947 resultados para irrigation by flooding
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A multidisciplinary study was carried out on the Late Quaternary-Holocene subsurface deposits of two Mediterranean coastal areas: Arno coastal plain (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) and Modern Po Delta (Northern Adriatic Sea). Detailed facies analyses, including sedimentological and micropalaeontological (benthic foraminifers and ostracods) investigations, were performed on nine continuously-cored boreholes of variable depth (ca. from 30 meters to100 meters). Six cores were located in the Arno coastal plain and three cores in the Modern Po Delta. To provide an accurate chronological framework, twenty-four organic-rich samples were collected along the fossil successions for radiocarbon dating (AMS 14C). In order to reconstruct the depositional and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the study areas, core data were combined with selected well logs, provided by local companies, along several stratigraphic sections. These sections revealed the presence of a transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequence, composing of continental, coastal and shallow-marine deposits dated to the Late Pleistocene-Holocene period, beneath the Arno coastal plain and the Modern Po Delta. Above the alluvial deposits attributed to the last glacial period, the post-glacial transgressive succession (TST) consists of back-barrier, transgressive barrier and inner shelf deposits. Peak of transgression (MFS) took place around the Late-Middle Holocene transition and was identified by subtle micropalaeontological indicators within undifferentiated fine-grained deposits. Upward a thick prograding succession (HST) records the turnaround to regressive conditions that led to a rapid delta progradation in both study areas. Particularly, the outbuilding of modern-age Po Delta coincides with mud-belt formation during the late HST (ca. 600 cal yr BP), as evidenced by a fossil microfauna similar to the foraminiferal assemblage observed in the present Northern Adriatic mud-belt. A complex interaction between allocyclic and autocyclic factors controlled facies evolution during the highstand period. The presence of local parameters and the absence of a predominant factor prevent from discerning or quantifying consequences of the complex relationships between climate and deltaic evolution. On the contrary transgressive sedimentation seems to be mainly controlled by two allocyclic key factors, sea-level rise and climate variability, that minimized the effects of local parameters on coastal palaeoenvironments. TST depositional architecture recorded in both study areas reflects a well-known millennial-scale variability of sea-level rising trend and climate during the Late glacial-Holocene period. Repeated phases of backswamp development and infilling by crevasse processes (parasequences) were recorded in the subsurface of Modern Po Delta during the early stages of transgression (ca. 11,000-9,500 cal yr BP). In the Arno coastal plain the presence of a deep-incised valley system, probably formed at OSI 3/2 transition, led to the development of a thick (ca. 35-40 m) transgressive succession composed of coastal plain, bay-head delta and estuarine deposits dated to the Last glacial-Early Holocene period. Within the transgressive valley fill sequence, high-resolution facies analyses allowed the identification and lateral tracing of three parasequences of millennial duration. The parasequences, ca. 8-12 meters thick, are bounded by flooding surfaces and show a typical internal shallowing-upward trend evidenced by subtle micropalaeontological investigations. The vertical stacking pattern of parasequences shows a close affinity with the step-like sea-level rising trend occurred between 14,000-8,000 cal years BP. Episodes of rapid sea-level rise and subsequent stillstand phases were paralleled by changes in climatic conditions, as suggested by pollen analyses performed on a core drilled in the proximal section of the Arno palaeovalley (pollen analyses performed by Dr. Marianna Ricci Lucchi). Rapid shifts to warmer climate conditions accompanied episodes of rapid sea-level rise, in contrast stillstand phases occurred during temporary colder climate conditions. For the first time the palaeoclimatic signature of high frequency depositional cycles is clearly documented. Moreover, two of the three "regressive" pulsations, recorded at the top of parasequences by episodes of partial estuary infilling in the proximal and central portions of Arno palaeovalley, may be correlated with the most important cold events of the post-glacial period: Younger Dryas and 8,200 cal yr BP event. The stratigraphic and palaeoclimatic data of Arno coastal plain and Po Delta were compared with those reported for the most important deltaic and coastal systems in the worldwide literature. The depositional architecture of transgressive successions reflects the strong influence of millennial-scale eustatic and climatic variability on worldwide coastal sedimentation during the Late glacial-Holocene period (ca. 14,000-7,000 cal yr BP). The most complete and accurate record of high-frequency eustatic and climatic events are usually found within the transgressive succession of very high accommodation settings, such as incised-valley systems where exceptionally thick packages of Late glacial-Early Holocene deposits are preserved.
En la provincia de La Pampa son escasos los datos sobre relevamiento de plagas y de especies benéficas en lechuga, por ello resulta necesario conocer e investigar los organismos perjudiciales y sus enemigos naturales y las condiciones predisponentes al incremento de sus poblaciones. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron determinar las especies fitófagas para dos variedades de lechuga, en dos sistemas de producción, e identificar las especies benéficas que puedan actuar como controladores biológicos. El estudio se realizó en la huerta de la Facultad de Agronomía de la UNLPam, con muestreos semanales, desde julio hasta octubre de 2004, a campo con riego complementario y bajo cubierta en macrotúnel con riego por goteo, con las variedades de lechuga Grand Rapid y Gallega de Invierno. En cada variedad y en cada sistema se revisaron 6 plantas al azar, registrándose: especie, número de individuos y su estado de desarrollo. Se comparó mediante ANOVA y test de Tukey (a = 0,05). Se detectó la presencia de dos especies de pulgones: Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae) y Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley) (primera cita de N. ribisnigri para la provincia de La Pampa). El mayor número de pulgones se concentró en el cultivo protegido bajo cubierta. Se registraron dos enemigos naturales de los pulgones: un hongo entomopatógeno y un parasitoide: Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). También se encontraron, en bajas densidades, larvas de Naupactus leucoloma Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) que se alimentaban de las hojas.
Con el objetivo de estudiar el comportamiento de diferentes clones de álamos en el valle cordillerano de Barreal, ubicado en la provincia de San Juan, Argentina, en 1995 se instaló un ensayo con los siguientes clones: 7 Populus x canadensis: Cima, Fogolino, Giorgione, Schiavone, Conti 12, I-214, Veronese y 7 Populus x deltoides: Harvard, Fierolo, I-72, 67/67, 71/67, Catfish 2 y Catfish 5. El sitio se encuentra a 31°36'55'' S, 69°27'30'' W y una altura de 1.628 msnm. El suelo es aluvial, de textura franca con cantos rodados de tamaño medio a partir de los 70 cm de la superficie. El marco de plantación fue de 5 x 2,5 m y el riego superficial por surcos. Se tomaron periódicamente datos dasométricos del diámetro altura de pecho (DAP) de todos los individuos, y altura total de árboles de diámetro promedio de cada clon. Además se observó cada una de las plantas a fin de determinar la presencia o ausencia de cancrosis del álamo y taladrillo de los forestales. Los resultados a la fecha muestran que los clones con mayor producción de madera, expresada en m3/ha son: Schiavone, I-214, Veronese, Conti 12 y Giorgione.
Se determinó la factibilidad económica de la actividad conjunta de recría y engorde a corral de bovinos para carne en la provincia de Mendoza, postulando la hipótesis que la rentabilidad del engorde a corral puede mejorar al integrarse con la recría. Las alternativas analizadas fueron: a) riego superficial y confección de rollos de alfalfa con contratista (alternativa 1.1) o con maquinaria propia (alternativa 1.2) y b) riego por aspersión con cañón regador y confección de rollos de alfalfa con contratista (alternativa 2.1) o con maquinaria propia (alternativa 2.2). Los precios usados para valorizar inversiones, gastos operativos e ingresos fueron los vigentes en abril de 2011. Fue determinada la cantidad de animales por año necesarios para alcanzar rentabilidad en dichas alternativas, con y sin la percepción de la compensación provincial. Se estimó la tasa interna de retorno, considerándose una tasa de interés anual del 12% como costo de oportunidad del capital. La rentabilidad del engorde a corral mejoró al integrarse con la recría. La unidad económica en la actividad conjunta varió entre 446 (alternativa 1.1, con compensación) y 708 animales por año (alternativa 2.2, sin compensación). Los equipos para confección de rollos de alfalfa y riego proporcionan beneficios directos: autonomía en la confección de rollos y mayor eficiencia de riego, e indirectos: ingresos adicionales por la prestación del servicio de confección de rollos a terceros.
Based mainly on secondary data and partly on primary information obtained through field surveys in selected rural areas in Bihar in 2011, this paper firstly argues the critical importance of agricultural growth for overall economic development, and then reviews the sluggish growth of agriculture in Bihar in the past and examines the major reasons for this. The long-term negligence of agricultural research (especially development and diffusion endeavors for improved rice varieties suitable to the local conditions of Bihar) by the state government and some sort of ‘backwardness’ in tube-well irrigation technology can be pointed out as important constraints. There is, in particular, the ‘paradox’ in Bihar agriculture of why rice and wheat yields have remained so low in spite of the relatively well-developed irrigation by tube-wells. Finally, by showing the process of a rapid increase in autumn and winter rice yields during the 1990s in West Bengal, it is suggested that Bihar farmers and policy-makers should learn from the experience of West Bengal in order to get some hints for the development of the rice sector in Bihar.
Se busca relacionar dos sectores que sin tener a priori nada en común, pueden verse beneficiados por una solución que mejore la situación de ambos. Hablamos del sector biocombustibles y del sector algodonero español. El sector de los biocombustibles ha visto un desarrollo espectacular en los últimos diez años, empujado por fuertes políticas gubernamentales. En general estas políticas buscan satisfacer una necesidad, la energía, mediante fórmulas que supongan un menor impacto medioambiental que las actuales. También una disminución de la dependencia exterior para el suministro de energía y otras ventajas. El sector algodonero español es un sector tradicional, que subsiste gracias a las ayudas europeas, y que se ha visto fuertemente afectado por las reformas de esas subvenciones. Se caracteriza por estar en vías de amortizar fuertes inversiones en regadío, por ser viable en suelos con alta salinidad, y por el clima propio del sur de España. Al ser un cultivo no alimentario, se evita la controversia que suscita la producción de cultivos energéticos en suelos factibles de ser usados para producción alimentaria. Se propone la sustitución del algodón por el ricino, cultivo muy experimentado en otros países (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brasil, Chile e India) y que tendría buena acogida en la tierra andaluza. Se analizan las características del nuevo cultivo y su adecuación para esta región. Se estudian los procesos necesarios para la extracción del aceite y su procesamiento a biodiesel, con el dimensionamiento de los equipos necesarios. Por último, se realiza un estudio económico de la propuesta, haciendo hincapié en los beneficios económicos que se obtienen por la vía del ahorro, tanto en ayudas de la PAC (Política Agraria Común) de la UE (Unión Europea), cómo por la disponer de un producto, biodiesel, que de otro modo deberíamos satisfacer mediante la compra de combustible tradicional. Abstract This Project looks forward the relationship between two different sectors with different troubles in Spain, which could be benefited by a common solution. We are talking about biofuels and the cotton industry. The biofuels sector has been developed along the last ten years because of strong governmental policies. These policies try to find how to supply energy, with the less environmental impact, as well as to decrease the dependency of third countries, and other benefits. The Spanish cotton industry is traditional, it has survived because of the European grants, and it is passing through an uncertain scenario because of the alteration of these grants. It is characterized by the non amortized investment in irrigation, by the high salinity ratio in the ground (which means that is unable for a number of crops), and by weather of this Spanish region. As well as cotton is not a food crop, the controversial of to plant energetic crops in areas able to produce food is avoided. It is aimed to replace cotton with castor, an oilseed which has been experienced in other countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Chile e India) and which could be accepted in that ground. It is analyzed the main features of the new drop and its ability to be planted in this area. The processes to obtain the oil and then the biofuel are studied. The equipment is sized. At least, it is developed an economic survey about the proposal, deepening in the benefits which are obtained because of savings, in European grants and in diesel.
Las inundaciones son los desastres causados por fenómenos naturales que más daños provocan a diferentes sectores, como son los de la vivienda, comercial, agrícola, turístico e industrial. Este último es un sector que sufre importantes daños, pero que no ha sido estudiado ya que se le consideraba como poco vulnerable y con capacidad de adaptación ante desastres naturales. La implementación de una metodología para calcular los daños directos tangibles en función de la altura de lámina de agua alcanzada vs daños económicos, permite tener estimaciones de las pérdidas económicas causadas por inundaciones. Este trabajo muestra el estado del arte e identifica las investigaciones referentes al cálculo de daños provocados por inundación y su aplicación en países en desarrollo como lo es México.
Non-native fishes present a management challenge to maintaining Everglades National Park (ENP) in a natural state. We summarized data from long-term fish monitoring studies in ENP and reviewed the timing of introductions relative to water-management changes. Beginning in the early 1950s, management actions have added canals, altered wetland habitats by flooding and drainage, and changed inflows into ENP, particularly in the Taylor Slough/C-111 basin and Rocky Glades. The first non-native fishes likely entered ENP by the late 1960s, but species numbers increased sharply in the early 1980s when new water-management actions were implemented. After 1999, eight non-native species and three native species, all previously recorded outside of Park boundaries, were found for the first time in ENP. Several of these incursions occurred following structural and operational changes that redirected water deliveries to wetlands open to the eastern boundary canals. Once established, control non-native fishes in Everglades wetlands is difficult; therefore, preventing introductions is key to their management. Integrating actions that minimize the spread of non-native species into protected natural areas into the adaptive management process for planning, development, and operation of water-management features may help to achieve the full suite of objectives for Everglades restoration.