986 resultados para inverted repeat
Seven cysteine-rich repeats form the ligand-binding region of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. Each of these repeats is assumed to bind a calcium ion, which is needed for association of the receptor with its ligands, LDL and beta-VLDL. The effects of metal ions on the folding of the reduced N-terminal cysteine-rich repeat have been examined by using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to follow the formation of fully oxidized isomers with different disulfide connectivities. in the absence of calcium many of the 15 possible isomers formed on oxidation, whereas in its presence the predominant product at equilibrium had the native disulfide bond connectivities. Other metals were far less effective at directing disulfide bond formation: Mn2+ partly mimicked the action of Ca2+, but Ba2+, Sr2+, and Mg2+ had little effect. This metal-ion specificity was also observed in two-dimensional H-1 NMR spectral studies: only Ca2+ induced the native three-dimensional fold. The two paramagnetic ions, Gd3+ and Mn2+, and Cd2+ did not promote adoption of a well-defined structure, and the two paramagnetic ions did not displace calcium ions. The location of calcium ion binding sites in the repeat was also explored by NMR spectroscopy. The absence of chemical shift changes for the side chain proton resonances of Asp26, Asp36, and Glu37 from pH 3.9 to 6.8 in the presence of calcium ions and their proximal location in the NMR structures implicated these side chains as calcium ligands. Deuterium exchange NMR experiments also revealed a network of hydrogen bonds that stabilizes the putative calcium-binding loop.
A common mechanism for chromosomal fragile site genesis is not yet apparent. Folate-sensitive fragile sites are expanded p(CCG)n repeats that arise from longer normal alleles. Distamycin A or bromodeoxyuridine-inducible fragile site FRA16B is an expanded AT-rich similar to 33 bp repeat; however, the relationship between normal and fragile site alleles is not known. Here, we report that bromodeoxyuridine-inducible, distamycin A-insensitive fragile site FRA10B is composed of expanded similar to 42 bp repeats. Differences in repeat motif length or composition between different FRA10B families indicate multiple independent expansion events. Some FRA10B alleles comprise a mixture of different expanded repeat motifs. FRA10B fragile site and long normal alleles share flanking polymorphisms. Somatic and intergenerational FRA10B repeat instability analogous to that found in expanded trinucleotide repeats supports dynamic mutation as a common mechanism for repeat expansion.
Structurally related tetratricopeptide repeat motifs in steroid receptor-associated immunophilins and the STI1 homolog, Hop, mediate the interaction with a common cellular target, hsp90, We have identified the binding domain in hsp90 for cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) using a two-hybrid system screen of a mouse cDNA library. All isolated clones encoded the intact carboxyl terminus of hsp90 and overlapped with a common region corresponding to amino acids 558-724 of murine hsp84, The interaction was confirmed in vitro with bacterially expressed CyP40 and deletion mutants of hsp90 beta and was delineated further to a 124-residue COOH-terminal segment of hsp90, Deletion of the conserved MEEVD sequence at the extreme carboxyl terminus of hsp90 precludes interaction with CyP40, signifying an important role for this motif in hsp90 function. We show that CyP40 and Hop display similar interaction profiles with hsp90 truncation mutants and present evidence for the direct competition of Hop and FK506-binding protein 52 with CyP40 for binding to the hsp90 COOH-terminal region. Our results are consistent with a common tetratricopeptide repeat interaction site for Hop and steroid receptor associated immunophilins within a discrete COOH-terminal domain of hsp90. This region of hsp90 mediates ATP-independent chaperone activity, overlaps the hsp90 dimerization domain, and includes structural elements important for steroid receptor interaction.
Background: The ornamental tobacco Nicotiana alata produces a series of proteinase inhibitors (Pls) that are derived from a 43 kDa precursor protein, NaProPl. NaProPl contains six highly homologous repeats that fold to generate six separate structural domains, each corresponding to one of the native Pls. An unusual feature of NaProPl is that the structural domains lie across adjacent repeats and that the sixth Pl domain is generated from fragments of the first and sixth repeats. Although the homology of the repeats suggests that they may have arisen from gene duplication, the observed folding does not appear to support this. This study of the solution structure of a single NaProPl repeat (aPl1) forms a basis for unravelling the mechanism by which this protein may have evolved, Results: The three-dimensional structure of aPl1 closely resembles the triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet observed in each of the native Pls. The five-residue sequence Glu-Glu-Lys-Lys-Asn, which forms the linker between the six structural domains in NaProPl, exists as a disordered loop in aPl1. The presence of this loop in aPl1 results in a loss of the characteristically flat and disc-like topography of the native inhibitors. Conclusions: A single repeat from NaProPl is capable of folding into a compact globular domain that displays native-like Pl activity. Consequently, it is possible that a similar single-domain inhibitor represents the ancestral protein from which NaProPl evolved.
The Montreal Process indicators are intended to provide a common framework for assessing and reviewing progress toward sustainable forest management. The potential of a combined geometrical-optical/spectral mixture analysis model was assessed for mapping the Montreal Process age class and successional age indicators at a regional scale using Landsat Thematic data. The project location is an area of eucalyptus forest in Emu Creek State Forest, Southeast Queensland, Australia. A quantitative model relating the spectral reflectance of a forest to the illumination geometry, slope, and aspect of the terrain surface and the size, shape, and density, and canopy size. Inversion of this model necessitated the use of spectral mixture analysis to recover subpixel information on the fractional extent of ground scene elements (such as sunlit canopy, shaded canopy, sunlit background, and shaded background). Results obtained fron a sensitivity analysis allowed improved allocation of resources to maximize the predictive accuracy of the model. It was found that modeled estimates of crown cover projection, canopy size, and tree densities had significant agreement with field and air photo-interpreted estimates. However, the accuracy of the successional stage classification was limited. The results obtained highlight the potential for future integration of high and moderate spatial resolution-imaging sensors for monitoring forest structure and condition. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 2000.
Recent reports have shown neurodegenerative disorders to be associated with abnormal expansions of a CAG trinucleotide repeat allele at various autosomal loci. While normal chromosomes have 14 to 44 repeats, disease chromosomes may have 60 to 84 repeats. The number of CAG repeats on mutant chromosomes correlates with increasing severity of disease or decreasing age at onset of symptoms. Since we are interested in identifying the many quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing brain functioning, we examined the possibility that the number of CAG repeats in the normal size range at these loci are relevant to "normal" neural functioning. We have used 150 pairs of adolescent (aged 16 years) twins and their parents to examine allele size at the MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA loci in heterozygous normal individuals. These are part of a large ongoing project using cognitive and physiological measures to investigate the genetie influences on cognition, and an extensive protocol of tests is employed to assess some of the key components of intellectual functioning. This study selected to examine full-scale psychometric IQ (FSIQ) and a measure of information processing (choice reaction time) and working memory (slow wave amplitude). CAG repeat size was determined on an ABI Genescan system following multiplex PCR amplification. Quantitative genetic analyses were performed to determine QTL effects of MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA on cognitive functioning. Analyses are in progress and will be discussed.
Fragile sites appear visually as nonstaining gaps on chromosomes that are inducible by specific cell culture conditions. Expansion of CGG/ CCG repeats has been shown to be the molecular basis of all five folate-sensitive fragile sites characterized molecularly so far, i.e., FRAXA, FRAXE, FRAXF, FRA11B, and FRA16A. In the present study we have refined the localization of the FRA10A folate-sensitive fragile site by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Sequence analysis of a BAC clone spanning FRA10A identified a single, imperfect, but polymorphic CGG repeat that is part of a CpG island in the 5'UTR of a novel gene named FRA10ACl. The number of CGG repeats varied in the population from 8 to 13. Expansions exceeding 200 repeat units were methylated in all FRA10A fragile site carriers tested. The FRA10ACl gene consists of 19 exons and is transcribed in the centromeric direction from the FRA10A repeat. The major transcript of similar to 1450 nt is ubiquitously expressed and codes for a highly conserved protein, FRA10ACl, of unknown function. Several splice variants leading to alternative 3' ends were identified (particularly in testis). These give rise to FRA10ACl proteins with altered COOH-termini. Immunofluorescence analysis of full-length, recombinant EGFP-tagged FRA10ACl protein showed that it was present exclusively in the nucleoplasm. We show that the expression of FRA10A, in parallel to the other cloned folate-sensitive fragile sites, is caused by an expansion and subsequent methylation of an unstable CGG trinucleotide repeat. Taking advantage of three cSNPs within the FRA10ACl gene we demonstrate that one allele of the gene is not transcribed in a FRA10A carrier. Our data also suggest that in the heterozygous state FRA10A is likely a benign folate-sensitive fragile site. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fragile sites are nonstaining gaps in chromosomes induced by specific tissue culture conditions. They vary both in population frequency and in the culture conditions required for induction. Folate-sensitive fragile sites are due to expansion of p(CCG)(n) trinucleotide repeats; however, the relationship between sequence composition and the chemistry of induction of fragile sites is unclear. To clarify this relationship, the distamycin A-sensitive fragile site FRA16B was isolated by positional cloning and found to be an expanded 33 bp AT-rich minisatellite repeat, p(ATATATTATATATTATATCTAATAATATAT(C)/(A)TA)(n) (consistent with DNA sequence binding preferences of chemicals that induce its cytogenetic expression). Therefore the mutation mechanism associated with trinucleotide repeats is also a property of minisatellite repeats (variable number tandem repeats).
The SH3 domains of src and other nonreceptor tyrosine kinases have been shown to associate with the motif PXXP, where P and X stand for proline and an unspecified amino acid, but a motif that binds to the SH3 domain of myosin has thus far not been characterized. We previously showed that the SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC interacts with the protein Acan125. We now report that the Acan125 protein sequence contains two tandem consensus PXXP motifs near the C terminus. To test for binding, we expressed a polypeptide, AD3p, which includes 344 residues of native C-terminal sequence and a mutant polypeptide, AD3 Delta 977-994p, which lacks the sequence RPKPVPPPRGAKPAPPPR containing both PXXP motifs. The SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC bound AD3p and not AD3 Delta 977-994p, showing that the PXXP motifs are required for SH3 binding. The sequence of Acan125 is related overall to a protein of unknown function coded by Caenorhabditis elegans gene K07G5.1. The K07G5.1 gene product contains a proline-rich segment similar to the SH3 binding motif found in Acan125. The aligned sequences show considerable conservation of leucines and other hydrophobic residues, including the spacing of these residues, which matches a motif for leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). LRR domains have been demonstrated to be sites for ligand binding. Having an LRR domain and an SH3-binding domain, Acan125 and the C. elegans homologue define a novel family of bifunctional binding proteins.
Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are ubiquitous in eukaryotic genomes. Single-locus SSR markers have been developed for a number of species, although there is a major bottleneck in developing SSR markers whereby flanking sequences must be known to design 5'-anchors for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. Inter SSR (ISSR) fingerprinting was developed such that no sequence knowledge was required. Primers based on a repeat sequence, such as (CA)(n), can be made with a degenerate 3'-anchor, such as (CA)(8)RG or (AGC)(6)TY. The resultant PCR reaction amplifies the sequence between two SSRs, yielding a multilocus marker system useful for fingerprinting, diversity analysis and genome mapping. PCR products are radiolabelled with P-32 or P-33 via end-labelling or PCR incorporation, and separated on a polyacrylamide sequencing gel prior to autoradiographic visualisation. A typical reaction yields 20-100 bands per lane depending on the species and primer. We have used ISSR fingerprinting in a number of plant species, and report here some results on two important tropical species, sorghum and banana. Previous investigators have demonstrated that ISSR analysis usually detects a higher level of polymorphism than that detected with restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) or random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses. Our data indicate that this is not a result of greater polymorphism genetically, but rather technical reasons related to the detection methodology used for ISSR analysis.
Background: Contact endoscopy (CE) was initially described as a method used in the analysis of uterine and vocal folds histology. The first nasal cavity CE studies achieved promising results regarding its use for the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions, considering that biopsy might cause some complications, especially bleeding. This study described and compared the findings of CE on inverted papilloma and nasosinusal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and tested the effectiveness of this exam as a noninvasive method for in vivo differentiation between these tumors. Methods: The patients included in this study were divided into group A, patients diagnosed with inverted papilloma, and group B, patients diagnosed with SCC. CE results were compared among themselves. CE images were presented to examiners not experienced with the method. Results: Twenty-two patients were examined, 13 in group A and 9 in group B. The main relevant differences in CE findings between those two groups were corkscrew vessels, presence of mitoses, keratinization and nuclear pleomorphism in carcinoma, and vacuolated cells in papilloma. The examiners were capable of defining the diagnosis of these nasal tumors only based on CE images. Conclusion: CE may be a useful noninvasive exam to be used in the in vivo diagnosis of inverted papilloma and nasosinusal SCC, which may enable better preoperative planning. (Am J Rhinol Allergy 24, 210-214, 2010; doi: 10.2500/ajra.2010.24.3467)
OBJECTIVES To describe the use of pulsed fluoroscopic guidance, to perform endoscopic procedures in pregnant women, by inverting the fluoroscope`s c-arm using a lead thyroid collar to shield the fetus from the direct X-ray beam. The use of radiation during treatment of pregnant patients with urolithiasis remains a recurring dilemma. METHODS Between May 2006 and December 2008, endoscopic treatment due to ureteral stones was attempted in 8 pregnant women. In all cases, we use an inverted fluoroscope`s c-arm during endoscopic treatment associated with 2 lead neck thyroid collars to shield the uterus, protecting the fetus from direct radiation. Indication for treatment was symptomatic ureteral stones unresponsive to medical treatment in 7 and persistent fever in 1. RESULTS Mean ureteral stone size was 8.1 +/- 4.8 mm, located in the left ureter in 5 (62.5%) cases. Three (37.5%) patients had stone located in the upper ureter, 2 (25%) in the middle ureter, and 3 (37.5) in the distal ureter. In 6 cases, ureteral stones were treated using the semi-rigid ureteroscope, whereas in 1 case a flexible ureteroscope was needed. One woman was treated with insertion of a double-J stent due to associated urinary infection. No women has early delivery related to the endoscopic procedure, and all neonates were perfectly normal. CONCLUSIONS We present a technique for endoscopic procedures in pregnant women inverting the fluoroscope`s c-arm and protecting the fetus from the direct X-ray beam. This practical approach should be specially considered when no portable ultrasound and radiologic assistance in available in the operating room. UROLOGY 75: 1505-1508, 2010. (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.
The genus Schistosoma is composed of blood flukes that infect vertebrates, from which three species are major causative agents of human schistosomiasis, a tropical disease that affects more than 200 million people. Current models of the recent evolution of Schistosoma indicate multiple events of migration and speciation from an Asian ancestral species. Transposable elements are important drivers of genome evolution and have been hypothesised to have an important role in speciation. In this work, we describe a comprehensive inventory of Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum retrotransposons, based on their recently published genomic data. We find a considerable difference in retrotransposon representation between the two species (22% and 13%, respectively). A large part of this difference can be attributed to higher representation of two previously described families of S. mansoni retrotransposons (SR2 and Perere-3/SR3), compared with the representation of their closest relative families in S. japonicum. A more detailed analysis suggests that these two S. mansoni families were the subject of recent bursts of transposition that were not paralleled by their S. japonicum counterparts. We hypothesise that these bursts could be a consequence of the evolutionary pressure resulting from migration of Schistosoma from Asia to Africa and their establishment in this new environment, helping both speciation and adaptation. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.