66 resultados para housework


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A síndrome das unhas frágeis caracteriza-se por fragilidade da lâmina ungueal, acometendo 27% das mulheres. Realizamos estudo transversal com pacientes dermatológicas sobre a percepção de fragilidade ungueal. Avaliamos 138 pacientes com idade mediana de 36,5 anos. Ao exame, 57% apresentavam alterações e 49% relatavam fragilidade ungueal. Os três primeiros dedos das mãos foram os mais acometidos. A onicosquizia associou-se com onicofagia (OR = 3,29), trabalhos domésticos (OR = 2,95) e contato com água (OR = 2,44). A onicorrexe teve a mais forte associação com a percepção de fragilidade ungueal (OR = 17,89). A fragilidade foi mais percebida em negras, pardas e atópicas e associou-se com humor depressivo.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Patients with primary malignant brain tumor endure several motor and cognitive dysfunctions, demanding the presence of a caregiver even more because the time necessary for their assistance increases considerably. Usually this task is performed by a family relative, whose activities include taking care of the patient’s personal hygiene, escorting them to medical appointments, managing their money and performing their housework. All of this overwhelms the caregiver both physical and psychologically. This bibliographic research intends to analyze the role in which a caregiver plays in the quality of life of those kinds of patients, the complications of such task, the caregivers’ needs and the daily life of those terminal patients. It was used CAPES, PubMed and Google Academic databases for researching articles related to family caregivers who assisted adult patients with primary malignant brain tumor. The study concluded that being a caregiver of patients in such conditions harms one’s quality of life, with consequences such as stress, insomnia, financial problems and lack of social support. Theirs needs include: having someone to talk to about the matter, attending programs for reducing stress and increasing their knowledge about the disease. In advanced phases of the condition, the patient shows great mobility problems, aphasia and regular seizures, which end up overwhelming the caregiver. The level of quality of life found was above other types of cancer’s caregivers. Therefore, they represent a group with special needs, which should be especially handled by health professionals.


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Physical activity has been scientifically discussed as fundamental in the process of healthy ageing. Hence, this study aimed at determining the factors that influence older people to perform physical activities. The complete IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) was applied to a population-based sample consisting of 364 elderly persons in the city of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Days of physical activity performed by the older people were considered by taking into account household and leisure activities. Models for count data were fitted by including socio-demographic variables as well as those related to life satisfaction. It was shown that housework physical-activity performance is associated with female, who predominantly showed to be more active in all levels. Male seemed to be more predisposed to perform lighter recreation, sports and leisure-time physical activities, such as walking. Additionally, poor schooling showed to be decisive for not performing physical activities both at home and during leisure.


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This thesis contains four different studies on the dynamics of gender in households and workplaces. The relationship between family life and work life is in focus, particularly in the paper on labour market outcomes after divorce. In the introductory chapter, the Swedish context is briefly described. The description focuses on gender differences in the labour market and in the home. Theories concerning the division of work in the household are discussed, as are two theories on labour market discrimination, viz. taste discrimination and statistical discrimination. The theory part is concluded with a discussion of social closure processes and gendered organizational structures. The Reproduction of Gender. Housework and Attitudes Towards Gender Equality in the Home Among Swedish Boys and Girls. The housework boys and girls age 10 to 18 do, and their attitudes towards gender equality in the home are studied. One aim is to see whether the work children do is gendered and if so, whether they follow their parents’, often gendered, pattern in housework. A second aim is to see whether parents’ division of work is related to the children’s attitude towards gender equality in the home. The data used are taken from the Swedish Child Level of Living Survey (Child-LNU) 2000. Results indicate that girls and boys in two-parent families are more prone to engage in gender-atypical work the more their parent of the same sex engages in this kind of work. The fact that girls still do more housework than boys indicates that housework is gendered work also among children. No relation between parents’ division of work and the child’s attitude towards gender equality in the home was found. Dependence within Families and the Household Division of Labor – A Comparison between Sweden and the United States. This paper assesses the relative explanatory value of the resource-bargaining perspective and the doing-gender approach in analysing the division of housework in the United States and Sweden from the mid-1970s to 2000. Data from the Swedish Level of Living Survey (LNU) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) were used. Overall results indicate that housework is truly gendered work in both countries during the entire period. Even so, the results also indicate that gender deviance neutralization is more pronounced in the United States than in Sweden. Unlike Swedish women, American women seem to increase their time spent in housework when their husbands are to some extent economically dependent on them, as if to neutralize the presumed gender deviance. Divorce and Labour Market Outcomes. Do Women Suffer or Gain? In this paper, the interconnected nature of work and family is studied by looking at labour market outcomes after divorce. The data used are retrospective work and family histories collected in LNU 1991. A hazard regression model with competing risks reveals that women’s chances of improving their occupational prestige appear to be better after divorce compared to before. Increased working hours and perhaps also increased energy invested in the job may pay off in better occupational opportunities. Worth noting, however, is that the outcome among women with a less firm labour market attachment is more often to a job of lower prestige than one of higher prestige. Hence, the labour market outcome for women after divorce is to some extent conditioned by their labour market attachment at the time of divorce. Men, on the other hand, in most cases seem to suffer occupationally from divorce. For separated men the risk of negative changes in occupational prestige is greater than for cohabiting men. Formal On-the-job Training. A Gender-Typed Experience and Wage- Related Advantage? Formal on-the-job training (FOJT) can have a positive impact on wages and on promotion opportunities. According to theory and earlier research, a two-step model of gender inequality in FOJT is predicted: First, women are less likely than men to take part in FOJT and, second, once women do get the more remunerative training, they are not rewarded for their new skills to the same extent as men are. Pooled cross-sectional data from the Swedish Survey of Living Conditions (ULF) in the mid-nineties were used. Results show that women are significantly less likely than men to take part in FOJT. Among those who do receive training, women are more likely to take part in industry-specific training, whereas men are more likely to participate in general training and training that increases promotion opportunities. The two latter forms of training significantly raise a man’s annual earnings but not a woman’s. Hence, the theoretical model is supported and it is argued that this gender inequality is partly due to employers’ discriminatory practices.


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The present study is part of the EU Integrated Project “GEHA – Genetics of Healthy Aging” (Franceschi C et al., Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1100: 21-45, 2007), whose aim is to identify genes involved in healthy aging and longevity, which allow individuals to survive to advanced age in good cognitive and physical function and in the absence of major age-related diseases. Aims The major aims of this thesis were the following: 1. to outline the recruitment procedure of 90+ Italian siblings performed by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The procedures related to the following items necessary to perform the study were described and commented: identification of the eligible area for recruitment, demographic aspects related to the need of getting census lists of 90+siblings, mail and phone contact with 90+ subjects and their families, bioethics aspects of the whole procedure, standardization of the recruitment methodology and set-up of a detailed flow chart to be followed by the European recruitment centres (obtainment of the informed consent form, anonimization of data by using a special code, how to perform the interview, how to collect the blood, how to enter data in the GEHA Phenotypic Data Base hosted at Odense). 2. to provide an overview of the phenotypic characteristics of 90+ Italian siblings recruited by the recruiting units of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) and Rome (ISS). The following items were addressed: socio-demographic characteristics, health status, cognitive assessment, physical conditions (handgrip strength test, chair-stand test, physical ability including ADL, vision and hearing ability, movement ability and doing light housework), life-style information (smoking and drinking habits) and subjective well-being (attitude towards life). Moreover, haematological parameters collected in the 90+ sibpairs as optional parameters by the Bologna and Rome recruiting units were used for a more comprehensive evaluation of the results obtained using the above mentioned phenotypic characteristics reported in the GEHA questionnaire. 3. to assess 90+ Italian siblings as far as their health/functional status is concerned on the basis of three classification methods proposed in previous studies on centenarians, which are based on: • actual functional capabilities (ADL, SMMSE, visual and hearing abilities) (Gondo et al., J Gerontol. 61A (3): 305-310, 2006); • actual functional capabilities and morbidity (ADL, ability to walk, SMMSE, presence of cancer, ictus, renal failure, anaemia, and liver diseases) (Franceschi et al., Aging Clin Exp Res, 12:77-84, 2000); • retrospectively collected data about past history of morbidity and age of disease onset (hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, osteopororis, neurological diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and ocular diseases) (Evert et al., J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 58A (3): 232-237, 2003). Firstly these available models to define the health status of long-living subjects were applied to the sample and, since the classifications by Gondo and Franceschi are both based on the present functional status, they were compared in order to better recognize the healthy aging phenotype and to identify the best group of 90+ subjects out of the entire studied population. 4. to investigate the concordance of health and functional status among 90+ siblings in order to divide sibpairs in three categories: the best (both sibs are in good shape), the worst (both sibs are in bad shape) and an intermediate group (one sib is in good shape and the other is in bad shape). Moreover, the evaluation wanted to discover which variables are concordant among siblings; thus, concordant variables could be considered as familiar variables (determined by the environment or by genetics). 5. to perform a survival analysis by using mortality data at 1st January 2009 from the follow-up as the main outcome and selected functional and clinical parameters as explanatory variables. Methods A total of 765 90+ Italian subjects recruited by UNIBO (549 90+ siblings, belonging to 258 families) and ISS (216 90+ siblings, belonging to 106 families) recruiting units are included in the analysis. Each subject was interviewed according to a standardized questionnaire, comprising extensively utilized questions that have been validated in previous European studies on elderly subjects and covering demographic information, life style, living conditions, cognitive status (SMMSE), mood, health status and anthropometric measurements. Moreover, subjects were asked to perform some physical tests (Hand Grip Strength test and Chair Standing test) and a sample of about 24 mL of blood was collected and then processed according to a common protocol for the preparation and storage of DNA aliquots. Results From the analysis the main findings are the following: - a standardized protocol to assess cognitive status, physical performances and health status of European nonagenarian subjects was set up, in respect to ethical requirements, and it is available as a reference for other studies in this field; - GEHA families are enriched in long-living members and extreme survival, and represent an appropriate model for the identification of genes involved in healthy aging and longevity; - two simplified sets of criteria to classify 90+ sibling according to their health status were proposed, as operational tools for distinguishing healthy from non healthy subjects; - cognitive and functional parameters have a major role in categorizing 90+ siblings for the health status; - parameters such as education and good physical abilities (500 metres walking ability, going up and down the stairs ability, high scores at hand grip and chair stand tests) are associated with a good health status (defined as “cognitive unimpairment and absence of disability”); - male nonagenarians show a more homogeneous phenotype than females, and, though far fewer in number, tend to be healthier than females; - in males the good health status is not protective for survival, confirming the male-female health survival paradox; - survival after age 90 was dependent mainly on intact cognitive status and absence of functional disabilities; - haemoglobin and creatinine levels are both associated with longevity; - the most concordant items among 90+ siblings are related to the functional status, indicating that they contain a familiar component. It is still to be investigated at what level this familiar component is determined by genetics or by environment or by the interaction between genetics, environment and chance (and at what level). Conclusions In conclusion, we could state that this study, in accordance with the main objectives of the whole GEHA project, represents one of the first attempt to identify the biological and non biological determinants of successful/unsuccessful aging and longevity. Here, the analysis was performed on 90+ siblings recruited in Northern and Central Italy and it could be used as a reference for others studies in this field on Italian population. Moreover, it contributed to the definition of “successful” and “unsuccessful” aging and categorising a very large cohort of our most elderly subjects into “successful” and “unsuccessful” groups provided an unrivalled opportunity to detect some of the basic genetic/molecular mechanisms which underpin good health as opposed to chronic disability. Discoveries in the topic of the biological determinants of healthy aging represent a real possibility to identify new markers to be utilized for the identification of subgroups of old European citizens having a higher risk to develop age-related diseases and disabilities and to direct major preventive medicine strategies for the new epidemic of chronic disease in the 21st century.


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Preface: The improvements of the social-environmental conditions, and medical cares and the quality of life caused a general improvement of the health status of the population, with a consequent reduction of the overall morbidity and mortality, resulting in an increase of life expectancy that has rose dramatically in the last century. Stroke represents the 3rd cause of death and 1st cause of disability in Europe and in Italy. Aim: The aim of this research is to explore the prevalence of stroke in 1.176 90+ Italian sibs, collected from the north, centre and south of the peninsula, and examine the presence of functional and cognitive disability in the stroke affected sibs. Materials and Methods: We divided our sample in three main categories a)Stroke free(960 subjects, 88.72%), b)Young age stroke, reported age of Stroke incidence < 85 y.o.(42 subjects, 3.88%), c)Old age stroke, reported age of Stroke incidence ≥ 85y.o.(80 subjects, 7.39%). We examine cognitive impairment using the MMSE and functional disability using the ADL scale, the chair stand and hand-grip test. The three groups for each test have been analysed according the following parameters: age at interview, sex, ability to understand the questions, can the participant walk 500 m without help, smoke habit, alcohol daily consumption, presence of serious memory impairments (e.g. dementia), Daily Exercise or daily light housework, History of arthritis. Results: After performing mulrivariate analysis, amazingly the young ictus group had worst performance in all the cognitive and functional variables.


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BACKGROUND Access to care may be implicated in disparities between men and women in death after acute coronary syndrome, especially among younger adults. We aimed to assess sex-related differences in access to care among patients with premature acute coronary syndrome and to identify clinical and gender-related determinants of access to care. METHODS We studied 1123 patients (18-55 yr) admitted to hospital for acute coronary syndrome and enrolled in the GENESIS-PRAXY cohort study. Outcome measures were door-to-electrocardiography, door-to-needle and door-to-balloon times, as well as proportions of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization, reperfusion or nonprimary percutaneous coronary intervention. We performed univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses to identify clinical and gender-related determinants of timely procedures and use of invasive procedures. RESULTS Women were less likely than men to receive care within benchmark times for electrocardiography (≤ 10 min: 29% v. 38%, p = 0.02) or fibrinolysis (≤ 30 min: 32% v. 57%, p = 0.01). Women with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (MI) were less likely than men to undergo reperfusion therapy (primary percutaneous coronary intervention or fibrinolysis) (83% v. 91%, p = 0.01), and women with non-ST-segment elevation MI or unstable angina were less likely to undergo nonprimary percutaneous coronary intervention (48% v. 66%, p < 0.001). Clinical determinants of poorer access to care included anxiety, increased number of risk factors and absence of chest pain. Gender-related determinants included feminine traits of personality and responsibility for housework. INTERPRETATION Among younger adults with acute coronary syndrome, women and men had different access to care. Moreover, fewer than half of men and women with ST-segment elevation MI received timely primary coronary intervention. Our results also highlight that men and women with no chest pain and those with anxiety, several traditional risk factors and feminine personality traits were at particularly increased risk of poorer access to care.


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El presente PFC tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un gestor domótico basado en el dictado de voz de la red social WhatsApp. Dicho gestor no solo sustituirá el concepto dañino de que la integración de la domótica hoy en día es cara e inservible sino que acercará a aquellas personas con una discapacidad a tener una mejora en la calidad de vida. Estas personas, con un simple comando de voz a su aplicación WhatsApp de su terminal móvil, podrán activar o desactivar todos los elementos domóticos que su vivienda tenga instalados, “activar lámpara”, “encender Horno”, “abrir Puerta”… Todo a un muy bajo precio y utilizando tecnologías OpenSource El objetivo principal de este PFC es ayudar a la gente con una discapacidad a tener mejor calidad de vida, haciéndose independiente en las labores del hogar, ya que será el hogar quien haga las labores. La accesibilidad de este servicio, es por tanto, la mayor de las metas. Para conseguir accesibilidad para todas las personas, se necesita un servicio barato y de fácil aprendizaje. Se elige la red social WhatsApp como interprete, ya que no necesita de formación al ser una aplicación usada mayoritariamente en España y por la capacidad del dictado de voz, y se eligen las tecnologías OpenSource por ser la gran mayoría de ellas gratuitas o de pago solo el hardware. La utilización de la Red social WhatsApp se justifica por sí sola, en septiembre de 2015 se registraron 900 millones de usuarios. Este dato es fruto, también, de la reciente adquisición por parte de Facebook y hace que cumpla el primer requisito de accesibilidad para el servicio domotico que se presenta. Desde hace casi 5 años existe una API liberada de WhatsApp, que la comunidad OpenSource ha utilizado, para crear sus propios clientes o aplicaciones de envío de mensajes, usando la infraestructura de la red social. La empresa no lo aprueba abiertamente, pero la liberación de la API fue legal y su uso también lo es. Por otra parte la empresa se reserva el derecho de bloquear cuentas por el uso fraudulento de su infraestructura. Las tecnologías OpenSource utilizadas han sido, distribuciones Linux (Raspbian) y lenguajes de programación PHP, Python y BASHSCRIPT, todo cubierto por la comunidad, ofreciendo soporte y escalabilidad. Es por ello que se utiliza, como matriz y gestor domotico central, una RaspberryPI. Los servicios que el gestor ofrece en su primera versión incluyen el control domotico de la iluminación eléctrica general o personal, el control de todo tipo de electrodomésticos, el control de accesos para la puerta principal de entrada y el control de medios audiovisuales. ABSTRACT. This final thesis aims to develop a domotic manager based on the speech recognition capacity implemented in the social network, WhatsApp. This Manager not only banish the wrong idea about how expensive and useless is a domotic installation, this manager will give an opportunity to handicapped people to improve their quality of life. These people, with a simple voice command to their own WhatsApp, could enable or disable all the domotics devices installed in their living places. “On Lamp”, “ON Oven”, “Open Door”… This service reduce considerably the budgets because the use of OpenSource Technologies. The main achievement of this thesis is help handicapped people improving their quality of life, making independent from the housework. The house will do the work. The accessibility is, by the way, the goal to achieve. To get accessibility to a width range, we need a cheap, easy to learn and easy to use service. The social Network WhatsApp is one part of the answer, this app does not need explanation because is used all over the world, moreover, integrates the speech recognition capacity. The OpenSource technologies is the other part of the answer due to the low costs or, even, the free costs of their implementations. The use of the social network WhatsApp is explained by itself. In September 2015 were registered around 900 million users, of course, the recent acquisition by Facebook has helped in this astronomic number and match the first law of this service about the accessibility. Since five years exists, in the internet, a free WhatsApp API. The OpenSource community has used this API to develop their own messaging apps or desktop-clients, using the WhatsApp infrastructure. The company does not approve officially, however le API freedom is legal and the use of the API is legal too. On the other hand, the company can block accounts who makes a fraudulent use of his infrastructure. OpenSource technologies used in this thesis are: Linux distributions (Raspbian) and programming languages PHP, Python and BASHCSRIPT, all of these technologies are covered by the community offering support and scalability. Due to that, it is used a RaspberryPI as the Central Domotic Manager. The domotic services that currently this manager achieve are: Domotic lighting control, electronic devices control, access control to the main door and Media Control.


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El objetivo del artículo es analizar la distribución del tiempo de las personas cuidadoras en las distintas esferas de la vida (la esfera laboral, la privada o personal y la doméstica). El estudio se basa en el análisis de los datos de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo 2002-2003 del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). Los resultados de la investigación muestran los impactos negativos del cuidado informal sobre los distintos ámbitos de la vida en términos de reducción de la vida privada o personal, de la participación en el ámbito laboral y de mayor carga del trabajo total. Asimismo, también ponen de manifiesto la heterogeneidad de los efectos del cuidado informal en la vida cotidiana de las personas cuidadoras según el sexo, la edad y el nivel de ingresos.


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Objetivo: Determinar si la ENS y la EPA de 2006 producen la misma información sobre labores del hogar y doble carga de trabajo en la población de 25 a 64 años, en ambos sexos. Métodos: Comparación entre las ENS y EPA sobre la forma de recoger información de la doble carga de trabajo. Fuente: Preguntas ENS: actividad económica (C.1.2:categorías 1,2,6), dedicación labores del hogar (A.11:categorías 1,2,3). EPA: actividad económica (H.1:categorías 1,5). Descripción por sexo en España y Comunidades Autónomas (CC.AA). Resultados: El 43,4% de las mujeres según la EPA tienen doble carga de trabajo, pero solo un 0,7% según la ENS. En los hombres el 31,5% (EPA) y el 0,02% (ENS). Alternativamente, cruzando a quienes afirman trabajar (C.1.2:categorías 1,2) con quienes realizan labores del hogar (A.11:categorías 1,2,3), la doble carga de ambas encuestas se aproxima (Hombres: ENS:31,7%; EPA:31,5%; Mujeres: ENS:46,3%; EPA:43,4%). Ambas encuestas ordenan de forma similar a las CC.AA según la doble carga de trabajo (ρmujeres:0,770 (p=0,001); ρhombres:0,647 (p=0,003)). Conclusión: La pregunta de actividad económica de la ENS subestima la frecuencia de la doble carga de trabajo. Esta es parecida en ambas encuestas, si se cruzan los datos de quienes afirman trabajar con quienes realizan labores del hogar de la ENS. En este caso, ambas encuestas ordenan de igual forma a las CC.AA. La exclusión del adverbio «principalmente» de la categoría sobre dedicación a las labores del hogar de la ENS 2011 normalizará la pregunta sobre actividad económica respecto a las utilizadas en encuestas de salud internacionales y de CC.AA.


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Data from an Australian national survey (1996 to 1997) are used to examine domestic labor patterns among de facto and married men and women. The results show that women spend more time on housework and do a greater proportion of housework than men. However, the patterns are most traditional among married men and women. Women in de facto relationships spend less time doing housework and do a smaller proportion of indoor activities than married women. Men in de facto relationships do a larger proportion of indoor activities and a lower proportion of outdoor tasks than married men. The data also show that couples who have cohabited prior to marriage have more egalitarian divisions of labor than those who have not cohabited prior to marriage. This article concludes by arguing that the incompleteness of the de facto relationship provides a period of relative freedom in which to negotiate more equal roles.


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Gender relations remain embedded in their sociopolitical context. Compared here using event-history analysis is how household divisions of paid and unpaid labor affect marital stability in the former West Germany, where policy reinforced male breadwinner families, and the United States, where policy remains silent regarding the private sphere. In Germany, any moves away from separate gendered spheres in terms of either wives' relative earnings or husbands' relative participation in housework increase the risk of divorce. In the United States, however, the more stable couples are those that adapt by displaying greater gender equity. These results highlight that policy shapes how gender gets done in the intimate sphere, and that reinforcement of a gendered division of labor may be detrimental to marital stability.


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Introduction Increasing evidence indicates that gender equity has a significant influence on women’s health; yet few culturally specific indicators of gender relations exist which are applicable to health. This study explores dimensions of gender relations perceived by female undergraduate students in southern Vietnamese culture, and qualitatively examines how this perceived gender inequity may influence females’ sexual or reproductive health. Methods Sixty-two female undergraduate students from two universities participated in eight focus group discussions to talk about their perspectives regarding national and local gender equity issues. Results Although overall gender gaps in the Mekong Delta were perceived to have decreased in comparison to previous times, several specific dimensions of gender relations were emergent in students’ discussions. Perceived dimensions of gender relations were comparable to theoretical structures of the Theory of Gender and Power, and to findings from several reports describing the actual inferiority of women. Allocation of housework and social paid work represented salient dimensions of labor. The most salient dimension of power related to women in positions of authority. Salient dimensions of cathexis related to son preference, women’s vulnerability to blame or criticism, and double standards or expectations. Findings also suggested that gender inequity potentially influenced women’s sexual and reproductive health as regards to health information seeking, gynecological care access, contraceptive use responsibility, and child bearing. Conclusion Further investigations of the associations between gender relations and different women’s sexual and reproductive health outcomes in this region are needed. It may be important to address gender relations as a distal determinant in health interventions in order to promote gender-based equity in sexual and reproductive health.