105 resultados para instinct


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Le Voyage de Saint Brendan présente un univers hybride, à la fois suffisamment réaliste pour y reconnaître des phénomènes scientifiquement vérifiables et profondément symbolique dans ses connotations. Les animaux marins qui y figurent ne sont en rien anthropomorphes, mais se démarquent aussi nettement de l'image donnée par les bestiaires, dans la mesure où leurs actions et caractéristiques ne sont pas en soi porteuses de sens. La faune aquatique est à la fois une menace et une présence protectrice, la providence divine déterminant de cas en cas la nature des rencontres entre moines et poissons, baleines et monstres marins. Ces bêtes sont en elles-mêmes moralement neutres, guidées par l'instinct; mais Benedeit exploite ce trait pour mettre en exergue la soumission de ces créatures à la volonté du Créateur, et leur importance pour Brendan et ses compagnons.


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This conference was an unusual and interesting event. Celebrating 25 years of Construction Management and Economics provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the research that has been reported over the years, to consider where we are now, and to think about the future of academic research in this area. Hence the sub-title of this conference: “past, present and future”. Looking through these papers, some things are clear. First, the range of topics considered interesting has expanded hugely since the journal was first published. Second, the research methods are also more diverse. Third, the involvement of wider groups of stakeholder is evident. There is a danger that this might lead to dilution of the field. But my instinct has always been to argue against the notion that Construction Management and Economics represents a discipline, as such. Granted, there are plenty of university departments around the world that would justify the idea of a discipline. But the vast majority of academic departments who contribute to the life of this journal carry different names to this. Indeed, the range and breadth of methodological approaches to the research reported in Construction Management and Economics indicates that there are several different academic disciplines being brought to bear on the construction sector. Some papers are based on economics, some on psychology and others on operational research, sociology, law, statistics, information technology, and so on. This is why I maintain that construction management is not an academic discipline, but a field of study to which a range of academic disciplines are applied. This may be why it is so interesting to be involved in this journal. The problems to which the papers are applied develop and grow. But the broad topics of the earliest papers in the journal are still relevant today. What has changed a lot is our interpretation of the problems that confront the construction sector all over the world, and the methodological approaches to resolving them. There is a constant difficulty in dealing with topics as inherently practical as these. While the demands of the academic world are driven by the need for the rigorous application of sound methods, the demands of the practical world are quite different. It can be difficult to meet the needs of both sets of stakeholders at the same time. However, increasing numbers of postgraduate courses in our area result in larger numbers of practitioners with a deeper appreciation of what research is all about, and how to interpret and apply the lessons from research. It also seems that there are contributions coming not just from construction-related university departments, but also from departments with identifiable methodological traditions of their own. I like to think that our authors can publish in journals beyond the construction-related areas, to disseminate their theoretical insights into other disciplines, and to contribute to the strength of this journal by citing our articles in more mono-disciplinary journals. This would contribute to the future of the journal in a very strong and developmental way. The greatest danger we face is in excessive self-citation, i.e. referring only to sources within the CM&E literature or, worse, referring only to other articles in the same journal. The only way to ensure a strong and influential position for journals and university departments like ours is to be sure that our work is informing other academic disciplines. This is what I would see as the future, our logical next step. If, as a community of researchers, we are not producing papers that challenge and inform the fundamentals of research methods and analytical processes, then no matter how practically relevant our output is to the industry, it will remain derivative and secondary, based on the methodological insights of others. The balancing act between methodological rigour and practical relevance is a difficult one, but not, of course, a balance that has to be struck in every single paper.


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Purpose – Characteristics of leaders whose behaviour is visceral include taking action based on instinct rather than intellect and exhibiting coarse, base and often negative emotions. Despite the challenge of precisely defining the nature of visceral behaviour, the purpose of this paper is to provide insight into this less attractive side of boardroom life. Design/methodology/approach – Following a literature review of the research into the negative behaviour leaders exhibit, the paper highlights four forms of visceral behaviour based on focused and intimate qualitative case studies involving the experiences of those on the receiving end of that behaviour within a boardroom context. Findings – Based on interviews with an international sample of five chief executive officers (CEOs), plus three subordinates with substantial profit and loss responsibility, the study reveals a distinctly human experience from which no one is exempt. The idiosyncratic nature of the visceral behaviour experienced resulted in each study participant's unique experience. The authors conclude that leaders need to adopt specific measures in order to control and reduce the darker human tendencies. Research limitations/implications – The experiences of study participants are presented in four case studies, providing insight into their experiences whilst also protecting their identity. The study participants were drawn from a sample of companies operating globally within a single sector of the manufacturing industry. The concepts the authors present require validating in other organisations with different demographic profiles. Originality/value – The paper presents a model based on two dimensions – choice and level of mastery – that provides the reader with insight into the forms of visceral behaviour to which leaders succumb. Insight enables us to offer managers strategic suggestions to guard against visceral behaviour and assist them in mitigating its worst aspects, in both those with whom they work and themselves.


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Maggie MacKellar in her book Core of my Heart, my Country writes 'What is sense of place? Why is relationship with place so fundamental to our identity as individuals and as communities?' MacKellar rightly acknowledges that 'A sense of place is a complex connection between land and self. Place is both inside and outside; it takes us beyond ourselves, yet allows us to make sense of ourselves. Attachments to place are born into us, but they are also formed through movement, through labour, through words.' My mother Maria Radzimirski-Herzog considered herself truly Swiss and thoroughly Australian. Through one migrant's story this paper explores something of the complex intertwining of place, memory and identity. It grapples with the notion of belonging to one's country of birth and one's adopted country via a rich understanding of place. In Maria's case, place becomes inextricably bound with who she became as a person. In the early 1940s, Maria explored Switzerland on bike and on foot during war-time restrictions on cars and she came to know it intimately. She photographed the land and the mountains; she documented her journeys. Spirn writes perceptively that 'Significance does not depend on human perception or imagination alone.' For Maria significance was, to use Spirn's words, 'there to be discovered, inherent and ascribed, shaped by what senses perceive, what instinct and experience read as significant, what minds know'. For Maria, Landscape was not 'mere scenery'. The ability to see, to listen, to be present in place, stood her in good stead in her adopted country, Australia. Maria called place into being for her children: through her lived experiences, her memories, her story telling, through language, traditions and history, Maria shared her Swiss identity with her children. But imperceptibly she also taught them how to understand her new homeland Australia, their birth country. How did Maria become Australian? Was that her creative response to exile from Switzerland? How did she come to feel at home in both countries, to understand both places? How did they seep into her and she into them? Through my own research on place I have discovered that assessing 'sense of place' is not an exact science but a creative analysis of the attributes of a place. The methodology I have adopted to explore the complex interrelationships between place, memory and identity allows recovery and reclamation, rediscovery, juxtaposing the subjective and the objective, the co-presence of different evidence. This paper draws on place research, on personal papers, letters and photographs, and the author's own experiences and memories. Through story and narrative it interweaves autobiography and biography with theoretical scholarship, to illuminate one migrant's journey from estrangement to a sense of place in her adopted country, Australia.


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We used a geolocation method based on tidal amplitude and water depth to assess the horizontal movements of 14 cod Gadus morhua equipped with time-depth recorders (TDR) in the North Sea and English Channel. Tracks ranged from 40 to 468 d and showed horizontal movements of up to 455 km and periods of continuous localised residence of up to 360 d. Cod spent time both in midwater (43% of total time) and near the seabed (57% of total time). A variety of common vertical movement patterns were seen within periods of both residence and directed horizontal movement. Hence particular patterns of vertical movement could not unequivocally define periods of migration or localised residence. After long horizontal movements, cod tended to adopt resident behaviour for several months and then return to broadly the same location where they were tagged, indicating a geospatial instinct. The results suggest that residence and homing behaviour are important features of Atlantic cod behaviour.


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During the 1980s, in particular, Bowie embodied particular notions of white masculinity that were on the one hand supportive of its idealized hegemony, and on the other subverted its normative power. I will take 1983 as the year when his whiteness is particularly visible and unstable. Bowie, as either the blonde dandy from Let’s Dance; the enigmatic character, Maj. Jack 'Strafer' Celliers from Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983); or the simmering vampire, John Blaylock from The Hunger (1983), crystlised the pure qualities of white masculinity while demonstrating its violent, queer and subversive nature. The chapter will suggest that Bowie has constantly operated along a white continuum, self-consciously embodying it, granting it carnal and ideological power, while drawing attention to its death-like instinct, its anti-reproductive progeny, its implicit queerness.I have chosen to read Bowie’s whiteness through this shortened window of temporality to enable me to draw into the analysis the historical and cultural issues of the period in question. 1983 registers as the year in which whiteness is acutely imagined to be under threat from the Asian tiger and transforming geo-political realities, its own languid anti-corporeality, the AIDS ‘epidemic’, and from the rise of racism in Europe and elsewhere - realities which require it to re-position its power relations with the sexual, and ethnic Other. The whiteness in/of David Bowie speaks particularly eloquently to this historical moment.


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Este trabalho pretendeu realizar um levantamento crítico das pesquisas efetuadas em torno da necessidade de afiliação. Partindo de explicações gerais, calcadas nos conceitos de aprendizagem e instinto chegou-se às contribuições mais recentes e específicas, que tendem a destacar, principalmente, a influência de variáveis de personalidade e de ordem afetiva no desenvolvimento da conduta afiliativa. Procurou-se assinalar os aspectos dessas contribuições que podem ser considerados ambíguos e contraditórios, buscando abranger questões metodológicas, conceituais e teóricas. Tentou-se, finalmente, - objetivando contribuir para o prolongamento da pesquisa relacionada com este tipo de motivação - sugerir a vinculação entre a necessidade de afiliação e algumas variáveis consideradas no estudo da atração interpessoal. A realização da pesquisa sugerida faz parte de futuro projeto da autora.


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Propomo-nos a mostrar que a intuição tal como aparece no pensamento de Bergson é tanto uma faculdade de conhecimento que se opõe à inteligência quanto um método filosófico constituído por procedimentos racionais, os quais a propiciam e enriquecem. Nesse sentido, ambos os aspectos da intuição estão intimamente ligados, sendo cada um imprescindível à compreensão do outro.


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The right against self-incrimination is a fundamental right that works in the criminal prosecution, and therefore deserves a study supported by the general theory of criminal procedure. The right has a vague origin, and despite the various historical accounts only arises when there is a criminal procedure structured that aims to limit the State´s duty-power to punish. The only system of criminal procedure experienced that reconciles with seal self-incrimination is the accusatory model. The inquisitorial model is based on the construction of a truth and obtaining the confession at any cost, and is therefore incompatible with the right in study. The consecration of the right arises with the importance that fundamental rights have come to occupy in the Democratic Constitutional States. In the Brazilian experience before 1988 was only possible to recognize that self-incrimination represented a procedural burden for accused persons. Despite thorough debate in the Constituent Assembly, the right remains consecrated in a textual formula that´s closer to the implementation made by the Supreme Court of the United States, known as "Miranda warnings", than the text of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that established originally the right against self-incrimination with a constitutional status. However, the imprecise text does not prevent the consecration of the principle as a fundamental right in Brazilian law. The right against self-incrimination is a right that should be observed in the Criminal Procedure and relates to several of his canons, such as the the presumption of not guilty, the accusatory model, the distribution of the burden of proof, and especially the right of defense. Because it a fundamental right, the prohibition of self-incrimination deserves a proper study to her constitutional nature. For the definition of protected persons is important to build a material concept of accused, which is different of the formal concept over who is denounced on the prosecution. In the objective area of protection, there are two objects of protection of the norm: the instinct of self-preservation of the subject and the ability to self-determination. Configuring essentially a evidence rule in criminal procedure, the analysis of the case should be based on standards set previously to indicate respect for the right. These standard include the right to information of the accused, the right to counsel and respect the voluntary participation. The study of violations cases, concentrated on the element of voluntariness, starting from the definition of what is or is not a coercion violative of self-determination. The right faces new challenges that deserve attention, especially the fight against terrorism and organized crime that force the development of tools, resources and technologies about proves, methods increasingly invasive and hidden, and allow the use of information not only for criminal prosecution, but also for the establishment of an intelligence strategy in the development of national and public security


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It is investigating why reason Nietzsche affirms, in 1888, when revises his work (Ecce Homo), that to be exactly with The Birth of Tragedy it will be necessary to forget some things , and, in spite of, insist, in the same writing, in naming himself the first tragic philosopher - that is, the opposite and antipode of a pessimistic philosopher . Nietzsche elaborates in The Birth of Tragedy a theory about tragic starting from the opposition and complementarity among Apollo and Dionysian, rationalism and instinct, and in the refusal of the pessimistic perspective. The objective of the dissertation is to discuss how the theory of tragedy modifies due to the rupture with the inspiring of the first moment of the nietzschian philosophy, Schopenhauer and Wagner - maybe the such things to be forgotten about The Birth of Tragedy - and the implications of this rupture, that transforms the philosophy of Nietzsche in dissident of the metaphysical tradition. Like this, it is noticed that there is more continuity than estrangement in what concerns to the definition of tragic, just announced in 1871. By the sentence of the eternal return to the concept of will of power Nietzsche elaborates a tragic perspective, marked by the Dionysian celebration of the life, also acted through the pessimism dionisiac , defined in Gaya Science's § 370 (1881-2), and of the sentence of the love fate, enunciated in the §276 of the same work; all those concepts, discussed in this research, concentrate, decisively, the acceptance idea and statement of life, or more precisely, the decline of the tragic hero, between joy and ruin


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O diagrama do signo, quando aplicado no entendimento da ciência, dá lugar a uma correlação original entre abdução, dedução e indução. A união da abdução e da dedução consiste numa Forma geral de possibilidade lógica. Enquanto que a indução estabelece, no decorrer da experiência, a razão de freqüência no universo dos fatos das conseqüências previstas na representação geral. Como uma construção formal, a ciência enquanto semiótica sustenta-se, mesmo tendo por objeto um universo do puro acaso. Todavia, no interior do conjunto total do sistema filosófico de Peirce, a ciência só adquire significado se corresponder à realidade da Natureza. A garantia desta correspondência estatisticamente relevante seria o fato de o instinto humano pertencer ao mesmo estágio de evolução do universo todo.


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O aumento dos textos traduzidos e da investigação acadêmica no campo reichiano realça a necessidade de se estar atento à qualidade das traduções dos textos de Reich para o português. Utilizando a palavra Trieb como exemplo, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar quais os termos utilizados nas traduções dessa palavra para o português. Os resultados demonstraram, a exemplo do que acontece nas traduções da obra freudiana, que os termos mais comuns são: pulsão, instinto e impulso. Tal variação de termos reforça a necessidade de se cotejar diferentes traduções de um mesmo texto, de se confrontar os textos traduzidos com os textos originais e de se ater ao devido uso de termos específicos, contribuindo para que se leia, da melhor forma possível, as ideias originais de Reich em português.


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This work examines the discourse of the American philosopher and educator John Dewey (1859-1852) about human nature, adopting as reference the book Human nature and conduct: an introduction to Social Psychology. In this book, published in 1922, Dewey discusses fundamental concepts of Psychology - instinct, habit, intelligence, and others - and proposes a new psychological science; the author's elaborations cover the fields of philosophy, psychology and education. The methodology to analyze his discourse follows the studies developed by the Research Group Rhetoric and Argumentation in Pedagogy. Such studies are based on Chaïm Perelman's and Stephen Toulmin's theories.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)