926 resultados para investigative practical work


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Perante os desafios do mundo contemporâneo, marcado pela complexidade, pelo ritmo acelerado de mudança e pela incerteza, o desenvolvimento dos alunos como cidadãos cientificamente cultos é um fator crítico. Neste contexto, a educação em Geociências, em geral, e a compreensão do tempo geológico, em particular, podem contribuir para um aprofundamento da cultura científica e da responsabilidade do cidadão promotor do desenvolvimento sustentável, numa matriz Ciência/Tecnologia/Sociedade. Assim, com este estudo, pretende-se alcançar duas grandes finalidades: a) contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um quadro teórico e concetual, no âmbito da educação em geral e das Geociências em particular, visando o desenvolvimento dos alunos como cidadãos cientificamente cultos numa lógica de sustentabilidade; b) conceber, implementar e avaliar estratégias, fundamentadas no corpus de referência, no âmbito da Geologia no ensino secundário. Corresponde a uma investigação-ação desenvolvida pelo professor de Biologia e Geologia com alunos do 11.º ano e organizada em três fases: i) desenvolvimento de um quadro teórico de referência e concetual; ii) conceção, desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma intervenção didática iii) elaboração de uma proposta metodológica fundamentada para o aprofundamento de uma cultura científica que promova o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade na Terra a partir do ensino do tempo geológico. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a importância de trabalhar de modo articulado os conceitos de tempo geológico e de desenvolvimento sustentável na formação de cidadãos cientificamente cultos, capazes de dar resposta às questões complexas da sociedade atual. Por outro lado, a análise da intervenção didática confirma a importância das atividades exteriores à sala de aula e do trabalho prático para o desenvolvimento da cidadania, em alunos do ensino secundário, e como facilitadoras da compreensão de conceitos complexos como o de tempo geológico.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Didática das Ciências), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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The following dissertation work is related to the theme THE BOOK AS A MULTIFACETED SUBJECT: THE DIVERSITY OF TECHNIQUES IN CHILDREN’S ILLUSTRATION, a form of graphical expression that follows and is an integral part of the child development.This theoretical-practical research aims to analyze different illustration techniques in children's books, in order to develop the child imagination and creativity and to build a practical object to demonstrate these techniques, applied to a children's book. It’s divided into two distinct chapters, that are: the referential framework, with a brief historical overview, philosophical and psychological perspective and, also, techniques of illustration chosen by the author; the second chapter refers to the practical work, which contains its framework, creative and production processes.This study may contribute to a greater knowledge and understanding of the various representations that children's book may have, together with the practical work that represents and consolidate it


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Em 2006, a IEA (Agência Internacional de Energia), publicou alguns estudos de consumos mundiais de energia. Naquela altura, apontava na fabricação de produtos, um consumo mundial de energia elétrica, de origem fóssil de cerca 86,16 EJ/ano (86,16×018 J) e um consumo de energia nos sistemas de vapor de 32,75 EJ/ano. Evidenciou também nesses estudos que o potencial de poupança de energia nos sistemas de vapor era de 3,27 EJ/ano. Ou seja, quase tanto como a energia consumida nos sistemas de vapor da U.E. Não se encontraram números relativamente a Portugal, mas comparativamente com outros Países publicitados com alguma similaridade, o consumo de energia em vapor rondará 0,2 EJ/ano e por conseguinte um potencial de poupança de cerca 0,02 EJ/ano, ou 5,6 × 106 MWh/ano ou uma potência de 646 MW, mais do que a potência de cinco barragens Crestuma/Lever! Trata-se efetivamente de muita energia; interessa por isso perceber o onde e o porquê deste desperdício. De um modo muito modesto, pretende-se com este trabalho dar algum contributo neste sentido. Procurou-se evidenciar as possibilidades reais de os utilizadores de vapor de água na indústria reduzirem os consumos de energia associados à sua produção. Não estão em causa as diferentes formas de energia para a geração de vapor, sejam de origem fóssil ou renovável; interessou neste trabalho estudar o modo de como é manuseado o vapor na sua função de transporte de energia térmica, e de como este poderá ser melhorado na sua eficiência de cedência de calor, idealmente com menor consumo de energia. Com efeito, de que servirá se se optou por substituir o tipo de queima para uma mais sustentável se a jusante se continuarem a verificarem desperdícios, descarga exagerada nas purgas das caldeiras com perda de calor associada, emissões permanentes de vapor para a atmosfera em tanques de condensado, perdas por válvulas nos vedantes, purgadores avariados abertos, pressão de vapor exageradamente alta atendendo às temperaturas necessárias, “layouts” do sistema de distribuição mal desenhados, inexistência de registos de produção e consumos de vapor, etc. A base de organização deste estudo foi o ciclo de vapor: produção, distribuição, consumo e recuperação de condensado. Pareceu importante incluir também o tratamento de água, atendendo às implicações na transferência de calor das superfícies com incrustações. Na produção de vapor, verifica-se que os maiores problemas de perda de energia têm a ver com a falta de controlo, no excesso de ar e purgas das caldeiras em exagero. Na distribuição de vapor aborda-se o dimensionamento das tubagens, necessidade de purgas a v montante das válvulas de controlo, a redução de pressão com válvulas redutoras tradicionais; será de destacar a experiência americana no uso de micro turbinas para a redução de pressão com produção simultânea de eletricidade. Em Portugal não se conhecem instalações com esta opção. Fabricantes da República Checa e Áustria, têm tido sucesso em algumas dezenas de instalações de redução de pressão em diversos países europeus (UK, Alemanha, R. Checa, França, etc.). Para determinação de consumos de vapor, para projeto ou mesmo para estimativa em máquinas existentes, disponibiliza-se uma série de equações para os casos mais comuns. Dá-se especial relevo ao problema que se verifica numa grande percentagem de permutadores de calor, que é a estagnação de condensado - “stalled conditions”. Tenta-se também evidenciar as vantagens da recuperação de vapor de flash (infelizmente de pouca tradição em Portugal), e a aplicação de termocompressores. Finalmente aborda-se o benchmarking e monitorização, quer dos custos de vapor quer dos consumos específicos dos produtos. Esta abordagem é algo ligeira, por manifesta falta de estudos publicados. Como trabalhos práticos, foram efetuados levantamentos a instalações de vapor em diversos sectores de atividades; 1. ISEP - Laboratório de Química. Porto, 2. Prio Energy - Fábrica de Biocombustíveis. Porto de Aveiro. 3. Inapal Plásticos. Componentes de Automóvel. Leça do Balio, 4. Malhas Sonix. Tinturaria Têxtil. Barcelos, 5. Uma instalação de cartão canelado e uma instalação de alimentos derivados de soja. Também se inclui um estudo comparativo de custos de vapor usado nos hospitais: quando produzido por geradores de vapor com queima de combustível e quando é produzido por pequenos geradores elétricos. Os resultados estão resumidos em tabelas e conclui-se que se o potencial de poupança se aproxima do referido no início deste trabalho.


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‘Biochemical genetics of selected commercially important penaeid prawns‘ dloted was carried out by collecting samples from different important fishing ceatres of India and the practical work was carried out in the Research Centre of CMFRI laboratories attached with those places. On the whole, in crustacea little importance has been given so far in finding out tin genetic characteristics of different species, genetic variation within and between species and ontogenetic variations in lobsters, prawns and other crustaceans. Prawn is caunercially important group where very little attention had been given so far to find out the racial divergence which may exist in cufferent species. with the increased foreign exchange earning and consequent indiscriminate over exploitation of existing resources of prawns resulting in depletion of the marine rescurces, alternative ways and augmenting production has become essential. In this connection genetic manipulation of the broodstock will surely bring about the heterogenous characters to multiply production. In order to understand racial fragmentation of sane of the coumercially important prawns such as Pengeus ggdicus and Parggenagsis sgliferg the isozyme studies were carried out. Qatogenetic variation of g. indicus showed stage specific electrophoretic variation. Inter species variation studies was carried out for the closely aligned Penaeus species


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El proyecto parte de la Apropiación Social de la Ciencia y la Tecnología para abordar los conceptos de pertinencia, rigurosidad y crítica alrededor del periodismo científico y la salud. El resultado es la aplicación práctica en www.elestetoscopio.com


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To talk about a new concept for museum training seems perhaps, to be a little bit exaggerated. For long time you have all been talking about concepts and contents for museum training and as I figured out the debate on the topic in Germany is as old as the appearance of national museums in the 19th century. Men like Theodor Mommsen, Rudolph Virchow, Alfred Lichtwark, all well known historians and supporters of the museum idea, spoke and wrote not only about the importance of museums as cultural and educational institutions but also supported the idea of professionalisation of museums work. Some of the ideas of our ancestors are still part of an ongoing discussion. The topic of my talk today will be what king of personnel a museum of our time needs to cope with the growing demand for internal and external organization. I shall present to you a new training program for museum workers in Germany which aims not to produce a new group of researchers but to prepare students for the practical work in the museum field.


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Students may have difficulty in understanding some of the complex concepts which they have been taught in the general areas of science and engineering. Whilst practical work such as a laboratory based examination of the performance of structures has an important role in knowledge construction this does have some limitations. Blended learning supports different learning styles, hence further benefits knowledge building. This research involves an empirical study of how vodcasts (video-podcasts) can be used to enrich learning experience in the structural properties of materials laboratory of an undergraduate course. Students were given the opportunity of downloading and viewing the vodcasts on the theory before and after the experimental work. It is the choice of the students when (before or after, before and after) and how many times they would like to view the vodcasts. In blended learning, the combination of face-to-face teaching, vodcasts, printed materials, practical experiments, writing reports and instructors’ feedbacks benefits different learning styles of the learners. For the preparation of the practical, the students were informed about the availability of the vodcasts prior to the practical session. After the practical work, students submitted an individual laboratory report for the assessment of the structures laboratory. The data collection consisted of a questionnaire completed by the students, follow-up semi-structured interviews and the practical reports submitted by them for assessment. The results from the questionnaire were analysed quantitatively, whilst the data from the assessment reports were analysed qualitatively. The analysis shows that most of the students who have not fully grasped the theory after the practical, managed to gain the required knowledge by viewing the vodcasts. According to their feedbacks, the students felt that they have control over how to use the material and to view it as many times as they wish. Some students who have understood the theory may choose to view it once or not at all. Their understanding was demonstrated by their explanations in their reports, and was illustrated by the approach they took to explicate the results of their experimental work. The research findings are valuable to instructors who design, develop and deliver different types of blended learning, and are beneficial to learners who try different blended approaches. Recommendations were made on the role of the innovative application of vodcasts in the knowledge construction for structures laboratory and to guide future work in this area of research.


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Students may have difficulty in understanding some of the complex concepts which they have been taught in the general areas of science and engineering. Whilst practical work such as a laboratory based examination of the performance of structures has an important role in knowledge construction this does have some limitations. Blended learning supports different learning styles, hence further benefits knowledge building. This research involves the empirical studies of how an innovative use of vodcasts (video-podcasts) can enrich learning experience in the structural properties of materials laboratory of an undergraduate course. Students were given the opportunity of downloading and viewing the vodcasts on the theory before and after the experimental work. It is the choice of the students when (before or after, before and after) and how many times they would like to view the vodcasts. In blended learning, the combination of face-to-face teaching, vodcasts, printed materials, practical experiments, writing reports and instructors’ feedbacks benefits different learning styles of the learners. For the preparation of the practical laboratory work, the students were informed about the availability of the vodcasts prior to the practical session. After the practical work, students submit an individual laboratory report for the assessment of the structures laboratory. The data collection consists of a questionnaire completed by the students, and the practical reports submitted by them for assessment. The results from the questionnaire were analysed quantitatively, whilst the data from the assessment reports were analysed qualitatively. The analysis shows that students who have not fully grasped the theory after the practical were successful in gaining the required knowledge by viewing the vodcasts. Some students who have understood the theory may choose to view it once or not at all. Their understanding was demonstrated by the quality of their explanations in their reports. This is illustrated by the approach they took to explicate the results of their experimental work, for example, they can explain how to calculate the Young’s Modulus properly and provided the correct value for it. The research findings are valuable to instructors who design, develop and deliver different types of blended learning, and beneficial to learners who try different blended approaches. Recommendations were made on the role of the innovative application of vodcasts in the knowledge construction for structures laboratory and to guide future work in this area of research.


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This study was an attempt to identify the epistemological roots of knowledge when students carry out hands-on experiments in physics. We found that, within the context of designing a solution to a stated problem, subjects constructed and ran thought experiments intertwined within the processes of conducting physical experiments. We show that the process of alternating between these two modes- empirically experimenting and experimenting in thought- leads towards a convergence on scientifically acceptable concepts. We call this process mutual projection. In the process of mutual projection, external representations were generated. Objects in the physical environment were represented in an imaginary world and these representations were associated with processes in the physical world. It is through this coupling that constituents of both the imaginary world and the physical world gain meaning. We further show that the external representations are rooted in sensory interaction and constitute a semi-symbolic pictorial communication system, a sort of primitive 'language', which is developed as the practical work continues. The constituents of this pictorial communication system are used in the thought experiments taking place in association with the empirical experimentation. The results of this study provide a model of physics learning during hands-on experimentation.


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The report describes the production of graphic correspondence and marketing material for DUCIS(Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies).A logotype symbol is created on the basis of an element from the Celtic art, and a graphic material thatharmonies with this ideal of style is built around the symbol. A unique visiting card, correspondence cardand letterhead is produced to strengthen the identity of DUCIS outwards.The work proceeds with an international education folder which is an important element in the marketingwork for the MA-education which starts in the autumn of 2003. Two posters, one for the opening ofDUCIS in may 2003 and one for a conference in 2004, are produced. Finally, a redesign of the book coverfor NIS, Nordic Irish Studies, is carried out.The report describes the working process consisting of meetings, practical work and other elementswithin the process. The conclusion is that the work has been quite successful and that this, to a largeextent, depended on an engaged and supporting commissioner. The commissioner also is very satisfi edwith the results.The in-depth studies of the project is about the art and design of the Celtic culture throughout history.The text gives an account for the history and expressions of Celtic art from its birth, 2800 years ago, untilits death in 13th century Ireland and Scotland. Special attention is payed to the golden age of ChristianCeltic art on the british islands, the era from which the pattern of the DUCIS logotype originates.


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The degree project has been implemented abroad in Brisbane, Australia. A literature study has beenperformed parallel to the practical work within the subject »Corporate identity through graphicaldesign«. In this study deeper research has been made concerning the establishment and manifestationof a corporate identity and its program. The knowledge given from this study has been put into practicethrough two larger projects.The first project was carried out at De Pasquale, advertising agency in Brisbane, where a corporateidentity program was designed for a new company. The company is a fitness centre, called KnockoutFitness, which specializes in different types of boxing training sessions such as Boxing, Thai Bow andBoxercise but also Aqua aerobics. They needed a full corporate identity program including a logotype,business card, letter paper-paper and address labels.The second project was carried out at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. A promotioncampaign was designed for the Department of Visual Arts, which included two information folders andone advertisement. The purpose of the campaign was to promote both the undergraduate and postgraduatecourses offered within the department.