971 resultados para human cognition
Introduction: Studies about human cognition represent a relevant perspective in information science, considering the subjective actions of information professionals and dialogic process that should permeate the activity of subjects dealing with the organization and representation of information. Objective: Explore the approach of the cognitive perspective in information science and their new settings by contemporary needs of information to reflect on the process of meeting the professional information through the social reality that permeates the contexts of information. Methodology: Reflection on theoretical aspects that deal with the cognitive development to discuss the implications of the cognitive approach in information science and its evolution in the scope of the representation and processing of information. Results: Research in Information Science must consider issues of cognitive and social order that underlie information processing and the process of knowing the information professional as knowledge structures must be explained from the social context of knowing subjects. Conclusions: There is a need to investigate the process of knowing the information professional in the bias of socio-cognitive approach, targeting new elements for the understanding of the relationship information (cognitive manifestations) and its implications on the social dimension.
The contributions of studies on Cognitive Styles are presented and discussed in this text, introductory and conceptually, in order to clarify and facilitate the discussion within the school education. With the theoretical origin in the cognitive psychology, more specifically, in studies of human cognition in differential perspective, the Cognitive Styles, are constructs developed to describe perceptual characteristics of the individual called "Dependence and Independence Field." In the course of this conceptual construction it is evidenced that individual perceptions are part of a broad set of interrelated factors that reflect the level of psychological differentiation of individuals. The studies show subjects with different Cognitive Styles, that are distributed in a "continuum" in order to set up a statistical normality. Therein some educational implications related to the Cognitive Styles are evident in relation to how the students learn, how the teachers teach, to the formal education in itself and to the career plan. The Cognitive Styles has a broad spectrum of influence on the relationship established in the teaching-learning process. So, these concepts need urgently to be better understood in the context of education.
Propomos, neste trabalho, que o conceito de intencionalidade é uma ferramenta relevante para a interpretação de repertórios simbólicos humanos. Analisamos como os conceitos de intencionalidade e de linguagem verbal são articulados na Teoria da Aquisição da Linguagem Baseada no Uso de Tomasello, na Teoria dos Atos Ilocucionários de Searle e na Teoria dos Sistemas Intencionais de Dennett, buscando identificar seu papel na determinação da cognição humana. Essas teorias propõem uma interdependência entre esses conceitos, os quais difeririam entre si quanto ao modo como se dá essa articulação. Elas também destacam a importância dos repertórios simbólicos, especialmente a linguagem verbal, para a cognição humana. Como a intencionalidade é um aspecto da cognição humana, uma conexão entre linguagem verbal e intencionalidade para o funcionamento cognitivo humano é uma questão a ser investigada na psicologia científica.
Functional neuroimaging techniques enable investigations into the neural basis of human cognition, emotions, and behaviors. In practice, applications of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have provided novel insights into the neuropathophysiology of major psychiatric,neurological, and substance abuse disorders, as well as into the neural responses to their treatments. Modern activation studies often compare localized task-induced changes in brain activity between experimental groups. One may also extend voxel-level analyses by simultaneously considering the ensemble of voxels constituting an anatomically defined region of interest (ROI) or by considering means or quantiles of the ROI. In this work we present a Bayesian extension of voxel-level analyses that offers several notable benefits. First, it combines whole-brain voxel-by-voxel modeling and ROI analyses within a unified framework. Secondly, an unstructured variance/covariance for regional mean parameters allows for the study of inter-regional functional connectivity, provided enough subjects are available to allow for accurate estimation. Finally, an exchangeable correlation structure within regions allows for the consideration of intra-regional functional connectivity. We perform estimation for our model using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques implemented via Gibbs sampling which, despite the high throughput nature of the data, can be executed quickly (less than 30 minutes). We apply our Bayesian hierarchical model to two novel fMRI data sets: one considering inhibitory control in cocaine-dependent men and the second considering verbal memory in subjects at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The unifying hierarchical model presented in this manuscript is shown to enhance the interpretation content of these data sets.
Conscious events interact with memory systems in learning, rehearsal and retrieval (Ebbinghaus 1885/1964; Tulving 1985). Here we present hypotheses that arise from the IDA computional model (Franklin, Kelemen and McCauley 1998; Franklin 2001b) of global workspace theory (Baars 1988, 2002). Our primary tool for this exploration is a flexible cognitive cycle employed by the IDA computational model and hypothesized to be a basic element of human cognitive processing. Since cognitive cycles are hypothesized to occur five to ten times a second and include interaction between conscious contents and several of the memory systems, they provide the means for an exceptionally fine-grained analysis of various cognitive tasks. We apply this tool to the small effect size of subliminal learning compared to supraliminal learning, to process dissociation, to implicit learning, to recognition vs. recall, and to the availability heuristic in recall. The IDA model elucidates the role of consciousness in the updating of perceptual memory, transient episodic memory, and procedural memory. In most cases, memory is hypothesized to interact with conscious events for its normal functioning. The methodology of the paper is unusual in that the hypotheses and explanations presented are derived from an empirically based, but broad and qualitative computational model of human cognition.
La investigación para el conocimiento del cerebro es una ciencia joven, su inicio se remonta a Santiago Ramón y Cajal en 1888. Desde esta fecha a nuestro tiempo la neurociencia ha avanzado mucho en el desarrollo de técnicas que permiten su estudio. Desde la neurociencia cognitiva hoy se explican muchos modelos que nos permiten acercar a nuestro entendimiento a capacidades cognitivas complejas. Aun así hablamos de una ciencia casi en pañales que tiene un lago recorrido por delante. Una de las claves del éxito en los estudios de la función cerebral ha sido convertirse en una disciplina que combina conocimientos de diversas áreas: de la física, de las matemáticas, de la estadística y de la psicología. Esta es la razón por la que a lo largo de este trabajo se entremezclan conceptos de diferentes campos con el objetivo de avanzar en el conocimiento de un tema tan complejo como el que nos ocupa: el entendimiento de la mente humana. Concretamente, esta tesis ha estado dirigida a la integración multimodal de la magnetoencefalografía (MEG) y la resonancia magnética ponderada en difusión (dMRI). Estas técnicas son sensibles, respectivamente, a los campos magnéticos emitidos por las corrientes neuronales, y a la microestructura de la materia blanca cerebral. A lo largo de este trabajo hemos visto que la combinación de estas técnicas permiten descubrir sinergias estructurofuncionales en el procesamiento de la información en el cerebro sano y en el curso de patologías neurológicas. Más específicamente en este trabajo se ha estudiado la relación entre la conectividad funcional y estructural y en cómo fusionarlas. Para ello, se ha cuantificado la conectividad funcional mediante el estudio de la sincronización de fase o la correlación de amplitudes entre series temporales, de esta forma se ha conseguido un índice que mide la similitud entre grupos neuronales o regiones cerebrales. Adicionalmente, la cuantificación de la conectividad estructural a partir de imágenes de resonancia magnética ponderadas en difusión, ha permitido hallar índices de la integridad de materia blanca o de la fuerza de las conexiones estructurales entre regiones. Estas medidas fueron combinadas en los capítulos 3, 4 y 5 de este trabajo siguiendo tres aproximaciones que iban desde el nivel más bajo al más alto de integración. Finalmente se utilizó la información fusionada de MEG y dMRI para la caracterización de grupos de sujetos con deterioro cognitivo leve, la detección de esta patología resulta relevante en la identificación precoz de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Esta tesis está dividida en seis capítulos. En el capítulos 1 se establece un contexto para la introducción de la connectómica dentro de los campos de la neuroimagen y la neurociencia. Posteriormente en este capítulo se describen los objetivos de la tesis, y los objetivos específicos de cada una de las publicaciones científicas que resultaron de este trabajo. En el capítulo 2 se describen los métodos para cada técnica que fue empleada: conectividad estructural, conectividad funcional en resting state, redes cerebrales complejas y teoría de grafos y finalmente se describe la condición de deterioro cognitivo leve y el estado actual en la búsqueda de nuevos biomarcadores diagnósticos. En los capítulos 3, 4 y 5 se han incluido los artículos científicos que fueron producidos a lo largo de esta tesis. Estos han sido incluidos en el formato de la revista en que fueron publicados, estando divididos en introducción, materiales y métodos, resultados y discusión. Todos los métodos que fueron empleados en los artículos están descritos en el capítulo 2 de la tesis. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se concluyen los resultados generales de la tesis y se discuten de forma específica los resultados de cada artículo. ABSTRACT In this thesis I apply concepts from mathematics, physics and statistics to the neurosciences. This field benefits from the collaborative work of multidisciplinary teams where physicians, psychologists, engineers and other specialists fight for a common well: the understanding of the brain. Research on this field is still in its early years, being its birth attributed to the neuronal theory of Santiago Ramo´n y Cajal in 1888. In more than one hundred years only a very little percentage of the brain functioning has been discovered, and still much more needs to be explored. Isolated techniques aim at unraveling the system that supports our cognition, nevertheless in order to provide solid evidence in such a field multimodal techniques have arisen, with them we will be able to improve current knowledge about human cognition. Here we focus on the multimodal integration of magnetoencephalography (MEG) and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging. These techniques are sensitive to the magnetic fields emitted by the neuronal currents and to the white matter microstructure, respectively. The combination of such techniques could bring up evidences about structural-functional synergies in the brain information processing and which part of this synergy fails in specific neurological pathologies. In particular, we are interested in the relationship between functional and structural connectivity, and how two integrate this information. We quantify the functional connectivity by studying the phase synchronization or the amplitude correlation between time series obtained by MEG, and so we get an index indicating similarity between neuronal entities, i.e. brain regions. In addition we quantify structural connectivity by performing diffusion tensor estimation from the diffusion weighted images, thus obtaining an indicator of the integrity of the white matter or, if preferred, the strength of the structural connections between regions. These quantifications are then combined following three different approaches, from the lowest to the highest level of integration, in chapters 3, 4 and 5. We finally apply the fused information to the characterization or prediction of mild cognitive impairment, a clinical entity which is considered as an early step in the continuum pathological process of dementia. The dissertation is divided in six chapters. In chapter 1 I introduce connectomics within the fields of neuroimaging and neuroscience. Later in this chapter we describe the objectives of this thesis, and the specific objectives of each of the scientific publications that were produced as result of this work. In chapter 2 I describe the methods for each of the techniques that were employed, namely structural connectivity, resting state functional connectivity, complex brain networks and graph theory, and finally, I describe the clinical condition of mild cognitive impairment and the current state of the art in the search for early biomarkers. In chapters 3, 4 and 5 I have included the scientific publications that were generated along this work. They have been included in in their original format and they contain introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion. All methods that were employed in these papers have been described in chapter 2. Finally, in chapter 6 I summarize all the results from this thesis, both locally for each of the scientific publications and globally for the whole work.
Historicamente, ao serem criadas, novas mídias se apropriam de recursos de linguagens de outras mídias pré-existentes. Na medida em que as tecnologias da mídia se desenvolvem o mesmo ocorre com as linguagens, de forma a adaptarem-se, simultaneamente, ao meio e mensagens; modos de produção; e condições ideais de interação com os usuários. As mídias digitais, por sua natureza, dispõem de interfaces performáticas imagens-pensantes que permitem mais que a simples representação estética de conteúdos. Neste contexto, se insere a problemática desta pesquisa: Quais teorias transdisciplinares podem contribuir para a compreensão dos complexos processos comunicacionais que envolvem o relacionamento entre seres humanos e mídias digitais com propósito de aprendizagem? O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estender o modelo desenvolvido por Stephen Littlejohn e incluir novos conceitos e generalizações, provenientes de outros ramos da ciência com diferentes 'visões de mundo', visando ampliar a proposta de Littlejohn para um Modelo Transdisciplinar para Comunicação com Mídias Digitais, que, em nossa perspectiva, contribui para explicar os fenômenos pertinentes à relação de humanos com mídias digitais, principalmente em processos de aprendizagem de ciências. A pesquisa foi feita com métodos de pesquisa Bibliográfica e Descritiva.(AU)
Historicamente, ao serem criadas, novas mídias se apropriam de recursos de linguagens de outras mídias pré-existentes. Na medida em que as tecnologias da mídia se desenvolvem o mesmo ocorre com as linguagens, de forma a adaptarem-se, simultaneamente, ao meio e mensagens; modos de produção; e condições ideais de interação com os usuários. As mídias digitais, por sua natureza, dispõem de interfaces performáticas imagens-pensantes que permitem mais que a simples representação estética de conteúdos. Neste contexto, se insere a problemática desta pesquisa: Quais teorias transdisciplinares podem contribuir para a compreensão dos complexos processos comunicacionais que envolvem o relacionamento entre seres humanos e mídias digitais com propósito de aprendizagem? O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estender o modelo desenvolvido por Stephen Littlejohn e incluir novos conceitos e generalizações, provenientes de outros ramos da ciência com diferentes 'visões de mundo', visando ampliar a proposta de Littlejohn para um Modelo Transdisciplinar para Comunicação com Mídias Digitais, que, em nossa perspectiva, contribui para explicar os fenômenos pertinentes à relação de humanos com mídias digitais, principalmente em processos de aprendizagem de ciências. A pesquisa foi feita com métodos de pesquisa Bibliográfica e Descritiva.(AU)
This chapter recounts efforts to dissect the cellular and circuit basis of a memory system in the primate cortex with the goal of extending the insights gained from the study of normal brain organization in animal models to an understanding of human cognition and related memory disorders. Primates and humans have developed an extraordinary capacity to process information “on line,” a capacity that is widely considered to underlay comprehension, thinking, and so-called executive functions. Understanding the interactions between the major cellular constituents of cortical circuits—pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells—is considered a necessary step in unraveling the cellular mechanisms subserving working memory mechanisms and, ultimately, cognitive processes. Evidence from a variety of sources is accumulating to indicate that dopamine has a major role in regulating the excitability of the cortical circuitry upon which the working memory function of prefrontal cortex depends. Here, I describe several direct and indirect intercellular mechanisms for modulating working memory function in prefrontal cortex based on the localization of dopamine receptors on the distal dendrites and spines of pyramidal cells and on interneurons in the prefrontal cortex. Interactions between monoamines and a compromised cortical circuitry may hold the key to understanding the variety of memory disorders associated with aging and disease.
This paper introduces the session "Technology in the Year 2001" and is the first of four papers dealing with the future of human-machine communication by voice. In looking to the future it is important to recognize both the difficulties of technological forecasting and the frailties of the technology as it exists today--frailties that are manifestations of our limited scientific understanding of human cognition. The technology to realize truly advanced applications does not yet exist and cannot be supported by our presently incomplete science of speech. To achieve this long-term goal, the authors advocate a fundamental research program using a cybernetic approach substantially different from more conventional synthetic approaches. In a cybernetic approach, feedback control systems will allow a machine to adapt to a linguistically rich environment using reinforcement learning.
Historicamente, ao serem criadas, novas mídias se apropriam de recursos de linguagens de outras mídias pré-existentes. Na medida em que as tecnologias da mídia se desenvolvem o mesmo ocorre com as linguagens, de forma a adaptarem-se, simultaneamente, ao meio e mensagens; modos de produção; e condições ideais de interação com os usuários. As mídias digitais, por sua natureza, dispõem de interfaces performáticas imagens-pensantes que permitem mais que a simples representação estética de conteúdos. Neste contexto, se insere a problemática desta pesquisa: Quais teorias transdisciplinares podem contribuir para a compreensão dos complexos processos comunicacionais que envolvem o relacionamento entre seres humanos e mídias digitais com propósito de aprendizagem? O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estender o modelo desenvolvido por Stephen Littlejohn e incluir novos conceitos e generalizações, provenientes de outros ramos da ciência com diferentes 'visões de mundo', visando ampliar a proposta de Littlejohn para um Modelo Transdisciplinar para Comunicação com Mídias Digitais, que, em nossa perspectiva, contribui para explicar os fenômenos pertinentes à relação de humanos com mídias digitais, principalmente em processos de aprendizagem de ciências. A pesquisa foi feita com métodos de pesquisa Bibliográfica e Descritiva.(AU)
Modern managers are under tremendous pressure in attempting to fulfil a profoundly complex managerial task, that of handling information resources. Information management, an intricate process requiring a high measure of human cognition and discernment, involves matching a manager's lack of information processing capacity against his information needs, with voluminous information at his disposal. The nature of the task will undoubtedly become more complex in the case of a large organisation. Management of large-scale organisations is therefore an exceedingly challenging prospect for any manager to be faced with. A system that supports executive information needs will help reduce managerial and informational mismatches. In the context of the Malaysian public sector, the task of overall management lies with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The Prime Minister's Office is presently supporting the Prime Minister's information and managerial needs, although not without various shortcomings. The rigid formalised structure predominant of the Malaysian public sector, so opposed to dynamic treatment of problematic issues as faced by that sector, further escalates the managerial and organisational problem of coping with a state of complexity. The principal features of the research are twofold: the development of a methodology for diagnosing the problem organisation' and the design of an office system. The methodological development is done in the context of the Malaysian public sector, and aims at understanding the complexity of its communication and control situation. The outcome is a viable model of the public sector. `Design', on the other hand, is developing a syntax or language for office systems which provides an alternative to current views on office systems. The design is done with reference to, rather than for, the Prime Minister's Office. The desirable outcome will be an office model called Office Communication and Information System (OCIS).
Preface. The evolution of cognitive neuroscience has been spurred by the development of increasingly sophisticated investigative techniques to study human cognition. In Methods in Mind, experts examine the wide variety of tools available to cognitive neuroscientists, paying particular attention to the ways in which different methods can be integrated to strengthen empirical findings and how innovative uses for established techniques can be developed. The book will be a uniquely valuable resource for the researcher seeking to expand his or her repertoire of investigative techniques. Each chapter explores a different approach. These include transcranial magnetic stimulation, cognitive neuropsychiatry, lesion studies in nonhuman primates, computational modeling, psychophysiology, single neurons and primate behavior, grid computing, eye movements, fMRI, electroencephalography, imaging genetics, magnetoencephalography, neuropharmacology, and neuroendocrinology. As mandated, authors focus on convergence and innovation in their fields; chapters highlight such cross-method innovations as the use of the fMRI signal to constrain magnetoencephalography, the use of electroencephalography (EEG) to guide rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation at a specific frequency, and the successful integration of neuroimaging and genetic analysis. Computational approaches depend on increased computing power, and one chapter describes the use of distributed or grid computing to analyze massive datasets in cyberspace. Each chapter author is a leading authority in the technique discussed.
Inductive reasoning is fundamental to human cognition, yet it remains unclear how we develop this ability and what might influence our inductive choices. We created novel categories in which crucial factors such as domain and category structure were manipulated orthogonally. We trained 403 4-9-year-old children to categorise well-matched natural kind and artefact stimuli with either featural or relational category structure, followed by induction tasks. This wide age range allowed for the first full exploration of the developmental trajectory of inductive reasoning in both domains. We found a gradual transition from perceptual to categorical induction with age. This pattern was stable across domains, but interestingly, children showed a category bias one year later for relational categories. We hypothesise that the ability to use category information in inductive reasoning develops gradually, but is delayed when children need to process and apply more complex category structures. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
The evolution of cognitive neuroscience has been spurred by the development of increasingly sophisticated investigative techniques to study human cognition. In Methods in Mind, experts examine the wide variety of tools available to cognitive neuroscientists, paying particular attention to the ways in which different methods can be integrated to strengthen empirical findings and how innovative uses for established techniques can be developed. The book will be a uniquely valuable resource for the researcher seeking to expand his or her repertoire of investigative techniques. Each chapter explores a different approach. These include transcranial magnetic stimulation, cognitive neuropsychiatry, lesion studies in nonhuman primates, computational modeling, psychophysiology, single neurons and primate behavior, grid computing, eye movements, fMRI, electroencephalography, imaging genetics, magnetoencephalography, neuropharmacology, and neuroendocrinology. As mandated, authors focus on convergence and innovation in their fields; chapters highlight such cross-method innovations as the use of the fMRI signal to constrain magnetoencephalography, the use of electroencephalography (EEG) to guide rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation at a specific frequency, and the successful integration of neuroimaging and genetic analysis. Computational approaches depend on increased computing power, and one chapter describes the use of distributed or grid computing to analyze massive datasets in cyberspace. Each chapter author is a leading authority in the technique discussed.