976 resultados para in Captivity


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The acute phase response refers to a nonspecific and complex systemic reaction of the organism that occurs shortly after any tissue injury. The acute phase response is considered a part of the innate host defense system, which is responsible for the survival of the host during the critical early stages of attack, and in evolutionary terms, it precedes the acquired immune response. The purpose of this study was to determine serum protein concentrations, including the acute phase protein profile in agoutis (Dasyprocta azarae) in captivity, by means of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Blood samples from 11 adult healthy animals (nine females and two males) were obtained. The serum proteinogram had 21 proteins with molecular weights ranging from 15 to 240 kD. The acute phase proteins identified were: ceruloplasmin, transferrin, albumin, haptoglobin, α-1-acid glycoprotein, and hemoglobin. IgA, IgG heavy and light chains, and nonnominal identified proteins of 240, 210, 140, 98, 78, 48, 35, 31, 23, and 15 kD were also identified. The determination of the acute phase protein concentrations is a useful method for the early detection of subclinical disease or changes in the healthy animal, with predictive information on the development of disease in the future. It is possible to standardize the reference values of the serum protein profile of agoutis, which can be used for diagnosis and prognosis, treatment and clinical follow-up of nutritional disorders, and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases that may affect these animals. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Com o objetivo de ajustar modelos não-lineares, foram utilizados registros mensais do peso de 10 fêmeas de cateto (Pecari tajacu) coletados durante dois anos, no criatório do campo experimental Álvaro Adolfo da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, PA. Utilizaram-se os modelos de Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz e Logístico. Os parâmetros foram estimados usando o procedimento NLIN do aplicativo SAS. Os critérios utilizados para verificar o ajuste dos modelos foram: desvio padrão assintótico (ASD); coeficiente de determinação (R2); desvio médio absoluto dos resíduos (ARD) e o índice assintótico (AR). Os modelos Brody e Logístico estimaram, respectivamente, o maior (19,44kg) e o menor (19,18kg) peso assintótico (A), caracterizando a menor (0,0064kg/dia) e a maior (0,0113kg/dia) taxa de maturação (K), haja vista a natureza antagônica entre estes parâmetros, comprovada pela correlação fenotípica variando entre -0,75 à -0,47. O modelo Brody estimou o menor valor para o ARD, fator limitante para caracterizar o menor valor para o AR por este modelo. Considerando o AR, o modelo Brody apresentou o melhor ajuste, contudo, pelos valores encontrados, os demais modelos também apresentaram ajuste adequando aos dados ponderais da referida espécie/sexo. Com base no AR adotado neste trabalho, recomenda-se o modelo Brody para ajustar a curva de crescimento de fêmeas de cateto (Pecari tajacu). Em razão dos valores estimados, sobretudo, para a K, essa característica pode ser incluída em um índice de seleção. Contudo, estudos com grupos mais representativos e criados em outras condições se faz oportuno.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to determine the hematological parameters and the phagocytic capacity of peritoneal macrophages of fat snook related to sex, stage of gonadal maturation and seasonal cycle. Blood was collected from 135 animals (78 females and 57 males) and used for determinations of: erythrocyte number, hematocrit, hemoglobin, erythrocyte indices mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), total and differential leukocyte counts, and thrombocyte count. The phagocytic capacity and phagocytic index were determined after Saccharomyces cerevisiae inoculation in the peritoneal cavity of the animals. The hematological results according to sex showed that the erythrocyte, total leukocyte and thrombocyte counts were statistically higher in males than females, with the latter showing a higher MCV. Concerning to erythrocyte count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration analyzed separately by sex and stage of gonadal maturation, males were found to have significantly elevated values in the mature stage and decreased levels in the resting stage. The results of the erythrocyte and leukocyte series, thrombocytes and phagocytic activity related to seasonal cycle showed significant differences in both sexes, where hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration were lower in winter and higher in the other seasons, mean corpuscular volume was higher in the summer and lower in the winter and fall, total leukocytes and thrombocytes lower in the spring and higher in the fall, lymphocytes low in the winter and summer and high in the spring and phagocytic capacity and phagocytic index high in the summer and low in the winter and fall. The results showed that the hematological values in males are statistically higher than those in females, the erythrocyte values in males increase with the progression of gonadal maturation and that winter is the season of the year least favorable for hematological and phagocytic responses for survival of fat snook kept in captivity. The parameters studied could be utilized in the evaluation of the health status of this species in captivity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chaves E.P., Oliveira S.C.R., Araujo L.P.F., Oliveira A.S., Miglino M.A., Abreu-Silva A.L., Melo F.A. & Sousa A.L. 2012. Morphological aspects of the ovaries of turtle Kinosternon scorpioides raised in captivity. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(7):667-671. Departamento das Clinicas, Curso de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Estadual do Maranhao, Cidade Universitaria Paulo VI, Tirirical, Sao Luis, MA 65050-150, Brazil. E-mail: alana@elo.com.br The swear turtle "jurara" (Kinosternon scorpioides) is a mud turtle of the Amazon region exposed to disordering capture in the rural areas of Maranhao, Brazil. Despite its popularity in these areas, little meaningful information regarding the reproductive morphology is currently available, fact that impedes the adoption of policies for preservation of the species. To obtain more information, we studied the ovarian morphology adult jurara females kept in captivity by morphological and morphometric analysis in the dry and rainy season. The results revealed that all females were sexually mature and were in a vitellogenic period. The ovaries are two irregular structures composed by follicles in different stages of development (primary, secondary and tertiary) scattered in a stroma of loose connective highly vascularized tissue. The ovary weight was 6.25+/-4.23g and 2.27+/-1.42g, for the right and left one respectively. The gonadosomatic indexes were 2.06% for the dry season and 1.79% for the rainy season. The average of the follicles was 29.83 units per ovary. Microscopically, the mature ovaries revealed a basal layer composed by four cellular layers: the inner and outer theca, stratum granulosum with perivitelline membrane and zona radiata with vitelline membrane. No significant differences were observed in the ovaries either in the dry or wet period.


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Members of the subfamily Crotalinae are considered to be essentially nocturnal and most of the data about these snakes have been collected from the field. Information on how nutritional status affects the movement rate and activity patterns is a key point to elucidating the ecophysiology of snakes. In this study, we distributed 28 lancehead Bothrops moojeni into three groups under distinct feeding regimens after a month of fasting. Groups were divided as follows: ingestion of meals weighing (A) 40%, (B) 20%, or (C) 10% of the snake body mass. Groups were monitored for five days before and after food intake and the activity periods and movement rates were recorded. Our results show that B. moojeni is prevalently nocturnal, and the activity peak occurs in the first three hours of the scotophase. After feeding, a significant decrease in activity levels in groups A and B was detected. The current results corroborate previous field data that describe B. moojeni as a nocturnal species with low movement rates. The relationship between motion and the amount of food consumed by the snake may be associated with its hunting strategy.


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Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis and is also a zoonosis (sapro- and anthropozoonosis). The objective of the present study was to determine the occurrence of sporotrichosis in domestic cats and in wild or exotic felines in captivity through the isolation of Sporothrix spp. from claw impressions in a culture medium. The samples included 132 felines, of which 120 (91.0 %) were domestic cats, 11 (8.3 %) were wild felines, and one (0.7 %) was an exotic felid. Twenty-one (17.5 %) were outdoor cats. Of the total, 89 (67.4 %) had contact with other animals of the same species. It was possible to isolate Sporothrix schenckii from the claws of one (0.7 %) of the felids probed; this animal exhibited generalised sporotrichosis and had infected a female veterinarian. The potential pathogenic agents Microsporum canis and Malassezia pachydermatis were isolated in 12.1 and 5.3 % of the animals, respectively. The following anemophilous fungi, which were considered to be contaminants, were also isolated: Penicillium sp. (28 or 21.2 %), Aspergillus sp. (13 or 9.8 %), Rhodotorula sp. (5 or 3.8 %), Candida sp. (5 or 3.8 %), Trichoderma sp. (1 or 0.7 %), and Acremonium sp. (1 or 0.7 %). Due to the low magnitude of occurrence (0.7 %) of Sporothrix in feline claws, the potential of the cats evaluated in this study to be sources of infection in the city of São Paulo is considerably low.


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[EN]The present study aimed to determine the spawning efficacy, egg quality and quantity of captive breed meagre induced with a single gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) injection of 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 or 50 μg kg–1 to determine a recommended optimum dose to induce spawning. The doses 10, 15 and 20 μg kg–1 gave eggs with the highest quality (measured as: percentage of viability, floating, fertilisation and hatch) and quantity (measured as: total number of eggs, number of viable eggs, number of floating eggs, number of hatched larvae and number of larvae that reabsorbed the yolk sac). All egg quantity parameters were described by Gaussian regression analysis with R2 = 0.89 or R2 = 0.88. The Gaussian regression analysis identified that the optimal dose used was 15 μg kg–1. The regression analysis highlighted that this comprehensive study examined doses that ranged from low doses insufficient to stimulate a high spawning response (significantly lower egg quantities, p < 0.05) compared to 15 μg kg–1 through to high doses that stimulated the spawning of significantly lower egg quantities and eggs with significantly lower quality (egg viability). In addition, the latency period (time from hormone application to spawning) decreased with increasing doses to give a regression (R2 = 0.93), which suggests that higher doses accelerated oocyte development that in turn reduced egg quality and quantity. The identification of an optimal dose for the spawning of meagre, which has high aquaculture potential, represents an important advance for the Mediterranean aquaculture industry.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Publications on game birds": p. 206-215.


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"Editor, narrator, and adventures would seem to be imaginary" Cf. Bagnall.


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The semelparous dasyurids display a unique life history, in that all males die within a few weeks of the completion of the breeding season. Studies of several semelparous species have revealed that the male die-off is stress-related, and accompanied by increased plasma androgen and cortisol levels and decreased corticosteroid binding capacity, resulting in suppression of immune and inflammatory responses. This study examines the endocrine profile of male brush-tailed phascogales (Phascogale tapoatafa) that survive beyond the breeding season in captivity. Plasma cortisol, corticosteroid binding globulin and albumin levels were monitored in both males and females and steroid partitioning calculated. Captive males surviving beyond the breeding season did not show the elevation in plasma cortisol and decrease in corticosteroid binding capacity reported in wild males. Plasma albumin concentrations also remained constant during the sampling period. These data indicate that captive males do not undergo the same stress response described in wild populations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.