925 resultados para learning network


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A new managerial task arises in today’s working life: to provide conditions for and influence interaction between actors and thus to enable the emergence of organizing structure in tune with a changing environment. We call this the enabling managerial task. The goal of this paper is to study whether training first line managers in the enabling managerial task could lead to changes in the work for the subordinates. This paper presents results from questionnaires answered by the subordinates of the managers before and after the training. The training was organized as a learning network and consisted of eight workshops carried out over a period of one year (September 2009–June 2010), where the managers met with each other and the researchers once a month. Each workshop consisted of three parts, during three and a half hours. The first hour was devoted to joint reflection on a task that had been undertaken since the last workshop; some results were presented from the employee pre-assessments, followed by relevant theory and illuminating practices, finally the managers created new tasks for themselves to undertake during the following month. The subordinates’ answers show positive change in all of the seventeen scales used to assess it. The improvements are significant in scales measuring the relationship between the manager and the employees, as well as in those measuring interaction between employees. It is concluded that the result was a success for all managers that had the possibility of using the training in their management work.


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In engineering, distance/off-campus study is an essential element of access to education for those in remote locations and/or seeking to upgrade their qualifications via the lifelong learning route whilst employed. Internationally, engineering education accrediting bodies have moved toward outcomes-based assessment of graduate competency, but are still struggling to relinquish their historical attachment to the measurement of inputs. A genuinely outcomes-based accreditation system based on the demonstrated individual student attainment of appropriate graduate attributes (which might be delivered/gained by a range of means) offers the best way forward for an equitable, representative and socially just undergraduate engineering education system that encourages suitably qualified candidates from a range of social, employment, educational, gender, age and geographic circumstances to aspire to the professional sphere of the engineering workforce. Until outcomes-based education becomes the norm in engineering, it is likely that distance learners in engineering will face significant difficulties.


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Australian universities now have a more diverse undergraduate student population in construction degrees than at any other time in their history. The linguistic, ethnic and indigenous diversity of the Australian university student population has never been richer and this is reflected in construction classrooms. Wider participation rates of domestic students combined with the internationalisation and globalisation of higher education has resulted in a student population of identifiable sub-groups that were significantly under-represented or not represented at all in previous decades. This changing student cohort and the inherent pressures and challenges arising from this changing population is the subject of considerable discussion within the Australian tertiary sector. The extent to which Australian universities and the construction degree educators have responded to these pressures is under scrutiny. This paper argues that the climate, culture and curriculum of higher education within construction schools in Australia has not reflected this diversity and that rather than accommodate and embrace the effects of internationalisation Australian university construction schools may have missed a vital opportunity to be part of a global learning network.


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Statistics-based Internet traffic classification using machine learning techniques has attracted extensive research interest lately, because of the increasing ineffectiveness of traditional port-based and payload-based approaches. In particular, unsupervised learning, that is, traffic clustering, is very important in real-life applications, where labeled training data are difficult to obtain and new patterns keep emerging. Although previous studies have applied some classic clustering algorithms such as K-Means and EM for the task, the quality of resultant traffic clusters was far from satisfactory. In order to improve the accuracy of traffic clustering, we propose a constrained clustering scheme that makes decisions with consideration of some background information in addition to the observed traffic statistics. Specifically, we make use of equivalence set constraints indicating that particular sets of flows are using the same application layer protocols, which can be efficiently inferred from packet headers according to the background knowledge of TCP/IP networking. We model the observed data and constraints using Gaussian mixture density and adapt an approximate algorithm for the maximum likelihood estimation of model parameters. Moreover, we study the effects of unsupervised feature discretization on traffic clustering by using a fundamental binning method. A number of real-world Internet traffic traces have been used in our evaluation, and the results show that the proposed approach not only improves the quality of traffic clusters in terms of overall accuracy and per-class metrics, but also speeds up the convergence.


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This article investigates the level of delegation in franchise chains, distinguishing the two most relevant franchising models: Business Format Franchising and Learning Network Franchising. The two models basically differ on the level of real authority (effective control over decisions) exercised by the franchisors. Differences in business features, such as the required standardization, monitoring costs and consumer sensitivity to variations in product attributes (consumer measurement costs), explain the adoption of the different models of franchising. These variables affect the trade-off between the risk of brand name loss and the gains in knowledge sharing and learning within the network. The higher the need for standardization, the higher is the risk of brand name loss, and, consequently, the more likely the franchisor will adopt an organizational design that confers more control over franchisees’ decisions, such as business format franchising. This paper presents two case studies with Brazilian food franchise chains that illustrate the main argument and suggest additional propositions. Moreover, an empirical analysis of 223 franchise chains provides additional support to the hypothesis of a negative the effect of required standardization on the level of delegation.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo pesquisar a influência dos franqueados na gestão estratégica de sua franqueadora. Dentre todos os tipos de franchising existentes, foram avaliados os modelos atuais, que conceitualmente oferecem possibilidade de diálogo e debate, entre franqueados e franqueadores, sobre assuntos relativos ao negócio, a saber: o Business Format Franchising, modelo mais utilizado e o Learning Network Franchising, uma versão mais evoluída do primeiro. Foi escolhido o estudo de caso múltiplo com quatro redes de franquias brasileiras, atuantes a nível nacional, associadas à ABF e com qualidade reconhecida e chancelada pelo selo de excelência em franchising por diversas vezes. Fundamentados na teoria de aprendizagem, a qual mostra a necessidade de maior participação e aprendizado mútuo para melhoria contínua do negócio e da competitividade, e nas demais teorias sobre o sistema, como a de agência e da escassez de recursos, as franquias das gerações mais recentes criaram meios de comunicação e troca de experiência com suas redes de franqueados. Procuramos entender como se dá esta interação e quais os meios que elas utilizam para facilitar este processo. Utilizou-se o método de estudo de caso múltiplo, por se tratar de um fenômeno contemporâneo. A pesquisa qualitativa teve um caráter exploratório-descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com franqueados, franqueadores e consultores do mercado, nas praças do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Os dados foram avaliados utilizando o método de análise de conteúdo para atingir os objetivos propostos. Foi realizada a análise horizontal, relativizando entre os grupos de entrevistados, principalmente franqueados e franqueadores e, em alguns momentos, a análise vertical, explorando as franquias individualmente, buscando semelhanças e divergências nas redes. A pesquisa ressalta formas alternativas de participação de franqueados no desenvolvimento e debate sobre questões estratégicas e mostra que hoje tais influências estão concentradas na estratégia funcional, aproveitando o conhecimento do franqueado em sua operação local em benefício da rede. Foram encontradas experiências interessantes na forma como as redes se organizam para interagir e conseguir influenciar na estratégia adotada por seu franqueador e os desafios presentes para aprimorar e expandir esta troca.


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Bayesian networks are powerful tools as they represent probability distributions as graphs. They work with uncertainties of real systems. Since last decade there is a special interest in learning network structures from data. However learning the best network structure is a NP-Hard problem, so many heuristics algorithms to generate network structures from data were created. Many of these algorithms use score metrics to generate the network model. This thesis compare three of most used score metrics. The K-2 algorithm and two pattern benchmarks, ASIA and ALARM, were used to carry out the comparison. Results show that score metrics with hyperparameters that strength the tendency to select simpler network structures are better than score metrics with weaker tendency to select simpler network structures for both metrics (Heckerman-Geiger and modified MDL). Heckerman-Geiger Bayesian score metric works better than MDL with large datasets and MDL works better than Heckerman-Geiger with small datasets. The modified MDL gives similar results to Heckerman-Geiger for large datasets and close results to MDL for small datasets with stronger tendency to select simpler network structures


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Modern society is characterized by being in evolution finds, technology strides and every day becomes the setting in which we live. At school, however, we found no features of these changes, the years pass and the methodological tools remain unchanged. In this paper we analyze an object produced by the Learning Network Interactive Virtual Education - RIVED to discuss whether it covers the content and answers to the questions proposed by the National Curricular and Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo, and may be inserted in the educational environment, both to perform a qualitative analysis, focusing on information retrieval. The results showed that the Learning Objects: Abundance, has most of the proposals relating to the subject of study, prepared by the NCP and the Proposed Structure for the State of Sao Paulo, so it is valid for teachers to use this tool trying that with a new approach, we can give students a better understanding of chemical concepts


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Los MOOC han irrumpido de forma acelerada en el ámbito de la educación. Las principales universidades estadounidenses primero y, posteriormente, muchas otras –entre ellas, algunas españolas— están desarrollando a través de diversas plataformas en Internet, cursos bajo este formato. Al encontrarnos en una situación inicial de desarrollo de MOOC, son escasos los estudios sobre su evaluación. Por ello, el presente estudio ha realizado 129 evaluaciones a 52 MOOC ofertados por 10 plataformas. Se han analizado sus características pedagógicas a partir del Cuestionario de evaluación de la calidad de cursos virtuales (Arias, 2007). Del mismo modo se aborda la hipótesis de la existencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto a la calidad de los cursos en función de la plataforma que contiene los MOOC, analizando la influencia que el idioma o la presencia de una guía didáctica adecuada tiene sobre dicha calidad. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente trabajo no evidencian diferencias de forma generalizada entre los cursos, pero sí existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en 5 de los 36 indicadores de calidad pedagógica propuestos.


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Conscientes de las posibilidades pedagógicas, participativas y de colaboración científica de la Web 2.0, los autores del presente artículo se plantean la detección de las necesidades y expectativas hacia la creación de una plataforma virtual delimitada por un espacio interactivo o red social para la Historia de la Educación y el Patrimonio Histórico-educativo. Gracias a la evaluación mediante un cuestionario en el que han participado un grupo de expertos docentes e investigadores de Historia de la Educación, se han obtenido una serie de conclusiones a tener en cuenta respecto a determinados aspectos (conocimiento y uso, expectativas, componentes, etc.) que orientarán la construcción ad hoc de dicha plataforma. Es relevante el poco conocimiento y uso de las redes sociales tanto genéricas como específicas, así como otro tipo de aplicaciones web. Destaca, por otro lado, que la edad de los participantes no ha condicionado la importancia percibida sobre las capacidades de las TIC para el desarrollo en la docencia y la investigación.


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The present research sought to comprehend what is the development perspective of a collective work of educational robotics with high school students. The work started from the development activities Mathematics Sub Project of PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarship) in a school network from the state of Minas Gerais. The production process of data of this research was done through the follow up of high school students that participated in workshops robotics at the mentioned public school and were selected to continue the project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Subsequently, these students were involved in activities related to Robotics championships, elapsed through different spaces in public and private schools of basic education, University and Non-Governmental Organization. The data at the research were registered by photos, videos, field notes, documents produced by the participants and arising from internet like the social media Facebook, questionnaires and, mainly, interviews. At the analysis process of data the followed axes were constituted: Movement Learning Network with Robotics; The Different Roles at the Robotics Events and Experiences in Engineering and Technology. By this axes we understand what is the trajectory of the constitution process of a learning network in educational robotics that we find in expansion and consolidation. In this network the research participants performed different roles which left imprints responsible for their transformation. As a more evident imprint, we detected the robot construction and programming, which as for as they moved their studies forward, they developed the subject autonomy, collaboration, sharing and technological authorship.


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A new approach for overcoming the language and culture barriers to participation in MOOCs is reported. It is hypothesised that the juxtaposition of English as the language of instruction, used for interacting with course materials, and one’s preferred language as the language of participation, used for interaction with peers and facilitators, is preferable to ‘English only’ for participation in a MOOC. The HANDSON MOOC included seven teams of facilitators, each catering for a different language community. Facilitators were responsible for promoting active participation and peer tutoring. Comparing language groups revealed a series of predictors of intention to learn, some of which became apparent in the first days of the MOOC already. The comparison also uncovered four critical factors that influence participation: facilitation, language of participation, group size, and a pre-existing sense of community. Especially crucial was reaching a sufficient number of active participants during the first week. We conclude that multilingual facilitation activates participation in MOOCs in various ways; and that synergy between the four aforementioned factors is critical for the formation of the learning network that supports a social dynamics of active participation. Our approach suggests future targets for the development of the multilingual and community potential of MOOCs.