994 resultados para hybrid computing roles


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The relentlessly increasing demand for network bandwidth, driven primarily by Internet-based services such as mobile computing, cloud storage and video-on-demand, calls for more efficient utilization of the available communication spectrum, as that afforded by the resurging DSP-powered coherent optical communications. Encoding information in the phase of the optical carrier, using multilevel phase modulationformats, and employing coherent detection at the receiver allows for enhanced spectral efficiency and thus enables increased network capacity. The distributed feedback semiconductor laser (DFB) has served as the near exclusive light source powering the fiber optic, long-haul network for over 30 years. The transition to coherent communication systems is pushing the DFB laser to the limits of its abilities. This is due to its limited temporal coherence that directly translates into the number of different phases that can be imparted to a single optical pulse and thus to the data capacity. Temporal coherence, most commonly quantified in the spectral linewidth Δν, is limited by phase noise, result of quantum-mandated spontaneous emission of photons due to random recombination of carriers in the active region of the laser.

In this work we develop a generically new type of semiconductor laser with the requisite coherence properties. We demonstrate electrically driven lasers characterized by a quantum noise-limited spectral linewidth as low as 18 kHz. This narrow linewidth is result of a fundamentally new laser design philosophy that separates the functions of photon generation and storage and is enabled by a hybrid Si/III-V integration platform. Photons generated in the active region of the III-V material are readily stored away in the low loss Si that hosts the bulk of the laser field, thereby enabling high-Q photon storage. The storage of a large number of coherent quanta acts as an optical flywheel, which by its inertia reduces the effect of the spontaneous emission-mandated phase perturbations on the laser field, while the enhanced photon lifetime effectively reduces the emission rate of incoherent quanta into the lasing mode. Narrow linewidths are obtained over a wavelength bandwidth spanning the entire optical communication C-band (1530-1575nm) at only a fraction of the input power required by conventional DFB lasers. The results presented in this thesis hold great promise for the large scale integration of lithographically tuned, high-coherence laser arrays for use in coherent communications, that will enable Tb/s-scale data capacities.


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A hybrid method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The method inherits the attractive stabilizing mechanism of upwinded discontinuous Galerkin methods when momentum advection becomes significant, equal-order interpolations can be used for the velocity and pressure fields, and mass can be conserved locally. Using continuous Lagrange multiplier spaces to enforce flux continuity across cell facets, the number of global degrees of freedom is the same as for a continuous Galerkin method on the same mesh. Different from our earlier investigations on the approach for the Navier-Stokes equations, the pressure field in this work is discontinuous across cell boundaries. It is shown that this leads to very good local mass conservation and, for an appropriate choice of finite element spaces, momentum conservation. Also, a new form of the momentum transport terms for the method is constructed such that global energy stability is guaranteed, even in the absence of a pointwise solenoidal velocity field. Mass conservation, momentum conservation, and global energy stability are proved for the time-continuous case and for a fully discrete scheme. The presented analysis results are supported by a range of numerical simulations. © 2012 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


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This article introduces Periodically Controlled Hybrid Automata (PCHA) for modular specification of embedded control systems. In a PCHA, control actions that change the control input to the plant occur roughly periodically, while other actions that update the state of the controller may occur in the interim. Such actions could model, for example, sensor updates and information received from higher-level planning modules that change the set point of the controller. Based on periodicity and subtangential conditions, a new sufficient condition for verifying invariant properties of PCHAs is presented. For PCHAs with polynomial continuous vector fields, it is possible to check these conditions automatically using, for example, quantifier elimination or sum of squares decomposition. We examine the feasibility of this automatic approach on a small example. The proposed technique is also used to manually verify safety and progress properties of a fairly complex planner-controller subsystem of an autonomous ground vehicle. Geometric properties of planner-generated paths are derived which guarantee that such paths can be safely followed by the controller. © 2012 ACM.


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Web services can be seen as a newly emerging research area for Service-oriented Computing and their implementation in Service-oriented Architectures. Web services are self-contained, self-describing modular applications or components providing services. Web services may be dynamically aggregated, composed, and enacted as Web services Workflows. This requires frameworks and interaction protocols for their co-ordination and transaction support. In a Service-oriented Computing setting, transactions are more complex, involve multiple parties (roles), span many organizations, and may be long-running, consisting of a highly decentralized service partner and performed by autonomous entities. A Service-oriented Transaction Model has to provide comprehensive support for long-running propositions including negotiations, conversations, commitments, contracts, tracking, payments, and exception handling. Current transaction models and mechanisms including their protocols and primitives do not sufficiently cater for quality-aware and long running transactions comprising loosely-coupled (federated) service partners and resources. Web services transactions require co-ordination behavior provided by a traditional transaction mechanism to control the operations and outcome of an application. Furthermore, Web services transactions require the capability to handle the co-ordination of processing outcomes or results from multiple services in a more flexible manner. This requires more relaxed forms of transactions—those that do not strictly have to abide by the ACID properties—such as loosely-coupled collaboration and workflows. Furthermore, there is a need to group Web services into applications that require some form of correlation, but do not necessarily require transactional behavior. The purpose of this paper is to provide a state-of-the-art review and overview of some proposed standards surrounding Web services composition, co-ordination, and transaction. In particular the Business Process Execution Language for Web services (BPEL4WS), its co-ordination, and transaction frameworks (WS-Co-ordination and WS-Transaction) are discussed.


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A series of novel numerical methods for the exponential models of growth are proposed. Based on these methods, hybrid predictor-corrector methods are constructed. The hybrid numerical methods can increase the accuracy and the computing speed obviously, as well as enlarge the stability domain greatly. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Social network analysts have tried to capture the idea of social role explicitly by proposing a framework that precisely gives conditions under which group actors are playing equivalent roles. They term these methods positional analysis techniques. The most general definition is regular equivalence which captures the idea that equivalent actors are related in a similar way to equivalent alters. Regular equivalence gives rise to a whole class of partitions on a network. Given a network we have two different computational problems. The first is how to find a particular regular equivalence. An algorithm exists to find the largest regular partition but there are not efficient algorithms to test whether there is a regular k-partition. That is a partition in k groups that is regular. In addition, when dealing with real data, it is unlikely that any regular partitions exist. To overcome this problem relaxations of regular equivalence have been proposed along with optimisation techniques to find nearly regular partitions. In this paper we review the algorithms that have developed to find particular regular equivalences and look at some of the recent theoretical results which give an insight into the complexity of finding regular partitions.


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A numerical and experimental investigation on the mode-I intralaminar toughness of a hybrid plain weave composite laminate manufactured using resin infusion under flexible tooling (RIFT) process is presented in this paper. The pre-cracked geometries consisted of overheight compact tension (OCT), double edge notch (DEN) and centrally cracked four-point-bending (4PBT) test specimens. The position as well as the strain field ahead of the crack tip during the loading stage was determined using a digital speckle photogrammetry system. The limitation on the applicability of the standard data reduction schemes for the determination of intralaminar toughness of composite materials is presented and discussed. A methodology based on the numerical evaluation of the strain energy release rate using the J-integral method is proposed to derive new geometric correction functions for the determination of the stress intensity factor for composites. The method accounts for material anisotropy and finite specimen dimension effects regardless of the geometry. The approach has been validated for alternative non-standard specimen geometries. A comparison between different methods currently available for computing the intralaminar fracture toughness in composite laminates is presented and a good agreement between numerical and experimental results using the proposed methodology was obtained. 


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One of the outstanding issues in parallel computing is the selection of task granularity. This work proposes a solution to the task granularity problem by lowering the overhead of the task scheduler and as such supporting very fine-grain tasks. Using a combination of static (compile-time) scheduling and dynamic (run-time) scheduling, we aim to make scheduling decisions as fast as with static scheduling while retaining the dynamic load- balancing properties of fully dynamic scheduling. We present an example application and discuss the requirements on the compiler and runtime system to realize hybrid static/dynamic scheduling.


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This paper evaluates the viability of user-level software management of a hybrid DRAM/NVM main memory system. We propose an operating system (OS) and programming interface to place data from within the user application. We present a profiling tool to help programmers decide on the placement of application data in hybrid memory systems. Cycle-accurate simulation of modified applications confirms that our approach is more energy-efficient than state-of-the- art hardware or OS approaches at equivalent performance. Moreover, our results are validated on several candidate NVM technologies and a wide set of 14 benchmarks.
The key observation behind this work is that, for the work- loads we evaluated, application objects are too short-lived to motivate migration. Utilizing this property significantly reduces the hardware complexity of hybrid memory systems.


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Ultracold hybrid ion–atom traps offer the possibility of microscopic manipulation of quantum coherences in the gas using the ion as a probe. However, inelastic processes, particularly charge transfer can be a significant process of ion loss and has been measured experimentally for the ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}$ ion immersed in a Rb vapour. We use first-principles quantum chemistry codes to obtain the potential energy curves and dipole moments for the lowest-lying energy states of this complex. Calculations for the radiative decay processes cross sections and rate coefficients are presented for the total decay processes; ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(6{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})+{\rm Rb}(5{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})\to {\rm Yb}(6{{{\rm s}}^{2}}{{\;}^{1}}{\rm S})+{\rm R}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(4{{{\rm p}}^{6}}{{\;}^{1}}{\rm S})+h\nu $ and ${\rm Y}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}(6{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})+{\rm Rb}(5{\rm s}{{\;}^{2}}{\rm S})\to {\rm YbR}{{{\rm b}}^{+}}({{X}^{1}}{{\Sigma }^{+}})+h\nu $. Comparing the semi-classical Langevin approximation with the quantum approach, we find it provides a very good estimate of the background at higher energies. The results demonstrate that radiative decay mechanisms are important over the energy and temperature region considered. In fact, the Langevin process of ion–atom collisions dominates cold ion–atom collisions. For spin-dependent processes [1] the anisotropic magnetic dipole–dipole interaction and the second-order spin–orbit coupling can play important roles, inducing coupling between the spin and the orbital motion. They measured the spin-relaxing collision rate to be approximately five orders of magnitude higher than the charge-exchange collision rate [1]. Regarding the measured radiative charge transfer collision rate, we find that our calculation is in very good agreement with experiment and with previous calculations. Nonetheless, we find no broad resonances features that might underly a strong isotope effect. In conclusion, we find, in agreement with previous theory that the isotope anomaly observed in experiment remains an open question.


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In this paper an attempt has been made to take a look at how the use of implant and electrode technology can now be employed to create biological brains for robots, to enable human enhancement and to diminish the effects of certain neural illnesses. In all cases the end result is to increase the range of abilities of the recipients. An indication is given of a number of areas in which such technology has already had a profound effect, a key element being the need for a clear interface linking the human brain directly with a computer. An overview of some of the latest developments in the field of Brain to Computer Interfacing is also given in order to assess advantages and disadvantages. The emphasis is clearly placed on practical studies that have been and are being undertaken and reported on, as opposed to those speculated, simulated or proposed as future projects. Related areas are discussed briefly only in the context of their contribution to the studies being undertaken. The area of focus is notably the use of invasive implant technology, where a connection is made directly with the cerebral cortex and/or nervous system. Tests and experimentation which do not involve human subjects are invariably carried out a priori to indicate the eventual possibilities before human subjects are themselves involved. Some of the more pertinent animal studies from this area are discussed including our own involving neural growth. The paper goes on to describe human experimentation, in which neural implants have linked the human nervous system bi-directionally with technology and the internet. A view is taken as to the prospects for the future for this implantable computing in terms of both therapy and enhancement.


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Pt. I. Fundamentals of hybrid intelligent systems and agents -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Basics of hybrid intelligent systems -- 3. Basics of agents and multi-agent systems -- Pt. II. Methodology and framework -- 4. Agent-oriented methodologies -- 5. Agent-based framework for hybrid intelligent systems --6. Matchmaking in middle agents -- Pt. III. Application systems -- 7. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for financial investment
planning -- 8. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for data mining -- Pt. IV. Concluding remarks -- 9. The less the more -- App. Sample source codes of the agent-based financial planning system


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Recent trends in grid computing development is moving towards a service-oriented architecture. With the momentum gaining for the service-oriented grid computing systems, the issue of deploying support for integrated scheduling and fault-tolerant approaches becomes paramount importance. To this end, we propose a scalable framework that loosely couples the dynamic job scheduling approach with the hybrid replications approach to schedule jobs efficiently while at the same time providing fault-tolerance. The novelty of the proposed framework is that it uses passive replication approach under high system load and active replication approach under low system loads. The switch between these two replication methods is also done dynamically and transparently.


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Many complex problems including financial investment planning, foreign exchange trading, knowledge discovery from large/multiple databases require hybrid intelligent systems that integrate many intelligent techniques including expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. However, hybrid intelligent systems are difficult to develop because they have a large number of parts or components that have many interactions. On the other hand, agents offer a new and often more appropriate route to the development of complex systems, especially in open and dynamic environments. In this paper, it is argued that agent technology is well snited for constructing hybrid intelligent systems (especially loosely coupled hybrid intelligent systems) through a successful case study. A great number of heterogeneous computing techniques/packages are easily integlated into the experimental system under a unifying agent framework, which implies that agent technology can greatly facilitate the construction of hybrid intelligent systems.