999 resultados para iron-rich fungus
A região do Rio Capim (Nordeste do Estado do Pará), destaca-se nacionalmente por suas grandes reservas de caulim para cobertura de papel. O minério extraído está localizado, em média, a 20 m de profundidade, recoberto por sedimentos argilo-arenosos da Formação Barreiras, e de um nível de caulim duro, também conhecido como flint ou semi-flint, considerado como estéril em função do teor de ferro elevado que inviabiliza sua aplicação para cobertura. Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização mineralógica e geoquímica do caulim duro além de acompanhar as transformações mineralógicas sofridas em função da temperatura de queima, com vistas a sua possível utilização como matéria-prima cerâmica. Foram utilizados dois tipos de caulim duro como material de partida, em função dos teores de ferro: o Caulim Duro Branco (CDB) e o Caulim Duro Ferruginoso (CDF), este último com teor de Fe2O3 de 10,36%. Os resultados indicam composição mineralógica dominada por caulinita, além de anatásio como acessório. No CDF ocorrem ainda goethita e hematita. Os estudo das transformações térmicas indicam que o início de formação de mullita se dá em temperaturas diferentes para as amostras estudadas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit standen Untersuchungen zu strukturellen Ordnungs- und Unordnungsphänomenen an natürlichen, substitutionellen Mischkristallen. Aufgrund der enormen Vielfalt an potentiellen Austauschpartnern wurden hierfür Vertreter der Biotit-Mischkristallreihe "Phlogopit-Annit" ausgewählt. Ihr modulartiger Aufbau ermöglichte die gezielte Beschreibung von Verteilungsmustern anionischer und kationischer Merkmalsträger innerhalb der Oktaederschicht der Biotit-Mischkristalle. Basierend auf der postulierten Bindungsaffinität zwischen Mg2+ und F- einerseits und Fe2+ und OH- andererseits, wurde die strukturelle Separation einer Fluor-Phlogopit-Komponente als primäre Ausprägungsform des Mg/F-Ordnungsprinzips abgeleitet. Im Rahmen dieser Modellvorstellung koexistieren im makroskopisch homogenen Biotit-Mischkristall Domänen zweier chemisch divergenter Phasen nebeneinander: Eine rein Mg2+/F- - führende Phlogopit-Phase und eine Wirtskristallphase, die mit fortschreitender Separation bzw. Entmischung der erstgenannten Phase sukzessive reicher an einer hydroxylführenden eisenreichen Annit-Komponente wird. Zwecks numerischer Beschreibung diverser Stadien der Entmischungsreaktion wurden die Begriffe der "Relativen" und "Absoluten Domänengröße" eingeführt. Sie stellen ein quantitatives Maß zur Beurteilung der diskutierten Ordnungsphänomene dar. Basierend auf einem sich stetig ändernden Chemismus der Wirtskristallphase kann jeder Übergangszustand zwischen statistischer Verteilung und vollständiger Ordnung durch das korrespondierende Verteilungsmuster der interessierenden Merkmalsträger ( = Nahordnungskonfiguration und Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit) charakterisiert und beschrieben werden. Durch mößbauerspektroskopische Untersuchungen konnten die anhand der entwickelten Modelle vorhergesagten Ausprägungsformen von Ordnungs-/Unordnungsphänomenen qualitativ und quantitativ verifiziert werden. Es liessen sich hierbei zwei Gruppen von Biotit-Mischkristallen unterscheiden. Eine erste Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch den OH/F-Chemismus als dominierendes Differenzierungsmerkmal geprägt wird, und eine zweite Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch Gruppierungen von höherwertigen Kationen und Vakanzen ( = Defektchemie) geprägt wird. Auf der Basis von Korrelationsdiagrammen, die einen numerischen und graphischen Bezug zwischen absoluter und relativer Domänengröße einerseits und experimentell zugänglichem Mößbauer-Parameter A (= relativer Flächenanteil, korrespondierend mit der Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit einer bestimmten Nahordnungs-konstellation) andererseits herstellen, konnten für die erste Gruppe die Volumina der beiden miteinander koexistierenden Komponenten "Hydroxyl-Annit reicher Wirtskristall" und "Fluor-Phlogopit" exakt quantifiziert werden. Das Spektrum der untersuchten Proben umfasste hierbei Kristallspezies, die einerseits durch geringe bis mittlere Mg2+/F- - bzw. Fe2+/OH- -Ordnungsgrade gekennzeichnet sind, andererseits eine nahezu vollständige Ordnung der interessierenden Merkmalsträger Mg2+, Fe2+, OH- und F- widerspiegeln. Desweiteren konnte der Nachweis geführt werden, dass für ausgewählte Proben eine quantitative Bestimmung der Defektvolumina möglich ist.
The PhD thesis at hand consists of three parts and describes the petrogenetic evolution of Uralian-Alaskan-type mafic ultramafic complexes in the Ural Mountains, Russia. Uralian-Alaskan-type mafic-ultramafic complexes are recognized as a distinct class of intrusions. Characteristic petrologic features are the concentric zonation of a central dunite body grading outward into wehrlite, clinopyroxenite and gabbro, the absence of orthopyroxene and frequently occurring platinum group element (PGE) mineralization. In addition, the presence of ferric iron-rich spinel discriminates Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes from most other mafic ultramafic rock assemblages. The studied Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes (Nizhnii Tagil, Kytlym and Svetley Bor) belong to the southern part of a 900 km long, N–S-trending chain of similar intrusions between the Main Uralian Fault to the west and the Serov-Mauk Fault to the east. The first chapter of this thesis studies the evolution of the ultramafic rocks tracing the compositional variations of rock forming and accessory minerals. The comparison of the chemical composition of olivine, clinopyroxene and chromian spinel from the Urals with data from other localities indicates that they are unique intrusions having a characteristic spinel and clinopyroxene chemistry. Laser ablation-ICPMS (LA-ICPMS ) analyses of trace element concentrations in clinopyroxene are used to calculate the composition of their parental melt which is characterized by enriched LREE (0.5-5.2 prim. mantle) and other highly incompatible elements (U, Th, Ba, Rb) relative to the HREE (0.25-2.0 prim. mantle). A subduction-related geotectonic setting is indicated by a positive anomaly for Sr and negative anomalies for Ti, Zr and Hf. The mineral compositions monitor the evolution of the parental magmas and decipher differences between the studied complexes. In addition, the observed variation in LREE/HREE (for example La/Lu = 2-24) can be best explained with the model of an episodically replenished and erupted open magma chamber system with the extensive fractionation of olivine, spinel and clinopyroxene. The data also show that ankaramites in a subduction-related geotectonic setting could represent parental magmas of Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes. The second chapter of the thesis discusses the chemical variation of major and trace elements in rock-forming minerals of the mafic rocks. Electron microprobe and LA-ICPMS analyses are used to quantitatively describe the petrogenetic relationship between the different gabbroic lithologies and their genetic link to the ultramafic rocks. The composition of clinopyroxene identifies the presence of melts with different trace element abundances on the scale of a thin section and suggests the presence of open system crustal magma chambers. Even on a regional scale the large variation of trace element concentrations and ratios in clinopyroxene (e.g. La/Lu = 3-55) is best explained by the interaction of at least two fundamentally different magma types at various stages of fractionation. This requires the existence of a complex magma chamber system fed with multiple pulses of magmas from at least two different coeval sources in a subduction-related environment. One source produces silica saturated Island arc tholeiitic melts. The second source produces silica undersaturated, ultra-calcic, alkaline melts. Taken these data collectively, the mixing of the two different parental magmas is the dominant petrogenetic process explaining the observed chemical variations. The results further imply that this is an intrinsic feature of Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes and probably of many similar mafic-ultramafic complexes world-wide. In the third chapter of this thesis the major element composition of homogeneous and exsolved spinel is used as a petrogenetic indicator. Homogeneous chromian spinel in dunites and wehrlites monitors the fractionation during the early stages of the magma chamber and the onset of clinopyroxene fractionation as well as the reaction of spinel with interstitial liquid. Exsolved spinel is present in mafic and ultramafic rocks from all three studied complexes. Its composition lies along a solvus curve which defines an equilibrium temperature of 600°C, given that spinel coexists with olivine. This temperature is considered to be close to the temperature of the host rocks into which the studied Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes intruded. The similarity of the exsolution temperatures in the different complexes over a distance of several hundred kilometres implies a regional tectonic event that terminated the exsolution process. This event is potentially associated with the final exhumation of the Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes along the Main Uralian Fault and the Serov-Mauk Fault in the Uralian fold belt.
Background Keratins 8 and 18 (K8/K18) are intermediate filament proteins that protect the liver from various forms of injury. Exonic K8/K18 variants associate with adverse outcome in acute liver failure and with liver fibrosis progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection or primary biliary cirrhosis. Given the association of K8/K18 variants with end-stage liver disease and progression in several chronic liver disorders, we studied the importance of keratin variants in patients with hemochromatosis. Methods The entire K8/K18 exonic regions were analyzed in 162 hemochromatosis patients carrying homozygous C282Y HFE (hemochromatosis gene) mutations. 234 liver-healthy subjects were used as controls. Exonic regions were PCR-amplified and analyzed using denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography and DNA sequencing. Previously-generated transgenic mice overexpressing K8 G62C were studied for their susceptibility to iron overload. Susceptibility to iron toxicity of primary hepatocytes that express K8 wild-type and G62C was also assessed. Results We identified amino-acid-altering keratin heterozygous variants in 10 of 162 hemochromatosis patients (6.2%) and non-coding heterozygous variants in 6 additional patients (3.7%). Two novel K8 variants (Q169E/R275W) were found. K8 R341H was the most common amino-acid altering variant (4 patients), and exclusively associated with an intronic KRT8 IVS7+10delC deletion. Intronic, but not amino-acid-altering variants associated with the development of liver fibrosis. In mice, or ex vivo, the K8 G62C variant did not affect iron-accumulation in response to iron-rich diet or the extent of iron-induced hepatocellular injury. Conclusion In patients with hemochromatosis, intronic but not exonic K8/K18 variants associate with liver fibrosis development.
Argillaceous rocks are considered to be a suitable geological barrier for the long-term containment of wastes. Their efficiency at retarding contaminant migration is assessed using reactive-transport experiments and modeling, the latter requiring a sound understanding of pore-water chemistry. The building of a pore-water model, which is mandatory for laboratory experiments mimicking in situ conditions, requires a detailed knowledge of the rock mineralogy and of minerals at equilibrium with present-day pore waters. Using a combination of petrological, mineralogical, and isotopic studies, the present study focused on the reduced Opalinus Clay formation (Fm) of the Benken borehole (30 km north of Zurich) which is intended for nuclear-waste disposal in Switzerland. A diagenetic sequence is proposed, which serves as a basis for determining the minerals stable in the formation and their textural relationships. Early cementation of dominant calcite, rare dolomite, and pyrite formed by bacterial sulfate reduction, was followed by formation of iron-rich calcite, ankerite, siderite, glauconite, (Ba, Sr) sulfates, and traces of sphalerite and galena. The distribution and abundance of siderite depends heavily on the depositional environment (and consequently on the water column). Benken sediment deposition during Aalenian times corresponds to an offshore environment with the early formation of siderite concretions at the water/sediment interface at the fluctuating boundary between the suboxic iron reduction and the sulfate reduction zones. Diagenetic minerals (carbonates except dolomite, sulfates, silicates) remained stable from their formation to the present. Based on these mineralogical and geochemical data, the mineral assemblage previously used for the geochemical model of the pore waters at Mont Terri may be applied to Benken without significant changes. These further investigations demonstrate the need for detailed mineralogical and geochemical study to refine the model of pore-water chemistry in a clay formation.
Redox-sensitive trace metals (Mn, Fe, U, Mo, Re), nutrients and terminal metabolic products (NO3-, NH4+, PO43-, total alkalinity) were for the first time investigated in pore waters of Antarctic coastal sediments. The results of this study reveal a high spatial variability in redox conditions in surface sediments from Potter Cove, King George Island, western Antarctic Peninsula. Particularly in the shallower areas of the bay the significant correlation between sulphate depletion and total alkalinity, the inorganic product of terminal metabolism, indicates sulphate reduction to be the major pathway of organic matter mineralisation. In contrast, dissimilatory metal oxide reduction seems to be prevailing in the newly ice-free areas and the deeper troughs, where concentrations of dissolved iron of up to 700 µM were found. We suggest that the increased accumulation of fine-grained material with high amounts of reducible metal oxides in combination with the reduced availability of metabolisable organic matter and enhanced physical and biological disturbance by bottom water currents, ice scouring and burrowing organisms favours metal oxide reduction over sulphate reduction in these areas. Based on modelled iron fluxes we calculate the contribution of the Antarctic shelf to the pool of potentially bioavailable iron (Feb) to be 6.9x10**3 to 790x10**3 t/yr. Consequently, these shelf sediments would provide an Feb flux of 0.35-39.5/mg/m**2/yr (median: 3.8 mg/m**2/yr) to the Southern Ocean. This contribution is in the same order of magnitude as the flux provided by icebergs and significantly higher than the input by aeolian dust. For this reason suboxic shelf sediments form a key source of iron for the high nutrient-low chlorophyll (HNLC) areas of the Southern Ocean. This source may become even more important in the future due to rising temperatures at the WAP accompanied by enhanced glacier retreat and the accumulation of melt water derived iron-rich material on the shelf.
Geochemical and clay mineral parameters of a high accumulation marine sediment core from the Chilean continental slope (41°S) provide a 7700 yr record of rainfall variability in southern Chile related to the position of the Southern Westerlies. We especially use the iron content, measured with a time-resolution of ca. 10 yr on average, of 14C-accelerator mass spectrometry dated marine sediments as a proxy for the relative input of iron-poor Coastal Range and iron-rich Andean source rocks. Variations in this input are most likely induced by rainfall changes in the continental hinterland of the core position. Based on these interpretations, we find a pronounced rainfall variability on multi-centennial to millennial time-scales, superimposed on generally more arid conditions during the middle Holocene (7700 to 4000 cal yr B.P.) compared to the late Holocene (4000 to present). This variability and thus changes in the position of the Southern Westerlies are first compared to regional terrestrial paleoclimate data-sets from central and southern Chile. In order to derive possible wider implications and forcing mechanisms of the Holocene latitudinal shifts of the Southern Westerlies, we then compare our data to ice-core records from both tropical South America and coastal Antarctica. These records show similar bands of variability centered at ca. 900 and 1500 yr. Comparisons of band pass filters suggest a close connection of shifts of the Southern Westerlies to changes within the tropical climate system. The correlation to climate conditions in coastal Antarctica shows a more complicated picture with a phase shift at the beginning of the late Holocene coinciding with the onset of the modern state of El Niño-Southern Oscillation system. The presented data provide further evidence that the well known millennial-scale climate variability during the last glacial continued throughout the Holocene.
We present results of a microprobe investigation of fresh and least-deformed and metamorphosed gabbroic rocks from Leg 118, Hole 735B, drilled on the east side of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge. This rock collection comprises cumulates ranging from troctolites to olivine-gabbro and olivine-gabbronorite to ilmenite-rich ferrogabbros and ferrogabbronorites. As expected, the mineral chemistry is variable and considerably expands the usual oceanic reference spectrum. Olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene are present in all the studied samples. Orthopyroxene and ilmenite, although not rare, are not ubiquitous. Olivine compositions range from Fo85 to Fo30, while plagioclase compositions vary from An70 to An27. Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) of clinopyroxene (mostly diopside to augite) varies from 0.88 to 0.54. Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) of orthopyroxene varies from 0.84 to 0.50. These minerals are not significantly zoned. All mineralogical data indicate that fractional crystallization is an important factor for the formation of cumulates. However, sharp contacts, interpreted as layering boundaries or intrusion margins, suggest polycyclic fractionation of several magma batches of limited volumes. Calculated compositions of magmas in equilibrium with the most magnesian mineral samples at the bottom of the hole represent fractionated liquids through separation of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene at moderate to low pressures (less than 9 kb). Crystallization of orthopyroxene and ilmenite occurs in the most differentiated liquids. Mixing of magmas having various compositions before entering the cumulate zone is another mechanism necessary to explain extremely differentiated iron-rich gabbros formed in this slow-spreading ridge environment.
The Messinian evaporitic succession recovered at ODP Sites 652, 653, and 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea was generated under various environmental conditions which ranged from brackish to hypersaline, as deduced from the sedimentary facies and stable isotope compositions of the carbonate and sulfate deposits. Water in the basins had to be shallow to undergo such rapid and large geochemical variations. The marine influence was omnipresent in the basin at least during the deposition of sulfate evaporites; seawater or marine brines might have been supplied either by direct input into evaporitic lagoons as at Sites 653 and 654, or by subterraneous infiltration in marginal areas as at Site 652. Episodes of severe dilution by continental waters occurred frequently throughout Messinian times in the more basinal areas at Sites 653 and 654, while a fresh water body was standing permanently at Site 652. The high heat flow present at Site 652 was responsible for a major late authigenesis of iron-rich dolomites, which was initiated during the subsidence of the basin and ended before Pliocene.
Understanding phosphorus (P) geochemistry and burial in oceanic sediments is important because of the role of P for modulating oceanic productivity on long timescales. We investigated P geochemistry in seven equatorial Pacific sites over the last 53 Ma, using a sequential extraction technique to elucidate sedimentary P composition and P diagenesis within the sediments. The dominant P-bearing component in these sediments is authigenic P (61-86% of total P), followed in order of relative dominance by iron-bound P (7-17%), organic P (3-12%), adsorbed P (2-9%), and detrital P (0-1%). Clear temporal trends in P component composition exist. Organic P decreases rapidly in younger sediments in the eastern Pacific (the only sites with high sample resolution in the younger intervals), from a mean concentration of 2.3 µmol P/g sediment in the 0-1 Ma interval to 0.4 µmol/g in the 5- 6 Ma interval. Over this same time interval, decreases are also observed for iron-bound P (from 2.1 to 1.1 µmol P/g) and adsorbed P (from 1.5 to 0.7 µmol P/g). These decreases are in contrast to increases in authigenic P (from 6.0-9.6 µmol P/g) and no significant changes in detrital P (0.1 µmol P/g) and total P (12 µmol P/g). These temporal trends in P geochemistry suggest that (1) organic matter, the principal shuttle of P to the seafloor, is regenerated in sediments and releases associated P to interstitial waters, (2) P associated with iron-rich oxyhydroxides is released to interstitial waters upon microbial iron reduction, (3) the decrease in adsorbed P with age and depth probably indicates a similar decrease in interstitial water P concentrations, and (4) carbonate fluorapatite (CFA), or another authigenic P-bearing phase, precipitates due to the release of P from organic matter and iron oxyhydroxides and becomes an increasingly significant P sink with age and depth. The reorganization of P between various sedimentary pools, and its eventual incorporation in CFA, has been recognized in a variety of continental margin environments, but this is the first time these processes have been revealed in deep-sea sediments. Phosphorus accumulation rate data from this study and others indicates that the global pre-anthropogenic input rate of P to the ocean (20x10**10 mol P/yr) is about a factor of four times higher than previously thought, supporting recent suggestions that the residence time of P in the oceans may be as short as 10000-20000 years.
The compositions, mineralogies, and textures of gabbros recovered in polymict breccias in Hole 453 indicate that they are the cumulus assemblages of calc-alkalic crystal fractional on that occurred beneath the West Mariana Ridge. They are among a class of gabbros known only from other calc-alkalic associations (e.g., the Lesser Antilles and the Peninsular Ranges batholith of Southern California) and differ from gabbros of stratiform complexes, ophiolites, and the ocean crust. Particularly abundant in the Hole 453 breccias are olivine-bearing gabbros with extremely calcic Plagioclase (An94-97) but with fairly iron-rich olivines (Fo76-77). Other gabbros contain biotite and amphibole and occur in breccias with fairly high-grade greenschist facies (amphibole-chlorite-stilpnomelane) metabasalts. One unusual gabbro has experienced almost complete subsolidus recrystallization to an assemblage of aluminous magnesio-hornblende, anorthite, and green hercynitic spinel. This reaction, the extremely calcic Plagioclase, the occurrence of biotite and amphibole, and the association with greenschist facies metamorphic rocks suggest that crystallization of the gabbros occurred at elevated P(H2O). Comparisons with other calc-alkalic gabbro suites suggest pressures in excess of 4 kbar (about 12 km depth). The gabbros were exposed by the early stages of opening of the Mariana Trough and imply that considerable uplift may have attended rifting. They were also subjected to hydrothermal alteration after breccia formation, resulting in formation of chlorite, epidote, actinolite, and prehnite. Temperatures of at least 200°C - and probably 350°C - were reached, and most likely could not have been attained without extrusion or intrusion of magmas nearby, even though no such rocks were cored.
Clay minerals are examined in detail in the sediment from the Tonga Trench margin at Site 841 (Leg 135 ODP). The changes in amount and nature of secondary clays with depth provide an alternative explanation for the intensive alteration of volcanogenic material at convergent margins. A characteristic distribution of clay minerals with depth shows four distinct zones unexplainable by simple burial diagenesis processes. These are named the upper, reactive, lower and rhyolitic zones. The reactive zone is intercalated with numerous sills and is characterized by the dominant iron-rich clays such as saponite, corrensite and chlorite associated with analcime. The occurrence of such iron-rich clays, mostly associated with a large amount of analcime, yields chemical and mineralogical evidence for thermal diagenesis. The required heat for the diagenetic process was transferred from recently intruded basaltic andesite sills. In the vicinity of these intrusions, the iron-rich clay minerals may have formed at temperatures up to 200°C. A zoning with respect to clay and zeolite minerals indicates that the influence of the palaeoheat flow decreased with the distance from the intrusion. The formation of interlayered I/S, illite, kaolinite and aluminous chlorite, which are recognized as major secondary minerals within the rhyolitic complex, was mainly controlled by both early diagenesis at moderately elevated temperatures, and since the Eocene by burial diagenesis at low temperatures. The occurrence of a steam zone in an early stage of the intrusion is restricted to Miocene tuffs and has overprinted the early alteration of the volcanogenic material within the tuffs and has changed the originally pristine composition of the pore fluids.
A blue-green smectite (iron-rich saponite) and green mica (celadonite) are the dominant sheet silicates in veins within the 10.5 m of basalt cored during DSDP Leg 34, Site 32l, in the Nazca plate. Oxygen isotopic analyses of these clays, and associated calcite, indicate a formation temperature of <25°C. Celadonite contains appreciable Fe2O3, K2O and SiO2, intermediate MgO, and very little Al2O3. Celadonite is commonly associated with goethite and hematite, which suggests that this phase formed by precipitation within a dominantly oxygenated environment of components leached from basalt and provided by seawater. A mass balance estimate indicates that celadonite formation can remove no more than 15% of the K annually transported to the oceans by rivers. In contrast, iron-rich saponite containing significant Al2O3 appears to have precipitated from a nonoxidizing, distinctly alkaline fluid containing a high Na/K ratio relative to unmodified seawater. Seawater-basalt interaction at low temperatures, resulting in the formation of celadonite and smectite may explain chemical gradients observed in interstitial waters of sediments overlying basalts.
In basalts and volcanogenic sediments from the Indian Ocean, the successive stages of submarine alteration of volcanic rocks and glasses give rise to the incorporation or the relative increase of iron in smectite lattices. During the first stage, the Mg-smectites are the most abundant; they are occasionally associated with Al-smectites. Afterwards, they are gradually replaced by iron-rich smectites. The REE distribution follows the same trend as the mineralogical changes. During the f'trst stage of alteration, REE distribution in clay minerals is the same as in the fresh glasses but, when the iron-rich smectites increase, the Ce has a specific behaviour. The Ce shows a positive anomaly in iron-rich smectites formed early in palagonitized glasses, and a negative one in authigenic smectites formed later from solutions in equilibrium with seawater.