990 resultados para injection vs rapid,


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A 2D isothermal finite element simulation of the injection stretch-blow molding (ISBM) process for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) containers has been developed through the commercial finite element package ABAQUS/standard. In this work, the blowing air to inflate the PET preform was modeled through two different approaches: a direct pressure input (as measured in the blowing machine) and a constant mass flow rate input (based on a pressure-volume-time relationship). The results from these two approaches were validated against free blow and free stretch-blow experiments, which were instrumented and monitored through high-speed video. Results show that simulation using a constant mass flow rate approach gave a better prediction of volume vs. time curve and preform shape evolution when compared with the direct pressure approach and hence is more appropriate in modeling the preblowing stage in the injection stretch-blow molding process


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Attenuation processes controlling virus fate and transport in the vadose zone of karstified systems can strongly influence groundwater quality. This research compares the breakthrough of two bacteriophage tracers (H40/1 and T7), with contrasting properties, at subsurface monitoring points following application onto an overlying composite sequence of thin organic soil and weathered limestone (epikarst). Short pulse multi-tracer test results revealed that T7 (Source concentration, Co=1.8x106pfu/mL) and H40/1(Co=5.9x106pfu/mL) could reach sampling points 10m below ground less than 30 minutes after tracer application. Contrasting deposition rates, determined from simulated tracer responses, reflected the potential of the ground to differentially attenuate viruses. Prolonged application of both T7 (Co=2.3x104pfu/mL) and H40/1 (Co=1.3x105pfu/mL) over a five hour period during a subsequent test, in which ionic strength levels observed at monitoring points rose consistently, corresponded to a rapid rise in T7 levels, followed by a gradual decline before the end of tracer injection; this reflected reaction-limited deposition in the system. T7’s response contrasted with that of H40/1, whose concentration remained constant over a three hour period before declining dramatically prior to the end of tracer injection. Subsequent application of lower ionic strength tracer-free flush water generated a rapid rise in H40/1 levels and a more gradual release of T7. Results highlight the benefits of employing prolonged injection multi-tracer tests for identifying processes not apparent from conventional short pulse tests. Study findings demonstrate that despite rapid transport rates, the epikarst is capable of physicochemical filtration of viruses and their remobilization, depending on virus type and hydrochemical conditions.


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There is a need to provide rapid, sensitive, and often high throughput detection of pathogens in diagnostic virology. Viral gastroenteritis is a serious health issue often leading to hospitalization in the young, the immunocompromised and the elderly. The common causes of viral gastroenteritis include rotavirus, norovirus (genogroups I and II), astrovirus, and group F adenoviruses (serotypes 40 and 41). This article describes the work-up of two internally controlled multiplex, probe-based PCR assays and reports on the clinical validation over a 3-year period, March 2007 to February 2010. Multiplex assays were developed using a combination of TaqMan™ and minor groove binder (MGB™) hydrolysis probes. The assays were validated using a panel of 137 specimens, previously positive via a nested gel-based assay. The assays had improved sensitivity for adenovirus, rotavirus, and norovirus (97.3% vs. 86.1%, 100% vs. 87.8%, and 95.1% vs. 79.5%, respectively) and also more specific for targets adenovirus, rotavirus, and norovirus (99% vs. 95.2%, 100% vs. 93.6%, and 97.9% vs. 92.3%, respectively). For the specimens tested, both assays had equal sensitivity and specificity for astrovirus (100%). Overall the probe-based assays detected 16 more positive specimens than the nested gel-based assay. Post-introduction to the routine diagnostic service, a total of 9,846 specimens were processed with multiplex 1 and 2 (7,053 pediatric, 2,793 adult) over the 3-year study period. This clinically validated, probe-based multiplex testing algorithm allows highly sensitive and timely diagnosis of the four most prominent causes of viral gastroenteritis.


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A rapid imununoassay using an optical biosensor (BIAcore(TM)) for determining the presence of sulphadiazine (SDZ) residues in pig bile was developed. SDZ,cas immobilised onto the surface of a dextran-coated silicon chip and a solution containing SDZ antibody, sample and buffer was injected over the chip surface. The level of antibody binding to the chip was determined after 20 s and the surface of the chip was then regenerated over a 1-min period prior to another sample injection taking place. Standard curves were constructed to allow quantification of SDZ presence in sample. Concentrations ranging from 0 to 10.64 mu g ml(-1) SDZ were detected in bile samples taken from experimentally fed pigs and randomly selected pigs taken from a local slaughterhouse. These results were compared to the concentrations of SDZ detected by high-performance liquid chromatography: in associated tissues. When concentrations in bile exceeded 0.6 mu g ml(-1) SDZ, the corresponding edible tissue was above the maximum residue level (MRL), i.e. 0.1 mu g g(-1) in 13 out of 14 cases. Wizen the bile concentration was less than 0.6 mu ml(-1) the associated tissue concentrations never exceeded rite MRL. This experiment has indicated that biosensor analysis of bile is a highly effective method for detecting violative SDZ residues in meat.


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The rapid increase in the use of microprocessor-based systems in critical areas, where failures imply risks to human lives, to the environment or to expensive equipment, significantly increased the need for dependable systems, able to detect, tolerate and eventually correct faults. The verification and validation of such systems is frequently performed via fault injection, using various forms and techniques. However, as electronic devices get smaller and more complex, controllability and observability issues, and sometimes real time constraints, make it harder to apply most conventional fault injection techniques. This paper proposes a fault injection environment and a scalable methodology to assist the execution of real-time fault injection campaigns, providing enhanced performance and capabilities. Our proposed solutions are based on the use of common and customized on-chip debug (OCD) mechanisms, present in many modern electronic devices, with the main objective of enabling the insertion of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented starting from basic Components Off-The-Shelf (COTS) microprocessors, equipped with real-time OCD infrastructures, to improved solutions based on modified interfaces, and dedicated OCD circuitry that enhance fault injection capabilities and performance. All methodologies and configurations were evaluated and compared concerning performance gain and silicon overhead.


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Le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal (TCSP) idiopathique est caractérisé par une activité motrice indésirable et souvent violente au cours du sommeil paradoxal. Le TCSP idiopathique est considéré comme un facteur de risque de certaines maladies neurodégénératives, particulièrement la maladie de Parkinson (MP) et la démence à corps de Lewy (DCL). La dépression et les troubles anxieux sont fréquents dans la MP et la DCL. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la sévérité des symptômes dépressifs et anxieux dans le TCSP idiopathique. Cinquante-cinq patients avec un TCSP idiopathique sans démence ni maladie neurologique et 63 sujets contrôles ont complété la seconde édition du Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) et le Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Nous avons aussi utilisé le BDI for Primary Care (BDI-PC) afin de minimiser la contribution des facteurs confondant dans les symptômes dépressifs. Les patients avec un TCSP idiopathique ont obtenu des scores plus élevés que les sujets contrôles au BDI-II (9.63 ± 6.61 vs. 4.32 ± 4.58; P < 0.001), au BDI-PC (2.20 ± 2.29 vs. 0.98 ± 1.53; P = 0.001) et au BAI (8.37 ± 7.30 vs. 3.92 ± 5.26; P < 0.001). Nous avons également trouvé une proportion plus élevée des sujets ayant des symptômes dépressifs (4/63 ou 6% vs. 12/55 ou 22%; P = 0.03) ou anxieux (9/50 or 18% vs. 21/43 ou 49%; P = 0.003) cliniquement significatifs. La proportion des sujets ayant des symptômes dépressifs cliniquement significatifs ne change pas en utilisant le BDI-PC (11/55 or 20%) Les symptômes dépressifs et anxieux sont fréquents dans le TCSP idiopathique. L’examen de routine des patients avec un TCSP idiopathique devrait inclure un dépistage systématique des symptômes dépressifs et anxieux afin de les prévenir ou les traiter.


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Nombreux individus vont expérimenter avec les drogues d’abus, mais peu vont devenir toxicomanes. Plusieurs facteurs sont impliqués dans la transition d’un usage récréatif à l’addiction. Les drogues, les conditionnements et les voies d’administration qui mènent à l’augmentation rapide du taux drogue dans le cerveau favorisent cette évolution. La raison est méconnue. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’injection rapide de drogue promeut des changements dans le cerveau qui mènent à l’augmentation de la consommation et de la motivation à obtenir la drogue. Nous avons comparé la consommation lors de conditions à ratio fixe (FR) et à ratio progressif (PR) chez des rats s’auto-administrant la cocaïne administrée par voie intraveineuse (i.v.) en 5 ou 90 secondes (s). Tous les rats ont été entrainés à peser sur un levier afin de s’auto administrer des injections de cocaïne de 0.25 ou 0.5 mg/kg par voie intraveineuse injectée en 5 s sous FR avant d’être divisés en groupes s’auto administrant la cocaïne injectée en 5 ou 90 s pendant 1 heure (h)/session. Pour étudier les différences potentielles en consommation, l’accès à la cocaïne à été augmenté à 6 h/session. Les différences en motivation ont été détectées par l’auto administration de la cocaïne sous PR en fonction de la dose et de la vitesse d’infusion. L’accès à la drogue pendant 1 h/session n’a pas influencé la consommation. Lorsque l’accès a été prolongé à 6 h, tous les animaux ont augmenté leur consommation, mais l’augmentation était plus prononcée chez les rats s’injectant la cocaïne en 5 s. De plus, la vitesse d’injection a influencé la motivation pour obtenir la drogue. Lors de conditions à PR, la courbe dose-réponse pour le nombre d’infusions prises a été déplacée vers le haut pour les rats s’auto administrant des injections de cocaïne en 5 s versus 90 s. De plus, des différences qualitatives on été observées en PR. La consommation de cocaïne des rats s’injectant des infusions en 5 s était dépendante de la dose, tandis que les rats s’auto administrant la drogue en 90 s ont pris la même quantité de drogue, peu importe la dose. Finalement, les rats s’auto administrant des infusions de cocaïne 0.5 mg/kg en 5 s ont consommé plus de cocaïne que les rats prenant des infusions en 90 s, peu importe si elle était injectée en 5 ou 90 s le jour du test. Ainsi, nos résultats montrent que l’injection rapide de drogue dans le cerveau mène à l’augmentation de la consommation et de la motivation pour obtenir la cocaïne, deux symptômes qui caractérisent la toxicomanie.


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In today's complicated computing environment, managing data has become the primary concern of all industries. Information security is the greatest challenge and it has become essential to secure the enterprise system resources like the databases and the operating systems from the attacks of the unknown outsiders. Our approach plays a major role in detecting and managing vulnerabilities in complex computing systems. It allows enterprises to assess two primary tiers through a single interface as a vulnerability scanner tool which provides a secure system which is also compatible with the security compliance of the industry. It provides an overall view of the vulnerabilities in the database, by automatically scanning them with minimum overhead. It gives a detailed view of the risks involved and their corresponding ratings. Based on these priorities, an appropriate mitigation process can be implemented to ensure a secured system. The results show that our approach could effectively optimize the time and cost involved when compared to the existing systems


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Objetivo: Comparar las complicaciones del uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual en los pacientes llevados a cateterismo cardíaco en el Servicio de Hemodinamia de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, del 1º de enero de 2005 al 31 de diciembre de 2010, mediante punción arterial femoral percutánea. Metodología: Se realizó un Estudio Observacional, Analítico, de tipo Cohorte Retrospectiva. Partiendo de dos grupos de personas con indicación de cateterismo cardíaco por cualquier causa, uno expuesto al procedimiento con Angioseal® y el otro con compresión manual. Resultados: Con el uso de Angioseal® versus compresión manual la aparición de complicaciones fue 7,3% vs 4,1%, estas diferencias no fueron significativas (OR 1,81 IC95 0,96-3,40; RR 1,75 IC95 0,96-3,18) . La enfermedad coronaria (OR 2,27 IC95 1,07-4,79; RR 2,18 IC95 1,06-4,46) y a la colocación de stent (OR 3,49 IC95 1,82-6,69; RR 3,25 IC95 1,75-6,02 si se relacionaron significativamente con la aparición de complicaciones menores. Conclusión: No encontramos soporte para aprobar o desaprobar el uso de Angioseal® o compresión manual como manejo de la hemostasia, con respecto a las complicaciones. Sin embargo, se encontró que la colocación de stents está fuertemente relacionada con el desarrollo de complicaciones menores, lo cual hace que estos pacientes deban ser objeto de monitorización estrecha.


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Introducción: La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), está caracterizada por la limitación del flujo aéreo, de forma progresiva y casi irreversible, asociada a la reacción inflamatoria atribuida a diferentes factores, principalmente a la exposición al humo de tabaco. Es considerada un problema de salud pública en Colombia y en el mundo, con un aumento acelerado de la condición crónica en la actualidad. Objetivo: Identificar las diferencias sociodemográficas, clínicas y de tratamiento, entre los pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y espirométricos de EPOC vs los pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y descartados por espirometría en el Hospital de Suba. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo como un componente exploratorio para comparar los grupos con diagnóstico de EPOC clínico y confirmado o descartado por espirometría, entre Enero y Agosto del 2011. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para calcular las medidas de tendencia central, los datos cuantitativos se expresaron como la media de la variable ± desviación estándar, y los cualitativos como porcentaje, la t de Student para analizar diferencia de las variables cuantitativas de medias entre grupos y la prueba de Pearson para analizar la relación entre los datos cualitativos para aquellos con valores esperados menores a 5 se aplicó test exacto de Fisher, tuvimos en cuenta un α de 0.05 para el análisis bivariado y medidas de asociación. Todos los análisis se realizaron con el paquete estadístico SPSS 19,0 Versión corporativa. Resultados: De los 398 pacientes, solo 287 cumplían con criterios de inclusión. El promedio de edad del total de los pacientes fue de 70,29 + 11,18 años, y 59,5% de la población fue de sexo femenino. Del total de pacientes evaluados, 171 pacientes (59.6%) se descartó el diagnóstico de EPOC (VEF1/ VEC > 0,70). Al comparar los grupos de pacientes a los que se les confirmo el diagnóstico de EPOC contras los descartados por espirometría se encontró que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la edad; en los pacientes con EPOC predomino el sexo femenino (p 0.02); en los factores de riesgo existe clara asociación entre EPOC y la exposición a humo de leña (p <0.001), y en cuanto al tabaquismo solo se encontró asociación con ex fumador (p 0,011). Para analizar las diferencias en el tratamiento se estratifico por las posible combinaciones de inhaladores con o sin teofilina, encontrando una diferencia estadísticamente significativa para los tratamientos de tres inhaladores (p 0,015), dos inhaladores + teofilina (p 0,05), tres inhaladores + teofilina (p <0.001), y en los pacientes no tratados (p <0,001).


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La úlcera venosa es una revelación clínica severa de la insuficiencia venosa crónica. Es la causa del 54-76% de las úlceras venosas de miembros inferiores. La ciencia médica ha generado diversos procedimientos en el manejo de esta patología, es así como a partir de conocimientos en fisiopatología de la ulceración venosa, se han aplicado procedimientos como opción de tratamiento. Objetivos: Valorar si el uso de rutina de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma guiada por ecografía del sistema venoso superficial insuficiente, en adicción al manejo convencional de la ulcera venosa (vendaje no compresivo, gasa vaselinada y curaciones) podría mejorar la tasa de curación a las 24 semanas de tratamiento. Diseño: Estudio clínico aleatorizado prospectivo de pacientes de la consulta externa de cirugía vascular del Hospital Occidente de Kennedy-Bogotá, durante el 01 de junio del 2011 hasta el 30 junio del 2012. Métodos: Un total de 44 pacientes con ulcera activa que cumplieron criterios de selección ingresaron al estudio, correspondientes a 48 extremidades con clasificación CEAP (C6), los pacientes fueron a aleatorizados a manejo convencional (control) o con manejo adicional de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada. El objetivo principal fue el cierre de la ulcera a las 24 semanas. Resultados: La Curación de la ulcera a las 24 semanas de la aleatorización fue de 20 (83.3%) extremidades del grupo de oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada Vs 3(12.5%) para el grupo de control P: 0.0005 Discusión: Las tasas de curación de la ulcera luego de la oclusión endoluminal con espuma eco-guiada es muy superior al manejo convencional con curaciones y vendaje no compresivo, las tasa de curación son tan altas como las reportadas con sistemas de alta compresión y cirugía a las 24 semanas. La oclusión endoluminal eco-guiada es segura, mínimamente invasiva y clínicamente efectiva.


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Valuable insights into mechanisms of community responses to environmental change can be gained by analysing in tandem the variation in functional and taxonomic composition along environmental gradients. We assess the changes in species and functional trait composition (i.e. dominant traits and functional diversity) of diverse bee communities in contrasting fire-driven systems in two climatic regions: Mediterranean (scrub habitats in Israel) and temperate (chestnut forests in southern Switzerland). In both climatic regions, there were shifts in species diversity and composition related to post-fire age. In the temperate region, functional composition responded markedly to fire; however, in the Mediterranean, the taxonomic response to fire was not matched by functional replacement. These results suggest that greater functional stability to fire in the Mediterranean is achieved by replacement of functionally similar species (i.e. functional redundancy) which dominate under different environmental conditions in the heterogeneous landscapes of the region. In contrast, the greater functional response in the temperate region was attributed to a more rapid post-fire vegetation recovery and shorter time-window when favourable habitat was available relative to the Mediterranean. Bee traits can be used to predict the functional responses of bee communities to environmental changes in habitats of conservation importance in different regions with distinct disturbance regimes. However, predictions cannot be generalized from one climatic region to another where distinct habitat configurations occur.


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Reaction Injection Moulding is a technology that enables the rapid production of complex plastic parts directly from a mixture of two reactive materials of low viscosity. The reactants are mixed in specific quantities and injected into a mould. This process allows large complex parts to be produced without the need for high clamping pressures. This chapter explores the simulation of the complex processes involved in reaction injection moulding. The reaction processes mean that the dynamics of the material in the mould are in constant evolution and an effective model which takes full account of these changing dynamics is introduced and incorporated in to finite element procedures, which are able to provide a complete simulation of the cycle of mould filling and subsequent curing.


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In this report, we describe a rapid and reliable process to bond channels fabricated in glass substrates. Glass channels were fabricated by photolithography and wet chemical etching. The resulting channels were bonded against another glass plate containing a 50-mu m thick PDMS layer. This same PDMS layer was also used to provide the electrical insulation of planar electrodes to carry out capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection. The analytical performance of the proposed device was shown by using both LIF and capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection systems. Efficiency around 47 000 plates/m was achieved with good chip-to-chip repeatability and satisfactory long-term stability of EOF. The RSD for the EOF measured in three different devices was ca. 7%. For a chip-to-chip comparison, the RSD values for migration time, electrophoretic current and peak area were below 10%. With the proposed approach, a single chip can be fabricated in less than 30 min including patterning, etching and sealing steps. This fabrication process is faster and easier than the thermal bonding process. Besides, the proposed method does not require high temperatures and provides excellent day-to-day and device-to-device repeatability.


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Flow injection methodology is described for the estimation of the total phenolic content of wine using acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection. Selected simple phenolic compounds including quercetin, rutin, catechin, epicatechin, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, gallic acid, 4-hydroxycinnamic acid and vanillin elicited analytically useful chemiluminescence with detection limits ranging between 4×10−10 and 7×10−7 M. A comparison between the chemiluminescence methodology and other total phenol/antioxidant assays, used by the food and beverage industry, resulted in a good correlation. The chemiluminescence detection was found to be selective with minimal interferences being observed from the non-phenolic components in wine. Analysis of 12 different wines showed that the chemiluminescence method was a rapid way to estimate their antioxidant or total phenolic content.