995 resultados para inland sport fisheries


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This is the report on the workshop on “Small Indigenous Freshwater Fish Species: Their Role in Poverty Alleviation, Food Security and Conservation of Biodiversity”, organized by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers(ICSF) in collaboration with the Inland Fisheries Society of India (IFSI). The workshop was a forum for exchange of views on the role of small indigenous freshwater fish species (SIFFS) in enhancing rural food supply and livelihood security, and in conserving biodiversity. The workshop also discussed the socioeconomic and cultural contexts for the culture and capture of SIFFS, and how to enhance access—especially for women—to better incomes, livelihoods and nutritional security, through appropriate policy spaces. This report provides a fresh focus on SIFFS, usually regarded as ‘trash’ fish. It urges scientists, researchers and decisionmakers to develop policy and legislative measures to ensure the conservation and promotion of SIFFS, both in capture- and culture-fisheries systems. This report will be useful for fishworker organizations, researchers, policymakers, fish farmers, members of civil society and anyone interested in fisheries and livelihoods. (PDF contains 86 pages)


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While Africa’s inland fisheries are widely recognized to be of great importance to local people, accurate and up-to-date information on their value is sparse and its absence is a serious constraint to the formulation of effective fisheries policies and management practices. As a contribution to current efforts to address this constraint, this paper reviews the different methods that are potentially applicable to the valuation of inland fisheries and discusses their respective rationales and limitations within a multi-sectoral, multi-user context. The livelihood analysis approach is given special emphasis. The complementarity of this recently developed approach with the other, more conventional, environmental economics methods is illustrated.


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The paper describes the wide range of traditional fishing gear used by subsistence and professional fishers in the inland waters in Bangladesh as well as their impact on the fisheries and the environment. The negative impacts indicate the need for regulation of specific types of fishing gear at particular times of the year. An awareness/training program should be extended to the fishermen to create awareness of the long-term effects of their fishing practices and to impart knowledge of fishing laws.


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The workshop and symposium titled Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Towards FAO Guidelines on Marine and Inland Small-scale Fisheries was jointly organized by the National Fishworkers’ Forum (NFF) and the Society for Direct Initiative for Social and Health Action (DISHA), in collaboration with the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF). The workshop was the first in a series of consultations around the world organized to discuss the Voluntary Guidelines on Small-scale Fisheries (VGSSF) and propose measures, keeping in mind the interests and concerns of small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. The workshop was also a forum to make the role of small-scale fisheries and fishworkers more visible in the context of food security, poverty alleviation and sustainable use of fishery resources. The workshop had 62 participants from both the marine and inland sectors, representing 10 States of India. The participants included fishworkers, representatives of fishworker organizations, policymakers and representatives of multilateral organizations. The workshop was structured to facilitate active interaction and discussion among participants, taking into account linguistic diversity and the contextual differences of the marine and inland sectors. This publication will be useful for fishworkers, fishworker organizations, researchers, policymakers, fish farmers, members of civil society and anyone interested in small-scale fisheries and livelihoods.


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Introduction The laboratory at Jinja is being developed as a centre for hydro-biological research in East Africa, It has been built and is at present wholly financed from a grant from the Central Research allocation of the Colonial Development Fund. The building contains six laboratories in addition to a library, common room and general office. A maximum number of ten research workers could be given laboratory accommodation. However, shortage of living accommodation will limit the numbers who can work here for the next year or two.


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The present work is now concentrated mainly on the Tilapia fishery. As a result of past experience it is easier to direct efforts in a way likely to give useful results. Work on the Tilapia is now beyond the purely exploratory stage and these fishing experiments are being carried but in areas which are known to contain large numbers of Tilapia. Nets of different mesh size are being used in order to catch all stages of these fish. These nets are being fished at the surface and at the bottom, close to the shore and further out. The data collected should provide more precise information regarding the periodic migration, both vertical and horizontal, of these fish, a better understanding of their life history and breeding habits, and indicate' the potential possibilities of this fishery. These data should explain the variation in numbers of fish caught by Africans during different months of the year; they should also make it possible to determine more exactly the best type of net for use in this particular fishery.


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The purpose of this paper is not to justify the existence of limnologists in fishery science, but to illustrate the now well accepted view that limnology holds the key to the understanding of fish production, and that an understanding of environmental relationships and the modification rates at all trophic levels must be the basis of enlightened management.


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The paper discusses relevance of studies on the resources to the decisions that have taken for the development of management of African inland fisheries. Particular emphasis is given to outlining the types of advice that can be provided by the biologist, without which the decisions taken can easily be wrong. The primary information concerns the magnitude of the potential yield from the resource, and how it compares with present catches. From this the possibilities for development can be assessed, or the need for management be determined. Methods of determining the potential, and the data used in their application are briefly reviewed. Because scientific advice on the resource is desirable as early as possible in the development of a fishery, simple but rather rough methods may be equally, if not more, valuable than more precise but more difficult methods.


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The aim of this manual is to provide a comprehensive practical tool for the generation and analysis of genetic data for subsequent application in aquatic resources management in relation to genetic stock identification in inland fisheries and aquaculture. The material only covers general background on genetics in relation to aquaculture and fisheries resource management, the techniques and relevant methods of data analysis that are commonly used to address questions relating to genetic resource characterisation and population genetic analyses. No attempt is made to include applications of genetic improvement techniques e.g. selective breeding or producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The manual includes two ‘stand-alone’ parts, of which this is the first volume: Part 1 – Conceptual basis of population genetic approaches: will provide a basic foundation on genetics in general, and concepts of population genetics. Issues on the choices of molecular markers and project design are also discussed. Part 2 – Laboratory protocols, data management and analysis: will provide step-by-step protocols of the most commonly used molecular genetic techniques utilised in population genetics and systematic studies. In addition, a brief discussion and explanation of how these data are managed and analysed is also included. This manual is expected to enable NACA member country personnel to be trained to undertake molecular genetic studies in their own institutions, and as such is aimed at middle and higher level technical grades. The manual can also provide useful teaching material for specialised advanced level university courses in the region and postgraduate students. The manual has gone through two development/improvement stages. The initial material was tested at a regional workshop and at the second stage feedback from participants was used to improve the contents.


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The aim of this manual is to provide a comprehensive practical tool for the generation and analysis of genetic data for subsequent application in aquatic resources management in relation to genetic stock identification in inland fisheries and aquaculture. The material only covers general background on genetics in relation to aquaculture and fisheries resource management, the techniques and relevant methods of data analysis that are commonly used to address questions relating to genetic resource characterisation and population genetic analyses. No attempt is made to include applications of genetic improvement techniques e.g. selective breeding or producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The manual includes two ‘stand-alone’ parts, of which this is the second volume: Part 1 – Conceptual basis of population genetic approaches: will provide a basic foundation on genetics in general, and concepts of population genetics. Issues on the choices of molecular markers and project design are also discussed. Part 2 – Laboratory protocols, data management and analysis: will provide step-by-step protocols of the most commonly used molecular genetic techniques utilised in population genetics and systematic studies. In addition, a brief discussion and explanation of how these data are managed and analysed is also included. This manual is expected to enable NACA member country personnel to be trained to undertake molecular genetic studies in their own institutions, and as such is aimed at middle and higher level technical grades. The manual can also provide useful teaching material for specialised advanced level university courses in the region and postgraduate students. The manual has gone through two development/improvement stages. The initial material was tested at a regional workshop and at the second stage feedback from participants was used to improve the contents.


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An analysis of covariance relating basin area (A, km2) to river length (L, km) and discharge rate (D, m3 s-1) was performed for two continents and showed that the two covariates (L and D) were highly significant and that the strength of the relationship changed between continents. For comparison, D was excluded but the result remained the same. Although geomorphological models are useful for establishing global levels of production, these regressions should be applied with caution. Historically, simple statistical models were developed to predict fish catches in rivers. These, based upon regression of catches on channel length or basin area for Africa and Central Amazonia, are contrasted in this paper because of their generally similar approach.