66 resultados para infidelity


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Este trabalho versa sobre violência nas relações conjugais e afetivas; mais precisamente, sobre os episódios em que o agressor é o homem e a vítima de agressão é a mulher. O foco principal de nossa discussão é a motivação das agressões sob o ponto de vista dos homens envolvidos neste tipo de episódio. Nossa análise se concentra nos inquéritos policiais qualificados como violência doméstica, instaurados após a promulgação da Lei Maria da Penha. Buscou-se explicitar os fatores sociais envolvidos na construção da lógica que orienta a ação do agressor. Constatou-se inicialmente que há uma inadequação nos termos comumente utilizados para designar as agressões praticadas pelos maridos e namorados contra suas esposas e namoradas, o que limita a compreensão da real dimensão do problema. Os resultados sugerem que a violência tem uma racionalidade que é dada pela sua relação com a tradição; e esta por sua vez, introjetada e reproduzida como conhecimento de senso comum, funciona como um recurso de linguagem através do qual os códigos informais que servem de parâmetro para a vida conjugal são constantemente reafirmados. Constatou-se que há uma relação de complementaridade entre aquele pratica e aquela que sofre a agressão, principalmente nos casos em que a violência se instala como uma prática rotineira; verificou-se também que as agressões do cônjuge masculino sobre o cônjuge feminino estão quase sempre relacionadas a valores e papéis tradicionalmente consagrados tais como: suspeita de infidelidade conjugal, hierarquias domésticas e espaços sociais.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar e compreender as representações imaginárias sociais sobre relacionamento extraconjugal feminino, presentes no discurso de mulheres casadas que mantêm relacionamentos extraconjugais. A teoria de Cornelius Castoriadis deu suporte para a realização deste estudo. Foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa e foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas para obtenção das informações junto as participantes. Foram entrevistadas 09 mulheres casadas, com idade entre 30 e 48 anos, da classe média urbana de Belém-PA, que disseram ter pelo menos uma relação extraconjugal. Os dados foram analisados por meio do Método de Explicitação do Discurso Subjacente (MEDS). A análise dos resultados demonstraram que as mulheres justificam suas traições devido à traição do marido, como uma vingança, ou pelo fato dos cônjuges não as satisfazerem afetiva e/ou sexualmente. Exploraram-se: os diversos significados que as entrevistadas atribuíram à infidelidade; o modo como essas mulheres vivenciam o sentimento de culpa gerado pelo conflito existente entre as regras sociais introjetadas e o desejo de viver uma relação extraconjugal. Dessa forma, a infidelidade conjugal remete a momentos de felicidade, vivências que fogem à rotina diária, propiciada pelos momentos de lazer. Conclui-se que a dimensão imaginária direciona a ação humana, assumindo um papel fundamental na materialização da infidelidade no que diz respeito ao desejo dessas mulheres de manter uma outra relação fora do casamento. Dessa forma, ressalto que somente o conhecimento das regras instituídas socialmente não são suficientes, apesar de imprescindíveis, para gerar ações e modos de pensar compatíveis com as normas e valores sociais.


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To determine the prevalence of and risk factors for bacterial vaginosis. A cross-sectional study of women aged 14-54 years attending 18 primary healthcare units in Botucatu, Brazil, for cervical screening was undertaken between September 1, 2012, and January 31, 2013. Data on sociodemographics, sexual behavior, and medical history were obtained by interview. Vaginal swabs were taken to classify the vaginal flora according to the Nugent scoring system. Candida sp. hyphae and infection by Trichomonas vaginalis were also evaluated by microscopy and culture, respectively. Stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors independently associated with bacterial vaginosis. Among 1519 women included in analyses, 457 (30.1%) had bacterial vaginosis. Variables independently associated with bacterial vaginosis were a single marital status (OR 1.4; 95%CI 1.1-1.8), partner infidelity (OR 1.5; 95%CI 1.2-1.9), abnormal discharge in the previous year (OR 1.5; 95%CI 1.2-2.0), and concurrent trichomoniasis (OR 4.1; 95%CI 1.5-11.5). Current use of hormonal contraception (OR 0.7; 95%CI 0.5-0.9), luteal phase of menstrual cycle (OR 0.8; 95%CI 0.6-0.9), higher income (OR 0.8; 95%CI 0.6-0.9), and vaginal candidiasis (OR 0.5; 95%CI 0.3-0.9) all had protective effects. The prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in the study population is high. The epidemiological data provide evidence of the sexual transmissibility of bacterial vaginosis.


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The purpose of this article is to assess Federico Fellini’s adaptation of an Edgar Allan Poe story for the screen. The film “Spirits of the Dead” is Fellini’s adaptation of Poe’s story “Never Bet the Devil your Head”, but it is very far from being a faithful rendering. The “infidelity” of the Italian film director to the American writer occurred in the context of the enormous prestige enjoyed by what was known as “authorism”, a phase which the film industry was going through at the end of the 1960s, whereby great value was placed on the aesthetic idiosyncrasies of individual film directors.


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In the present paper, the authors carry out an exploratory analysis of the market of confidential online betrayals by examining the perceptions of the issue of those Ashely Madison Site users participating in the research. The ethnographic method and a multidisciplinary approach were employed in order to understand how love and market, technology and intimacy come together, and how traditional values related to family, conjugality and masculinity articulate in the world of online betrayals. Interactions between men aged between 38 and 70 were favored in the analyses.


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Muitos pesquisadores estudaram os fatores que podem contribuir para que um relacionamento amoroso se mantenha estável e tenha uma boa qualidade para ambos os parceiros. Duas das mais inquietantes preocupações que as pessoas têm no tocante aos relacionamentos amorosos são o ciúme e a infidelidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se há relação entre os dois fenômenos. Participaram deste estudo 45 casais heterossexuais, com média de idade de 24,6 anos, recrutados por meio de um anúncio colocado no site de uma universidade pública situada na cidade de São Paulo. Para avaliar o grau de ciúme dos participantes utilizou-se uma escala de mensuração para o ciúme romântico. Para avaliar a infidelidade dos participantes utilizou-se o Inventário de Comportamentos Relacionados à Infidelidade, confeccionado especialmente para este trabalho. Os resultados indicam que: (1) ainda que de forma fraca, o ciúme é um agente de profecia autorrealizadora para a infidelidade (r=0,25; 90gl; p<0,05) e (2) há uma associação para a infidelidade de cada um dos parceiros relacionada à infidelidade do outro parceiro (r=0,36; 45gl; p<0,05). Esses resultados indicam, portanto, que há uma relação direta entre o ciúme e a infidelidade.


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Previous research has characterized human mate poaching as a prevalent alternative mating strategy that entails risks and costs typically not present during general romantic courtship and attraction. This study is the first to experimentally investigate friendship between a poacher and his/her target as a risk mitigation tactic. Participants (N = 382) read a vignette that differed by whether the poacher was male/female and whether the poacher and poached were friends/acquaintances. Participants assessed the likelihood of the poacher being successful and incurring costs. They also rated the poacher and poached on several personality and mate characteristics. Results revealed that friendship increased the perceived likelihood of success of a mate poaching attempt and decreased the perceived likelihood of several risks typically associated with mate poaching. However, friend-poachers were rated less favorably than acquaintance-poachers across measures of warmth, nurturance, and friendliness. These findings are interpreted using an evolutionary perspective. This study complements and builds upon previous findings and is the first experimental investigation of tactics poachers may use to mitigate risks inherent in mate poaching.


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Burning Skies is a seventy-page novella completed as an Honors Thesis in Creative Writing. The story is set in Los Angeles, California, during the 1992 riots surrounding the controversy over the beating of Rodney King by four white police officers. The story is toldthrough the perspectives of the four main characters: Erin, a woman who is four months pregnant with a baby she desperately wants; her husband David, who has moved the couple out to California so that he can pursue his dream of being a cinematographer; Abby, David’s deeplyreligious younger sister who has unexpectedly flown out to Los Angeles from her home in Indiana after discovering her husband’s infidelity; and Cameron, a black man training to be a pastor who Abby has befriended through her years of missionary work in Los Angeles.The novella follows the events of the riots as they break out all across the city and the personal dramas of each of the four main characters, looking at how the public interacts with theprivate and examining the ways in which explosions in the public and political sphere can ricochet into our private and personal lives. It is a story about the political and racial climate in Los Angeles in the early 1990s, but it is also a story about four human beings, about their needs and their desires, about their struggles to survive in an unpredictable world. The novella showcases the skills and techniques the author has learned after four years of studying fiction at Bucknell University; it can best be described as a work of realistic fiction.


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Previous research has characterized human mate poaching as a prevalent alternative mating strategy that entails risks and costs typically not present during general romantic courtship and attraction. This study is the first to experimentally investigate friendship between a poacher and poachee as a risk mitigation tactic. Participants (N = 382) read a vignette that differed by whether the poacher was male/female and whether the poacher and poachee were friends/acquaintances. Participants assessed the likelihood of the poacher being successful and incurring costs. They also rated the poacher and poachee on several personality and mate characteristics. Results revealed that friendship increased the perceived likelihood of success of a mate poaching attempt and decreased the perceived likelihood of several risks typically associated with mate poaching. However, friend-poachers were rated less favorably than acquaintance-poachers across measures of warmth, nurturance, and friendliness. These findings are interpreted using an evolutionary perspective. This study complements and builds upon previous findings and is the first experimental investigation of tactics mate poachers may use to mitigate risks inherent in mate poaching.


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This series of studies is the first to use conjoint analysis to examine how individuals make trade-offs during mate selection when provided information about a partner's history of sexual infidelity. Across three studies, participants ranked profiles of potential mates, with each profile varying across five attributes: financial stability, physical attractiveness, sexual fidelity, emotional investment, and similarity. They also rated each attribute separately for importance in an ideal mate. Overall, we found that for a long-term mate, participants prioritized a potential partner's history of sexual fidelity over other attributes when profiles were ranked conjointly. For a short-term mate, sexual fidelity, physical attractiveness, and financial stability were equally important, and each was more important than emotional investment and similarity. These patterns contrast with participants' self-reported importance ratings of each individual attribute. Our results are interpreted within the context of previous literature examining how making trade-offs affect mate selection.


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Graduate Library (Buhr) copy: Bound independently.


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Each number has separate t.p.; some have added engraved title-pages, some also have frontispieces.


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XVIII. Essay on the divine authority of the New Testament. By David Bogue.--XIX. Bible thoughts. By Henry Melvill.--XX. Mammon ... By Rev. John Harris.--XXI. A treatise on self-knowledge. By John Mason.--XXII. Memoir of Mrs. Winslow ... By Rev. Miron Winslow.--XXIII. Memoir of Harlan Page ... By William A. Hallock.--XXIV. The mother at home ... By Rev. John S.C. Abbott .--XXV. Scripture biography. By Rev. T.H. Gallaudet.--XXVI. Scripture biography ... Moses ... By T.H. Galludet.--XXVII. Scripture biography ... Joshua ... By Rev. T.H. Galludet.--XXVIII. The history of Josiah ... By Rev. T.H. Galludet.--XXIX. The child's book on the Sabbath. By Rev. Horace Hooker. --XXXII. The Young Christian ... By Jacob Abbott.--XXXIII. The life of the Rev. John Newton ... XXXIV-VL. Publications of the American Tract Society, 1-12.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Previous research suggests that hurt feelings can have powerful effects on individual and relational outcomes. This study examined a typology of hurtful events in couple relationships, together with integrative models predicting ongoing effects on victims and relationships. Participants were 224 students from introductory and third-year psychology classes, who completed open-ended and structured measures concerning an event in which a partner had hurt their feelings. By tailoring Leary et al.'s (1998) typology to the context of romantic relationships, five categories of hurtful events were proposed: active disassociation, passive disassociation, criticism, infidelity, and deception. Analyses assessing similarities and differences among the categories confirmed the utility of the typology. Structural equation modeling showed that longer-term effects on the victim were predicted by relationship anxiety and by the victim's immediate reactions to the event (negative emotions and self-perceptions; feelings of rejection and powerlessness). In contrast, ongoing effects on the relationship were predicted by avoidance, the victim's attributions and perceptions of offender remorse, and the victim's own behavior. The results highlight the utility of an integrated approach to hurt, incorporating emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses, and dimensions of attachment security.