941 resultados para imidazolone protected


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The high seedlings quality is essential for deployment of homogeneous orchards. This study evaluated the baruzeiro (Dipteryx alata Vog) seedlings formation on different substrates within protected environments. It was used substrates with100% of cattle manure; 100% of cassava stems; 100% of vermiculite; 50% of cattle manure + 50% of cassava stems; 50% of cattle manure + 50% of vermiculite; 50% of cassava stems + 50% of vermiculite; and + ⅓ of cattle manure + ⅓ of cassava stems + ⅓ of vermiculite. These substrates were tested in protected areas: greenhouse; black shade net of 50% shading; and aluminized thermo-reflective screen of 50% shading. A completely randomized experimental design with five replicates of four plants was adopted. Initially, data were submitted to analysis of individual variance of the substrates, in each environment of cultivation, then performing the evaluation of the residual mean square and the analysis of these environments together for comparison. The best substrate for baruzeiro seedlings was pure vermiculite. The substrates with 100% of manure and the substrate with 33.33% of the mixed studied materials can be used for seedlings formation. The environment with screen can be indicated for the production of baruzeiro seedlings, since it gave vigor to the seedlings.


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The seedlings production is an essential part for vegetables production. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the environment, the substrates and the containers in the development of tomato seedlings, cv. Santa crus Kada Gigante, in Aquidauana -MS, Brazil region, from October to November, 2008. Polystyrene trays with 72; 128 and 200 cells, filled with four substrates (soil; Plantmax®; coconut fiber and vermiculite) were tested in three protected environments (greenhouse; screened with Sombrite® and screened with Aluminet®). The experimental design was completely randomized, factorial scheme 3x4 (three trays x four substrates), with four replications, being analyzed individual variance analysis and joint analysis for the environments. The environment with screens (Sombrite® and Aluminet®), the trays with 72 cells and the vermiculite produced better results.


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The objective of this study was to test container of polyethylene bags and protected environments on the papaya seedlings production, from May to August of 2008, in Aquidauana state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil. Five bags of polyethylene were used: 7.5 cm x 11.5 cm, 205.9 cm³; 8.4 cm x 10.6 cm, 238.1cm³; 10.0 cm x 16.5 cm, 525.2 cm³; 12.0 cm x 12.0 cm, 550.0 cm³ and 15.0 cm x 21.5 cm, 1539.8 cm³. These containers were placed in three protected environments: greenhouse; screened nursery with Sombrite® and screened nursery with Aluminet®. Because there is no replication of growing environment, each one was considered an experiment. For each cultivation environment, it was adopted a completely randomized design with eight replications of two plants each. Initially, data were submitted to analysis of individual variance of the container (for each cultivation environment), then performing the evaluation of the residual mean squares and the combined analysis of these environments for comparison of protected environments. The greenhouse and nursery with thermal reflector screen produced the best seedlings. The bags of 15.0 x 21.5 cm produced the best papaya seedlings. The Dickson Quality Index pointed the nursery with screen of thermal reflector as the environment that produced the most vigorous seedlings, when using the best container.


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The production of high-quality seedlings is a critical factor for successful implementation of a determined crop in the field. In order to evaluate the production of coffee seedlings, experiments were conducted with different substrates and in different protected environments. Treatments consisted of evaluation of the following substrates: 50% cattle manure + 50% commercial substrate, 50% cattle manure + 50% vermiculite, 50% commercial substrate + 50% vermiculite, 1/3 cattle manure + 1/3 commercial substrate + 1/3 vermiculite, 50% cattle manure + 50% sand, 1/3 sand + 1/3 cattle manure + 1/3 commercial substrate and 50% commercial substrate + 50% sand. These substrates were tested in different protected environments: agricultural greenhouse, mesh screen with 50% shading, aluminized screen with 50% shading, black screen with 30% shading, black screen with 70% shading, nursery with a buriti straw roof and full sunlight. In each environment, the experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design with five replicates of four plants each followed by joint analysis. The substrates containing 50% cattle manure associated with vermiculite or the commercial substrate may be indicated for production of coffee seedlings. Screened environments with 30, 50 and 70% shading resulted in the highest quality seedlings.


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This experiment was conducted in Lavras - state of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil, in a protected environment, and aims to estimate the irrigation depths that maximize productivity and economic returns in the cultivation of asparagus bean and analyze the economic viability of irrigation management. The experimental delineation was randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five drip irrigation depths: 40, 70, 100, 130 and 160% of water replacement depth up to field capacity. The depths of water that maximize productivity and economic returns were obtained from the regression model adjusted to productivity data, cost of product relations and water cost. The economic viability was achieved on the benefit/cost ratio basis. The depth with the maximum economic return was estimated in 434.4mm, with a productivity of 35,160.6kg ha-1, which is economically viable for the cultivation of asparagus bean, with a expected profitability of R$ 1.70 for every real invested.


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The seedling production stage is the key to achieve uniformity in tree breeding stage. This study evaluated "bocaiúva" (Acrocomia aculeata) seedling formation, with pre-germinated seeds in different substrates and protected environments, in the University of Mato Grosso do Sul State, Aquidauana, MS. As substrates, we used 100% cattle manure (M), 100% cassava branches (CB), 100% vermiculite (V), 50% cattle manure + 50% cassava branches, 50 % cattle manure + 50% vermiculite, 50% cassava branches + 50% vermiculite and ⅓ cattle manure + ⅓ cassava branches + ⅓ vermiculite. These substrates were tested in a greenhouse covered with 150 µm low density polyethylene (LDPE) film under thermo-reflective screen with 50% shading under film; black screen with 50% shading on the sides; black monofilament screen with 50% shading set on roof and sides; and aluminized thermo- reflective screen with 50% shading set on roof and sides. The completely randomized experimental design with 5 replications of 5 plants each was adopted. Initially, data were submitted to analysis of substrate individual variance in each growing environment, then performing the waste mean square evaluation and their environment joint analysis for comparison. The best growing environment is the thermo-reflective screen compared to LDPE greenhouse and black screen set. All substrates containing manure are recommended for bocaiúva seedlings formation. The pure cassava branch is not indicated for seedling, even using chemical fertilizer.


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Cette recherche a porté sur quelques enjeux importants liés à la gestion des aires marines protégées (AMP) en Indonésie en examinant comment celles-ci sont en mesure d'adapter leurs politiques afin de mieux répondre à l'évolution des conditions socioéconomiques et écologiques, quels ont été les impacts socioéconomiques de ces aires, et quelles sont les préoccupations environnementales des acteurs locaux dont les moyens de subsistance dépendent des ressources règlementées. Le «livelihoods framework » a servi de guide pour notre analyse des changements socioéconomiques dans la région, tandis que la notion d’« environmentality » d’Agrawal a fourni les bases théoriques pour l'examen de la formation de sujets environnementaux au parc national de Karimunjawa. Cette étude a montré que les changements de politique apportés au plan de la gestion du parc sont un pas dans la bonne direction, mais que les objectifs importants liés sa cogestion n'ont jamais été entièrement réalisés dans la pratique. Les résultats montrent également que d'importants changements socioéconomiques surviennent dans le parc, de nombreux pêcheurs se tournent vers des moyens de subsistance alternatifs, afin de compenser la baisse des prises de poissons. Enfin, cette étude a révélé que d'importants changements positifs dans les préoccupations environnementales sont survenus depuis la modification du zonage du parc, mais que ceux-ci ne se sont pas entièrement traduits en conformité avec les règles et règlements de l'AMP.


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This study shows that the disease resistance and survival rate of Penaeus monodon in a larval rearing systems can be enhanced by supplementing with antagonistic or non-antagonistic probiotics. The antagonistic mode of action of Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and MCCB 103 against vibrios was demonstrated in larval mesocosm with cultures having su⁄cient concentration of antagonistic compounds in their culture supernatant. Investigations on the antagonistic properties of Bacillus MCCB 101, Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and MCCB 103 and Arthrobacter MCCB 104 against Vibrio harveyi MCCB111under in vitro conditions revealed that Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and MCCB 103 were inhibitory to the pathogen.These inhibitory propertieswere further con¢rmed in the larval rearing systems of P. monodon. All these four probionts signi¢cantly improved larval survival in long-term treatments as well as when challengedwith a pathogenic strain ofV. harveyiMCCB111. We could demonstrate that Pseudomonas MCCB 102 andMCCB103 accorded disease resistance and a higher survival rate in P. monodon larval rearing systems throughactive antagonism of vibrios,whereas Bacillus MCCB 101 and Arthrobacter MCCB 104 functioned as probiotics through immunostimulatory and digestive enzyme-supporting modes of action.


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Fenneropenaeus indicus could be protected from white spot disease (WSD) caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) using a formalin-inactivated viral preparation (IVP) derived from WSSV-infected shrimp tissue. The lowest test quantity of lyophilized IVP coated onto feed at 0.025 g–1 (dry weight) and administered at a rate of 0.035 g feed g–1 body weight d–1 for 7 consecutive days was sufficient to provide protection from WSD for a short period (10 d after cessation of IVP administration). Shrimp that survived challenges on the 5th and 10th days after cessation of IVP administration survived repeated challenges although they were sometimes positive for the presence of WSSV by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay specific for WSSV. These results suggest that F. indicus can be protected from WSD by simple oral administration of IVP


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This article explores the medical care standard required by law for terminally illpatients and the possibility of limiting therapeutic efforts while respecting the duediligence expected from doctors. To this end, circumstances are identified in whichthe doctor is forced to choose between two possible actions: to guarantee the right tolife by continuing treatment, or to limit the right to healthcare by limiting therapeuticefforts. Two cases taken from English Common Law were reviewed that decided onthe factual problem at hand. In our country, the Constitutional Court established aline of jurisprudence on the role of the doctor in deciding whether or not to continuetreatment for a terminally ill person. Lastly, jurisprudence precedents are presentedalong with a comparative analysis of the solutions given in Great Britain andin Colombia.


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Les noves tecnologies a la xarxa ens permeten transportar, cada cop més, grans volums d' informació i trànsit de xarxa amb diferents nivells de prioritat. En aquest escenari, on s'ofereix una millor qualitat de servei, les conseqüències d'una fallada en un enllaç o en un node esdevenen més importants. Multiprotocol Lavel Switching (MPLS), juntament amb l'extensió a MPLS generalitzat (GMPLS), proporcionen mecanismes ràpids de recuperació de fallada establint camins, Label Switch Path (LSPs), redundants per ser utilitzats com a camins alternatius. En cas de fallada podrem utilitzar aquests camins per redireccionar el trànsit. El principal objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha estat millorar alguns dels actuals mecanismes de recuperació de fallades MPLS/GMPLS, amb l'objectiu de suportar els requeriments de protecció dels serveis proporcionats per la nova Internet. Per tal de fer aquesta avaluació s'han tingut en compte alguns paràmetres de qualitat de protecció com els temps de recuperació de fallada, les pèrdues de paquets o el consum de recursos. En aquesta tesi presentem una completa revisió i comparació dels principals mètodes de recuperació de fallada basats en MPLS. Aquest anàlisi inclou els mètodes de protecció del camí (backups globals, backups inversos i protecció 1+1), els mètodes de protecció locals i els mètodes de protecció de segments. També s'ha tingut en compte l'extensió d'aquests mecanismes a les xarxes òptiques mitjançant el pla de control proporcionat per GMPLS. En una primera fase d'aquest treball, cada mètode de recuperació de fallades és analitzat sense tenir en compte restriccions de recursos o de topologia. Aquest anàlisi ens dóna una primera classificació dels millors mecanismes de protecció en termes de pèrdues de paquets i temps de recuperació. Aquest primer anàlisi no és aplicable a xarxes reals. Per tal de tenir en compte aquest nou escenari, en una segona fase, s'analitzen els algorismes d'encaminament on sí tindrem en compte aquestes limitacions i restriccions de la xarxa. Es presenten alguns dels principals algorismes d'encaminament amb qualitat de servei i alguna de les principals propostes d'encaminament per xarxes MPLS. La majoria dels actual algorismes d'encaminament no tenen en compte l'establiment de rutes alternatives o utilitzen els mateixos objectius per seleccionar els camins de treball i els de protecció. Per millorar el nivell de protecció introduïm i formalitzem dos nous conceptes: la Probabilitat de fallada de la xarxa i l'Impacte de fallada. Un anàlisi de la xarxa a nivell físic proporciona un primer element per avaluar el nivell de protecció en termes de fiabilitat i disponibilitat de la xarxa. Formalitzem l'impacte d'una fallada, quant a la degradació de la qualitat de servei (en termes de retard i pèrdues de paquets). Expliquem la nostra proposta per reduir la probabilitat de fallada i l'impacte de fallada. Per últim fem una nova definició i classificació dels serveis de xarxa segons els valors requerits de probabilitat de fallada i impacte. Un dels aspectes que destaquem dels resultats d'aquesta tesi és que els mecanismes de protecció global del camí maximitzen la fiabilitat de la xarxa, mentre que les tècniques de protecció local o de segments de xarxa minimitzen l'impacte de fallada. Per tant podem assolir mínim impacte i màxima fiabilitat aplicant protecció local a tota la xarxa, però no és una proposta escalable en termes de consum de recursos. Nosaltres proposem un mecanisme intermig, aplicant protecció de segments combinat amb el nostre model d'avaluació de la probabilitat de fallada. Resumint, aquesta tesi presenta diversos mecanismes per l'anàlisi del nivell de protecció de la xarxa. Els resultats dels models i mecanismes proposats milloren la fiabilitat i minimitzen l'impacte d'una fallada en la xarxa.


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Worldwide marine protected areas (MPAs) have been designated to protect marine resources, including top predators such as seabirds. There is no conclusive information on whether protected areas can improve population trends of seabirds when these are further exploited as tourist attractions, an activity that has increased in past decades. Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) and Magellanic Penguins (S. magellanicus) breed sympatrically on Puñihuil Islets, two small coastal islands off the west coast of Chiloé Island (41° S) in southern Chile that are subject to exploitation for tourism. Our goal was to compare the population size of the mixed colony of Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins before and after protection from unregulated tourism and freely roaming goats in 1997. For this purpose, two censuses were conducted in 2004 and 2008, and the numbers compared with those obtained in 1997 by other authors. The proportion of occupied, unoccupied, and collapsed/flooded burrows changed between years; there were 68% and 34% fewer collapsed burrows in 2004 and 2008, respectively, than in 1997. For the total number of burrows of both species, we counted 48% and 63% more burrows in 2004 and 2008, respectively, than in 1997. We counted 13% more burrows of Humboldt Penguins in 2008 than in 1997, and for Magellanic Penguins, we estimated a 64% increase in burrows in 2008. Presumably, this was as a result of habitat improvement attributable to the exclusion of tourists and the removal of goats from the islets. Although tourist visits to the islets are prohibited, tourism activities around the colonies are prevalent and need to be taken into account to promote appropriate management.


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