983 resultados para laws, regulations


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O objetivo deste trabalho avaliar se houve evoluo nas prticas de governana corporativa entre os anos de 2005 a 2012 nas empresas brasileiras que abriram capital entre 2004 e 2006, e se esta evoluo ocorreu no sentido de melhoria das prticas de governana. Busca-se tambm entender se esta evoluo ocorreu continuamente em todo o perodo estudado ou se somente nos primeiros anos aps seu IPO. Tambm busca-se compreender se a evoluo ocorreu somente nos requisitos mandatrios por lei ou se houve uma real mudana de cultura nas empresas aps abrirem seu capital. Para mensurar a qualidade das prticas de governana foi utilizado o Corporate Governance Index CGI desenvolvido por Leal e Carvalhal-da-Silva (2007) para avaliar as prticas de governana em empresas brasileiras. O ndice composto de 24 questes binrias, e considera-se uma evoluo nas prticas quanto mais o ndice da empresa se aproxima dos 24 pontos. O ndice foi calculado ano a ano para o perodo e empresas estudadas. Em seguida, o ndice foi dividido em duas partes, questes diretamente relacionadas a leis e regulamentaes e questes no diretamente relacionadas a leis e regulamentaes. Utilizando os testes estatsticos T-student e W de Kendall, comprovou-se estatisticamente que houve evoluo nas prticas de governana corporativa entre os anos de 2005 a 2012, entretanto, prova-se estatisticamente que esta melhora est concentrada no perodo de 2005 a 2008, sendo que no foi constatada uma alterao significativa nas prticas no perodo de 2009 a 2012. Identificou-se tambm que houve uma evoluo positiva nas prticas de governana no diretamente relacionadas a leis e regulamentaes entre os anos de 2005 a 2012, entretanto, quando retira-se deste teste as questes que foram indiretamente impactadas por mudanas nas instrues da CVM que ocorreram no perodo, encontra-se uma piora nas prticas de governana entre 2005 e 2012. Estes resultados sugerem que as empresas esto trabalhando em um movimento de check the box das boas prticas de governana, cumprindo o que mandatrio por lei e regulamentaes, e questiona se as evolues de leis, regulamentaes e cdigos de boas prticas de governana corporativa no Brasil esto cumprindo o seu objetivo final de desenvolver uma cultura de boa governana nas empresas brasileiras.


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This research aims to analyze the concept of childhood in the dimension of educational practice, which is present in the regimental school and historically constructed power relations during the period 1910 to 1930, in Rio Grande do Norte. To contextualize this study, it is necessary to address the Bylaws of the School Groups (1915), the Internal Isolated Schools (1925) and Education Reform (1916). The expansion of education in the State, aiming at preparing the individual for the new capitalist social order was the concern of all governments of the first republic. During this period, the school is conceived as a privileged scenario of a set of practices aimed at disciplining the children, to explore, in some respects, the concept of childhood. Over time, this cocepo was constructed historically. In addition, the school receives children, which in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, are inserted into an educational process in line with the state, embodied in laws, regulations and school discursive practices


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Outsourcing has emerged as one of the new ways of guiding the work. For its advantages and be consistent with the paradigms of managerial reform, outsourcing also started to be used in the Public Administration. However, taking into account the particularities of the latter, some issues are relevant when outsourcing concluded with the State. Gains notoriety, for example, the step of monitoring these contracts, to the extent that, from this activity, we can avoid the negative effects of outsourcing like the fact that the state will pay for labor and wage liens that are obligation of the company providing the services. This study aims to understand the perception that this process is under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, from the point of view of different stakeholders, also explaining the motivations that these agents have to perform the supervisory process. As a theoretical basis was used the Agency Theory, which reinforces the supervisory activities as a necessary means to minimize moral hazard and adverse selection, seeking to understand not only the different motivations tax contracts to properly perform their duties, but also analyze other phenomena arising from this contractual relationship. To achieve the proposed objectives, were taken a literature review and a presentation of how to organize the management and oversight of contracts in UFRN. The methodological procedures included questionnaires and interviews with those involved in the process. After analyzing the results obtained in the survey instruments , and also based on the laws, regulations and instructions governing the procurement process within the UFRN, it was concluded that the process of overseeing the outsourcing of labor contracts in UFRN is not fully institutionalized, some points should be strengthened in order to have the consolidation of this process, highlighting the need for training of UFRN servers that act as tax, the knowledge that the contractual penalties are applied effectively, the need that there is a supervisor of tax of contractors and also the realization of the rotation system of outsourced employees


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Incluye Bibliografa


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes the development of a tool that uses human rights concepts and methods to improve relevant laws, regulations and policies related to sexual and reproductive health. This tool aims to improve awareness and understanding of States' human rights obligations. It includes a method for systematically examining the status of vulnerable groups, involving non-health sectors, fostering a genuine process of civil society participation and developing recommendations to address regulatory and policy barriers to sexual and reproductive health with a clear assignment of responsibility. Strong leadership from the ministry of health, with support from the World Health Organization or other international partners, and the serious engagement of all involved in this process can strengthen the links between human rights and sexual and reproductive health, and contribute to national achievement of the highest attainable standard of health.


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The fisheries laws and regulations presently operative in Nigeria are on marine waters. These include: 1) The Sea Fisheries Decree (Act) of 1971; 2) The Sea Licencing Regulations of 1971; 3) The Sea Fisheries (Fishing) Regulations of 1972; and 4) The exclusive Economic Zone Decree of 1978. Attempts have also been made to produce the Inland waters Fisheries Regulation


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Each year the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources publishes a summary of the laws and regulations of commercial fishing in the state. This publication provides the license requirements, definitions, restrictions, and laws and regulations for commercial crabbing.


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The commercial drivers of the obesity epidemic are so influential that obesity can be considered a robust sign of commercial success &ndash; consumers are buying more food, more cars and more energy-saving machines. It is unlikely that these powerful economic forces will change sufficiently in response to consumer desires to eat less and move more or corporate desires to be more socially responsible. When the free market creates substantial population detriments and health inequalities, government policies are needed to change the ground rules in favour of population benefits.<br />Concerted action is needed from governments in four broad areas: provide leadership to set the agenda and show the way; advocate for a multi-sector response and establish the mechanisms for all sectors to engage and enhance action; develop and implement policies (including laws and regulations) to create healthier food and activity environments, and; secure increased and continued funding to reduce obesogenic environments and promote healthy eating and physical activity.<br />Policies, laws and regulations are often needed to drive the environmental and social changes that, eventually, will have a sustainable impact on reducing obesity. An 'obesity impact assessment' on legislation such as public liability, urban planning, transport, food safety, agriculture, and trade may identify 'rules' which contribute to obesogenic environments. In other areas, such as marketing to children, school food, and taxes/levies, there may be opportunities for regulations to actively support obesity prevention. Legislation in other areas such as to reduce climate change may also contribute to obesity prevention ('stealth interventions'). A political willingness to use policy instruments to drive change will probably be an early hallmark of successful obesity prevention.<br />


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Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.