989 resultados para housing companies act
The hypothesis that guides this work is: in the scenario posed by the first decade of the XXI century, the private companies act to conciliate their organizational principles, mission (how they want to arrive), vision (where they want to arrive) and values to the principles of its individual members, setting a certain style of corporate culture. That culture would pass by all hierarchical levels of enterprises, promoting the creation of subjective bonds between themselves and their employees in order to create or maintain, through shared values, social conventions that would ensure the certain style of symbolic domination inside and outside the physical and relational enterprises' spaces. I have as general objective, analyze, through a socio-anthropological approach, the dimension of the culture of private companies, how this guides the market practice and, in this sense, I seek to problematize the relationship between the actions of the analyzed companies (Nestle and, more specifically, Natura) and the representations and motivations of their employees. Furthermore, this study aims, specifically, to understand how the vision, the raison of being and the beliefs of Natura configure themselves as important strategic directives for the consolidation of an emotional bond between employees and those who aspire to be part of this organization. For this, I analyzed the Report Natura 2012, the conversations with some company employees and my participation in the selection process for trainee Young Talents Natura 2014
This paper consists in a study case at the Alesat company, which aims at analyzing how the networks from the former companies Ale and Sat influence the formation of partnerships. The study was based on literature by Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973), Uzzi (1997), Contractor and Lorange (1988), Gulati (1998), Child and Faulkner (1998), and others, to verify how important the social relations were between the companies to the formation of a strategic alliance. The research method we adopted analyzed the first partnership between Ale and Sat and the last one that ended up with the merger of the companies resulting in a new company, Alesat. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2008 with the council board of the company. Secondary data were also collected from specific web sites from the area, such as ANP, Sindicom and Fecombustíveis, as well as from important newspapers in the market. The primary data were analyzed through the content analysis technique from Triviños (1987). The secondary data were analyzed through the documental analysis technique from Richardson (1985). This way, through the data collected, it can be concluded that the social ties between the companies were important in the partnership, and among the reasons that made the companies get together, the key one was the fact that the union would make possible to the companies act in regions in which they didn t have too much market share, making them a bigger player nationally wise
This paper consists in a study case at the Alesat company, which aims at analyzing how the networks from the former companies Ale and Sat influence the formation of partnerships. The study was based on literature by Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973), Uzzi (1997), Contractor and Lorange (1988), Gulati (1998), Child and Faulkner (1998), and others, to verify how important the social relations were between the companies to the formation of a strategic alliance. The research method we adopted analyzed the first partnership between Ale and Sat and the last one that ended up with the merger of the companies resulting in a new company, Alesat. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2008 with the council board of the company. Secondary data were also collected from specific web sites from the area, such as ANP, Sindicom and Fecombustíveis, as well as from important newspapers in the market. The primary data were analyzed through the content analysis technique from Triviños (1987). The secondary data were analyzed through the documental analysis technique from Richardson (1985). This way, through the data collected, it can be concluded that the social ties between the companies were important in the partnership, and among the reasons that made the companies get together, the key one was the fact that the union would make possible to the companies act in regions in which they didn t have too much market share, making them a bigger player nationally wise
Shipping list number: 2003-0249-P (volumes 1-2, 4), 2003-0247-P (volume 3).
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and govern the use of service or emotional support animals in places where pets may not be permitted. However, courts have been struggling with how to define and treat animals that qualify for protection under each law. This has created confusion as to what rights and duties are owed disabled persons and the animals that live with or accompany them. This essay attempts to clarify these two federal laws with regard to service or emotional support animals and the differing parties‘ rights and interests. It also includes an overview of select state laws that govern assistance animals of all types and our recommendations for enhancing the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
This article assesses the extent to which it is ‘fair’ for the government to require owner-occupiers to draw on the equity accumulated in their home to fund their social care costs. The question is stimulated by the report of the Commission on Funding of Care and Support, Fairer Care Funding (the Dilnot Commission) and the subsequent Care Act 2014. The enquiry is located within the framework of social citizenship and the new social contract. It argues that the individualistic, contractarian approach, exemplified by the Dilnot Commission and reflected in the Act, raises questions when considered from the perspective of intergenerational fairness. We argue that our concerns with the Act could be addressed by inculcating an expectation of drawing on housing wealth to fund older age: a policy of asset-based welfare.
O objeto deste trabalho é a compreensão do financiamento de empresas em crise, mais especificamente, o financiamento concedido após o pedido de recuperação judicial, como forma de permitir que a empresa saia da situação de crise e retorne à condição de normalidade. Para tanto, nos apropriando do termo cunhado pela doutrina norte-americana, para fazer referência ao aporte de recursos em empresas em dificuldade, utilizaremos o termo DIP financing ou financiamento DIP. Para uma compreensão adequada do objeto, é necessário que entendamos a origem do DIP financing nos Estados Unidos e como é a regulação norte-americana sobre a matéria atualmente. O segundo passo será avaliar a possibilidade de aplicação da mesma estrutura de aporte de recursos no Brasil. Ao estudarmos a origem desse mecanismo nos Estados Unidos, veremos os problemas que surgiram ao longo dos anos e como foram superados jurisprudencialmente e doutrinariamente para que o financiamento DIP se consolidasse como uma das formas de aporte de capital em empresas em crise, culminando no desenvolvimento de uma verdadeira indústria de crédito às empresas em dificuldade. Uma análise dos problemas enfrentados pelo sistema falimentar americano nos levará a hipótese de que, a menos que sejam afirmados mecanismos que assegurem a quem concede o financiamento após o pedido de recuperação judicial, uma super prioridade no recebimento após a recuperação judicial, será possível o desenvolvimento de um mercado de DIP financing no Brasil.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Issued also in the congressional series under title: Investment trusts and investment companies : letter from the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission transmitting, pursuant to law, a report .
"FHA-107, Revised September 15, 1948."
Mode of access: Internet.
Report year irregular.
Report year ends June 30.
Mode of access: Internet.