776 resultados para learner corpora
Earlier workers have observed that in the leydig cell desensitization brings results in addition to down regulation of receptors, in leisons in the steroidogenlc pathway. In the present study immature rats having heavily leutinized ovaries were given 50 iu hCG and the desenasitized CL removed 48h later were used. At that time no change in the 5 3MSD activity and CAMP binding activity(a measure of CAMP dependent protein kinase) was observed.Followlng desensitization however,l)a significent increase in phosphodiestrase activity,ii)a 50% reduction in total mitochondrial cholesterol level, iii)a significant reduction in its ability to utilize cholesterol or hydrolyse its ester and iv)a significant lowering(by 66%)in cholesterol side chain clean age activity(by measuring pregnanalone formed) was observed. Pregnanalone production was restored to normalcy if exogenous cholesterol was added to the mitohondrial preparation. The results suggest that luteal desensitization is due in addition to down regulation of LH receptors, to a marked reduction in available cholesterol pool in the mitochondrial compartment. The increase in phosphodiestrase activity, though probably a secondary effect,might effectively contribute to the overall reduction in the steroid out-put by increasing the catabolism of CAMP.(Aided by grants from ICMR,New Delhi and WHO, Geneva).
Scatter/Gather systems are increasingly becoming useful in browsing document corpora. Usability of the present-day systems are restricted to monolingual corpora, and their methods for clustering and labeling do not easily extend to the multilingual setting, especially in the absence of dictionaries/machine translation. In this paper, we study the cluster labeling problem for multilingual corpora in the absence of machine translation, but using comparable corpora. Using a variational approach, we show that multilingual topic models can effectively handle the cluster labeling problem, which in turn allows us to design a novel Scatter/Gather system ShoBha. Experimental results on three datasets, namely the Canadian Hansards corpus, the entire overlapping Wikipedia of English, Hindi and Bengali articles, and a trilingual news corpus containing 41,000 articles, confirm the utility of the proposed system.
Identifying translations from comparable corpora is a well-known problem with several applications, e.g. dictionary creation in resource-scarce languages. Scarcity of high quality corpora, especially in Indian languages, makes this problem hard, e.g. state-of-the-art techniques achieve a mean reciprocal rank (MRR) of 0.66 for English-Italian, and a mere 0.187 for Telugu-Kannada. There exist comparable corpora in many Indian languages with other ``auxiliary'' languages. We observe that translations have many topically related words in common in the auxiliary language. To model this, we define the notion of a translingual theme, a set of topically related words from auxiliary language corpora, and present a probabilistic framework for translation induction. Extensive experiments on 35 comparable corpora using English and French as auxiliary languages show that this approach can yield dramatic improvements in performance (e.g. MRR improves by 124% to 0.419 for Telugu-Kannada). A user study on WikiTSu, a system for cross-lingual Wikipedia title suggestion that uses our approach, shows a 20% improvement in the quality of titles suggested.
South Essex College has developed a college intranet called C_Space. This has grown from a handful of HTML pages to an intranet hosting 70 in-house developed applications and two million staff and student-generated pages. In the past three years, the College has developed a range of social networking tools within the site to engage students. This has provided a 360-degree appraisal system for the College, which has informed the content and design of the intranet, as well as influenced the overall development of the College.
ITS Training has undergone a revolutionary transformation in the past two years. The company has saved money, generated more business, improved recruitment, retention and achievement and expanded throughout the world because of its virtual learning environment (VLE): the ‘Student Campus'. Under its previous paper-based distance learning programme it was a hard enough task to deliver lectures to students in Liverpool. Now, the company has a classroom of learners in Tokyo, Japan.
Since May 2012 Paul Cocker, Operation Executive and the Senior Management Team of Alliance Learning have introduced an online learner management system for every learner, requiring significant investment in systems, hardware, acceptance by staff and above all, time and commitment from the management team. This organisation has taken the radical step to overcome one of the major barriers to achieve its goal by dedicating three periods of two weeks where the business has closed for staff CPD training. A total of 500 man hours were invested to implement the online system. This is an excellent model of how to make these major changes effective in the shortest time.
It is said the best ideas are often the simplest ones. At Huntingdonshire Regional College, Ken McKerral, an Advanced Practitioner in E-Learning has developed a very simple idea to engage students and improve teaching and learning. Ken has named his method "The Teacher/Learner Switch". It is a process that uses a unique colour code system, to help differentiate learning outcomes and deliver ownership of time to the students to enrich learning experience.
Case study on a student at East Durham College who was awarded a TechDis ambassador award in 2014 for progressing to level 3 of the animal care diploma using tools and resources in the Moodle VLE.
This is a version of the Jisc ‘Six Elements of Digital Capabilities’ model, specifically for learners. It is an update on the earlier ‘7 elements of digital literacy’ model (2009) and has many continuities with this framework. This version was produced in response to feedback that the base model alone does not provide enough detail to support embedding into practice. However, it is an example of how the base model could be used to define the digital capabilities of learners and is meant to be adapted to suit specific settings.
Presentation for the 5th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC 2013), V Congreso Internacional de Lingüistica de Corpus.
Investigou-se pelo presente estudo se a concepção presente na Teoria de Replicadores, expressa através do conceito de meme (DAWKINS, 1979), poderia ser um modelo compatível para explicar a propagação de memes no substrato das mídias sociais. No âmbito dos estudos locais, Recuero (2006) sugeriu uma transdução desse modelo, baseando-se nas concepções de Dawkins (1979). Refletindo sobre o posicionamento epistemológico de Recuero (2006), o presente trabalho, baseando-se em Dennett (1995), Blackmore (2002) e Tyler (2011b; 2013b), procedeu às instâncias de Análise Conceitual e Composicional dessa transdução. A partir do conceito de memeplexo (BLACKMORE, 2002), esta pesquisa de base linguística (HALLIDAY, 1987) entende os memes, no substrato das mídias digitais/sociais, como práticas de produção e distribuição linguístico-midiáticas, propaladas a partir de diversas unidades de propagação e das relações criadas pelos internautas nesse processo de transmissão. Investigando tais relações, a partir da instância de Análise Relacional, propõe-se examinar duas unidades de propagação. Expressões meméticas (Que deselegante e #Tenso) e imagens meméticas (oriundas do fenômeno memético Nana em desastres). Integram este estudo dois corpora de expressões meméticas (5275 postagens oriundas ou redirecionadas para o Twitter.com total de 83.655 palavras/tokens) e um corpus bilíngue (Português/Inglês) de imagens meméticas (um total de 134 imagens oriundas do Tumblr.com e Facebook.com). Para analisar os corpora de expressões meméticas utilizou-se a metodologia de Linguística de Corpus (BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; SHEPHERD, 2009; SOUZA JÚNIOR, 2012, 2013b, 2013c). Para a análise do corpus multimodal de imagens meméticas, utilizou-se a metodologia que chamamos de Análise Propagatória. Objetivamos verificar se essas unidades de propagação e as práticas linguístico-midiáticas que estas transmitem, evoluiriam somente devido a aspectos memético-midiáticos, conforme Recuero (2006) apontara, e com padrão de propagação internalista (DAWKINS, 1979; 1982). Após análise dos dados, revelou-se que, ao nível do propósito, os fenômenos locais investigados não evoluíram por padrão internalista (ou homogêneo) de propagação. Tais padrões revelam ser de natureza externalista (ou heterogênea). Ademais, constatou-se que princípios constitutivos meméticos de evolução como os de fecundidade, longevidade (DAWKINS 1979; 1982) e o de design (DENNETT, 1995), junto com o princípio midiático de evolução de alcance (RECUERO, 2006) mantiveram-se presentes com alto grau de influencia nas propagações de natureza externalista. Por outro lado, o princípio memético da fidelidade (DAWKINS, 1979; 1982) foi o que menos influenciou esses padrões de propagação. Neutralizando a fidelidade, e impulsionados pelo princípio de design, destacaram-se nesse processo evolutivo os princípios linguísticos sistematizadores revelados por este estudo. Isto é: o princípio da funcionalidade (memes evoluem porque podem indicar propósitos diferentes) e o princípio do alcance linguístico (memes podem ser direcionados a itens animados/ inanimados; para internautas em idioma nativo/ estrangeiro)