827 resultados para incantations - sexuality


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Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden keskinäisiä intraaktiivisia vuorovaikutussuhteita elettyjen, ei-heteroseksuaalisten transsukupuolisten ruumiiden kokemuksissa. Tutkielmani haastaa sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden pysyvyyden käsityksiä sekä niihin liittyviä yhteiskunnallisia normeja kuvaten tapoja, joilla seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolen kokeminen ja käytännöt liikkuvat, kehittyvät ja vuorovaikuttavat eletyissä transsukupuolisuuden ruumiillistumissa. Haastattelen kuutta suomalaista, syntymässä naiseksi määriteltyä transsukupuolista henkilöä liittyen heidän kokemuksiinsa sukupuolesta, seksuaalisuudesta ja näiden muutoksista heidän tähänastisen elämänsä aikana. Tarkastelen nauhoitettuja ja litteroituja haastattelutekstejä transtutkimusta, queer-teoriaa ja feminististä uusmaterialistista filosofiaa yhdistävän teoreettisen kehyksen kautta keskittyen siihen, miten sukupuoli ja seksuaalisuus vaikuttavat toistensa kehitykseen, muutokseen ja materialisoitumiseen eri elämänvaiheissa ja tilanteissa. Erityisen tärkeiksi teoreettisiksi vaikuttajiksi tutkielmassani muodostuvat Judith Butlerin Gender Trouble (2006 [1990]) -teoksessaan hahmottelema performatiivisen sukupuolen teoria, Sara Ahmedin analyysi teoksessa Queer Phenomenology. Orientations, Objects, Others (2006) ja Karen Baradin teoksessa Meeting the Universe Halfway. Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning (2007) teoretisoima toimijuudellinen realismi. Päästäkseni kiinni sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden yhtymäkohtiin erittelen ensin niitä ominaisuuksia ja kokemuksia, jotka näyttäytyvät haastatteluteksteissäni oleellisina seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolen kannalta. Tarkastelen seksuaalisuutta suuntautumisen, halun ja seksuaalisten käytäntöjen näkökulmasta: vaikka nämä seksuaalisuuden aspektit ovat kiinteästi kytköksissä toisiinsa, niitä ei voi kokonaan palauttaa toisiinsa. Sukupuolta käsittelen performatiivisuuden näkökulmasta painottaen transsukupuolisiin ruumiisiin ja niiden materiaalisuuteen liittyviä erityispiirteitä. Sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden suhteita toisiinsa tarkastelen sekä sellaisissa tilanteissa, joissa niitä on vaikea erottaa toisistaan, että sellaisissa, joissa niiden voidaan nähdä tuottavan toinentoisiaan. Tutkielmallani on etnografisia, filosofisia ja poliittisia ulottuvuuksia. Yhtäältä tahdon kuvata ja analysoida elettyjä transsukupuolisia kokemuksia ja tuottaa tietoa vähän tutkitun ihmisryhmän todellisuudesta. Toisaalta osallistun sukupuolifilosofiseen keskusteluun ruumiillisuudesta ja sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden olemuksesta. Lähestyn tutkimusprosessiani niin sanotusta transgender standpoint -näkökulmasta; kirjoitan transsukupuolisena ruumiina, transsukupuolisia ruumiita koskien, pyrkimyksenäni edistää elävien transsukupuolisten ruumiiden asemaa, toimijuutta ja näkyvyyttä yhteiskunnassa.


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The present study explored the connections among adolescents' sense of self, sexuality, and perceptions of risk. Such an exploration may help educators to further understand why adolescents engage in risk-taking behaviours such as unprotected sex. The study involved secondary analysis on the data collected from the Youth Lifestyle Choices - Community University Research Alliance 2000 (YLC - CURA) Youth Resilience Questionnaire (YRQ). Participants were 300 male and female students in Grades 9, 1 1 and OAC. Data analyses involved both descriptive and inferential statistics (correlational and multivariate analysis). Chi-square analyses were performed on the open-ended self-description question. Separate analyses were conducted on gender and age (grade levels). Correlational analyses revealed that adolescents with a more positive sense of self were more likely to perceive sexual involvement as a relatively high-risk behaviour. Specifically, results found that male adolescents were less likely than females to perceive sex to be risky. Results are discussed in relation to previous research in the area of selfcognitions and risk-taking sexual behaviour. Results are also discussed in terms of educational implications in that the current results may provide the beginnings of a framework for more holistic sexual education programs.


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This study examined adolescents' reported sexual and dietary health-risk behaviours and perceptions. Specifically, this study analyzed the data of 600 students (300 male~ 300 female) in grades 9, I 1, and OAC (mean, standard deviation). The mean age of the students in the sample is 16 with a standard deviation of 1.6. The study was a secondary analysis ofthe first-year data of a 3-year longitudinal study conducted by Youth Lifestyle Choices-Community University Research Alliance (YLC-CURA) on adolescents. To explore sexuality and dietary health, this study purposefully selected sections of the survey that represented sex and dieting behaviours of adolescents. Separate gender and age data analyses revealed different patterns among the variables. Specifically., findings revealed that adolescents who engaged in recent sexual activities were more likely to have a relatively more positive body image perception and were relatively more likely to engage in disordered eating. Across both genders and 3 age levels, adolescents reported that despite their unhealthy dietary habits they felt that dieting was not a high-risk behaviour. Results were discussed in terms of educational implication for sexual health programs.


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The purpose of this exploratory study is to deconstruct dominant discourses of youth’s sexuality through the exploration of a cultural text. Patriarchal and immanent frameworks form the theoretical basis for a deconstructive textual analysis and systematic mise en scène analysis of the chosen text, the film, Thirteen (Hardwicke, 2003). I intend to explore the portrayal of youth sexuality by deconstructing discourses of sexuality that are simultaneously reflected and interrogated in the above mentioned media text. I have chosen this approach in order to deconstruct socially constructed ways of knowing and experiencing sexuality in order to uncover a multitude of possibilities for sexuality. In other words, this project will use deconstruction in order to reconceptualize sexuality.


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Sexuality after spinal cord injury (SCI) is a complex issue that is influenced by a number of social, psychological and physiological factors, one of which is urinary incontinence (UI). Using a phenomenological approach, seven mixed methods interviews combining both the interview guide and standardized open-ended approaches were conducted to examine the experience of sexuality for women who are concerned about UI following SCI. Sexual function was one of the top priorities for the women after SCI, and UI was one of the main concerns the women had regarding sexuality. The findings of this study demonstrate that various dimensions of intimacy and the sexual experience as a whole were affected by UI, and the women discussed both physical and psychological concerns. The main issues regarding sexuality included concerns related to relationships, frustrations with limited sexual activities and the difficulty of being sexually satisfied, the number of unanswered questions and concerns, and a fear of being hurt or injured while participating in sexual activities. The main concerns regarding UI were embarrassment, the work and inconvenience involved with the clean-up of UI, bladder infections, the lack of accessible washrooms, and the negative effects of UI medications. When examining sexuality and UI together, the major issues were the constant comparison to the way things were before SCI, as well as the new concerns that the women did not have to worry about previously, worrying about how their partner would react if UI were to occur during sexual activity, and the impact of their own feelings toward UI on sexuality, a connection between pleasurable sexual sensations and UI as well as difficulty differentiating between the sensation of UI with the sensation of UI, dealing with infected urine during sexual activity, having to discuss UI with a new potential sexual partner, and a fear of rejection. Other identified issues included those related to body image, a lack of resources, Doctors who were inadequately educated regarding SCI, and issues related to both having and raising children. There is a significant shortage of information available for women with SCI to use as a resource regarding sexual function in general, and sexual function as it relates to UI. It is necessary that future work focus on creating resources to assist in this area, and that the dissemination of those resources becomes both appropriate and effective. Addressing sexual function and UI which are among the top concerns for this population has the opportunity to greatly improve quality of life (QOL) for these individuals.


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Research on sexuality in Ghana has been scanty due to the nature of the Ghanaian society where sensitive issues like sexuality are not openly discussed and researched. This qualitative study examined how social contact with Canadian society has impacted the views of Ghanaian students living in Canada about sexuality. The data for this research study were gathered through in-depth interviews with 15 Ghanaian students between ages18 to 30 who had been living in Canada for more than one year. This study’s findings revealed that religion plays a central role in shaping views about sexuality among young Ghanaians living in Canada. The findings also highlighted the impact of cultural contact in shaping several aspects of sexuality including contraception and same-sex relations. The theoretical implications of this study’s results are discussed in terms of how they can help to clarify culturally informed models focusing on the role played by society, religion, family and peers in the development of adolescent perspectives about sexuality. The practical and educational implications of this study’s results are also discussed.


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Bullying is a pervasive social issue that occurs in numerous contexts and is particularly recognized in populations that are easily targeted. Individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning (LGBQ) are at an increased risk of victimization. Using mixed methodology involving 40 participants (N= 20) LGBQ and (N = 20) non-LGBQ and 10 subsequent in-depth interviews, this study examined prevalence rates of (cyber)bullying on the basis of sexual orientation. Results indicate a high frequency of direct and indirect bullying of LGBQ as compared to non-LGBQ youth. Ten interviews revealed themes that precipitate victimization such as the lack of understanding of LGBQ issues, educational shortfalls, societal and stereotypical beliefs. Results highlight the importance and need of formal and informal support (i.e. peer and online support).


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, il s'agit d'examiner le rôle du genre, de la sexualité et de la traduction dans les rapports entre deux mouvements nationalistes. D'abord, nous examinerons les représentations de la famille véchiulées dans l'autobiographie du membre du Front de libération du Québec Pierre Vallières (1938-1998), Les Nègres blancs d'Amérique. Ensuite, nous nous pencherons sur l'analyse du genre et de la sexualité contenue dans Soul on Ice, un recueil de textes écrits par le nationaliste noir Eldridge Cleaver (1933-1998). Dans les deux cas, la question de la violence révolutionnaire tiendra lieu de fil conducteur. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, nous relirons la traduction anglaise de Vallières, White Niggers of America, signée par Joan Pinkham. Cette relecture nous fournira l'occasion à la fois de comprendre et de critiquer, à partir de la perspective établie par la pensée de Cleaver au sujet de la masculinité noire dans une société régie par la suprématie blanche, comment Vallières essaie de bâtir des réseaux de solidarité internationaux et interraciaux entre les hommes. Dans notre conclusion, nous réunirons ces trois textes par le biais du sujet de l'internationalisme, en nous servant de la théorie queer, de la traductologie et des données biographiques pour résumer les résultats de nos recherches.


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L’étude de la sexualité dans le contexte des maladies neurologiques est un domaine émergent qui nous permet de mieux comprendre les corrélats cérébraux et neurocomportementaux de divers aspects de la sexualité. Les changements au sujet de la sexualité sont fréquents à la suite de troubles neurologiques tels que les blessures de la moelle épinière, la sclérose en plaques, l’accident vasculaire cérébral, l'épilepsie et les traumatismes craniocérébraux (TCC). Compte tenu de la complexité de la sexualité après un TCC, celle-ci doit être analysée à partir d'une perspective biopsychosociale qui comprend trois facteurs interdépendants : a) les facteurs neuropsychologiques et psychologiques, b) les variables médicales et physiques, et c) les facteurs relationnels. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier certains éléments de la sexualité auprès de personnes ayant subi un TCC afin de fournir des preuves empiriques pour contribuer à la validation d’une perspective biopsychosociale de la sexualité après un TCC. Trois études quantitatives originales ont été effectuées auprès de personnes ayant subi un TCC léger, modéré ou grave et ayant reçu des services de réadaptation post-TCC, et d’un groupe de témoins en bonne santé, tous vivant dans la communauté. Les groupes étaient comparables en ce qui concerne l’âge, le sexe, le nombre d’années de scolarité, le statut d’emploi et relationnel, et le revenu annuel. Les variables ciblant la sexualité, incluses dans cette thèse, étaient la qualité de vie sexuelle, le comportement sexuel à risque, et la sociosexualité (p. ex., les différences individuelles en ce qui concerne la volonté d’une personne à avoir des relations sexuelles sans engagement). Les variables neuropsychologiques et psychologiques incluaient les fonctions exécutives, la dépression et l’anxiété. Les aspects médicaux et physiques englobaient les symptômes postcommotionnels. Les facteurs relationnels comprenaient les attitudes envers l'infidélité. Les résultats démontrent que par rapport aux témoins en santé, les individus avec un TCC ont montré une diminution de la qualité de vie sexuelle, alors que les groupes étaient comparables sur le plan du comportement sexuel à risque, de la sociosexualité et des attitudes envers l'infidélité. Par ailleurs, les résultats ont montré une différence entre les hommes et les femmes sur le plan de la sociosexualité (p. ex., plus restrictive chez la femme). Chez les personnes ayant subi un TCC, une faible qualité de vie sexuelle était significativement associée à un nombre élevé de symptômes postcommotionnels, un comportement sexuel plus à risque corrélait avec une plus grande fréquence de symptômes dysexécutifs, et une plus faible acceptation de l'infidélité était liée à une sociosexualité moins restrictive. Les résultats de ces trois études soutiennent une perspective biopsychosociale de la sexualité après le TCC. Elles apportent des connaissances nouvelles en ce qui a trait aux domaines de la sexualité qui peuvent être touchés après un TCC, ainsi qu’à certaines variables neuropsychologiques et psychologiques, médicales et physiques, et relationnelles qui sont associées à ces changements. Les implications théoriques, ainsi que pour la pratique clinique et la réadaptation sont discutées. Les limitations des études sont présentées et des recommandations pour la recherche sont proposées. Le modèle biopsychosocial peut être utilisé comme une référence pour guider la recherche future dans ce domaine. D’autres études sur la sexualité et le développement d'interventions multidisciplinaires dans ce domaine pour les personnes TCC sont nécessaires.


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In his well-known analysis of the evolution of sexuality in society in "Making sexual history", Jeffrey Weeks comments that, following a series of major challenges throughout the twentieth century (ranging from Freud's work to the challenges of feminism and queer politics), "sexuality becomes a source of meaning, of social and political placing, and of individual sense of self". [...]


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Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is a highly prevalent and taxing female genital pain condition. Despite the intimate nature of this pain and the fact that affective factors such as anxiety have been shown to modulate its manifestations, no study has yet explored the emotional regulation of couples in which the woman suffers from PVD. Aim Ambivalence over emotional expression (AEE) is an emotional regulation variable that quantifies the extent to which a person is comfortable with the way she or he expresses emotions. We examined whether the dyadic AEE of couples in which the woman suffers from PVD was differentially associated with women's pain and couples' psychological, sexual, and relational functioning. Methods Couples (N = 254), in which the woman suffered from PVD, completed the AEE questionnaire. A couple typology of dyadic AEE was created. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures for both members of the couple were the global measure of sexual satisfaction scale, the Beck depression inventory II, and the revised dyadic adjustment scale. The female sexual function index and the sexual history form were used to assess the sexual function of women and men, respectively. Women also completed the pain rating index of the McGill pain questionnaire. Results Couples, in which both partners were considered low on AEE, had the highest scores on sexual satisfaction (P = 0.02) and function (P < 0.01), the lowest depression scores (P < 0.01), and the best dyadic adjustment (P = 0.02). No difference in pain intensity was found between couples. Conclusions Findings suggest that, for couples in which the woman suffers from PVD, an emotional regulation that is low in ambivalence in both partners is associated with better psychological, sexual, and relational outcomes. Results indicate that emotional regulation may be important to consider in the assessment and treatment of couples coping with PVD.


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This chapter offers a new reading of the sexual politics that are at play in Jane Austen's 1816 "Emma" through the exploration of film director Amy Heckerling's retelling of Austen's original story. Heckerling's 1995 film, "Clueless", can be understood as a free translation of "Emma" which allows an interrogation of some of the novel's received readings, especially those related to its male characters. [...]


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This article explores how liberal politicians like Phil Burton of San Francisco joined with welfare rights lobbyists and bureaucrats to embrace late twntieth-century notions of sexual equality through a broader reconception of economic equality brought about by the expansion of the California welfare state in the early 1960s.