano, permitindo que os mesmos atinjam seus alvos celulares, enzimas DNA girase e Topoisomerase IV. Lipossomas do tipo SUV (small unilamellar vesicles), foram preparados pela técnica de extrusão-evaporação variando-se suas formulações. Desta forma, pretendeu-se avaliar a eficiência de encapsulação dos peptídeos através de técnicas de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e espectroscopia de UV-Vis e fluorescência. Após testes de eficiência de encapsulação, os lipossomas contendo os análogos peptídicos encapsulados, foram submetidos a ensaio de inibição de crescimento em meio líquido para duas espécies bacterianas: Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli. Resultados demonstraram que a utilização de sistemas nanoestruturados é de grande importância para viabilizar a aplicação desta classe de biomoléculas em estudos terapêuticos, permitindo assim, que tais peptídeos possam ser utilizados como antibióticos promissores, se associados a sistemas de transporte e liberação controlada de moléculas peptídicas.
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Biodegradable microspheres used as controlled release systems are important in pharmaceutics. Chitosan biopolymer represents an attractive biomaterial alternative because of its physicochemical and biological characteristics. Chitosan microspheres are expected to become promising carrier systems for drug and vaccine delivery, especially for non-invasive ways oral, mucosal and transdermal routes. Controlling the swelling rate and swelling capacity of the hydrogel and improving the fragile nature of microspheres under acidic conditions are the key challenges that need to be overcomed in order to enable the exploration of the full pharmaceutical potential use of these microparticles. Many studies have focused on the modification of chitosan microsphere structures with cross-linkers, various polymers blends and new organic-inorganic hybrid systems in order to obtain improved properties. In this work, microspheres made of chitosan and nanosized hydrophobic silica (Aerosil R972) were produced by a method consisting of two steps. First, a preparation of a macroscopically homogeneous chitosan-hydrophobic silica dispersion was prepared followed by spray drying. FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal gravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to characterize the microspheres. Also, the were conducted acid stability, moisture sorption capacity, release properties and biological assays. The chitosan-hydrophobic silica composite microspheres showed improved thermal degradation, lower water affinity, better acid stability and ability to retard rifampicin and propranolol hydrochloride (drug models) release under simulated physiological conditions. In vitro biocompatibility studies indicated low cytotoxicity and low capacity to activate cell production of the pro-inflammatory mediator nitric oxide. The results show here encourage further studies on the use of the new chitosan-hydrophobic silica composite microspheres as drug carrier systems via oral or nasal routes.
The infection caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is associated with gastroduodenal inflammation can lead to the development of gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer (type 1 carcinogen for stomach cancer). Amoxicillin is used as first-line therapy in the treatment of H. pylori associated to metronidazole or clarithromycin, and a proton pump inhibitor. However, the scheme is not fully effective due to inadequate accumulation of antibiotics in gastric tissue, inadequate efficacy of ecological niche of H. pylori, and other factors. In this context, this study aimed to obtaining and characterization of particulate systems gastrorretentivos chitosan - amoxicillin aiming its use for treatment of H. pylori infections. The particles were obtained by the coacervation method / precipitation using sodium sulfate as precipitating agent and crosslinking and two techniques: addition of amoxicillin during preparation in a single step and the sorption particles prior to amoxycillin prepared by coacervation / precipitation and spray drying. The physicochemical characterization of the particles was performed by SEM, FTIR, DSC, TG and XRD. The in vitro release profile of amoxycillin free and incorporated in the particles was obtained in 0.1 N HCl (pH = 1.2). The particles have higher encapsulation efficiency to 80% spherical shape with interconnected particles or adhered to each other, the nanometric diameter to the systems obtained by coacervation / precipitation and fine for the particles obtained by spray drying. The characterization by FTIR, DSC and XRD showed that the drug was incorporated into the nanoparticles dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Thermal analysis (TG and DSC) indicated that encapsulation provides greater heat stability to the drug. Amoxicillin encapsulated in nanoparticles had slower release compared to free drug. The particles showed release profile with a faster initial stage (burst effect) reaching a maximum at 30 minutes 35% of amoxicillin for the system in 1: 1 ratio relative to the polymer and 80% for the system in the ratio 2: 1. Although simple and provide high encapsulation efficiency of amoxicillin, the process of coacervation, precipitation in one step using sodium sulfate as precipitant / cross-linker must be optimized in order to adjust the release kinetics according to the intended application.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento inicial de mudas de açaizeiro em função de diferentes doses de adubo de liberação controlada.
Blends formed by electrochemical polymerization of polypyrrole (PPy) into polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogels were used as devices for controlled drug release. The influence of several parameters in the synthesis, such as type of hydrogel matrix and polymerization conditions was studied by using a fractional factorial design. The final goal was to obtain an adequate device for use in controlled release tests, based on electrochemical potential control. For controlled release tests, Safranin was used as model drug and release curves (amount of drug vs. time) have shown that these blends are promising materials for this use. The optimized blends obtained were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and Raman spectroscopy.
Mulher de 43 anos, sintomática (dispnéia e palpitações), apresentava múltiplas fístulas de alto débito de ambas coronárias para a artéria pulmonar, embolizadas percutaneamente com micro-molas de liberação controlada e balões destacáveis, com sucesso.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar a forma farmacêutica dos medicamentos preparados para serem administrados por cateteres e o perfil dos erros cometidos durante o preparo. Trata-se de estudo epidemiológico transversal, de natureza observacional, conduzido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva com amostra de 350 doses de medicamentos preparados por 56 técnicos de enfermagem. A coleta de dados ocorreu no mês de março de 2010. Os resultados mostram que 92% dos medicamentos eram sólidos. Os erros foram agrupados nas categorias diluição e mistura para formas líquidas, acrescidos de trituração para sólidos. As taxas de erro foram superiores a 40% em todas as categorias. Concluiu-se que: a trituração indevida pode ter comprometido o resultado terapêutico em comprimidos revestidos e de liberação controlada; não diluir xaropes pode ter contribuído para a obstrução de cateteres; misturar medicações ao triturá-las pode aumentar o risco de interações farmacêuticas.
O manejo da adubação é uma das principais práticas culturais para a produção de mudas cítricas em cultivo protegido. Avaliou-se o efeito de seis tipos de manejo das adubações comercialmente recomendadas na produção de mudas de laranjeira 'Valência' [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] enxertada sobre os porta-enxertos limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck) e citrumeleiro 'Swingle' [Citrus paradisi Macf. x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.]. As avaliações foram conduzidas a partir da transplantação dos porta-enxertos até 180 dias após a enxertia, em viveiro empresarial, em Conchal-SP. Os manejos corresponderam a duas soluções de fertilizantes solúveis aplicadas isoladamente, soluções de fertilizante solúveis associadas a fertilizante de liberação controlada e aplicação exclusiva de fertilizante de liberação controlada. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o fatorial 2 x 6 (porta-enxerto x manejo da adubação), em blocos casualizados, com três repetições e 12 mudas na parcela. O limoeiro 'Cravo' induziu maior crescimento ao enxerto. O crescimento vegetativo das mudas foi similar após o uso de fertilizantes solúveis ou de liberação controlada, apesar da grande variação de quantidades totais de nutrientes fornecidas às plantas. Desta forma, o viveirista poderá optar pelo manejo mais econômico ou prático, conforme as condições locais.
Doses crescentes de fertilizante de liberação controlada (FLC) foram comparadas com fertilização convencional e tratamento sem fertilização. Estes tratamentos foram testados em mudas das pioneiras Guazuma ulmifolia (mutambo), Eucalyptus grandis e Pinus caribaea var. caribaea, da secundária inicial Peltophorum dubium (canafístula) e da clímax Calycophyllum spruceanum (mulateiro), as quais cresceram em casa de vegetação. As mudas foram cultivadas em tubetes de 50 cm³ de capacidade, tendo como substrato uma mistura contendo 50% de húmus de minhoca, 30% de casca de eucalipto decomposta e 20% de casca de arroz carbonizada, em base volumétrica. Aos 125 dias após a semeadura, as mudas de G. ulmifolia, E. grandis e P. dubium submetidas à fertilização convencional apresentaram maior crescimento em altura e biomassa seca da parte aérea comparados aos dos tratamentos que receberam FLC. Contudo, para estas espécies, a biomassa seca da raiz das mudas submetidas ao tratamento convencional foram semelhantes à das mudas produzidas com as duas maiores doses de FLC (4,28 e 6, 42 kg/m³ de substrato), e a razão entre raiz e parte aérea foi maior para a dose de 6,42 kg/m³ (FLC), comparada à do tratamento convencional para as duas primeiras espécies. O Calycophyllum spruceanum e o Pinus caribaea var. caribaea tiveram pequeno desenvolvimento em todos os tratamentos, aos 125 dias.
Currently, studies in the area of polymeric microcapsules and nanocapsules and controlled release are considerably advanced. This work aims the study and development of microcapsules and nanocapsules from Chitosan/MDI, using a new technique of interfacial polycondensation combined to spontaneous emulsification, for encapsulation of BZ-3. It was firstly elaborated an experimental design of 23 of the particle in white without the presence of BZ-3 and Miglyol, where the variables were the concentrations of MDI, chitosan and solvent. Starting from the data supplied by the experimental design was chosen the experiment with smaller particle diameter and only added like this BZ-3 and Miglyol. The suspension containing concentrations of 6.25 mg/mL, 12.5 mg/mL, 18.75 mg/mL, 25 mg/mL of BZ-3 were prepared, nevertheless, during the storage time, these formulations presented drug precipitates in the suspensions of 18.75 mg/mL and 25 mg/mL of BZ-3. This apparition of precipitate was attributed to the diffusion of BZ-3 for the aqueous phase without any encapsulation, suggesting so the use of the smaller concentrations of the BZ-3. The suspension containing 6.25mg/mL of BZ3 presented average size of 1.47μm, zeta potential of 61 mV, pH 5.64 and this sample showed an amount of BZ-3 and drug entrapment of 100 %. The suspension containing 12.5mg/mL of BZ-3 presented average size of 1.76μm, zeta potential of 47.4 mV, pH 5.71 and this sample showed an amount of BZ-3 and drug entrapment of 100 %. Then, showing such important characteristics, these two formulations were chosen for futher continuity to the study. These formulations were also characterized by the morphology, FTIR, stability for Turbiscan, DSC and a study of controlled release of the BZ-3 was elaborated in different receiving means
Polymer particles in the nanometer range are of fundamental interest today, especially when used as carrier systems in the controlled release of drugs, cosmetics and nutraceuticals, as well as in coating materials with magnetic properties. The main objective of the present study concerns the production of submicron particles of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) by crystallization of a polymer solution by thermally controlled cooling. In this work, PMMA solutions in ethanol and 1-propanol were prepared at different concentrations (1% to 5% by weight) and crystallized at different cooling rates (0.2 to 0.8 ° C / min) controlled linearly. Analysis of particle size distribution (DLS / CILAS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed in order to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the produced particles. The results demonstrated that it is possible to obtain submicron polymer perfectly spherical particles using the technique discussed in this study. It was also observed that, depending on the cooling rate and the concentration of the polymer solution, it is possible to achieve high yield in the formation of submicron particles. In addition, preliminary tests were performed in order to verify the ability of this technique to form particulated carrier material with magnetic properties. The results showed that the developed technique can be an interesting alternative to obtain polymer particles with magnetic properties