988 resultados para ir-spectra


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A soluble fraction of catalyzed the hydroxylation of mandelic acid to -hydroxymandelic acid. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 5.4 and showed an absolute requirement for Fe2+, tetrahydropteridine, NADPH. -Hydroxymandelate, the product of the enzyme reaction was identified by paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, UV and IR-spectra


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A new thiosemicarbazone, HL is synthesized from di-2-pyridyl ketone and 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide and structurally and spectrochemically characterized. H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, COSY, HMQC and IR spectra of the compound are studied and the proton magnetic resonance spectrum reveals some unprecedented observations. The thione form is predominant in the solid state, as supported by the crystal structure and IR data, while a thiol-thione equilibrium is proposed in the solution state by NMR studies. The compound crystallizes into a monoclinic lattice with space group C2/c and the ZE conformation is exhibited by the thiosemicarbazone. Intra- and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions give rise to a two-dimensional packing in the crystal lattice


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FTIR-spektroskopia (Fourier-muunnosinfrapunaspektroskopia) on nopea analyysimenetelmä. Fourier-laitteissa interferometrin käyttäminen mahdollistaa koko infrapunataajuusalueen mittaamisen muutamassa sekunnissa. ATR-liitännäisellä varustetun FTIR-spektrometrin käyttö ei edellytä juuri näytteen valmistusta ja siksi menetelmä on käytössä myös helppo. ATR-liitännäinen mahdollistaa myös monien erilaisten näytteiden analysoinnin. Infrapunaspektrin mittaaminen onnistuu myös sellaisista näytteistä, joille perinteisiä näytteenvalmistusmenetelmiä ei voida käyttää. FTIR-spektroskopian avulla saatu tieto yhdistetään usein tilastollisiin monimuuttuja-analyyseihin. Klusterianalyysin avulla voidaan spektreistä saatu tieto ryhmitellä samanlaisuuteen perustuen. Hierarkkisessa klusterianalyysissa objektien välinen samanlaisuus määritetään laskemalla niiden välinen etäisyys. Pääkomponenttianalyysin avulla vähennetään datan ulotteisuutta ja luodaan uusia korreloimattomia pääkomponentteja. Pääkomponenttien tulee säilyttää mahdollisimman suuri määrä alkuperäisen datan variaatiosta. FTIR-spektroskopian ja monimuuttujamenetelmien sovellusmahdollisuuksia on tutkittu paljon. Elintarviketeollisuudessa sen soveltuvuutta esimerkiksi laadun valvontaan on tutkittu. Menetelmää on käytetty myös haihtuvien öljyjen kemiallisten koostumusten tunnistukseen sekä öljykasvien kemotyyppien havaitsemiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa arvioitiin menetelmän käyttöä suoputken uutenäytteiden luokittelussa. Tutkimuksessa suoputken eri kasvinosien uutenäytteiden FTIR-spektrejä vertailtiin valikoiduista puhdasaineista mitattuihin FTIR-spektreihin. Puhdasaineiden FTIR-spektreistä tunnistettiin niiden tyypilliset absorptiovyöhykkeet. Furanokumariinien spektrien intensiivisten vyöhykkeiden aaltolukualueet valittiin monimuuttuja-analyyseihin. Monimuuttuja-analyysit tehtiin myös IR-spektrin sormenjälkialueelta aaltolukualueelta 1785-725 cm-1. Uutenäytteitä pyrittiin luokittelemaan niiden keräyspaikan ja kumariinipitoisuuden mukaan. Keräyspaikan mukaan ryhmittymistä oli havaittavissa, mikä selittyi vyöhykkeiden aaltolukualueiden mukaan tehdyissä analyyseissa pääosin kumariinipitoisuuksilla. Näissä analyyseissa uutenäytteet pääosin ryhmittyivät ja erottuivat kokonaiskumariinipitoisuuksien mukaan. Myös aaltolukualueen 1785-725 cm-1 analyyseissa havaittiin keräyspaikan mukaan ryhmittymistä, mitä kumariinipitoisuudet eivät kuitenkaan selittäneet. Näihin ryhmittymisiin vaikuttivat mahdollisesti muiden yhdisteiden samanlaiset pitoisuudet näytteissä. Analyyseissa käytettiin myös muita aaltolukualueita, mutta tulokset eivät juuri poikenneet aiemmista. 2. kertaluvun derivaattaspektrien monimuuttuja-analyysit sormenjälkialueelta eivät myöskään muuttaneet tuloksia havaittavasti. Jatkotutkimuksissa nyt käytettyä menetelmää on mahdollista edelleen kehittää esimerkiksi tutkimalla monimuuttuja-analyyseissa 2. kertaluvun derivaattaspektreistä suppeampia, tarkkaan valittuja aaltolukualueita.


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A complete vibrational analysis was performed on the molecular structure of boldine hydrochloride using QM/MM method. The equilibrium geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies and infrared intensities were calculated by QM/MM method with B3LYP/6-31G(d) and universal force field (UFF) combination using ONIOM code. We found the geometry obtained by the QM/MM method to be very accurate, and we can use this rapid method in place of time consuming ab initio methods for large molecules. A detailed interpretation of the infrared spectra of boldine hydrochloride is reported. The scaled theoretical wave numbers are in perfect agreement with the experimental values. The FT-IR spectra of boldine hydrochloride in the region 4000-500 cm(-1) were recorded in CsI (solid phase) and in chloroform with concentration 5 and 10 mg/ml.


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A new thiosemicarbazone, HL is synthesized from di-2-pyridyl ketone and 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide and structurally and spectrochemically characterized. H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, COSY, HMQC and IR spectra of the compound are studied and the proton magnetic resonance spectrum reveals some unprecedented observations. The thione form is predominant in the solid state, as supported by the crystal structure and IR data, while a thiol-thione equilibrium is proposed in the solution state by NMR studies. The compound crystallizes into a monoclinic lattice with space group C2/c and the ZE conformation is exhibited by the thiosemicarbazone. Intra- and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions give rise to a two-dimensional packing in the crystal lattice. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ir-spectra in the N-H stretching region of Piv-Pro-NHMe and Boc-Pro-NHMe have been studied in carbon tetrachloride and chloroform solutions over a wide range of concentrations. Based on the concentration dependence of the N-H stretching bands, it has been shown that the characteristic N-H stretching band due to the C7 intramolecular hydrogen bond is around 3335 cm-'. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding also occurs to a small extent in these peptides, giving rise to a slight concentration dependence of the N-H stretching bands. The band around 3335 cm-* need not necessarily be due to C7 hydrogen bonds alone as proposed by Tsuboi et al. or to intermolecular hydrogen bonding alone as proposed by Maxfield et al.; this conclusion is supported by studies on Boc-Leu-NHMe, which undergoes only intermolecular hydrogen bonding We have shown that 2-Aib-Aib-OMe and Z-Aib- Ala-OMe form C7 intramolecular hydrogen bonds in addition to C5 intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The present studies also show that all the peptides studied exist in more than one conformation in solution.


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Solid state 1:1 complexes of divalent Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba with thiomalic acid(tma) have been isolated and characterised by elemental analysis, IR spectra and thermal studies. It is shown that tma coordinates to the metal ions through carboxylic oxygen atoms. Thermal studies of these complexes show that desulphurisation preceeds decarbonylation reaction leading to the formation of metal carbonates in all the cases except Mg where MgO is the end product. Thermal stability of the anhydrous thiomaltes follows the order Mg not, vert, similar Ca > Sr > Ba. Structures have been proposed based on the information obtained from these studies.


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Preparation, thermal analysis and IR spectra of a number of transition metal hydrazidocarbonates have been described. Metal hydrazido carbonates decompose exothermically through oxalate and carbonate intermediates to the respective metal oxides. Reaction of ammonium carbonate with hydrazine hydrate yields hydrazinium derivative of hydrazidocarbonic acid; N2H3COON2H5


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Novel epoxy resins of various thiocarbonohydrazones have been synthesized by reacting the aldehyde or ketone derivatives of thiocarbohydrazide with excess of epichlorohydrin. The resins have been characterized by elemental analyses, epoxy equivalents, 1H-NMR and IR spectra, thermal analyses, and viscosity measurements. Curing of the resins has been carried out by mixing with thiocarbohydrazide or ethylenediamine and heating at 80°C for 48 h. A comparison of the thermal stability of the cured resin samples has been made.


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Conditions for the preparation of stoichiometric barium zirconyl oxalate heptahydrate (BZO) have been standardized. The thermal decomposition of BZO has been investigated employing TG, DTG and DTA techniques and chemical and gas analysis. The decomposition proceeds through four steps and is not affected much by the surrounding gas atmosphere. Both dehydration and oxalate decomposition take place in two steps. The formation of a transient intermediate containing both oxalate and carbonate groups is inferred. The decomposition of oxalate groups results in a carbonate of composition Ba2Zr2OsCO3, which decomposes between 600 and 800 ~ and yields barium zirconate. Chemical analysis, IR spectra and X-ray powder diffraction data support the identity of the intermediate as a separate entity.


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Conditions for the preparation of stoichiometric barium zirconyl oxalate heptahydrate (BZO) have been standardized. The thermal decomposition of BZO has been investigated employing TG, DTG and DTA techniques and chemical and gas analysis. The decomposition proceeds through four steps and is not affected much by the surrounding gas atmosphere. Both dehydration and oxalate decomposition take place in two steps. The formation of a transient intermediate containing both oxalate and carbonate groups is inferred. The decomposition of oxalate groups results in a carbonate of composition Ba2Zr2O5CO3, which decomposes between 600 and 800° and yields barium zirconate. Chemical analysis, IR spectra and X-ray powder diffraction data support the identity of the intermediate as a separate entity.Die Bedingungen für die Herstellung von stöchiometrischem Barium-zirconyl-oxalat Heptahydrat (BZO) wurden standardisiert. Die thermische Zersetzung von BZO wurde unter Einsatz der TG-, DTG- und DTA, sowie der chemischen und Gasanalyse untersucht. Die Zersetzung verläuft über vier Stufen und wird von der umgebenden Gasathmosphäre nicht besonders beeinflusst. Sowohl die Dehydratisierung als auch die Oxalatzersetzung erfolgt in zwei Stufen. Die Bildung einer intermediären Übergangsverbindung mit sowohl Oxalat- als auch Carbonatgruppen wirken hierbei mit. Die Zersetzung der Oxalatgruppen ergibt ein Carbonat der Zusammensetzung Ba2Zr2O5CO3, das zwischen 600 und 800° zersetzt wird und Bariumzirconat ergibt. Die Angaben der chemischen Analyse, der IR-Spekren und der Röntgen-Pulver-Diffraktion unterstützen die Identität der Intermediärverbindung als eine separate Einheit.On a standardisé les conditions de préparation de l'oxalate heptahydraté de zirconyle et de baryum (BZO) stoechiométrique. On a étudié la décomposition thermique de BZO par TG, TGD et ATD ainsi que par analyses chimiques et analyses des gaz. La décomposition a lieu en quatre étapes et n'est pas trop influencée par l'atmosphère ambiante. La déshydratation et la décomposition de l'oxalate ont lieu en deux étapes. Il se forme un composé intermédiaire de transition contenant à la fois les groupes oxalate et carbonate. La décomposition des groupes oxalate fournit un carbonate de composition Ba2Zr2O5CO3 qui se décompose entre 600 et 800° pour fournir du zirconate de baryum. L'analyse chimique, les spectres IR et la diffraction des rayons X sur poudre, apportent les preuves de l'existence d'un composé intermédiaire comme entité séparée.


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Fine particle AlPO4, LaPO4 and KTiOPO4 have been prepared by the flash combustion of aqueous solutions containing metal nitrate, ammonium hydrogen phosphate, ammonium nitrate or ammonium perchlorate and carbohydrazide or tetraformal trisazine. When rapidly heated at 400 °C, the solution containing the redox mixtures ignites to undergo self-propagating, gas-producing, exothermic reactions. Formation of crystalline phosphates was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction patterns and IR spectra. The metal phosphates formed are fine and have 20�78 m2 g?1 surface area.


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Amorphous SiO2 thin films were prepared on glass and silicon substrates by cost effective sol-gel method. Tetra ethyl ortho silicate (TEOS) was used as the precursor material, ethanol as solvent and concentrated HCl as a catalyst. The films were characterized at different annealing temperatures. The optical transmittance was slightly increased with increase of annealing temperature. The refractive index was found to be 1.484 at 550 nm. The formation of SiO2 film was analyzed from FT-IR spectra. The MOS capacitors were designed using silicon (1 0 0) substrates. The current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and dissipation-voltage (D-V) measurements were taken for all the annealed films deposited on Si (1 0 0). The variation of current density, resistivity and dielectric constant of SiO2 films with different annealing temperatures was investigated and discussed for its usage in applications like MOS capacitor. The results revealed the decrease of dielectric constant and increase of resistivity of SiO2 films with increasing annealing temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method for the preparation of acicular hydrogoethite (alpha -FeOOH.xH(2)O, 0.1 < x < 0.22) particles of 0.3-1 mm length has been optimized by air oxidation of Fe( II) hydroxide gel precipitated from aqueous (NH4)(2)Fe(SO4)(2) solutions containing 0.005-0.02 atom% of cationic Pt, Pd or Rh additives as morphology controlling agents. Hydrogoethite particles are evolved from the amorphous ferrous hydroxide gel by heterogeneous nucleation and growth. Preferential adsorption of additives on certain crystallographic planes thereby retarding the growth in the perpendicular direction, allows the particles to acquire acicular shapes with high aspect ratios of 8-15. Synthetic hydrogoethite showed a mass loss of about 14% at similar to 280 degreesC, revealing the presence of strongly coordinated water of hydration in the interior of the goethite crystallites. As evident from IR spectra, excess H2O molecules (0.1- 0.22 per formula unit) are located in the strands of channels formed in between the double ribbons of FeO6 octahedra running parallel to the c- axis. Hydrogoethite particles constituted of multicrystallites are formed with Pt as additive, whereas single crystallite particles are obtained with Pd (or Rh). For both dehydroxylation as well as H-2 reduction, a lower reaction temperature (similar to 220 degreesC) was observed for the former (Pt treated) compared to the latter (Pd or Rh) (similar to 260 degreesC). Acicular magnetite (Fe3O4) was prepared either by reducing hydrogoethite (magnetite route) or dehydroxylating hydrogoethite to hematite and then reducing it to magnetite (hematite- magnetite route). According to TEM studies, preferential dehydroxylation of hydrogoethite along < 010 > leads to microporous hematite. Maghemite (gamma -Fe2O3 (-) (delta), 0 < < 0.25) was obtained by reoxidation of magnetite. The micropores are retained during the topotactic transformation to magnetite and finally to maghemite, whereas cylindrical mesopores are formed due to rearrangement of the oxygen sublattice from hexagonal to cubic close packing during the conversion of hydrogoethite to magnetite and then to maghemite. Accordingly, three different types of maghemite particles are realized: strongly oriented multicrystalline particles, single crystalline acicular particles with micropores or crystallites having mesopores. Higher values of saturation magnetization ((s) = 74 emu g(-1)) and coercivity (H-c = 320 Oe) are obtained for single crystalline mesoporous particles. In the other cases, the smaller size of particles and larger distribution of micropores decreases sigma (s) considerably ( < 60 emu g(-1)) due to relaxation effects of spins on the surface atoms as revealed by Mossbauer spectroscopy.


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Adhesion of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans to pyrite and chalcopyrite in relation to its importance in bioleaching and bioflotation has been studied. Electrokinetic studies as well as FT-IR spectra suggest that the surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans depends on bacterial growth conditions. Sulfur-,Pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown Thiobacillus ferrooxidans were found to be relatively more hydrophobic. The altered surface chemistry of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was due to secretion of newer and specific proteinaceous compounds. The adsorption density corresponds to a monolayer coverage in a horizontal orientation of the cells. The xanthate flotation of pyrite in presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is strongly depressed where as the cells have insignificant effect on chalcopyrite flotation. This study demonstrate that: (a)Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells can be used for selective flotation of chalcopyrite from pyrite and importantly at natural pH values. (b)Sulfur-grown cells exhibits higher leaching kinetics than ferrous ion-grown cells.