1000 resultados para jacaré-açu


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Some paramagnetic superoxide ions detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) can be generated on Au/ZnO catalyst by oxygen adsorption at room temperature as well as at 553 K. In both the cases, the O-2(-) ions are present on the catalyst surface. The disappearance of the O-2(-) signal by the introduction of carbon monoxide over the catalyst surface implies that the O-2(-) ions are either the active oxygen species or the precursors of the active oxygen species. The CO3- species produced are also detected by EPR. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Quantitative laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, trace element chemistry of sulfides, stable isotope (S), and Pb isotopes have been used to discriminate the formation of two contrasting mineralization styles and to evaluate the origin of the Cu and Au at Mt Morgan. The Mt Morgan Au-Cu deposit is hosted by Devonian felsic volcanic rocks that have been intruded by multiple phases of the Mt Morgan Tonalite, a low-K, low-Al2O3 tonalite-trondhjemite-dacite (TTD) complex. An early, barren massive sulfide mineralization with stringer veins is conforming to VHMS sub-seafloor replacement processes, whereas the high-grade Au-Cu. ore is associated with a later quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite stock work mineralization that is related to intrusive phases of the Tonalite complex. LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analyses reveal high As (avg. 8850 ppm) and Sb (avg. 140 ppm) for the Au-Cu mineralization and 5 to 10 times higher Cu concentration than in the fluids associated with the massive pyrite mineralization. Overall, the hydrothermal system of Mt Morgan is characterized by low average fluid salinities in both mineralization styles (45-80% seawater salinity) and temperatures of 210 to 270 degreesC estimated from fluid inclusions. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analysis indicates a consistent and uniform array Of CO2-bearing fluids. Comparison with active submarine hydrothermal vents shows an enrichment of the Mt Morgan fluids in base metals. Therefore, a seawater-dominated fluid is assumed for the barren massive sulfide mineralization, whereas magmatic volatile contributions are implied for the intrusive related mineralization. Condensation of magmatic vapor into a seawater-dominated environment explains the CO2 occurrence, the low salinities, and the enriched base and precious metal fluid composition that is associated with the Au-Cu. mineralization. The sulfur isotope signature of pyrite and chalcopyrite is composed of fractionated Devonian seawater and oxidized magmatic fluids or remobilized sulfur from existing sulfides. Pb isotopes indicate that Au and Cu. originated from the Mt Morgan intrusions and a particular volcanic strata that shows elevated Cu background. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A jabuticabeira (Plinia sp.) pertence à família Myrtaceae e é nativa do Centro/Sul/Sudeste do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o pegamento e o crescimento inicial de mudas das jabuticabeiras 'Sabará' e 'Açu' submetidas aos métodos de enxertia de garfagem no topo em fenda cheia e garfagem no topo à inglesa simples. Foram avaliados o pegamento inicial aos 50 dias após a enxertia, o pegamento final aos 262 dias após a enxertia, o diâmetro e o comprimento da haste e o número de folhas emitidas aos 78, 107 136, 167, 199, 228 e 262 dias após a enxertia. A cultivar 'Sabará' apresentou maior pegamento inicial quando submetida ao método inglesa simples. A jabuticabeira 'Açu' obteve maior pegamento final em relação à cultivar 'Sabará'. A cultivar 'Açu' apresentou maior diâmetro, maior comprimento da haste e maior número de folhas emitidas.


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo principal apresentar os conceitos de estratégias emergentes e deliberadas dentro de um contexto mais amplo de marketing estratégico. A administração dessas estratégias na empresa é de extrema importância para seus objetivos. Para tanto, o método do estudo de casos foi aplicado a fim de buscar as várias dimensões pertinentes a esse tema. Como contribuição à administração estratégica nas organizações, fica a composição das estratégias emergentes e deliberadas, visando, fundamentalmente, à flexibilidade no curto prazo, com consistência no longo prazo.


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Résumé Cet article vise à contribuer à la connaissance de la Bolsa de Valores Sociais (BVS) — Social Stock Exchange — récemment créé au Portugal, dont le but primatial était de permettre la prise de moyens de financement des entités de l'Économie Sociale engagées dans des projets d'éducation et d'entreprenariat. Il se penchera sur la qualification juridique des divers types d'entités cotées dans la BVS, sur le concept d'investisseur social et sur la protection dont il jouira, vis-à-vis des exigences de transparence et de gouvernance qui incombent à ces entités. Le thème proposé sera examiné en soulignant les virtualités et le potentiel de la BVS, faisant référence à l'un ou à l'autre sujet qui viennent à effet, avec un accent particulier sur l'avantage d'élaborer un code de gouvernance corporative pour les entités de l'Économie Sociale. Abstract This article aims to contribute to the knowledge of the Bolsa de Valores Sociais (BVS) — Social Stock Exchange — recently created in Portugal, whose primatial purpose was to allow the taking of means of financing the Social Economy entities, engaged in projects in education and entrepreneurship. It will reflect on the legal classification of the various types of entities rated in the BVS, on the concept of social investor and on the protection he will enjoy, leading to the consequent demands for transparency and governance that falls upon those entities. The proposed theme will be discussed highlighting the virtues and potential of BVS, playing in one or two topics that comes to purpose, with particular emphasis on the relevance of drawing up a code of corporate governance for entities of the Social Economy. Resumen Este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento de la Bolsa de Valores Sociales (BVS), recientemente creada en Portugal, cuya finalidad principal es que las entidades de la economía social dedicadas a proyectos en las áreas de educación y de iniciativa empresarial puedan obtener medios financieros. Se abordará la calificación jurídica de los diversos tipos de entidades que cotizan en la BVS, así como el concepto de inversor social y la protección de que éste goza, con las consiguientes exigencias en materia de transparencia y de gobierno que recaen sobre esas entidades. Se analizará la temática propuesta destacando las virtudes y potencialidades de la BVS, sin omitir algún otro tópico adyacente que resulte relevante, en especial la conveniencia de que sea elaborado un código de gobernanza corporativa para las entidades de la economía social.


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Thin films of TiO2 were doped with Au by ion implantation and in situ during the deposition. The films were grown by reactive magnetron sputtering and deposited in silicon and glass substrates at a temperature around 150 degrees C. The undoped films were implanted with Au fiuences in the range of 5 x 10(15) Au/cm(2)-1 x 10(17) Au/cm(2) with a energy of 150 keV. At a fluence of 5 x 10(16) Au/cm(2) the formation of Au nanoclusters in the films is observed during the implantation at room temperature. The clustering process starts to occur during the implantation where XRD estimates the presence of 3-5 nm precipitates. After annealing in a reducing atmosphere, the small precipitates coalesce into larger ones following an Ostwald ripening mechanism. In situ XRD studies reveal that Au atoms start to coalesce at 350 degrees C, reaching the precipitates dimensions larger than 40 nm at 600 degrees C. Annealing above 700 degrees C promotes drastic changes in the Au profile of in situ doped films with the formation of two Au rich regions at the interface and surface respectively. The optical properties reveal the presence of a broad band centered at 550 nm related to the plasmon resonance of gold particles visible in AFM maps. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Esta investigação pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento da investigação interessada nas questões relativas ao ensino/ aprendizagem do modo escrito nos primeiros anos do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico, particularmente tendo em conta as práticas mais propensas a apoiar a aprendizagem bem-sucedida da leitura e de escrita. Especificamente, esta investigação tem como objetivo descrever as práticas de ensino observadas nas áreas da leitura e da escrita com 22 professores, mas também para relacionar essas práticas observadas com o desempenho em leitura e escrita dos seus alunos do primeiro e do segundo ano. Globalmente, os resultados indicam que as práticas observadas, tanto do ponto de vista dos Dispositivos mobilizados como do conteúdo ensinado, são variadas e contribuem para uma visão complexa da entrada na escrita. As análises de correlação sugerem que determinadas práticas, que geralmente procuram a participação activa das crianças e as interações com os outros, estão relacionados com o progresso dos alunos durante o ano letivo.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 14 de Maio de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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Plusieurs études se sont intéressées à l’utilisation de l’ordinateur comme outil pédagogique pour améliorer la compétence à écrire des élèves de même qu’aux productions écrites et aux préoccupations des élèves lorsqu’ils écrivent avec le crayon. Cependant, peu de chercheurs ont comparé ces deux modes d’écriture lors de l’entrée dans l’écrit. On peut donc se demander si les performances en orthographe et les justifications orthographiques de scripteurs débutants seront les mêmes avec le crayon et avec le clavier. On peut également se questionner sur les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent avec les deux outils d’écriture. Cet article présente une étude exploratoire qui a été menée auprès d’élèves de maternelle (5-6 ans) et de première année (6-7 ans). Les enfants ont été rencontrés individuellement pour réaliser une tâche d’écriture avec le crayon et la même tâche avec le clavier de l’ordinateur. Ensuite, les enfants ont été questionnés sur les deux outils d’écriture. Les résultats font ressortir des performances similaires avec les deux outils d’écriture, mais les justifications données par les élèves viennent moduler ces résultats, et une préférence pour l’utilisation du clavier apparaît malgré certaines difficultés.


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The Upper-Cretaceous transgressive serie is described by the authors, on the whole Occidental Portuguese Basin: it begins in the Lisbon region in the Albian and finishes in the Beira litoral province in the lower Turonian, while the sedimentation zones migrate Northward. The lithologic composition is given for each stage and sub-stage, taking into cgnsideration, in particular in the Upper Cenomanian, the lateral variations from one region to another. The paleogeography becomes clear by the study of the sedimentation environments (6 fig.). In conclusion, the authors propose a correlation between the whole serie and the accepted zonation of the Northwestern Europe. Tables show the repartition of the main macrofauna and microfauna.


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A canine tooth from Vale Furado is classified as Paralophiodon cf. leptorhynchum. The genus Paralophiodon indicates an age from Lower Lutetian to Auversian, Middle Eocene. As it belongs in the lineage of P. leptorhynchum, possible age span is furth~L~uced from Middle Lutetian to Auversian. This conclusion remains valid or nearly so even in the less probable case of confusion with some form included in P. isselensis lineage. Our previous (1975) datation for sandstones and pelites from Vale Furado is thus confirmed, and more accurately recognized. Paralophiodon and the crocodilian Iberosuchus are a rather sound basis for correlation with stratigraphical units near Zamora and Salamanca in Spain.


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A mammal (Anoplotherium cf. commune) and a land tortoise (Geochelone is. gen.] sp.) from the Ludian (Uppermost Eocene) locality of Côja have been identified. Age can be more accurately established now, from level 3 to level 5 in the Ludian stage, probably 4. Relationships between Côja's feldspathic sands, a correlative unit «Arenitos de Vale Furado», and the paroxysmal phase of pyrenean orogeny are confirmed.