935 resultados para käännetty arvonlisäverotus, reverse charge in value added taxation
Taking the maximum advantage of technological innovations and the investment in them is of key importance for businesses. The IT industry offers a wide range of innovative high-technology solutions to manage information processing and distribution. However for end-user businesses to make informed decisions in this area is challenging. The aim of this research is to identify the key differences in principal solutions, and what the selection criteria should be for those involved. Existing methodologies for software development are classified, and some key criteria are described to help IT system developers and users determine what are the most important factors in system selection, development and deployment. Statistical data is researched and analysed, a theoretical basis is developed and reviewed, key issues from case studies are identified and generalized to be presented along with the conclusions in the current study. The results give a good basis for corporate consideration and provide overall support to the key decisions in developing web-based software. The conclusion is that new web developments should be considered the stakeholders as an evolution of existing business systems, but they should then pay particular attention to the new advantages that web-based software offers in terms of standardised interfaces and procedures, universal deployment opportunities, and a range of other benefits the study highlights.
Customer specific functionalities are a challenging part of procurement and invoice automation environments. In Basware Enterprise Purchase to Payment product family the customer specific reports are supported only in a basic level without any seamless interface between all EPP products. Also other customer specific functionalities are not supported as there is no customizable interface between the applications and only the most common features are implemented to the products themselves. In this thesis foundations are created for a new web based value added module where it is possible to create seamless customer specific functionalities throughout the whole EPP product family. The work is implemented in a Proof of Concept type of piloting. The system is created in user centered way where the users are able to explain their requests and determine their needs. The result is an excellent foundation for a module that can be developed further.
Abstract: Quality Management is an essential part of successful organisations. But the effect of it is mostly not directly visible. The effects are more indirect, and have a time lag till results appear. In today’s challenging times, all activities of an organisation have to proof their ability to add value. While Value Based Management is more focussed on financial value, other concepts and models like EFQM Excellence Model and Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Score Card also point on values that are the basis and driver for financial success. Quality Management has to proof its effects on company values, and therefore the transacting mechanisms have to be identified and procedure to manage the process of Value Adding Quality Management has to be developed.
This article presents a comprehensive and detailed overview of the international trade performance of the manufacturing industry in Brazil over the last decades, emphasizing its participation in Global Value Chains. It uses information from recent available global inputoutput tables such as WIOD (World Input-output database) and TIVA (Trade in Value Added, OECD) as well as complementary information from the GTAP 8 (Global Trade Analysis Project) database. The calculation of a broad set of value added type indicators allows a precise contextualization of the ongoing structural changes in the Brazilian industry, highlighting the relative isolation of its manufacturing sector from the most relevant international supply chains. This article also proposes a public policy discussion, presenting two case studies: the first one related to trade facilitation and the second one to preferential trade agreements. The main conclusions are twofold: first, the reduction of time delays at customs in Brazil may significantly improve the trade performance of its manufacturing industry, specially for the more capital intensive sectors which are generally the ones with greater potential to connection to global value chains; second, the extension of the concept of a “preferential trade partner” to the context of the global unbundling of production may pave the way to future trade policy in Brazil, particularly in the mapping of those partners whose bilateral trade relations with Brazil should receive greater priority by policy makers.
This article presents a comprehensive and detailed overview of the international trade performance of the manufacturing industry in Brazil over the last decades, emphasizing its participation in Global Value Chains. It uses information from recent available global inputoutput tables such as WIOD (World Input-output database) and TIVA (Trade in Value Added, OECD) as well as complementary information from the GTAP 8 (Global Trade Analysis Project) database. The calculation of a broad set of value added type indicators allows a precise contextualization of the ongoing structural changes in the Brazilian industry, highlighting the relative isolation of its manufacturing sector from the most relevant international supply chains. This article also proposes a public policy discussion, presenting two case studies: the first one related to trade facilitation and the second one to preferential trade agreements. The main conclusions are twofold: first, the reduction of time delays at customs in Brazil may significantly improve the trade performance of its manufacturing industry, specially for the more capital intensive sectors which are generally the ones with greater potential to connection to global value chains; second, the extension of the concept of a “preferential trade partner” to the context of the global unbundling of production may pave the way to future trade policy in Brazil, particularly in the mapping of those partners whose bilateral trade relations with Brazil should receive greater priority by policy makers
Oggetto della tesi è il reverse charge, ovvero inversione contabile, che rappresenta un particolare metodo impositivo dell’Iva, derogatorio rispetto a quello tipico ed ordinariamente applicabile. L’imposta sul valore aggiunto è un’imposta plurifase, non cumulativa, basata sulle figure della rivalsa e della detrazione, attraverso la cui combinazione viene garantita la neutralità tipica di tale tributo, affinché l’onere conclusivamente sopportato dal consumatore finale non venga condizionato dal numero degli stadi di lavorazione di cui consta un eventuale ciclo produttivo. Il reverse charge deroga al citato meccanismo impositivo in quanto, nelle operazioni in cui tale sistema trova applicazione, il fornitore o il prestatore non addebitano alcuna imposta in via di rivalsa al cessionario o al committente, ed il debito Iva generato dall’operazione da loro posta in essere viene assolto direttamente, e contrariamente a quanto dovrebbe accadere, dal cessionario o dal committente. La tesi offre sostanzialmente una riflessione ampia e generalizzata di tale particolare metodo impositivo, al fine di individuarne i tratti caratteristici, e verificare come detto metodo impositivo, comunque derogatorio, si ponga nell’ambito del sistema ordinario dell’Iva, e quale incidenza abbia rispetto alla finalità ultima e peculiare del tributo, ossia la tassazione del consumo finale, mediante un sistema impositivo che risulti neutrale per gli operatori commerciali, e quindi per i soggetti passivi d’imposta.
Global value chains are supported not only directly by domestic regions that export goods and services to the world market, but also indirectly by other domestic regions that provide parts, components, and intermediate services to final exporting regions. In order to better understand the nature of a country’s position and degree of participation in global value chains, we need to more fully examine the role of individual domestic regions. Understanding the domestic components of global supply chains is especially important for large developing countries like China and India, where there may be large variations in economic scale and development between domestic regions. This paper proposes a new framework for measuring domestic linkages to global value chains. This framework measures domestic linkages by endogenously embedding a country’s domestic interregional input-output (IO) table in an international IO model. Using this framework, we can more clearly describe how global production is fragmented and extended through linkages across a country’s domestic regions. This framework will also enable us to estimate how value added is created and distributed in both domestic and international segments of global value chains. For examining the validity and usefulness of this new approach, some numerical results are presented and discussed based on the 2007 Chinese interregional IO table, China customs statistics at the provincial level, and World Input-Output Tables (WIOTs).
We exploit the recent release of the 2005 Asian Input-Output Matrix to dress a picture of the geographic fragmentation of value added in Factory Asia from 1990 to 2005. We document 3 stylized facts. The first is that the average share of foreign value added embedded in production rose by about 7 percentage points between 1990 and 2005, from 9% to 16%. The second is that, contrary to popular belief, China's production embeds a smaller share of foreign value added than other Factory Asia countries'. Between 1990 and 2005 among Factory Asia countries China grew most after Japan as a source of value added to other countries' production. Third, country-industries at the upstream and downstream extremities of the supply chain embed a smaller share of foreign value added than those with intermediate levels of upstreamness.
Integration is currently a key factor in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), especially because of the ever increasing service demands originating from the ITS industry and ITS users. The current ITS landscape is made up of multiple technologies that are tightly coupled, and its interoperability is extremely low, which limits ITS services generation. Given this fact, novel information technologies (IT) based on the service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm have begun to introduce new ways to address this problem. The SOA paradigm allows the construction of loosely coupled distributed systems that can help to integrate the heterogeneous systems that are part of ITS. In this paper, we focus on developing an SOA-based model for integrating information technologies (IT) into ITS to achieve ITS service delivery. To develop our model, the ITS technologies and services involved were identified, catalogued, and decoupled. In doing so, we applied our SOA-based model to integrate all of the ITS technologies and services, ranging from the lowest-level technical components, such as roadside unit as a service (RS S), to the most abstract ITS services that will be offered to ITS users (value-added services). To validate our model, a functionality case study that included all of the components of our model was designed.
Item 925
"First Printing: January 2000."--p. [ii].
"First printing April 2004."--t.p. verso.
Bibliography: leaves [19-20].
There has been a revival of interest in economic techniques to measure the value of a firm through the use of economic value added as a technique for measuring such value to shareholders. This technique, based upon the concept of economic value equating to total value, is founded upon the assumptions of classical liberal economic theory. Such techniques have been subject to criticism both from the point of view of the level of adjustment to published accounts needed to make the technique work and from the point of view of the validity of such techniques in actually measuring value in a meaningful context. This paper critiques economic value added techniques as a means of calculating changes in shareholder value, contrasting such techniques with more traditional techniques of measuring value added. It uses the company Severn Trent plc as an actual example in order to evaluate and contrast the techniques in action. The paper demonstrates discrepancies between the calculated results from using economic value added analysis and those reported using conventional accounting measures. It considers the merits of the respective techniques in explaining shareholder and managerial behaviour and the problems with using such techniques in considering the wider stakeholder concept of value. It concludes that this economic value added technique has merits when compared with traditional accounting measures of performance but that it does not provide the universal panacea claimed by its proponents.
Four novel mononuclear coordination compounds namely: [Fe(Hthpy)2](SO4)1/2·3.5H2O 1, [Fe(Hthpy)2]NO3·3H2O 2, [Fe(H2mthpy)2](CH3C6H4SO3)3·CH3CH2OH 3 and [Fe(Hethpy)(ethpy)]·8H2O 4, (H2thpy = pyridoxalthiosemicarbazone, H2mthpy = pyridoxal-4-methylthiosemicarbazone, H2ethpy = pyridoxal-4-ethylthiosemicarbazone), were synthesized in the absence or presence of organic base, Et3N and NH3. Compounds 1 and 2 are monocationic, and were prepared using the singly deprotonated form of pyridoxalthiosemicarbazone. Both compounds crystallise in the monoclinic system, C2/c and P21/c space group for 1 and 2, respectively. Complex 3 is tricationic, it is formed with neutral bis(ligand) complex and possesses an interesting 3D channel architecture, the unit cell is triclinic, P1 space group. For complex 4, the pH value plays an important role during its synthesis; 4 is neutral and crystallises with two inequivalent forms of the ligand: the singly and the doubly deprotonated chelate of H2ethpy, the unit cell is monoclinic, C2/c space group. Notably, in 1 and 4, there is an attractive infinite three dimensional hydrogen bonding network in the crystal lattice. Magnetic measurements of 1 and 4 revealed that a rather steep spin transition from the low spin to high spin Fe(III) states occurs above 300 K in the first heating step. This transition is accompanied by the elimination of solvate molecules and thus, stabilizes the high spin form due to the breaking of hydrogen bonding networks; compared to 2 and 3, which keep their low spin state up to 400 K.