939 resultados para intentional tort


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INTRODUÇÃO: nesse estudo cefalométrico retrospectivo, analisou-se a influência da anquilose intencional de caninos decíduos em pacientes com má oclusão de Classe III e mordida cruzada anterior, nos estágios de dentição decídua e mista precoce, tratados com expansão ortopédica da maxila, seguida de tração reversa. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas telerradiografias em norma lateral de 40 pacientes, divididos em 2 grupos pareados por idade e sexo. O Grupo Anquilose foi constituído de 20 pacientes (10 meninos e 10 meninas) tratados com anquilose induzida e que apresentavam as idades médias inicial e final, respectivamente, de 7a 4m e 8a 3m, e o tempo médio de tração reversa de 11 meses. O Grupo Controle, composto de 20 pacientes (10 meninos e 10 meninas) tratados sem anquilose induzida e que apresentavam as idades médias inicial de 7a 8m e final de 8a 7m, e tempo médio de tração reversa de 11 meses. Foram empregadas as análises de Variância a dois critérios e de Covariância para comparar as variáveis cefalométricas inicial e final e as alterações de tratamento entre os grupos. RESULTADOS: segundo os resultados, as variáveis que evidenciaram as mudanças de tratamento significativas entre os grupos confirmaram que o procedimento de anquilose intencional potencializou a resposta sagital das bases apicais (Pg-NPerp) e aumentou os ângulos de convexidade facial (NAP e ANB). CONCLUSÃO: o protocolo envolvendo a anquilose intencional de caninos decíduos potencializou a resposta sagital das bases apicais.


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Objective. To identify the existence of spatial and temporal patterns in the occurrence of intentional homicides in the municipality of Sao Paulo (MSP), Brazil, and to discuss the analytical value of taking such patterns into account when designing studies that address the dynamics and factors associated with the incidence of homicides. Methods. A longitudinal ecological study was conducted, having as units of analysis 13 205 census tracts and the 96 census districts that congregate these sectors in Sao Paulo. All intentional homicides reported in the city between 2000 and 2008 were analyzed. The gross homicide rates per 100 000 population was calculated as well as the global and local Bayesian estimates for each census tract during the study period. To verify the possibility of identifying different patterns of the spatial distribution of homicides, we used BoxMap and Moran's I index. Results. The homicide trends in the city of Sao Paulo in the last decade were not homogeneous and systematic. Instead, seven patterns of spatial distribution were identified; that is, seven spatial regimes for the occurrence of intentional homicides, considering the homicide rates within each census tract as well as the rates in adjacent tracts. These spatial distribution regimes were not contained within the limits of the census tracts and districts. Conclusions. The results show the importance of analyzing the spatial distribution of social phenomena without restriction of political and administrative boundaries.


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Introduction: This retrospective cephalometric study analyzed the influence of intentional ankylosis of deciduous canines in patients with Class III malocclusion and anterior crossbite, in the deciduous and early mixed dentition stages, treated by orthopedic maxillary expansion followed by maxillary protraction. Methods: Lateral cephalograms of 40 patients were used, divided in 2 groups paired for age and gender. The Ankylosis Group was composed of 20 patients (10 boys and 10 girls) treated with induced ankylosis and presenting initial and final mean ages of 7 years 4 months and 8 years 3 months, respectively, with a mean period of maxillary protraction of 11 months. The Control Group comprised 20 patients (10 boys and 10 girls) treated without induced ankylosis, with initial and final mean ages of 7 years 8 months and 8 years 7 months, respectively, with a mean period of maxillary protraction of 11 months. Two-way analysis of variance and covariance analysis were applied to compare the initial and final cephalometric variables and the treatment changes between groups. Results: According to the results, the variables evidencing the significant treatment changes between groups confirmed that the intentional ankylosis enhanced the sagittal response of the apical bases (Pg-NPerp) and increased the facial convexity angles (NAP and ANB). Conclusions: The protocol involving intentional ankylosis of deciduous canines enhanced the sagittal response of the apical bases.


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The analysis of tort law is one of the most influential and extensively developed applications of the economic approach in the study of law. Notwithstanding the exhaustive number of contributions on tort law and economics, several open questions remain that warrant further investigation. The general aim of this research project is to refine the traditional model of tort law in order to make it more realistic, updated with the recent technological progress and in line with the experimental results concerning prosocial behavior. This book is divided into six chapters: Chapters 1 and 6 provide an introduction and conclusions, respectively, while the remaining chapters are written in the form of separate yet related articles.


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Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) has emerged as a promising therapeutic alternative to conventional open aortic replacement but it requires suitable proximal and distal landing zones for stent-graft anchoring. Many aortic pathologies affect in the immediate proximity of the left subclavian artery (LSA) limiting the proximal landing zone site without proximal vessel coverage. In patients in whom the distance between the LSA and aortic lesion is too short, extension of the landing zone can be obtained by covering the LSA's origin with the endovascular stent graft (ESG). This manoeuvre has the potential for immediate and delayed neurological and vascular symptoms. Some authors, therefore, propose prophylactic revascularisation of the LSA by transposition or bypass, while others suggest prophylactic revascularisation only under certain conditions, and still others see no requirement for prophylactic revascularisation in anticipation of LSA ostium coverage. In this review about LSA revascularisation in TEVAR patients with coverage of the LSA, we searched the electronic databases MEDLINE and EMBASE historically until the end date of May 2010 with the search terms left subclavian artery, covering, endovascular, revascularisation and thoracic aorta. We have gathered the most complete scientific evidence available used to support the various concepts to deal with this issue. After a review of the current available literature, 23 relevant articles were found, where we have identified and analysed three basic treatment concepts for LSA revascularisation in TEVAR patients (prophylactic, conditional prophylactic and no prophylactic LSA revascularisation). The available evidence supports prophylactic revascularisation of the LSA before ESG LSA coverage when preoperative imaging reveals abnormal supra-aortic vascular anatomy or pathology. We further conclude that elective patients undergoing planned coverage of the LSA during TEVAR should receive prophylactic LSA transposition or LSA-to-left-common-carotid-artery (LCCA) bypass surgery to prevent severe neurological complications, such as paraplegia or brain stem infarction.


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The present clinical study investigated the outcome of intentional replantation using resection of the ankylosed sites of the root, extraoral endodontic treatment using titanium posts and Emdogain for periodontal healing following trauma-related ankylosis. During an evaluation period of 6 years, 16 ankylosed teeth affected by replacement resorption were treated as described. Evaluation parameters before treatment and during the follow-up period included Periotest scores, percussion sound and periapical radiographs. All findings were compared to those of the adjacent teeth. In a second accident, one tooth was lost after 7 months and was excluded as a dropout. Ankylosis did not recur in seven replanted teeth, which were observed for an average of 52.3 months (range: 24-68 months). Ankylosis recurred in eight teeth after an average period of 12 months (range: 4-26 months). An infraocclusion, normal or only slightly reduced Periotest scores and normal percussion sound were preoperatively found in six of seven successfully replanted teeth, which corresponded to a relatively small area of ankylosis. The majority of the teeth showing recurrent ankylosis preoperatively presented with normal position, negative Periotest scores and a high percussion sound which corresponded to an extended area of ankylosis. Statistically significant relationship between preoperative findings and the treatment outcome (P = 0.031) have become apparent. The results indicate that the treatment of minor areas of ankylosis by intentional replantation, resection of the ankylosed sites and Emdogain appeared to prevent or delay the recurrence of ankylosis in 7 of 15 teeth.


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AIM: To present a case that emphasizes the importance of the use of intentional replantation as a technique to successfully treat a periapical lesion and an odontogenic maxillary sinusitis through the alveolus at the same time. SUMMARY: This case report presents a patient with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis secondary to periapical disease of a maxillary molar that had previously received root canal treatment. The molar was extracted, with drainage and rinsing of the maxillary sinus. The apices were resected extra-orally, the retrograde cavities prepared with ultrasound and retrograde fillings of silver amalgam placed. The tooth was then replanted. After 2 years, the patient was asymptomatic, periapical radiography showed no evidence of root resorption and computed tomography scanning demonstrated the resolution of maxillary sinusitis. Key learning points: *When root canal treatment or periapical surgery cannot be undertaken or has failed, intentional replantation may be considered. *This alternative treatment may be predictable in certain cases.


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Objective Non-adherence to medication is common among coronary heart disease patients. Non-adherence to medication may be either intentional or unintentional. In this analysis we provide estimates of intentional and unintentional non-adherence in the year following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Method In this descriptive prospective observational study of patients with confirmed ACS medication adherence measures were derived from responses to the Medication Adherence Report Scale at approximately 2 weeks (n = 223), 6 months (n = 139) and 12 months (n = 136) following discharge from acute treatment for ACS. Results Total medication non-adherence was 20%, 54% and 53% at each of these time points respectively. The corresponding figures for intentional non-adherence were 8%, 15% and 15% and 15%, 52% and 53% for unintentional non-adherence. There were significant increases in the levels of medication non-adherence between the immediate discharge period (2 weeks) and 6 months that appeared to stabilize between 6 and 12 months after acute treatment for ACS. Conclusion Unintentional non-adherence to medications may be the primary form of non-adherence in the year following ACS. Interventions delivered early in the post-discharge period may prevent the relatively high levels of non-adherence that appear to become established by 6 months following an ACS.


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Conventional tort law bars victims of exposure to a toxic substance from filing suit until they actually develop symptoms of illness. Practically speaking, this rule often bars recovery due to bankruptcy and causal uncertainty. One solution is to allow victims to file at exposure for expected damages (a tort for risk). The trade-off is that such a rule may trigger a race to file among exposure victims, thereby itself inducing bankruptcy. This paper characterizes the conditions under which such a race will occur in equilibrium and examines the implications for social welfare.


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Conventional tort law does not allow victims of exposure to a toxic substance to seek compensation until they develop actual symptoms of illness. This may effectively bar recovery because at the time the illness arises, injurers may be judgment proof. One possible response is to allow a tort for risk that allows victims to seek expected damages at the time of exposure. However, critics charge that this could create a 'race to file' wherein victims rush to file suit to ensure that they will get a share of the injurer's limited assets. We show that such a race may or may not occur in equilibrium, and that when it does occur, not all victims choose to file at exposure if bankruptcy is an inevitable result. If bankruptcy is not inevitable, it is possible that a tort for risk will trigger bankruptcy, although a no-bankruptcy equilibrium always exists and Paretodominates the bankruptcy equilibrium. We examine the consequences of the various tort-for-risk equilibria on the compensation of exposure victims, litigation costs, and injurer care.


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There have been three medical malpractice insurance "crises" in the United States over a time spanning roughly the past three decades (Poisson, 2004, p. 759-760). Each crisis is characterized by a number of common features, including rapidly increasing medical malpractice insurance premiums, cancellation of existing insurance policies, and a decreased willingness of insurers to offer or renew medical malpractice insurance policies (Poisson, 2004, p. 759-760). Given the recurrent "crises," many sources argue that medical malpractice insurance coverage has become too expensive a commodity—one that many physicians simply cannot afford (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], 2002, p. 1-2; Physician Insurers Association of America [PIAA], 2003, p. 1; Jackiw, 2004, p. 506; Glassman, 2004, p. 417; Padget, 2003, p. 216). ^ The prohibitively high cost of medical liability insurance is said to limit the geographical areas and medical specializations in which physicians are willing to practice. As a result, the high costs of medical liability insurance are ultimately said to affect whether or not people have access to health care services. ^ In an effort to control the medical liability insurance crises—and to preserve or restore peoples' access to health care—every state in the United States has passed "at least some laws designed to reduce medical malpractice premium rates" (GAO, 2003, p.5-6). More recently, however, the United States has witnessed a push to implement federal reform of the medical malpractice tort system. Accordingly, this project focuses on federal medical malpractice tort reform. This project was designed to investigate the following specific question: Do the federal medical malpractice tort reform bills which passed in the House of Representatives between 1995 and 2005 differ in respect to their principle features? To answer this question, the text of the bills, law review articles, and reports from government and private agencies were analyzed. Further, a matrix was compiled to concisely summarize the principle features of the proposed federal medical malpractice tort reform bills. Insight gleaned from this investigation and matrix compilation informs discussion about the potential ramifications of enacting federal medical malpractice tort reform legislation. ^


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En el articulo se describe las obras realizadas en la cola del embalse de presa hidroelectrica de barrera para mejorar el habitat y obtener un aumento de población de la trucha común. Las obras fueron de dos tipos, una primera consistente en la introducción de grandes piedras para crear refugios a la trucha y la segunda consistió en la abertura de mangas y brazos del río para irrigar lagunas y mejorar las condiciones del agua.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C.