398 resultados para lactose
The initial aim of this project was to improve the performance of a chromatographic bioreactor-separator (CBRS). In such a system, a dilute enzyme solution is pumped continuously through a preparative chromatographic column, while pulses of substrate are periodically injected on to the column. Enzymic reaction and separation are therefore performed in a single unit operation. The chromatographic columns used were jacketed glass columns ranging from 1 to 2 metres long with an internal diameter of 1.5 cm. Linking these columns allowed 1, 2, 3 and 4 metre long CBRS systems to be constructed. The hydrolysis of lactose in the presence of β~galactosidase was the reaction of study. From previous work at Aston University, there appeared to be no difficulties in achieving complete lactose hydrolysis in a CBRS. There did, however, appear to be scope for improving the separative performance, so this was adopted as an initial goal. Reducing the particle size of the stationary phase was identified as a way of achieving this improvement. A cation exchange resin was selected which had an average particle size of around half that previously used when studying this reaction. A CBRS system was developed which overcame the operational problems (such as high pressure drop development) associated with use of such a particle size. A significant improvement in separative power was achieved. This was shown by an increase in the number of theoretical plates (N) from about 500 to about 3000 for a 2 metre long CBRS, coupled with higher resolution. A simple experiment with the 1 metre column showed that combined bioreaction and separation was achievable in this system. Having improved the separative performance of the system, the factors affecting enzymic reaction in a CBRS were investigated; including pulse volume and the degree of mixing between enzyme and substrate. The progress of reaction in a CBRS was then studied. This information was related to the interaction of reaction and separation over the reaction zone. The effect of injecting a pulse over a length of time as in CBRS operation was simulated by fed batch experiments. These experiments were performed in parallel with normal batch experiments where the substrate is mixed almost instantly with the enzyme. The batch experiments enabled samples to be taken every minute and revealed that reaction is very rapid. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the two injector configurations used in CBRS construction were studied using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, combined with hydrodynamic calculations. During the optimisation studies, galactooligosaccharides (GOS) were detected as intermediates in the hydrolysis process. GOS are valuable products with potential and existing applications in food manufacture (as nutraceuticals), medicine and drug targeting. The focus of the research was therefore turned to GOS production. A means of controlling reaction to arrest break down of GOS was required. Raising temperature was identified as a possible means of achieving this within a CBRS. Studies were undertaken to optimise the yield of oligosaccharides, culminating in the design, construction and evaluation of a Dithermal Chromatographic Bioreactor-separator.
Lactose needs to be digested by the small intestinal enzyme lactase into its constituent monosaccharides, glucose and galactose, before transport across the epithelial cell membranes. Lactase activity is therefore essential for the development of young mammals, since their sole source of nourishment is their mother's milk. This chapter summarizes what is known about the genetics and evolution of the lactase persistence (LP) trait. Symptoms of lactose intolerance can arise after an individual with hypolactasia has ingested lactose. Many dairy products contain only small amounts of lactose, allowing their consumption by most lactase non-persistent individuals. Bacteria and yeast fermentation convert the lactose in milk into various by-products, reducing the content of lactose. Nutritional epidemiology studies, and the staggering selective advantages that have favoured LP-associated alleles over the last 10,000 years, clearly show that adult milk consumption can be highly beneficial.
Thermal treatments and storage influence milk quality, particularly in low lactose milk as the higher concentration of reducing sugars can lead to the increased formation of the Maillard reaction products (MRPs). The control of the Amadori products (APs) formation is the key step to mitigate the Maillard reaction (MR) in milk. The use of fructosamine oxidases, (Faox) provided promising results. In this paper, the effects of Faox I were evaluated by monitoring the concentration of free and bound MRPs in low lactose milk during shelf life. Results showed that the enzyme reduced the formation of protein-bound MRPs down to 79% after six days at 37 °C. Faox I lowered the glycation of almost all the free amino acids resulting effective on basic and polar amino acids. Data here reported corroborate previous findings on the potentiality of Faox enzymes in controlling the early stage of the MR in foods.
L’isomérisation alcaline du lactose en lactulose a été effectuée électro-chimiquement à l’aide d’un réacteur d’électro-activation en combinaison avec des résines échangeuses d’anions de polystyrène de trois types; à savoir Lewatit VP-OC-1065 faible-acide, Lewatit MP-64 moyenne-acide et Lewatit Monoplus M500 forte-acide. Les paramètres opératoires qui ont fait l’objet de cette étude ont été étudiés sur trois blocs expérimentaux pour optimiser le système. Dans le Premier bloc, les paramètres étudiés sont : (1) ratio lactose-5%(p/v) : résine échangeuse d’anions (1:0.5, 1:1 et 1:2), (2) intensité du champ électrique : 50 mA, 100 mA et 200 mA et (3) type de résines : faible, moyenne et forte. Dans le Deuxième bloc, les paramètres mis à l’étude comprenaient : (1) l’intensité du champ électrique : 300 mA, 450 mA et 550 mA, (2) le débit de la solution traitée : 25 ml / min, 50 ml/ min et 100 ml/min et (3) la surface active de la membrane adjacente au compartiment cathodique : 0.78 cm2, 7.06 cm2 et 18.1 cm2. Le Troisième bloc expérimental a été effectué sur la base de la distance entre la membrane et l’électrode : 3.1 cm, 5.6 cm et 9 cm. Le même modèle expérimental a était également réalisé avec du perméat du lactosérum d’une concentration de 7% (p/v). Les résultats obtenus ont révélé que le meilleur rendement de l’isomérisation du lactose en lactulose était obtenu après 30 minutes d’électroactivation en utilisant une solution modèle de lactose-5% avec une valeur d’environ 20.1%. Les conditions opératoires qui ont permis d’avoir ce taux de conversion sont une intensité du courant de 550 mA, un débit de la solution de 25 ml/min, une surface active de la membrane de 7.06 cm2 et une distance de 9 cm entre la cathode et la membrane qui lui y est adjacente. En utilisant le perméat de lactosérum-7%, un taux de conversion de lactose en lactulose de 8.34% a était obtenu avec une intensité du courant de 200 mA, un débit de 120 ml/min, une surface active de de 18.1cm2 et une distance de 9 cm entre la membrane et l’électrode dans le compartiment cathodique. Les analyses de variance ont indiqué un effet catalytique significatif du type de la résine. En effet, la résine-forte a permis d’avoir les plus hauts rendements de la réaction d’isomérisation par électro-activation. La résistance électrique globale du système d’électroactivation dépendait de la valeur de l’intensité du courant. Le produit final était d’une grande pureté, car il ne présentait que quelques traces de galactose (< 4%).
Dissertação composta por 2 artigos.
O presente trabalho avaliou, na etapa experimental, um processo simultâneo de catálise e fermentação láctica visando obter um iogurte com potenciais características nutracêuticas e, na sua etapa teórica, estabeleceu uma interlocução entre a vivência experimentalista e a teoria da cinética enzimática, no que se refere à conversão da lactose e à síntese de galactooligossacarídeos (GOS). Na abordagem experimental, para um substrato específico, avaliouse biocatálise conduzida simultaneamente à fermentação, defasando a adição da enzima em relação ao início do processo fermentativo. A fermentação foi realizada a partir de cultura láctica liofilizada comercial contendo dois micro-organismos probióticos, Bifidobacterium animalis e Lactobacillus acidophilus, associados aos micro-organismos característicos do iogurte, Lactobacillus bulgaricus e Streptococcus thermophilus. Foi utilizado um preparado enzimático contendo -galactosidases obtidas de duas origens distintas: Kluyveromyces lactis e Aspergillus niger. Foram avaliados os efeitos da concentração da enzima e do tempo de adição da enzima em um planejamento experimental 2 2 . As respostas foram às concentrações, ao final do processo, de lactose, de GOS, de glicose e de galactose e a hidrólise dos galactooligossacarídeos ao longo do tempo. No que se refere à abordagem teórica, o presente trabalho considerou modelos matemáticos de hidrólise de dissacarídeos e conversão da lactose, em que a inibição foi representada a partir do incremento da concentração dos produtos da reação. No que se refere à conversão da lactose e síntese de GOS, o presente trabalho buscou estabelecer um modelo matemático em que a inibição ocorreu por efeito do incremento das concentrações de glicose e de galactose, comparando-o com os modelos conhecidos na literatura. Verificou-se que o desempenho do modelo obtido no presente trabalho foi robusto em relação às premissas estabelecidas. Na comparação com resultados experimentais de conversão enzimática, o modelo mostrou-se capaz de minimizar o erro e de ajustar-se aos dados experimentais.
-D-glucosidase (EC is one of the most interesting glycosidases, especially for hydrolysis cellobiose releasing glucose, is last step degradation of cellulose. This function makes the -D-glucosidase is of great interest as a versatile industrial biocatalyst, being critical to various bio-treatment / biorefinery processes, such as bioethanol production. Hen in the report, a -D-glucosidase was extracts from protein extracted of the invertebrate marine Artemia franciscana was purified and characterized with a combination of precipitation with ammonium sulfate (0 - 30%, 30 to 50%, 50 to 80%), the fraction saturated in the range of 30 to 50% (called F-II) was applied in a molecular exclusion chromatography, in Sephacryl S-200, the fractions corresponding to the first peak of activity of -D-glucosidase were gathered and applied in a chromatography of ion exchange in Mono Q; the third peak this protein obtained chromatography, which coincides with the peak of activity of -D-glucosidase was held and applied in a gel filtration chromatography Superose 12 where the first peak protein, which has activity of -D-glucosidase was rechromatography on Superose 12. This enzyme is probably multimerica, consisting of three subunit molecular mass of 52.7 kDa (determined by SDS-PAGE) with native molecular mass of 157 kDa (determined by gel filtration chromatography on Superose 12 under the system FPLC). The enzyme was purified 44.09 times with a recovery of 1.01%. Using up p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside as substrate obtained a Km apparent of 0.229 mM and a Vmax of 1.109 mM.60min-1.mL-1mM. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of catalysis of the synthetic substrate were 5.0 and 45 °C, respectively. The activity of the -D-glucosidase was strongly, inhibited by silver nitrate and N- etylmaleimide, this inhibition indicates the involvement of radical sulfidrila the hydrolysis of synthetic substrate. The -D-glucosidase of Artemia franciscana presented degradativa action on celobiose, lactose and on the synthetic substrate -nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside indicating potential use of this enzyme in the industry mainly for the production of bioethanol (production of alcohol from the participating cellulose), and production hydrolysate milk (devoid of milk lactose)
Four different sponge species were screened using Ouchterlony agarose gel and immunodiffusion tests to identify cross-reactivity with the polyclonal antibody IgG anti-deglicosilated CvL, a lectin from Cliona varians. Crude extract from the sponge Cinachyrella apion showed cross-reactivity and also a strong haemmaglutinating activity towards human erythrocytes of all ABO groups. Thus, it was submitted to acetone fractionation, IgG anti-deglicosilated CvL Sepharose affinity chromatography, and Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC-AKTA) gel filtration on a Superose 6 10 300 column to purify a novel lectin. C. apion lectin (CaL) agglutinated all types of human erythrocytes with preference for papainized type A and O erythrocytes. The haemagglutinating activity is independent of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions, and it was strongly inhibited by the disaccharide D-lactose, up to a minimum concentration of 6.25 mM. CaL molecular mass determined by FPLC-AKTA gel filtration on a Superose 12 10 300 column and SDS gel electrophoresis was approximately 124 kDa, consisting of eight subunits of 15.5 kDa, assembled by hydrophobic interactions. The lectin was relatively heat- and pH-stable. Leishmania chagasi romastigotes were agglutinated by CaL, indicating that lactose receptors could be presented in this parasite stage. These findings are indicative of the physiological defense roles of CaL and its possible use in the antibiosis of pathogenic protozoa
Aim of this paper is show the viscosity measure of a sodium bentonite-water-lactose mixture and your rheological behaviour. This analysis showed the formation of tridimensional structure type and formation of stratified silicate/lactose, this occurred due to different concentrations of organic products into mixture and due to a difference of rotation during viscosity measument. Formation of networks is a consequence of the attraction between the silicate layers in water-lactose mixture. In the present work aqueous solutions of lactose with concentration of 7%, 5%, 3%, 1% and 0% (wt %) were used.
-D-glucosidase (EC is one of the most interesting glycosidases, especially for hydrolysis cellobiose releasing glucose, is last step degradation of cellulose. This function makes the -D-glucosidase is of great interest as a versatile industrial biocatalyst, being critical to various bio-treatment / biorefinery processes, such as bioethanol production. Hen in the report, a -D-glucosidase was extracts from protein extracted of the invertebrate marine Artemia franciscana was purified and characterized with a combination of precipitation with ammonium sulfate (0 - 30%, 30 to 50%, 50 to 80%), the fraction saturated in the range of 30 to 50% (called F-II) was applied in a molecular exclusion chromatography, in Sephacryl S-200, the fractions corresponding to the first peak of activity of -D-glucosidase were gathered and applied in a chromatography of ion exchange in Mono Q; the third peak this protein obtained chromatography, which coincides with the peak of activity of -D-glucosidase was held and applied in a gel filtration chromatography Superose 12 where the first peak protein, which has activity of -D-glucosidase was rechromatography on Superose 12. This enzyme is probably multimerica, consisting of three subunit molecular mass of 52.7 kDa (determined by SDS-PAGE) with native molecular mass of 157 kDa (determined by gel filtration chromatography on Superose 12 under the system FPLC). The enzyme was purified 44.09 times with a recovery of 1.01%. Using up p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside as substrate obtained a Km apparent of 0.229 mM and a Vmax of 1.109 mM.60min-1.mL-1mM. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of catalysis of the synthetic substrate were 5.0 and 45 °C, respectively. The activity of the -D-glucosidase was strongly, inhibited by silver nitrate and N- etylmaleimide, this inhibition indicates the involvement of radical sulfidrila the hydrolysis of synthetic substrate. The -D-glucosidase of Artemia franciscana presented degradativa action on celobiose, lactose and on the synthetic substrate -nitrophenyl-β-D-glucopiranoside indicating potential use of this enzyme in the industry mainly for the production of bioethanol (production of alcohol from the participating cellulose), and production hydrolysate milk (devoid of milk lactose)
This study evaluates the utilization of lactose (Lac) and the presence of the phospho-β-galactosidase (lacG) gene as markers for distinguishing between fish (Lac-/lacG-) and dairy isolates (Lac+/lacG+) of Lactococcus garvieae, using a panel of L. garvieae isolates from different sources. None of the fish isolates produced acid from lactose (Lac-), however Lac-/lacG- isolates were observed in pigs, cows, birds and humans. Most of the dairy isolates (77.8%) were Lac+/lacG+, but some dairy isolates did not produce acid from this sugar. Data in the present study show that the ability to metabolize lactose and the presence of the lacG gene are heterogeneously scattered among L. garvieae isolates of different sources. Therefore, the use of these criteria as markers to differentiate between L. garvieae isolates of dairy and fish origin should be considered with caution.
Water sorption-induced crystallization, α-relaxations and relaxation times of freeze-dried lactose/whey protein isolate (WPI) systems were studied using dynamic dewpoint isotherms (DDI) method and dielectric analysis (DEA), respectively. The fractional water sorption behavior of lactose/WPI mixtures shown at aw ≤ 0.44 and the critical aw for water sorption-related crystallization (aw(cr)) of lactose were strongly affected by protein content based on DDI data. DEA results showed that the α-relaxation temperatures of amorphous lactose at various relaxation times were affected by the presence of water and WPI. The α-relaxation-derived strength parameter (S) of amorphous lactose decreased with aw up to 0.44 aw but the presence of WPI increased S. The linear relationship for aw(cr) and S for lactose/WPI mixtures was also established with R2 > 0.98. Therefore, DDI offers another structural investigation of water sorption-related crystallization as governed by aw(cr), and S may be used to describe real time effects of structural relaxations in noncrystalline multicomponent solids.
Dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations is one of the most useful aerosol preparations in which drugs may be formulated as carrier-based interactive mixtures with micronised drug particles (<5 μm) adhered onto the surface of large inert carriers (lactose powders). The addition of magnesium stearate (MgSt) (1-3), was found to increase dispersion of various drugs from DPI formulations. Recently, some active compounds coated with 5% (wt/wt) MgSt using the mechanofusion method showed significant improvements in aerosolization behavior due to the reduction in intrinsic cohesion force (4). Application of MgSt in powder formulations is not new; however, no studies demonstrated the minimum threshold level for this excipient in efficient aerosolization of drug powders from the interactive mixtures. Therefore, this study investigated the role of MgSt concentration on the efficient dispersion of salbutamol sulphate (SS) from DPI formulations.
Most salad vegetables are eaten fresh by consumers. However, raw vegetables may pose a risk of transmitting opportunistic bacteria to immunocompromised people, including cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. In particular, CF patients are vulnerable to chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infections and this organism is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in this group. Clonal variants of P. aeruginosa have been identified as emerging threats to people afflicted with CF; however it has not yet been proven from where these clones originate or how they are transmitted. Due to the organisms‟ aquatic environmental niche, it was hypothesised that vegetables may be a source of these clones. To test this hypothesis, lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms and bean sprout packages (n = 150) were analysed from a green grocer, supermarket and farmers‟ market within the Brisbane region, availability permitting. The internal and external surfaces of the vegetables were separately analysed for the presence of clonal strains of P. aeruginosa using washings and homogenisation techniques, respectively. This separation was in an attempt to establish which surface was contaminated, so that recommendations could be made to decrease or eliminate P. aeruginosa from these foods prior to consumption. Soil and water samples (n = 17) from local farms were also analysed for the presence of P. aeruginosa. Presumptive identification of isolates recovered from these environmental samples was made based on growth on Cetrimide agar at 42°C, presence of the cytochrome-oxidase enzyme and inability to ferment lactose. P. aeruginosa duplex real-time polymerase chain reaction assay (PAduplex) was performed on all bacterial isolates presumptively identified as P. aeruginosa. Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus strain typing PCR (ERIC-PCR) was subsequently performed on confirmed bacterial isolates. Although 72 P. aeruginosa were isolated, none of these proved to be clonal strains. The significance of these findings is that vegetables may pose a risk of transmitting sporadic strains of P. aeruginosa to people afflicted with CF and possibly, other immunocompromised people.