955 resultados para injection


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Shock-tunnel experiments have been performed to measure the effect on skin-friction drag in a supersonic combustor of flow disturbances induced by hydrogen fuel injection transverse to the airstream. Constant-area, circular cross section combustors of lengths varying up to 0.52 m were employed. The experiments were done at a stagnation enthalpy of 7.2 MJ . kg(-1) and a Mach number of 4.3, with a boundary layer that was turbulent downstream of the 0.14-m station in the combustors. Combustor skin-friction drag was measured by a method based on the stress wave force balance, the method being validated by agreement between fuel-off skin-friction drag measurements and predictions using existing skin-friction theories. When fuel was injected, it was found that the drag remained at fuel-off values. Thus, the streamwise vortices and other flow disturbances induced by the fuel injection, mixing, and combustion, which are expected to be present in a scramjet combustor, did not influence the skin-friction drag of the combustors.


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Recently, Barrett's esophagus and early adenocarcinomas have been detected increasingly frequently in routine follow-up of patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Although surgery is the treatment of choice, some patients are medically unfit for esophagectomy and, in this case, the only alternative curative therapy is radical chemoradiation therapy. In addition, some patients who present with symptoms have small tumors that cannot be localized accurately using routine imaging techniques. This report describes a series of eight patients with small esophageal cancers in whom the tumors were successfully localized following endoscopic injection of contrast, and treated with chemoradiation therapy. The treatment was successful in seven patients. This method of tumor localization demonstrated that conventional techniques are mostly, unreliable when applied to very early cancers.


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Injection from portholes upstream of the combustion chamber was investigated as a method of delivering fuel into a scramjet. This method reduces the viscous drag on a model by allowing a reduction in the length of the combustion chamber. At experimental enthalpies of 3.0 MJ/kg in the T4 shock tunnel, there was no evidence of combustion in the intake, either by shadowgraph or pressure measurements. Combustion was observed in the combustion chamber. A theoretical extension of these results is made to a hot wall scenario.


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In cattle, a neurological lesion similar to that produced in sheep and goats by Clostridium perfringens type D enterotoxaemia has been reported. However, no causal relationship has been established between this disease and the lesion in cattle. The effects of single and multiple intravenous injections of epsilon toxin in three calves aged 6 months were studied. A further calf was inoculated intravenously with saline solution and used as a control. Epsilon toxin invariably produced neurological signs within 2-60 min of the end of the injection process. Clinical signs consisted of loss of consciousness, recumbency, convulsions, paddling, opisthotonus, hyperaesthesia and dyspnoea. Gross changes consisted of severe acute pulmonary oedema, which was particularly marked in the interlobular septa. The histological lesions consisted of intra-alveolar and interstitial oedema of the lung and variable degrees of perivascular proteinaceous oedema in the internal capsule, thalamus and cerebellar white matter. No clinical or post-mortem changes were observed in the control calf. These results show that calves are susceptible to the intravenous injection of epsilon toxin, and that they can show at least some of the histological lesions produced in sheep and goats by this toxin. (C) 2002 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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This study is focused on the establishment of relationships between the injection moulding processing conditions, the applied thermomechanical environment (TME) and the tensile properties of talc-filled polypropylene,adopting a new extended concept of thermomechanical indices (TMI). In this approach, TMI are calculated from computational simulations of the moulding process that characterise the TME during processing, which are then related to the mechanical properties of the mouldings. In this study, this concept is extended to both the filling and the packing phases, with new TMI defined related to the morphology developed during these phases. A design of experiments approach based on Taguchi orthogonal arrays was adopted to vary the injection moulding parameters (injection flow rate, injection temperature, mould wall temperature and holding pressure), and thus, the TME. Results from analysis of variance for injection-moulded tensile specimens have shown that among the considered processing conditions, the flow rate is the most significant parameter for the Young’s modulus; the flow rate and melt temperature are the most significant for the strain at break; and the holding pressure and flow rate are the most significant for the stress at yield. The yield stress and Young’s modulus were found to be governed mostly by the thermostress index (TSI, related to the orientation of the skin layer), whilst the strain at break depends on both the TSI and the cooling index (CI, associated to the crystallinity degree of the core region). The proposed TMI approach provides predictive capabilities of the mechanical response of injection-moulded components, which is a valuable input during their design stage.


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This work focused on the study of the impact event on molded parts in the framework of automotive components. The influence of the impact conditions and processing parameters on the mechanical behavior of talc-filled polypropylene specimens was analyzed. The specimens were lateral-gate discs produced by injection molding, and the mechanical characterization was performed through instrumented falling weight impact tests concomitantly assisted with high-speed videography. Results analyzed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method have shown that from the considered parameters, only the dart diameter and test temperature have significant influence on the falling weight impact properties. Higher dart diameter leads to higher peak force and peak energy results. Conversely, higher levels of test temperatures lead to lower values of peak force and peak energy. By means of high-speed videography, a more brittle fracture was observed for experiments with higher levels of test velocity and dart diameter and lower levels of test temperature. The injection-molding process conditions assessed in this study have an influence on the impact response of moldings, mainly on the deformation capabilities of the moldings.


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Few analytical methods are currently available for determination of apomorphine, the active substance of a new oral formulation used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. In this way a flow injection electrochemical method (FIA-EC) was developed for its quantification and applied to pharmaceutical dosage forms. Based in previous findings regarding the stability of apomorphine in borate buffer and after optimization of several analytical parameters a single channel flow injection manifold was set up that enables the determination of this drug over the concentration range of 3 to 16 µmol L-1 with a detection limit of 0.5 µmol L-1 at a sampling rateof 90 h-1. The simplicity and rapidity of the FIA-EC method used, its reproducibility and sensitivity make it suitable for quality control of pharmaceutical preparations of apomorphine intended for clinical use and research.


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Aiming the establishment of simple and accurate readings of citric acid (CA) in complex samples, citrate (CIT) selective electrodes with tubular configuration and polymeric membranes plus a quaternary ammonium ion exchanger were constructed. Several selective membranes were prepared for this purpose, having distinct mediator solvents (with quite different polarities) and, in some cases, p-tert-octylphenol (TOP) as additive. The latter was used regarding a possible increase in selectivity. The general working characteristics of all prepared electrodes were evaluated in a low dispersion flow injection analysis (FIA) manifold by injecting 500µl of citrate standard solutions into an ionic strength (IS) adjuster carrier (10−2 mol l−1) flowing at 3ml min−1. Good potentiometric response, with an average slope and a repeatability of 61.9mV per decade and ±0.8%, respectively, resulted from selective membranes comprising additive and bis(2-ethylhexyl)sebacate (bEHS) as mediator solvent. The same membranes conducted as well to the best selectivity characteristics, assessed by the separated solutions method and for several chemical species, such as chloride, nitrate, ascorbate, glucose, fructose and sucrose. Pharmaceutical preparations, soft drinks and beers were analyzed under conditions that enabled simultaneous pH and ionic strength adjustment (pH = 3.2; ionic strength = 10−2 mol l−1), and the attained results agreed well with the used reference method (relative error < 4%). The above experimental conditions promoted a significant increase in sensitivity of the potentiometric response, with a supra-Nernstian slope of 80.2mV per decade, and allowed the analysis of about 90 samples per hour, with a relative standard deviation <1.0%.


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A new flow-injection analytical procedure is proposed for the determination of the total amount of polyphenols in wines; the method is based on the formation of a colored complex between 4-aminoantipyrine and phenols, in the presence of an oxidizing reagent. The oxidizing agents hexacyanoferrate(III), peroxodisulfate, and tetroxoiodate(VII) were tested. Batch trials were first performed to select appropriate oxidizing agents, pH, and concentration ratios of reagents, on the basis of their effect on the stability of the colored complex. Conditions selected as a result of these trials were implemented in a flow-injection analytical system in which the influence of injection volume, flow rate, and reaction- coil length, was evaluated. Under the optimum conditions the total amount of polyphenols, expressed as gallic acid, could be determined within a concentration range of 36 to 544 mg L–1, and with a sensitivity of 344 L mol–1 cm–1 and an RSD <1.1%. The reproducibility of analytical readings was indicative of standard deviations <2%. Interference from sugars, tartaric acid, ascorbic acid, methanol, ammonium sulfate, and potassium chloride was negligible. The proposed system was applied to the determination of total polyphenols in red wines, and enabled analysis of approximately 55 samples h–1. Results were usually precise and accurate; the RSD was <3.9% and relative errors, by the Folin–Ciocalteu method, <5.1%.


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New chlorpromazine selective electrodes with a tubular arrangement and no internal reference solution are proposed. Selective membranes are of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) with the tetraphenylborate•chlorpromazine (TPB•CPZ) ion-exchanger dissolved in o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (oNPOE). Analytical features of the electrodes were evaluated on a single-channel flow assembly having 500 µl injection volumes and flow-rates of 4.5 ml min−1. For a carrier solution of 3.3×10−3Min sodium sulphate, Nernstian responsewas observed over the concentration range 1.0×10−5 to 1.0×10−2 M. Average slopes were about 59mVdecade−1 and squared correlation coefficients were >0.9984. Slight hiper-Nernstian behaviour was observed in buffer solutions of 4.4 pH; average slopes were of 62.06mVdecade−1. The electrode displayed a good selectivity for CPZ, with respect to, several foreign inorganic and organic species. The selective electrodes were successfully applied to the analysis of pure solutions and pharmaceutical preparations. Proposed method allows the analysis of 84 samples h−1, producing wastewaters of low toxicity. The proposed method offers the advantage of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to coloured and turbid samples, and automation feasibility.


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Bread is consumed worldwide by man, thus contributing to the regular ingestion of certain inorganic species such as chloride. It controls the blood pressure if associated to a sodium intake and may increase the incidence of stomach ulcer. Its routine control should thus be established by means of quick and low cost procedures. This work reports a double- channel flow injection analysis (FIA) system with a new chloride sensor for the analysis of bread. All solutions are prepared in water and necessary ionic strength adjustments are made on-line. The body of the indicating electrode is made from a silver needle of 0.8 mm i.d. with an external layer of silver chloride. These devices were constructed with different lengths. Electrodes of 1.0 to 3.0 cm presented better analytical performance. The calibration curves under optimum conditions displayed Nernstian behaviour, with average slopes of 56 mV decade-1, with sampling rates of 60 samples h-1. The method was applied to analyze several kinds of bread, namely pão de trigo, pão integral, pão de centeio, pão de mistura, broa de milho, pão sem sal, pão meio sal, pão-de-leite, and pão de água. The accuracy and precision of the potentiometric method were ascertained by comparison to a spectrophotometric method of continuous segmented flow. These methods were validated against ion-chromatography procedures.


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On-chip debug (OCD) features are frequently available in modern microprocessors. Their contribution to shorten the time-to-market justifies the industry investment in this area, where a number of competing or complementary proposals are available or under development, e.g. NEXUS, CJTAG, IJTAG. The controllability and observability features provided by OCD infrastructures provide a valuable toolbox that can be used well beyond the debugging arena, improving the return on investment rate by diluting its cost across a wider spectrum of application areas. This paper discusses the use of OCD features for validating fault tolerant architectures, and in particular the efficiency of various fault injection methods provided by enhanced OCD infrastructures. The reference data for our comparative study was captured on a workbench comprising the 32-bit Freescale MPC-565 microprocessor, an iSYSTEM IC3000 debugger (iTracePro version) and the Winidea 2005 debugging package. All enhanced OCD infrastructures were implemented in VHDL and the results were obtained by simulation within the same fault injection environment. The focus of this paper is on the comparative analysis of the experimental results obtained for various OCD configurations and debugging scenarios.


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In the injection moulding of polypropylene reinforced with hard glass fibres, die materials are commonly subjected to severe abrasive wear. In order to improve its wear resistance, an unbalanced magnetron sputtering PVD compositional monolayered coating has been produced. The film was composed by a nanostructured TiB2 monolayer. Microstructure characterization and thickness evaluation were conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Film topography and roughness were accessed by SEM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The phase analyse was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), using Cu Kalpha radiation. Scratch tests were conducted in order to study the film adhesion to the substrate. Load-Displacement curves (nanoindentation analysis) allowed measuring the film hardness and Young's modulus. A ball-cratering tribometer was used to determine the micro-abrasion laboratorial wear resistance, under different tests conditions, using SiC particles in distilled water slurry. At the end of these tests, the worn surfaces were analyzed by SEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) in order to compare these results with some other coatings already tested in the same conditions. To test the practical wear resistance, 135000 injection cycles were done in a plastic injection industrial mould. Coated samples were put on the plastic feed canal, after a turbulent zone. In these tests, a 30% (wt) glass fibres reinforced polypropylene was used. Worn sample surfaces were analyzed by SEM after 45.000 and 90.000 cycles. Image analyses were made in order to evaluate the damage increases and to observe the wear mechanisms involved.


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Abrasion by glass fibers during injection molding of fiber reinforced plastics raises new challenges to the wear performance of the molds. In the last few decades, a large number of PVD and CVD coatings have been developed with the aim of minimizing abrasion problems. In this work, two different coatings were tested in order to increase the wear resistance of the surface of a mold used for glass fiber reinforced plastics: TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC. TiAlSiN was deposited as a graded monolayer coating while CrN/CrCN/DLC was a nanostructured coating consisting of three distinct layers. Both coatings were produced by PVD unbalanced magnetron sputtering and were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), micro hardness (MH) and scratch test analysis. Coating morphology, thickness, roughness, chemical composition and structure, hardness and adhesion to the substrate were investigated. Wear resistance was characterized through industrial tests with coated samples and an uncoated reference sample inserted in a feed channel of a plastic injection mold working with 30 wt.% glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. Results after 45,000 injection cycles indicate that the wear resistance of the mold was increased by a factor of 25 and 58, by the TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC coatings, respectively, over the uncoated mold steel.