195 resultados para lacZ


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Rachid S, Ohlsen K, Witte W, Hacker J, Ziebuhr W. Institut für Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Röntgenring 11, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany. Biofilm production is an important step in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus epidermidis polymer-associated infections and depends on the expression of the icaADBC operon leading to the synthesis of a polysaccharide intercellular adhesin. A chromosomally encoded reporter gene fusion between the ica promoter and the beta-galactosidase gene lacZ from Escherichia coli was constructed and used to investigate the influence of both environmental factors and subinhibitory concentrations of different antibiotics on ica expression in S. epidermidis. It was shown that S. epidermidis biofilm formation is induced by external stress (i.e., high temperature and osmolarity). Subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline and the semisynthetic streptogramin antibiotic quinupristin-dalfopristin were found to enhance ica expression 9- to 11-fold, whereas penicillin, oxacillin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin, gentamicin, ofloxacin, vancomycin, and teicoplanin had no effect on ica expression. A weak (i.e., 2.5-fold) induction of ica expression was observed for subinhibitory concentrations of erythromycin. The results were confirmed by Northern blot analyses of ica transcription and quantitative analyses of biofilm formation in a colorimetric assay.


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A major problem in gene therapy and tissue replacement is accessibility of tissue-specific stem cells. One solution is to isolate tissue-specific stem cells from differentiating embryonic stem (ES) cells. Here, we show that liver progenitor cells can be purified from differentiated ES cells using alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) as a marker. By knocking the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene into the AFP locus of ES cells and differentiating the modified ES cells in vitro, a subpopulation of GFP(+) and AFP-expressing cells was generated. When transplanted into partially hepatectomized lacZ-positive ROSA26 mice, GFP(+) cells engrafted and differentiated into lacZ-negative and albumin-positive hepatocytes. Differentiation into hepatocytes also occurred after transplantation of GFP(+) cells in apolipoprotein-E- (ApoE) or haptoglobin-deficient mice as demonstrated by the presence of ApoE-positive hepatocytes and ApoE mRNA in the liver of ApoE-deficient mice or by haptoglobin in the serum and haptoglobin mRNA in the liver of haptoglobin-deficient mice. This study describes the first isolation of ES-cell-derived liver progenitor cells that are viable mediators of liver-specific functions in vivo.


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We have previously shown that the TolA protein is required for the correct surface expression of the Escherichia coli O7 antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In this work, delta tolA and delta pal mutants of E. coli K-12 W3110 were transformed with pMF19 (encoding a rhamnosyltransferase that reconstitutes the expression of O16-specific LPS), pWQ5 (encoding the Klebsiella pneumoniae O1 LPS gene cluster), or pWQ802 (encoding the genes necessary for the synthesis of Salmonella enterica O:54). Both DeltatolA and delta pal mutants exhibited reduced surface expression of O16 LPS as compared to parental W3110, but no significant differences were observed in the expression of K. pneumoniae O1 LPS and S. enterica O:54 LPS. Therefore, TolA and Pal are required for the correct surface expression of O antigens that are assembled in a wzy (polymerase)-dependent manner (like those of E. coli O7 and O16) but not for O antigens assembled by wzy-independent pathways (like K. pneumoniae O1 and S. enterica O:54). Furthermore, we show that the reduced surface expression of O16 LPS in delta tolA and delta pal mutants was associated with a partial defect in O-antigen polymerization and it was corrected by complementation with intact tolA and pal genes, respectively. Using derivatives of W3110 delta tolA and W3110 delta pal containing lacZ reporter fusions to fkpA and degP, we also demonstrate that the RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress response is upregulated in these mutants. Moreover, an altered O16 polymerization was also detected under conditions that stimulate RpoE-mediated extracytoplasmic stress responses in tol+ and pal+ genetic backgrounds. A Wzy derivative with an epitope tag at the C-terminal end of the protein was stable in all the mutants, ruling out stress-mediated proteolysis of Wzy. We conclude that the absence of TolA and Pal elicits a sustained extracytoplasmic stress response that in turn reduces O-antigen polymerization but does not affect the stability of the Wzy O-antigen polymerase.


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We reported earlier that the production of O antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (Salmonella typhi) increases at the onset of stationary phase and correlates with a growth-regulated expression of the rfaH gene under the control of the alternative sigma factor RpoN (Microbiology 148 (2002) 3789). In this study, we demonstrate that RpoS also modulates rfaH promoter activity as revealed by the absence of growth-dependent regulation of an rfaH-lacZ transcriptional fusion and O antigen production in a S. typhi rpoS mutant. Introduction of a constitutively expressed rpoN gene into the rpoS mutant restored increased production of O antigen during stationary phase, suggesting that constitutive production of RpoN could overcome the RpoS defect. Similar results were observed when an rpoS rpoN double mutant was transformed with the intact rpoN gene. Thus, we conclude that both RpoS and RpoN control the rfaH promoter activity and concomitantly, the production of O-specific LPS in S. typhi.


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The authors previously reported increased expression of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. typhi) rfaH gene when the bacterial cells reach stationary phase. In this study, using a lacZ fusion to the rfaH promoter region, they demonstrate that growth-dependent regulation of rfaH expression occurs at the level of transcription initiation. It was also observed that production of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen by S. typhi Ty2 correlated with the differential expression of rfaH during bacterial growth. This was probably due to the increased cellular levels of RfaH, since expression of the distal gene in the O-antigen gene cluster of S. typhi Ty2, wbaP, was also increased during stationary growth, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis. Examination of the sequences upstream of the rfaH coding region revealed homologies to potential binding sites for the RcsB/RcsA dimer of the RcsC/YopJ/RcsB phosphorelay regulatory system and for the RpoN alternative sigma factor. The expression of the rfaH gene in rpoN and rcsB mutants of S. typhi Ty2 was measured. The results indicate that inactivation of rpoN, but not of rcsB, suppresses the growth-phase-dependent induction of rfaH expression. Furthermore, production of beta-galactosidase mediated by the rfaH-lacZ fusion increased approximately fourfold when bacteria were grown in a nitrogen-limited medium. Nitrogen limitation was also shown to increase the expression of the O-antigen by the wild-type S. typhi Ty2, as demonstrated by a similar electrophoretic profile to that observed during the stationary phase of growth in rich media. It is therefore concluded that the relationship between LPS production and nitrogen limitation parallels the pattern of rfaH regulation under the control of RpoN and is consistent with the idea that RpoN modulates LPS formation via its effect on rfaH gene expression during bacterial growth.


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We recently cloned biosynthesis genes for the O7-lipopolysaccharide (O7-LPS) side chain from the Escherichia coli K-1 strain VW187 (M. A. Valvano, and J. H. Crosa, Infect. Immun. 57:937-943, 1989). To characterize the O7-LPS region, the recombinant cosmids pJHCV31 and pJHCV32 were mutagenized by transposon mutagenesis with Tn3HoHo1, which carries a promoterless lac operon and can therefore generate lacZ transcriptional fusions with target DNA sequences. Cells containing mutated plasmids were examined for their ability to react by coagglutination with O7 antiserum. The LPS pattern profiles of the insertion mutants were also investigated by electrophoresis of cell envelope fractions, followed by silver staining and immunoblotting analysis. These experiments identified three phenotypic classes of mutants and defined a region in the cloned DNA of about 14 kilobase pairs that is essential for O7-LPS expression. Analysis of beta-galactosidase production by cells carrying plasmids with transposon insertions indicated that transcription occurs in only one direction along the O7-LPS region. In vitro transcription-translation experiments revealed that the O7-LPS region encodes at least 16 polypeptides with molecular masses ranging from 20 to 48 kilodaltons. Also, the O7-LPS region in VW187 was mutagenized by homologous recombination with subsets of the cloned O7-LPS genes subcloned into a suicide plasmid vector. O7-LPS-deficient mutants of VW187 were complemented with pJHCV31 and pJHCV32, confirming that these cosmids contain genetic information that is essential for the expression of the O7 polysaccharide.


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Histone deacetylases (HDACs) have a central role in the regulation of gene expression. Here we investigated whether HDAC7 has an impact on embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation into smooth muscle cells (SMCs). ES cells were seeded on collagen-IV-coated flasks and cultured in the absence of leukemia inhibitory factor in differentiation medium to induce SMC differentiation. Western blots and double-immunofluorescence staining demonstrated that HDAC7 has a parallel expression pattern with SMC marker genes. In ex vivo culture of embryonic cells from SM22-LacZ transgenic mice, overexpression of HDAC7 significantly increased beta-galactosidase-positive cell numbers and enzyme activity, indicating its crucial role in SMC differentiation during embryonic development. We found that HDAC7 undergoes alternative splicing during ES cell differentiation. Platelet-derived growth factor enhanced ES cell differentiation into SMCs through upregulation of HDAC7 splicing. Further experiments revealed that HDAC7 splicing induced SMC differentiation through modulation of the SRF-myocardin complex. These findings suggest that HDAC7 splicing is important for SMC differentiation and vessel formation in embryonic development.


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WcaJ is an Escherichia coli membrane enzyme catalysing the biosynthesis of undecaprenyl-diphosphate-glucose, the first step in the assembly of colanic acid exopolysaccharide. WcaJ belongs to a large family of polyisoprenyl-phosphate hexose-1-phosphate transferases (PHPTs) sharing a similar predicted topology consisting of an N-terminal domain containing four transmembrane helices (TMHs), a large central periplasmic loop, and a C-terminal domain containing the fifth TMH (TMH-V) and a cytosolic tail. However, the topology of PHPTs has not been experimentally validated. Here, we investigated the topology of WcaJ using a combination of LacZ/PhoA reporter fusions and sulfhydryl
labelling by PEGylation of novel cysteine residues introduced into a cysteine-less WcaJ. The results showed that the large central loop and the C-terminal tail both reside in the cytoplasm and are separated by TMH-V, which does not fully span the membrane, likely forming a "hairpin" structure. Modelling of TMH-V revealed that a highly conserved proline might contribute to a helix-break-helix structure in all PHPT members. Bioinformatic analyses show that all of these features are conserved in PHPT homologues from
Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Our data demonstrate a novel topological configuration for PHPTs, which is proposed as a signature for all members of this enzyme family


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RESUMO - Os nanomateriais manufaturados (NMs), isto é, fabricados deliberadamente para fins específicos, apresentam propriedades físico-químicas únicas como a dimensão, área superficial ou funcionalização, que lhes conferem caraterísticas mecânicas, óticas, elétricas e magnéticas muito vantajosas para aplicações industriais e biomédicas. Efetivamente, a tecnologia baseada nos NMs, ou nanotecnologia, foi identificada como uma key enabling technology, impulsionadora do crescimento económico dos países industrializados, devido ao seu potencial para melhorar a qualidade e desempenho de muitos tipos de produtos e de processos. Contudo, a expansão da utilização de NMs contrasta com a insuficiente avaliação de risco para a saúde humana e para o ambiente, sendo considerados como um risco emergente para a saúde pública. As incertezas sobre a segurança dos NMs para a saúde pública advêm sobretudo de estudos epidemiológicos em humanos expostos a nanomateriais produzidos como consequência dos processos e atividades humanas e da poluição. Uma das principais preocupações relativamente aos efeitos adversos dos NMs na saúde humana é o seu potencial efeito carcinogénico, que é sugerido por alguns estudos experimentais, como no caso dos nanomateriais de dióxido de titânio ou dos nanotubos de carbono. Para avaliar em curto termo as propriedades carcinogénicas de um composto, utilizam-se frequentemente ensaios de genotoxicidade em linhas celulares de mamífero ou ensaios em modelos animais, em que se analisa uma variedade de lesões genéticas potencialmente relacionados com o processo de carcinogénese. No entanto, a investigação sobre as propriedades genotóxicas dos NMs não foi, até hoje, conclusiva. O presente estudo tem por objectivo principal caracterizar os efeitos genotóxicos associados à exposição a nanomateriais manufaturados, de forma a contribuir para a avaliação da sua segurança. Constituíram objectivos específicos deste estudo: i) avaliar a genotoxicidade dos NMs em três tipos de células humanas expostas in vitro: linfócitos humanos primários, linha celular de epitélio brônquico humano (BEAS-2B) e linha celular de adenocarcinoma epitelial de pulmão humano (A549); ii) avaliar a sua genotoxicidade num modelo de ratinho transgénico; iii) investigar alguns mecanismos de acção que poderão contribuir para a genotoxicidade dos nanomateriais, como a contribuição de lesões oxidativas para a genotoxicidade induzida pelos NMs in vitro, e a investigação da sua bioacumulação e localização celular in vivo. Foram analisados os efeitos genotóxicos associados à exposição a duas classes de NMs, dióxido de titânio e nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla, bem como a um NM de óxido de zinco, candidato a ser utlilizado como controlo positivo de dimensão nanométrica. Os xx NMs utilizados foram previamente caracterizados com detalhe relativamente às suas características físico-químicas e também relativamente à sua dispersão em meio aquoso e no meio de cultura. A metodologia incluiu ensaios de citotoxicidade e de genotoxicidade in vitro, designadamente, ensaios de quebras no DNA (ensaio do cometa) e nos cromossomas (ensaio do micronúcleo) em células humanas expostas a várias concentrações de NMs, por comparação com células não expostas. Também foram realizados ensaios in vivo de quebras no DNA, quebras cromossómicas e ainda um ensaio de mutações em vários órgãos de grupos de ratinhos transgénicos LacZ, expostos por via intravenosa a duas doses de dióxido de titânio. Foi investigada a existência de uma relação dose-resposta após exposição das células humanas ou dos animais a NMs. A contribuição de lesões oxidativas para a genotoxicidade após exposição das células aos NMs in vitro foi explorada através do ensaio do cometa modificado com enzima. Realizaram-se estudos histológicos e citológicos para deteção e localização celular dos NMs nos órgãos-alvo dos ratinhos expostos in vivo. Os resultados demonstraram efeitos genotóxicos em alguns dos NMs analisados em células humanas. No entanto, os efeitos genotóxicos, quando positivos, foram em níveis reduzidos, ainda que superiores aos valores dos controlos, e a sua reprodutibilidade era dependente do sistema experimental utilizado. Para outros NMs, a evidência de genotoxicidade revelou-se equívoca, conduzindo à necessidade de esclarecimento através de ensaios in vivo. Para esse fim, recorreu-se a uma análise integrada de múltiplos parâmetros num modelo animal, o ratinho transgénico baseado em plasmídeo contendo o gene LacZ exposto a um NM de dióxido de titânio, NM-102. Embora tenha sido demonstrada a exposição e a acumulação do NM no fígado, não se observaram efeitos genotóxicos nem no fígado, nem no baço nem no sangue dos ratinhos expostos a esse NM. Neste estudo concluiu-se que algumas formas de dióxido de titânio e nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla produzem efeitos genotóxicos em células humanas, contribuindo para o conjunto de evidências sobre o efeito genotóxico desses NMs. As diferenças observadas relativamente à genotoxicidade entre NMs do mesmo tipo, mas distintos em algumas das suas características físico-quimicas, aparentemente não são negligenciáveis, pelo que os resultados obtidos para um NM não devem ser generalizados ao grupo correspondente. Para além disso, a genotoxicidade equívoca verificada para o NM-102 em células humanas expostas in vitro, não foi confirmada no modelo in vivo, pelo que o valor preditivo da utilização dos ensaios in vitro para a identificação de NMs com efeitos genotóxicos (e portanto potencialmente carcinogénicos) ainda tem de ser esclarecido antes de ser possível extrapolar as conclusões para a saúde humana. Por sua vez, como a informação aqui produzida pelas metodologias in vitro e in vivo não reflete os efeitos de exposição continua ou prolongada, que poderá conduzir a efeitos genotóxicos distintos, esta xxi deverá ser complementada com outras linhas de evidência relativamente à segurança dos NMs. Perante a incerteza dos níveis de exposição real do organismo humano e do ambiente, a segurança da utilização dos NMs não pode ser garantida a longo prazo e, tendo em conta a elevada produção e utilização destes NMs, são prementes futuros estudos de monitorização ambiental e humana.


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The construction of adenovirus vectors for cloning and foreign gene expression requires packaging cell lines that can complement missing viral functions caused by sequence deletions and/or replacement with foreign DNA sequences. In this study, packaging cell lines were designed to provide in trans the missing bovine adenovirus functions, so that recombinant viruses could be generated. Fetal bovine kidney and lUng cells, acquired at the trimester term from a pregnant cow, were tranfected with both digested wild type BAV2 genomic DNA and pCMV-EI. The plasmid pCMV-EI was specifically constructed to express El of BAV2 under the control of the cytomegalovirus enhancer/promoter (CMV). Selection for "true" transformants by continuous passaging showed no success in isolating immortalised cells, since the cells underwent crisis resulting in complete cell death. Moreover, selection for G418 resistance, using the same cells, also did not result in the isolation of an immortalised cell line and the same culture-collapse event was observed. The lack of success in establishing an immortalised cell line from fetal tissue prompted us to transfect a pre-established cell line. We began by transfecting MDBK (Mardin-Dardy bovine kidney) cells with pCMV-El-neo, which contain the bacterial selectable marker neo gene. A series of MDBK-derived cell lines, that constitutively express bovine adenoviral (BAV) early region 1 (El), were then isolated. Cells selected for resistance to the drug G418 were isolated collectively for full characterisation to assess their suitability as packaging cell lines. Individual colonies were isolated by limiting dilution and further tested for El expression and efficiency of DNA uptake. Two cell lines, L-23 and L-24, out of 48 generated foci tested positive for £1 expression using Northern Blot analysis. DNA uptake studies, using both lipofectamine and calcium phosphate methods, were performed to compare these cells, their parental MDBK cells, 8 and the unrelated human 293 cells as a benchmark. The results revealed that the new MDBKderived clones were no more efficient than MDBK cells in the transient expression of transfected DNA and that they were inferior to 293 cells, when using lacZ as the reporter gene. In view of the inherently poor transfection efficiency of MDBK cells and their derivatives, a number of other bovine cells were investigated for their potential as packaging cells. The cell line CCL40 was chosen for its high efficiency in DNA uptake and subsequently transfected with the plasmid vector pCMV El-neo. By selection with the drug G418, two cell lines were isolated, ProCell 1 and ProCell 2. These cell lines were tested for El expression, permissivity to BAV2 and DNA uptake efficiency, revealing a DNA uptake efficiency of 37 % , comparable to that of CCL40. Attempts to rescue BAV2 mutants carrying the lacZ gene in place of £1 or £3 were carried out by co-transfecting wild type viral DNA with either the plasmid pdlElE-Z (which contains BAV2 sequences from 0% to 40.4% with the lacZ gene in place of the £1 region from 1.1% to 8.25%) or with the plasmid pdlE3-5-Z (which contains BAV2 sequences from 64.8% to 100% with the lacZ gene in place of the E3 region from 75.8% to 81.4%). These cotransfections did not result in the generation of a viral mutant. The lack of mutant generation was thought to be caused by the relative inefficiency ofDNA uptake. Consequently, cosBAV2, a cosmid vector carrying the BAV2 genome, was modified to carry the neo reporter gene in place of the £3 region from 75.8% to 81.4%. The use of a single cosmid vector earring the whole genome would eliminate the need for homologous recombination in order to generate a viral vector. Unfortunately, the transfection of cosBAV2- neo also did not result in the generation of a viral mutant. This may have been caused by the size of the £3 deletion, where excess sequences that are essential to the virus' survival might have been deleted. As an extension to this study, the spontaneous E3 deletion, accidently discovered in our viral stock, could be used as site of foreign gene insertion.


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Infection of hUlnan cells by bovine adenovirlls type 2 (BAV2) is abortive. To obtain a better understanding of this pllenomel1011, and in particular to identify Wllich steps in the viral replicative cycles are altered dllring this virlls-host cells interaction, we have llndertaken a detailed study of BAV2 infections of the nonpennissive hUlnan IIeLa cells. Using autoradiography and 3H-thymidine-labeled vvhole virus particles for infection of HeLa cells, vve determined that viral attachluent appears normal. Furthermore, Southern analysis revealed that internalization and transport to the nuclells occurs in BAV2 infected HeLa cells. To investigate viral DNi\ synthesis, infectivity assays involving hydroxyllrea, a viral DN-A synthesis inhibitor, were carried out. The results revealed that Bft:LV2 DNA synthesis does not occur in HeLa cells. Fllrtller investigations into viral early gene expression by northern blotting analyses indicated that HeLa cells fail to support expression of EIA. This suggested that abortive infection by BAV2 could be attributed to faiiure of EIA to express. To test the possibility that the failure to express ElA was due to the inability of the host cell to recognize the E lA prOlTIoter, ,ve carried out transient expression transfection experiments using plaslnids \vith the bacterial lacZ linder the control of either BAV2 or i\d5 EIA promoter. X-gal histochelIlical assays sho\ved expression of lacZ from the Ad5 ElA prOlnoter but no expression of lacZ [rOln the BAV2 EIA prOlTIoter. This further suggests that the abortive infection b:y BAV2 could be attributed to failure of EIA to express dlle to a nonfllnctional prOlTIoter in hlunan cells. Thus we speClllated that abortive infection of HeLa cells by adenoviruses may be averted by providing EtA functions in trans. To demonstrate this, we coinfected HeLa cells with Ad5 and BAV2, reasoning that Ad5 could cOlnpensate for EIA deficiency in BAV2. OUf results showed that BAV2 DNA synthesis was indeed Sllpported in HeLa cells coinfected with Ad5dlE3 as revealed by Southern analysis. In contrast, coinfection of HeLa cells \vith BAV2 and Ad5dlElE3 mutallt did not support BLt\V2 DNA synthesis. Interestingly, BAV2 failed to replicate in 293 cells which are constitlltively expressing the El genes. This could ilnply that El is necessary but not sufficient to avert the failllre ofBAV2 to undergo productive infection ofhulnan cells.


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The nucleotide sequence of a genomic DNA fragment thought previously to contain the dihydrofolate reductase gene (DFR1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by genetic criteria was determined. This DNA fragment of 1784' basepairs contains a large open reading frame from position 800 to 1432, which encodes a enzyme with a predicted molecular weight of 24,229.8 Daltons. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of this protein revealed that the yeast polypep·tide contained 211 amino acids, compared to the 186 residues commonly found in the polypeptides of other eukaryotes. The difference in size of the gene product can be attributed mainly to an insert in the yeast gene. Within this region, several consensus sequences required for processing of yeast nuclear and class II mitochondrial introns were identified, but appear not sufficient for the RNA splicing. The primary structure of the yeast DHFR protein has considerable sequence homology with analogous polypeptides from other organisms, especially in the consensus residues involved in cofactor and/or inhibitor binding. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence also revealed the presence of a number of canonical sequences identified in yeast as having some function in the regulation of gene expression. These include UAS elements (TGACTC) required for tIle amino acid general control response, and "TATA H boxes as well as several consensus sequences thought to be required for transcriptional termination and polyadenylation. Analysis of the codon usage of the yeast DFRl coding region revealed a codon bias index of 0.0083. this valve very close to zero suggestes 3 that the gene is expressed at a relatively low level under normal physiological conditions. The information concerning the organization of the DFRl were used to construct a variety of fusions of its 5' regulatory region with the coding region of the lacZ gene of E. coli. Some of such fused genes encoded a fusion product that expressed in E.coli and/or in yeast under the control of the 5' regulatory elements of the DFR1. Further studies with these fusion constructions revealed that the beta-galactosidase activity encoded on multicopy plasmids was stimulated transiently by prior exposure of yeast host cells to UV light. This suggests that the yeast PFRl gene is indu.ced by UV light and nlay in1ply a novel function of DHFR protein in the cellular responses to DNA damage. Another novel f~ature of yeast DHFR was revealed during preliminary studies of a diploid strain containing a heterozygous DFRl null allele. The strain was constructed by insertion of a URA3 gene within the coding region of DFR1. Sporulation of this diploid revealed that meiotic products segregated 2:0 for uracil prototrophy when spore clones were germinated on medium supplemented with 5-formyltetrahydrofolate (folinic acid). This finding suggests that, in addition to its catalytic activity, the DFRl gene product nlay play some role in the anabolisln of folinic acid. Alternatively, this result may indicate that Ura+ haploid segregants were inviable and suggest that the enzyme has an essential cellular function in this species.


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Différentes translocations génomiques sont fréquemment associées à l'apparition de leucémies myéloïdes aiguës (LMA). Ces translocations génomiques résultent de l’assemblage de deux gènes conduisant à la production d'une protéine de fusion. C'est le cas de la translocation t (3; 5) (q25.1; q34) impliquant le suppresseur tumoral NPM et l'oncogène MLF1 donnant naissance à la protéine de fusion NPM-MLF1. Généralement, les gènes impliqués dans ces translocations contrôlent la croissance cellulaire, la différenciation ou la survie cellulaire. Cependant, pour NPM-MLF1 les causes du gain ou de la perte de fonction associée à la translocation demeurent inconnues car nous ne savons pas comment cette translocation peut favoriser ou participer à l'avènement de la LMA. Le but de ce travail est d’analyser le rôle de NPM-MLF1 dans le cancer et d’examiner comment son activité contribue à la leucémie en faisant des études d’interactions protéine/protéine. En effet, l’étude de la fonction d’une protéine implique souvent de connaître ses partenaires d’interactions. Pour ce faire, la technique de double hybride dans la souche de levure AH109 a été utilisée. Tout d’abord, les ADN complémentaires (ADNc) de MLF1, NPM1 et de NPM-MLF1, MLF1-Like (une partie de MLF1 de l’acide aminé 94 à 157) normaux et mutés du domaine MTG8-Like constitué des acides aminés (a.a.) 151 à 164 de MLF1 (excepté NPM) ont été clonés dans un vecteur d'expression de levure pGBKT7. Les ADNc de GFI-1, mSin3A, PLZF, HDAC1 et HDAC3 ont été clonés dans le plasmide pGADT7 de façon à créer des protéines de fusion synthétiques avec le domaine de liaison à l'ADN et de trans-activation de la protéine GAL4. Le plasmide pGBKT7 possède un gène TRP1 et pGADT7 un gène LEU2 qui permettent la sélection des clones insérés dans la levure. Aussi, le pGBKT7 a un épitope c-myc et pGADT7 un épitope HA qui permet de voir l’expression des protéines par buvardage de type Western. Après la transformation des levures les interactions protéine/protéine ont été observées en vérifiant l’expression des gènes rapporteurs HIS3, LacZ, MEL1, ADE2 de la levure en utilisant des milieux de sélection YPD/-Leu/-Trp, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/-His, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/-His/-Ade, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/+ X-Gal, YPD/-Leu/-Trp/ + X-α-Gal. Ensuite, les interactions trouvées par double-hybride ont été vérifiées dans les cellules érythroleucémiques K562 par immuno-précipitation (IP) de protéines suivies de buvardages Westerns avec les anticorps appropriés. NPM-MLF1, MLF1, MTG8, MLF1-Like surexprimés dans les cellules K562 ont été clonés dans le plasmide pOZ-FH-N. pOZ-FH-N possède un récepteur IL-2 qui permet de sélectionner les cellules qui l’expriment ainsi qu’un tag Flag-HA qui permet de voir l’expression des protéines par buvardage-Western. Les résultats du double-hybride suggèrent une interaction faible de NPM-MLF1 avec HDAC1, HDAC3 et mSin3A ainsi qu’une interaction qui semble plus évidente entre NPM-MLF1 et PLZF, GFI-1. NPM interagit avec GFI-1 et mSin3A. Aussi, MLF1 et MLF1-Like interagissent avec HDAC1, HDAC3, GFI-1, PLZF mais pas avec mSin3A. Les IP suggèrent que NPM-MLF1 interagit avec HDAC1, HDAC3, mSin3A et PLZF. MLF1 et MLF1-Like interagissent avec HDAC1, HDAC3 et mSin3A. L’interaction de NPM-MLF1 avec GFI-1, MLF1 et MLF1-Like avec PLZF et GFI-1 n’a pas encore été vérifiée par IP. Ainsi, nos observations permettent de suggérer que NPM-MF1, MLF1 et NPM pourraient jouer un rôle dans la transcription et la régulation de l’expression de certains gènes importants dans l’hématopoïèse et une variété de processus cellulaires parce qu’ils interagissent avec différents corépresseurs. En déterminant les partenaires protéiques de MLF1, NPM et NPM-MLF1, leurs fonctions et comment NPM-MLF1 influence et modifie le fonctionnement cellulaire normal; il sera possible de renverser le processus de LMA favorisé par la t (3; 5) NPM-MLF1 par la technologie d’interférence à l’ARN.


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Mon projet de recherche avait pour but de caractériser le rôle de deux protéines, ArgR et PepA, qui agissent en tant que facteurs accessoires de la recombinaison au niveau de deux sites cer du plasmide ColE1 présent dans la bactérie Escherichia coli. Ces deux protéines, couplées aux deux recombinases à tyrosine XerC et XerD, permettent la catalyse de la recombinaison site spécifique au niveau de la séquence cer, convertissant les multimères instables de ColE1 en monomères stables. Cette étude a principalement porté sur la région C-terminale de la protéine ArgR. Cette région de la protéine ArgR possède une séquence en acides-aminés et une structure similaire à celle de la protéine AhrC de Bacillus subtilis. De plus, AhrC, le répresseur de l’arginine de cette bactérie, est capable de complémenter des Escherichia coli mutantes déficientes en ArgR. Les régions C-terminales de ces protéines, montrent une forte similarité. De précédents travaux dans notre laboratoire ont démontré que des mutants d’ArgR comprenant des mutations dans cette région, en particulier les mutants ArgR149, une version tronquée d’ArgR de 149 acides-aminés, et ArgR5aa, une version comprenant une insertion de cinq acides-aminés dans la partie C-terminale, perdaient la capacité de permettre la recombinaison au niveau de deux sites cer présents dans le plasmide pCS210. Malgré cette incapacité à promouvoir la réaction de recombinaison en cer, ces deux mutants étaient toujours capables de se lier spécifiquement à l’ADN et de réprimer une fusion argA :: lacZ. Dans ce travail, les versions mutantes et sauvages d’ArgR furent surexprimées en tant que protéines de fusion 6-histidine. Des analyses crosslinking ont montré que la version sauvage et ArgR5aa pouvaient former des hexamères in-vitro de manière efficace, alors qu’ArgR149 formait des multimères de plus faible poids moléculaire. Des formes tronquées d’ArgR qui comportaient 150 acides-aminés ou plus, étaient encore capables de permettre la recombinaison en cer. Les mutants par substitution ArgRL149A et ArgRL151A ont tous montré que les substitutions d’un seul acide-aminé au sein de cette région avaient peu d’effets sur la recombinaison en cer. Les expériences de crosslinking protéine-à-protéine ont montré que le type sauvage et les formes mutantes d’ArgR étaient capables d’interagir avec la protéine accessoire PepA, également impliquée dans la recombinaison en cer. Les expériences de recombinaison in-vitro utilisant la forme sauvage et les formes mutantes d’ArgR combinées avec les protéines PepA, XerC et XerD purifiées, ont montré que le mutant ArgR149 ne soutenait pas la recombinaison, mais que le mutant ArgR5aa permettait la formation d’une jonction d’Holliday. Des expériences de topologie ont montré que PepA était capable de protéger l’ADN de la topoisomérase 1, et d’empêcher ArgRWt de se lier à l’ADN. Les deux mutants ArgR149 et ArgR5aa protègent aussi l’ADN avec plus de surenroulements. Quand on ajoute PepA, les profils de migration montrent un problème de liaison des deux mutants avec PepA. D’autres expériences impliquant le triplet LEL (leucine-acide glutamique-leucine) et les acides-aminés alentour devraient être réalisés dans le but de connaitre l’existence d’un site de liaison potentiel pour PepA.


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La bactérie Salmonella enterica sérovar Typhi (S. Typhi) provoque la fièvre typhoïde chez les humains et constitue un problème de santé publique important. La majorité de nos connaissances sur la pathogenèse de cette bactérie provient du modèle de fièvre entérique chez la souris causée par le sérovar Typhimurium. Peu d’études se sont penchées sur les facteurs de virulence uniques au sérovar Typhi, ni sur la possibilité que les pseudogènes retrouvés dans son génome puissent être fonctionnels. Le fimbria stg, unique au sérovar Typhi, renferme un codon d’arrêt TAA prématuré dans le gène stgC qui code pour le placier responsable de l’assemblage des sous-unités fimbriaires à la surface de la bactérie. Ainsi, le fimbria stg a été classifié dans la liste des pseudogènes non-fonctionnels. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient d’évaluer l’implication du fimbria stg lors de l’interaction avec les cellules humaines, puis de vérifier l’importance du pseudogène stgC lors de la biogenèse fimbriaire. Dans une première partie, la transcription de stg a été évaluée à l’aide d’une fusion lacZ. Malgré des niveaux d’expression observés généralement faibles en milieu riche, la croissance en milieu minimal a favorisé la transcription de l’opéron. La délétion complète de l’opéron fimbriaire stgABCD du génome de S. Typhi a été réalisée par échange allélique, puis a été complémentée sur un plasmide. Il a été démontré que la présence de stg chez S. Typhi, S. Typhimurium et E. coli contribue à une adhérence accrue sur les cellules épithéliales humaines. De plus, ce fimbria semble agir comme une structure anti-phagocytaire lors de l’interaction avec des macrophages humains. Ainsi, l’opéron stg semble fonctionnel, malgré son codon d’arrêt prématuré, puisque des phénotypes ont été observés. La seconde partie de cette étude consistait à vérifier le rôle joué par le pseudogène stgC dans la biogenèse du fimbria. Différentes variantes de l’opéron ont été générées, clonées dans un vecteur inductible à l’arabinose, puis transformées dans la souche afimbriaire d’E. coli ORN172. La translocation de la sous-unité fimbriaire StgD à la surface de la bactérie a été évaluée chez ces différents mutants par immunobuvardage de type Western. Cette expérience a permis de démontrer que le pseudogène stgC est essentiel pour l’exportation de la sous-unité StgD à la surface. L’ajout d’une étiquette de 6-histidines en C-terminal de StgC a permis de confirmer la traduction complète du gène, malgré le codon d’arrêt TAA prématuré. Le séquençage peptidique a révélé l’insertion d’une tyrosine à ce codon. Une fusion traductionnelle avec la protéine verte fluorescente a révélé qu’environ 0.8% de l’ARNm peut être traduit et permet la production complète du placier. Ce projet a permis la caractérisation d’un facteur de virulence unique à S. Typhi et constitue une étape de plus vers la compréhension de ses mécanismes de pathogenèse. Il s’agit de la première démonstration chez les bactéries de la fonctionnalité d’un gène interrompu prématurément par un codon d’arrêt TAA.