833 resultados para informed collective action


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Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès Art (M.A.) en service social


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The ways we assume, observe and model “presence” and its effects are the focus in this paper. Entities with selectively shared presences are the basis of any collective, and of attributions (such as “humorous”, “efficient” or “intelligent”). The subtleties of any joint presence can markedly influence potentials, perceptions and performance of the collective as demonstrated when a humorous tale is counterpoised with disciplined thought. Disciplines build on presences assumed known or knowable while fluid and interpretable presences pervade humor. Explorations in this paper allow considerations of collectives, causality and the philosophy of computing. Economics has long considered issues of collective action in ways circumscribed by assumptions about the presence of economic entities. Such entities are deemed rational but they are clearly not intelligent. To reach its potential, collective intelligence research needs more adequate considerations of alternate presences and their impacts.


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Early childhood education has long been connected with objectives related to social justice. Australian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has its roots in philanthropic and educational reform movements prevalent at the turn of the 20th century. More recently, with the introduction of the National Early Childhood Reform Agenda, early childhood education has once more been linked to the achievement of aims associated with redressing inequality and disadvantage. According to Jean-Marie, Normore and Brooks (2009), educational leaders have a moral and social obligation to foster equitable practices through advocating for traditionally marginalised and poorly served students while creating a new social order “...that subverts the long standing system that has privileged certain students while oppressing or neglecting others” (p.4). Drawing on extant literature, including data from two previously reported Australian studies in which leadership emerged as having a transformational impact on service delivery, this paper examines the potential of early childhood leadership to generate ‘socially just’ educational communities. With reference to critical theory, we argue that critically informed, intentional and strategic organisational leadership can play a pivotal role in creating changed circumstances and opportunities for children and families. Such leadership includes positional and distributed elements, articulation of values and beliefs, and collective action that is mindful and informed.


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This paper describes the collaborative work practices of the Health and Wellbeing Node within the National Indigenous Research and Knowledges Network (NIRAKN). The authors reflect on the processes they used to research and develop a literature review. As a newly established research team, the Health and Wellbeing Node members developed a collaborative approach that was informed by Action Research practices and underpinned by Indigenous ways of working. The authors identify strong links between Action Research and Indigenous processes. They suggest that, through ongoing cycles of research and review, the NIRAKN Health and Wellbeing Node developed a culturally safe, respectful and trulycollaborative way of working together and forming the identity of their work group. In this paper, they describe their developing work processes and explain the way that pictorial conceptual models contributed to their emerging ideas.


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The report ‘Sustainability of Open Access Services - Phase 3: The Collective Provision of Open Access Resources’ discusses the economic and institutional issues faced by those sustaining free infrastructure services. It also identifies strategies to coordinate the collective provision of infrastructure services. These considerations are valuable input for the phases 4 and 5 of the project ‘Sustainability of Open Access Services’. This body of work will lead to practical recommendations for funders and project planners to consider when initiating an infrastructure service. The report was written by Raym Crow and funded by SPARC. Several key messages from the report are of interest. Providing infrastructure services as a public good imposes specific requirements on the design of the sustainability model. The challenge is to get enough institutions to reveal their demand for the service and support this. Arguments for an institution to support can be altruism or reciprocity or there being sufficient benefit to the institution for supporting a service. Institutions can also work together on a service through collective action (collecting voluntary contributions) and cross subsidies (funding collected by offering exclusive benefits to contributors).


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The European desire to ensure that bearers of EU rights are adequately compensated for any infringement of these rights, particularly in cases where the harm is widely diffused, and perhaps not even noticed by those affected by it, collides with another desire: to avoid the perceived excesses of an American-style system of class actions. The excesses of these American class actions are in European discourse presented as a sort of bogeyman, which is a source of irrational fear, often presented by parental or other authority figures. But when looked at critically, the bogeyman disappears. In this paper, I examine the European (and UK) proposals for collective action. I compare them to the American regime. The flaws and purported excesses of the American regime, I argue, are exaggerated. A close, objective examination of the American regime shows this. I conclude that it is not the mythical bogeyman of a US class action that is the barrier to effective collective redress; rather, the barriers to effective, wide-ranging group actions lie within European legal culture and traditions, particularly those mandating individual control over litigation.


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Cette thèse s’intéresse à la gouvernance de changements en contextes pluralistes. Nous souhaitons mieux comprendre l’exercice de gouvernance déployé pour développer et implanter un changement par le biais d’une politique publique visant la transformation d’organisations pluralistes. Pour ce faire, nous étudions l’émergence et l’implantation de la politique encadrant la création de groupes de médecine de famille (GMF) à l’aide d’études de cas correspondant à cinq GMF. Les cas sont informés par plus de cents entrevues réalisées en deux vagues ainsi que par une analyse documentaire et des questionnaires portant sur l’organisation du GMF. Trois articles constituent le cœur de la thèse. Dans le premier article, nous proposons une analyse de l’émergence et de l’implantation de la politique GMF à l’aide d’une perspective processuelle et contextuelle développée à partir du champ du changement organisationnel, tel qu’étudié en théorie des organisations. Les résultats démontrent que la gestion du changement en contexte pluraliste est liée à de multiples processus prescrits et construits. Nous avons qualifié ce phénomène de régulation de l’action social (regulation of collective action). La conceptualisation développée et les résultats de l’analyse permettent de mieux comprendre les interactions entre les processus, le contexte et la nature du changement. Le deuxième article propose une conceptualisation de la gouvernance permettant l’étude de la gouvernance en contextes pluralistes. La conceptualisation de la gouvernance proposée tire profit de plusieurs courants des sciences politiques et de l’administration publique. Elle considère la gouvernance comme un ensemble de processus auxquels participent plusieurs acteurs détenant des capacités variables de gouvernance. Ces processus émergent des actions des acteurs et des instruments qu’ils mobilisent. Ils permettent la réalisation des fonctions de la gouvernance (la prospective, la prise de décisions ainsi que la régulation) assurant la coordination de l’action collective. Le troisième article propose, comme le premier, une analyse de l’émergence et de l’implantation de la politique mais cette fois à l’aide de la conceptualisation de la gouvernance développée dans l’article précédent. Nos résultats permettent des apprentissages particuliers concernant les différentes fonctions de la gouvernance et les processus permettant leur réalisation. Ils révèlent l’influence du pluralisme sur les différentes fonctions de gouvernance. Dans un tel contexte, la fonction de régulation s’exerce de façon indirecte et est étroitement liée aux fonctions de prospective et de prise de décisions. Ces fonctions rendent possibles les apprentissages et le développement de consensus nécessaires à l’action collective. L’analyse des actions et des instruments a permis de mieux comprendre les multiples formes qu’ils prennent, en lien avec les contextes dans lesquels ils sont mobilisés. Les instruments indirects permettent les interactions (p. ex. commission d’étude, comité ou réunion) et la formalisation d’ententes entre acteurs (p. ex. des contrats ou des protocoles de soins). Ils se sont révélés fondamentaux pour coordonner les différents acteurs participant à la gouvernance, et ce tant aux niveaux organisationnel qu’inter organisationnel. Les résultats démontrent que les deux conceptualisations contribuent à l’étude de la gouvernance du changement. Nous avons développé deux perspectives inspirées par les sciences politiques, l’administration publique et la théorie des organisations et les analyses qu’elles ont permises ont révélé leur complémentarité. Les résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les processus impliqués dans un tel changement ainsi que leur lien avec les efforts déployés aux différents niveaux par les acteurs mobilisant leurs capacités de gouvernance pour influencer et construire la politique GMF.


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L’argument central de notre thèse est qu’une structure internationale unipolaire non hégémonique favorise la sécurité collective. Après avoir montré que telle est la structure actuelle et avoir justifié notre positionnement théorique néolibéral, nous avons eu recours au modèle d’interaction du « leader-suiveur de Stackelberg », pour démontrer qu’une coopération conflictuelle entre États rationnels est possible, ce qui leur permet de surmonter leur dilemme de l’action collective. Une coopération possible en raison de l’existence d’un intérêt mutuel et d’un leader favorisant la coopération entre ces États, ainsi que de conditions leur permettant de mettre en place une ‘stratégie de la réciprocité’. Ils forment alors ce qu’on appelle le « groupe de Stackelberg ». Le suiveur de la périphérie, ou ‘défecteur’ doit, pour sa part, non seulement s’ajuster à l’intérêt mutuel ainsi défini, mais aussi coopérer et négocier avec le groupe, et ce, sous la pression de sanctions, voire d’un usage ultime de la force si besoin est. Après l’éventuel succès de ces négociations, un équilibre de Stackelberg favorisé par le leader, soit la puissance unipolaire et non hégémonique, est alors atteint et la coopération permet, alors, à chacun de retirer un bénéfice de cet intérêt mutuel. Dans notre cas, le groupe de Stackelberg est constitué des membres du G5 + 1, soit les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU et de l’Allemagne, agissant sous le leadership américain; l’Iran est un suiveur de la périphérie, soupçonné de défection, et l’intérêt mutuel est celui de la lutte contre la prolifération des ADM. Notre évaluation empirique montre que les conditions de la réciprocité des membres de ce groupe sont réunies et que celles de l’Iran sont en cours de négociation.


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Cet article propose une réflexion théorique autour de l’analyse des phénomènes de transnationalisation de l’action collective. L’approche du processus politique, approche dominante dans le champ de la transnationalisation, limite notre compréhension des pratiques de transnationalisation par sa conception du politique, du pouvoir et du changement social (partie I). Ces limites conceptuelles, qui ne sont pas nouvelles, prennent cependant une couleur particulière dans le cas des actions qui transcendent le territoire national et font resurgir la nécessité de penser l’action collective par le biais d’une « géographie » des solidarités transnationales (partie II). Finalement, nous décrivons le cas exemplaire de transnationalisation des solidarités que représente la Marche mondiale des femmes, qui contraste les apports respectifs de l’approche des processus politiques et celle proposée ici (partie III).


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When firms contribute to open source projects, they in fact invest into public goods which may be used by everyone, even by their competitors. This seemingly paradoxical behavior can be explained by the model of private-collective innovation where private investors participate in collective action. Previous literature has shown that companies benefit through the production process providing them with unique incentives such as learning and reputation effects. By contributing to open source projects firms are able to build a network of external individuals and organizations participating in the creation and development of the software. As will be shown in this doctoral dissertation firm-sponsored communities involve the formation of interorganizational relationships which eventually may lead to a source of sustained competitive advantage. However, managing a largely independent open source community is a challenging balancing act between exertion of control to appropriate value creation, and openness in order to gain and preserve credibility and motivate external contributions. Therefore, this dissertation consisting of an introductory chapter and three separate research papers analyzes characteristics of firm-driven open source communities, finds reasons why and mechanisms by which companies facilitate the creation of such networks, and shows how firms can benefit most from their communities.


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In this paper, we investigate the real demand for climate protection when the purely individual perspective of existing revealed preference studies is relaxed. This is achieved in two treatments; first, we determine the information subjects receive about the demand revealed by other subjects in a similar decision making situation, second, collective action is implemented whereby all subjects are required to purchase the group?s median quantity at a given price. Participants in the experiment were offered the opportunity to contribute to climate protection by purchasing European Union Allowances. Allowances purchased were withdrawn from the European Emissions Trading Scheme. In our experiment, information about other subjects? behaviour has no treatment effect on the demand for climate protection. Under collective action however, the probability of purchasing allowances is higher compared to the reference treatment situation, an individual contribution mechanism. Furthermore, we observe a strong correlation between subjects? demand and their expectations about other participants? behaviour. When collective action is not available, subjects? e xpectations are consistent with free rider behaviour.


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Tese de doutoramento, Alterações Climáticas e Políticas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Sociologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2016


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In the Viking and Laval judgments and more recently in the Comm. v. Germany ruling, the Court of Justice applied the proportionality test to collective rights, setting a series of restrictions to the exercise of the right to strike and the right to collective bargaining. The way the ECJ balances the economic freedoms and the social rights is indeed very different from that of the Italian Constitutional Court. Unlike the European Union Treaties, the Italian Constitution recognizes an important role to the right to take collective action which has to be connected with article 3, paragraph 2, consequently the right of strike is more protected than the exercise of economic freedoms.


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We examined how rhetorical style affects evaluations of group advocates, and how these evaluations are moderated by group identification. University students were given a letter to the editor defending student welfare. The argument was either constructed using personal language ('I believe') or collective language ('we believe'). Furthermore, the letter was either attributed to an official advocate (president of the student union) or an unofficial advocate (a rank-and-file member of the student body). Consistent with the social identity perspective, participants who showed strong identification as a university student thought that the group would feel better represented by official advocates using collective rather than personal language. Low identifiers, however, did not rate the rhetorical styles differently on representativeness. Furthermore, low identifiers (but not high identifiers) rated official advocates as more likable and more effective when they used personal rather than collective language. The discussion focuses on the conflict low identifiers might feel between (a) needing to homogenize with other group members in order to maximize the influence and political effectiveness of their message at the collective level, and (b) protecting themselves against categorization threat.