151 resultados para lääketiede, reumatologia
Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic, clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent. Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic,clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent.
Bone histomorphometry is defined as a quantitative evaluation of bone micro architecture, remodelling and metabolism. Bone metabolic assessment is based on a dynamic process, which provides data on bone matrix formation rate by incorporating a tetracycline compound. In the static evaluation, samples are stained and a semi-automatic technique is applied in order to obtain bone microarchitectural parameters such as trabecular area, perimeter and width. These parameters are in 2D, but they can be extrapolated into 3D, applying a stereological formula. Histomorphometry can be applied to different areas; however, in recent decades it has been a relevant tool in monitoring the effect of drug administration in bone. The main challenge for the future will be the development of noninvasive methods that can give similar information. In the herein review paper we will discuss the general principles and main applications of bone histomorphometry.
Introduction: Brachial plexus (BP) tumors are very rare tumors, with less than 800 cases been described in the literature worldwide since 1970. These tumors often present as local or radicular pain, with scant or no neurological deficits. These symptoms are shared by many other more common rheumatologic diseases, thus making their diagnosis difficult in most cases. Additionally, these tumors often present as lumps and are therefore biopsied, which carries a significant risk of iatrogenic nerve injury. Material and Methods: In this paper the authors describe their experience with the management of 5 patients with BP tumors followed up for at least 2 years. There were 4 males and 1 female. Median follow-up time was 41 ± 21 months. Average age at diagnosis was 40,0 ± 19,9 years. The most common complaints at presentation were pain and sensibility changes. All patients had a positive Tinel sign when the lesion was percussed. In all patients surgery was undertaken and the tumors removed. In 4 patients nerve integrity was maintained. In one patient with excruciating pain a segment of the nerve had to be excised and the nerve defect was bridged with sural nerve grafts. Results: Pathology examination of the resected specimens revealed a Schwannoma in 4 cases and a neurofibroma in the patient submitted to segmental nerve resection. Two years postoperatively, no recurrences were observed. All patients revealed clinical improvement. The patient submitted to nerve resection had improvement in pain, but presented diminished strength and sensibility in the involved nerve territory. Conclusion: Surgical excision of BP tumors is not a risk free procedure. Most authors suggest surgery if the lesion is symptomatic or progressing in size. If the tumor is stationary and not associated with neurological dysfunction a conservative approach should be taken.
Propylthiouracil (PTU) is known to induce antineutrophil cytoplasmatic antibody (ANCA) seropositivity; however, small vessel vasculitis (SVV) with pulmonary and renal involvement is rare. We present the case of an 81-year-old woman on PTU treatment due to toxic nodular goitre who developed alveolar hemorrhage and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The authors highlight the importance of early recognising drug-induced pulmonary-renal syndrome (PRS) in order to avoid unnecessary tests, a delay in the diagnosis and evolution to end-stage kidney disease or life-threatening conditions.
Serious infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in systemic inflammatory rheumatic disease (SIRD) patients. Although vaccination may prevent numerous infections, vaccination uptake rates are low in this group of patients. OBJECTIVES: To develop evidence-based recommendations for vaccination in SIRD patients. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE (until 31 October 2014) and EMBASE (until 14 December 2014) databases, as well as the ACR and EULAR congress abstracts (2011-2014). Patients with any systemic inflammatory rheumatic disease were included and all vaccines were considered. Any safety and efficacy outcomes were admitted. Search results were submitted to title and abstract selection, followed by detailed review of suitable studies. Data were subsequently pooled according to the type of vaccine and the SIRD considered. Results were presented and discussed by a multidisciplinary panel and systematic literature review (SLR)-derived recommendations were voted according to the Delphi method. The level of agreement among rheumatologists was assessed using an online survey. RESULTS: Eight general and seven vaccine-specific recommendations were formulated. Briefly, immunization status should routinely be assessed in all SIRD patients. The National Vaccination Program should be followed and some additional vaccines are recommended. To maximize the efficacy of vaccination, vaccines should preferably be administered 4 weeks before starting immunosuppression or, if possible when disease activity is controlled. Non-live vaccines are safe in SIRD, including immunosuppressed patients. The safety of live attenuated vaccines in immunosuppressed patients deserves further ascertainment, but might be considered in particular situations. DISCUSSION: The present recommendations combine scientific evidence with the multidisciplinary expertise of our taskforce panel and attained desirable agreement among Portuguese rheumatologists. Vaccination recommendations need to be updated on a regular basis, as more scientific data regarding vaccination efficacy and safety, emergent infectious threats, new vaccines as well as new immunomodulatory therapies become available.
INTRODUÇÃO: O lupus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) é uma doença inflamatória crônica que acomete múltiplos órgãos ou sistemas, não apresenta manifestação clínica patognomônica ou teste laboratorial sensível e específico o suficiente para um diagnóstico específico. Para o diagnóstico, são utilizados os critérios propostos pelo Colégio Americano de Reumatologia (ACR), modificados em 1997. A presença de quatro ou mais critérios tem sensibilidade e especificidade de 96%. Porém, esses critérios para o LES podem ter especificidade mais baixa em regiões endêmicas para doenças infecciosas crônicas, como o Brasil, endêmico para hanseníase, que pode apresentar manifestações clínico-laboratoriais semelhantes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de prevalência, onde foram aplicados os critérios de LES, nos pacientes com diagnóstico recente de hanseníase multibacilar, que deram entrada no ambulatório de hanseníase da Clínica Dermatológica da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) durante o período da coleta de dados, além de calculada a especificidade e o número de falso-positivos nesse grupo. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 100 pacientes. As prevalências de alguns dos critérios de LES foram elevadas. Os critérios com maior prevalência foram o eritema malar (44%), a artrite (23%), a fotossensibilidade (29%), a linfopenia (19%) e a presença dos anticorpos antifosfolípides, incluídos no critério imunológico (20%). A especificidade encontrada (84%) foi menor do que a atribuída aos critérios em 1997 pelo ACR. CONCLUSÕES: Doenças presentes em nosso meio, como a hanseníase nas formas multibacilares, mimetizam o quadro clínico-laboratorial do LES, o que deve deixar o médico atento à realidade das doenças infecciosas locais antes de afirmar um diagnóstico definitivo de LES.
INTRODUÇÃO: Atualmente há um aumento crescente no número de diagnósticos de artrite reumatoide, seja graças à evolução dos métodos diagnósticos ou a intensas pesquisas realizadas na área de reumatologia, porém há uma lacuna quanto a instrumentos de medidas para acompanhamento no campo físico e psíquico da evolução dessa doença, que pode causar limitações físicas graves com o seu avanço, além do comprometimento de diversos aspectos da qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver a versão em português brasileiro do Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire, um instrumento de avaliação e monitoramento do estado de saúde em pacientes com transtornos e doenças que incapacitam as atividades cotidianas realizadas pelas suas mãos. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas duas traduções e retrotraduções por avaliadores independentes e cegos quanto ao instrumento original, seguidas de composição de uma versão sintética, testada experimentalmente em um grupo de sujeitos da população geral e também pacientes com diagnóstico de artrite. RESULTADOS: São apresentadas todas as fases do processo. A participação de tradutores especialistas em saúde mental, reumatologia e ortopedia favoreceu a adequação dos termos utilizados ao construto mensurado. A aplicação experimental evidenciou a correta compreensão de todos os itens, quanto ao seu significado, por todos os respondentes. CONCLUSÃO: Elaborada a versão em português brasileiro da Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire.
Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a frequência de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos verificando a associação entre a ansiedade-traço, sintomas atuais de depressão e ansiedade nos fibromiálgicos. Foram entrevistados 60 sujeitos com diagnóstico de fibromialgia no Ambulatório de Reumatologia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, entre agosto de 2007 a março de 2008, sendo aplicados dois questionários: Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (EHAD) e o Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE-T). A frequência de sintomas depressivos e ansiosos foi, respectivamente, de 50% e 86% para os fibromiálgicos e a média do escore do traço ansioso foi de 59,38. Detectou-se associação entre a ansiedade-traço e estado. A ansiedade e a depressão foram sintomas frequentes nos pacientes com fibromialgia. Entretanto, a ansiedade revelou-se um sintoma secundário mais frequente que a depressão, apresentando-se uma forma mais grave, sendo uma comorbidade que deve ser melhor valorizada e estudada.