873 resultados para hydrodynamic
The main contribution from this paper includes the hydrodynamic modeling and morphological analysis of Lake Água Preta in Belém city, Pará State, Brazil. The lake bathymetry was taken through the data provided by COSANPA (the local sanitation and water supply company) dating back to 1975, and from a 2009 field study. Both bathymetries produced two terrain elevation models, which were used for morphological analysis and hydrodynamic simulations. The morphological analysis has revealed that, from 1975 to 2009, the annual mean rate of sedimentation varies between 23,065 and 29,081 m3/year. Through this result, the sedimentation time of Lake Água Preta, from 2009, has been calculated, which varies between 295 and 381 years, maintaining the same rate of sedimentation, water consumption and pumping. The hydrodynamic model simulated the depths and velocities, showing a slight flow with velocities ranging from 0 to 33 cm/s. This flow is established between water input and output of the lake, which is used as reservoir of Belém city.
O regime de macromaré e a pororoca controlam a dinâmica estuarina do Araguari, na qual é muito diferente dos modelos tradicionais dos estuários sob este regime de maré. Objetivando estabelecer zonas estuarinas no Araguari com base em assembléias de foraminíferos, tecamebas, palinomorfos e parâmetros físico-químicos, foram estabelecidas dezesseis estações amostrais ao longo do estuário. A turbidez e a temperatura foram os parâmetros ambientais que permitiram determinar gradiente estuarino. Dezoito espécies de foraminíferos, dez espécies de tecamebas e quatorze espécies de palinomorfos foram identificadas. A análise de agrupamento em modo-R mostrou a existência de assembléias de foraminíferos e quatro de palinomorfos. A análise em CCA demonstrou que a turbidez e a matéria orgânica como os parâmetros de maior influência na distribuição dos foraminíferos tecamebas no Araguari. A análise de agrupamento em Modo-Q usando todos os dados formou quarto grupos de estações que sugerem a existência de três zonas estuarinas: Zona I - composta por tecamebas e palinomorfos continentais; Zona II - compostas por foraminíferos de manguezal, acritacos e todas as assembléias de palinomorfos; e Zona III - composta por foraminíferos de manguezal e estuarinos e por todas as assembléias de palinomorfos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The determination of hydrodynamic coefficients of full scale underwater vehicles using system identification (SI) is an extremely powerful technique. The procedure is based on experimental runs and on the analysis of on-board sensors and thrusters signals. The technique is cost effective and it has high repeatability; however, for open-frame underwater vehicles, it lacks accuracy due to the sensors' noise and the poor modeling of thruster-hull and thruster-thruster interaction effects. In this work, forced oscillation tests were undertaken with a full scale open-frame underwater vehicle. These conducted tests are unique in the sense that there are not many examples in the literature taking advantage of a PMM installation for testing a prototype and; consequently, allowing the comparison between the experimental results and the ones estimated by parameter identification. The Morison's equation inertia and drag coefficients were estimated with two parameter identification methods, that is, the weighted and the ordinary least-squares procedures. It was verified that the in-line force estimated from Morison's equation agrees well with the measured one except in the region around the motion inversion points. On the other hand, the error analysis showed that the ordinary least-squares provided better accuracy and, therefore, was used to evaluate the ratio between inertia and drag forces for a range of Keulegan-Carpenter and Reynolds numbers. It was concluded that, although both experimental and estimation techniques proved to be powerful tools for evaluation of an open-frame underwater vehicle's hydrodynamic coefficients, the research provided a rich amount of reference data for comparison with reduced models as well as for dynamic motion simulation of ROVs. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004952]
This work focused on the hydrodynamic research aiming at the short-circuiting evaluation for five different outlet configurations through the compartments of a vertical paddle flocculation pilot unit. The tests were carried out with variable and constant velocity gradients, including alternative rotation direction of the paddles. The research pointed out that the relevance of outlet configuration increases with the reduction of the number of compartments. In opposite, the velocity gradient and the rotation direction of paddles seem less significant features. These results open the perspective of viable increasing of performance, with low financial investments, mainly for flocculation units with three or two compartments installed in overloaded water treatment plants.
We simulate top-energy Au + Au collisions using ideal hydrodynamics in order to make the first comparison to the complete set of midrapidity flow measurements made by the PHENIX Collaboration. A simultaneous calculation of nu(2), nu(3), nu(4), and the first event-by-event calculation of quadrangular flow defined with respect to the nu(2) event plane (nu(4){Psi(2)}) gives good agreement with measured values, including the dependence on both transverse momentum and centrality. This provides confirmation that the collision system is indeed well described as a quark-gluon plasma with an extremely small viscosity and that correlations are dominantly generated from collective effects. In addition, we present a prediction for nu(5).
We investigate how the initial geometry of a heavy-ion collision is transformed into final flow observables by solving event-by-event ideal hydrodynamics with realistic fluctuating initial conditions. We study quantitatively to what extent anisotropic flow (nu(n)) is determined by the initial eccentricity epsilon(n) for a set of realistic simulations, and we discuss which definition of epsilon(n) gives the best estimator of nu(n). We find that the common practice of using an r(2) weight in the definition of epsilon(n) in general results in a poorer predictor of nu(n) than when using r(n) weight, for n > 2. We similarly study the importance of additional properties of the initial state. For example, we show that in order to correctly predict nu(4) and nu(5) for noncentral collisions, one must take into account nonlinear terms proportional to epsilon(2)(2) and epsilon(2)epsilon(3), respectively. We find that it makes no difference whether one calculates the eccentricities over a range of rapidity or in a single slice at z = 0, nor is it important whether one uses an energy or entropy density weight. This knowledge will be important for making a more direct link between experimental observables and hydrodynamic initial conditions, the latter being poorly constrained at present.
Models of the filtration phenomenon describe the mass balance in bed filtration in terms of particle removal mechanisms, and allow for the determination of global particle removal efficiencies. These models are defined in terms of the geometry and characteristic elements of granule collectors, particles and fluid, and also the composition of the balance of forces that act in the particle collector system. This work analyzes particles collection efficiency comparing downflow and upflow direct filtration, taking into account the contribution of the gravitational factor of the settling removal efficiency in future proposal of initial collection efficiency models for upflow filtration. A qualitative analysis is also made of the proposal for the collection efficiency models for particle removal in direct downflow and upflow filtration using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool. This analysis showed a strong influence of gravitational factor in initial collection efficiency (t = 0) of particles, as well as the reasons of their values to be smaller for upflow filtration in comparison with the downflow filtration.
This thesis presents new methods to simulate systems with hydrodynamic and electrostatic interactions. Part 1 is devoted to computer simulations of Brownian particles with hydrodynamic interactions. The main influence of the solvent on the dynamics of Brownian particles is that it mediates hydrodynamic interactions. In the method, this is simulated by numerical solution of the Navier--Stokes equation on a lattice. To this end, the Lattice--Boltzmann method is used, namely its D3Q19 version. This model is capable to simulate compressible flow. It gives us the advantage to treat dense systems, in particular away from thermal equilibrium. The Lattice--Boltzmann equation is coupled to the particles via a friction force. In addition to this force, acting on {it point} particles, we construct another coupling force, which comes from the pressure tensor. The coupling is purely local, i.~e. the algorithm scales linearly with the total number of particles. In order to be able to map the physical properties of the Lattice--Boltzmann fluid onto a Molecular Dynamics (MD) fluid, the case of an almost incompressible flow is considered. The Fluctuation--Dissipation theorem for the hybrid coupling is analyzed, and a geometric interpretation of the friction coefficient in terms of a Stokes radius is given. Part 2 is devoted to the simulation of charged particles. We present a novel method for obtaining Coulomb interactions as the potential of mean force between charges which are dynamically coupled to a local electromagnetic field. This algorithm scales linearly, too. We focus on the Molecular Dynamics version of the method and show that it is intimately related to the Car--Parrinello approach, while being equivalent to solving Maxwell's equations with freely adjustable speed of light. The Lagrangian formulation of the coupled particles--fields system is derived. The quasi--Hamiltonian dynamics of the system is studied in great detail. For implementation on the computer, the equations of motion are discretized with respect to both space and time. The discretization of the electromagnetic fields on a lattice, as well as the interpolation of the particle charges on the lattice is given. The algorithm is as local as possible: Only nearest neighbors sites of the lattice are interacting with a charged particle. Unphysical self--energies arise as a result of the lattice interpolation of charges, and are corrected by a subtraction scheme based on the exact lattice Green's function. The method allows easy parallelization using standard domain decomposition. Some benchmarking results of the algorithm are presented and discussed.
In dieser Arbeit werden Quantum-Hydrodynamische (QHD) Modelle betrachtet, die ihren Einsatz besonders in der Modellierung von Halbleiterbauteilen finden. Das QHD Modell besteht aus den Erhaltungsgleichungen für die Teilchendichte, das Momentum und die Energiedichte, inklusive der Quanten-Korrekturen durch das Bohmsche Potential. Zu Beginn wird eine Übersicht über die bekannten Ergebnisse der QHD Modelle unter Vernachlässigung von Kollisionseffekten gegeben, die aus einem Schrödinger-System für den gemischten-Zustand oder aus der Wigner-Gleichung hergeleitet werden können. Nach der Reformulierung der eindimensionalen QHD Gleichungen mit linearem Potential als stationäre Schrödinger-Gleichung werden die semianalytischen Fassungen der QHD Gleichungen für die Gleichspannungs-Kurve betrachtet. Weiterhin werden die viskosen Stabilisierungen des QHD Modells berücksichtigt, sowie die von Gardner vorgeschlagene numerische Viskosität für das {sf upwind} Finite-Differenzen Schema berechnet. Im Weiteren wird das viskose QHD Modell aus der Wigner-Gleichung mit Fokker-Planck Kollisions-Operator hergeleitet. Dieses Modell enthält die physikalische Viskosität, die durch den Kollision-Operator eingeführt wird. Die Existenz der Lösungen (mit strikt positiver Teilchendichte) für das isotherme, stationäre, eindimensionale, viskose Modell für allgemeine Daten und nichthomogene Randbedingungen wird gezeigt. Die dafür notwendigen Abschätzungen hängen von der Viskosität ab und erlauben daher den Grenzübergang zum nicht-viskosen Fall nicht. Numerische Simulationen der Resonanz-Tunneldiode modelliert mit dem nichtisothermen, stationären, eindimensionalen, viskosen QHD Modell zeigen den Einfluss der Viskosität auf die Lösung. Unter Verwendung des von Degond und Ringhofer entwickelten Quanten-Entropie-Minimierungs-Verfahren werden die allgemeinen QHD-Gleichungen aus der Wigner-Boltzmann-Gleichung mit dem BGK-Kollisions-Operator hergeleitet. Die Herleitung basiert auf der vorsichtige Entwicklung des Quanten-Maxwellians in Potenzen der skalierten Plankschen Konstante. Das so erhaltene Modell enthält auch vertex-Terme und dispersive Terme für die Geschwindigkeit. Dadurch bleibt die Gleichspannungs-Kurve für die Resonanz-Tunneldiode unter Verwendung des allgemeinen QHD Modells in einer Dimension numerisch erhalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der dispersive Geschwindigkeits-Term die Lösung des Systems stabilisiert.
The thesis analyses the hydrodynamic induced by an array of Wave energy Converters (WECs), under an experimental and numerical point of view. WECs can be considered an innovative solution able to contribute to the green energy supply and –at the same time– to protect the rear coastal area under marine spatial planning considerations. This research activity essentially rises due to this combined concept. The WEC under exam is a floating device belonging to the Wave Activated Bodies (WAB) class. Experimental data were performed at Aalborg University in different scales and layouts, and the performance of the models was analysed under a variety of irregular wave attacks. The numerical simulations performed with the codes MIKE 21 BW and ANSYS-AQWA. Experimental results were also used to calibrate the numerical parameters and/or to directly been compared to numerical results, in order to extend the experimental database. Results of the research activity are summarized in terms of device performance and guidelines for a future wave farm installation. The device length should be “tuned” based on the local climate conditions. The wave transmission behind the devices is pretty high, suggesting that the tested layout should be considered as a module of a wave farm installation. Indications on the minimum inter-distance among the devices are provided. Furthermore, a CALM mooring system leads to lower wave transmission and also larger power production than a spread mooring. The two numerical codes have different potentialities. The hydrodynamics around single and multiple devices is obtained with MIKE 21 BW, while wave loads and motions for a single moored device are derived from ANSYS-AQWA. Combining the experimental and numerical it is suggested –for both coastal protection and energy production– to adopt a staggered layout, which will maximise the devices density and minimize the marine space required for the installation.
We study a homogeneously driven granular fluid of hard spheres at intermediate volume fractions and focus on time-delayed correlation functions in the stationary state. Inelastic collisions are modeled by incomplete normal restitution, allowing for efficient simulations with an event-driven algorithm. The incoherent scattering function Fincoh(q,t ) is seen to follow time-density superposition with a relaxation time that increases significantly as the volume fraction increases. The statistics of particle displacements is approximately Gaussian. For the coherent scattering function S(q,ω), we compare our results to the predictions of generalized fluctuating hydrodynamics, which takes into account that temperature fluctuations decay either diffusively or with a finite relaxation rate, depending on wave number and inelasticity. For sufficiently small wave number q we observe sound waves in the coherent scattering function S(q,ω) and the longitudinal current correlation function Cl(q,ω). We determine the speed of sound and the transport coefficients and compare them to the results of kinetic theory.