983 resultados para household solid residue


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aiming to get the best economic advantage in ethanol production from cassava roots, this study presented a physiochemical characterization from two different types of solid waste in two types of processing of the raw materials in manufacturing ethanol. The processing of cassava roots begins with the disintegration and washing the roots with the addition of 20% more water to obtain a pulp which was treated and stirred in the reactor while adding enzyme α-amylase at a temperature of 90°C for 2 hours. Then we performed a pH adjustment while lowering the temperature to 60 ° C with the addition of the enzyme amiloglucosidase and then stirring for 14 hours. The hydrolyzate obtained was the source of two types of waste which are: i) Solid residue obtained after filtration of the hydrolyatze and ii) Solid waste obtained from filtering wine after alcoholic fermentation of the hydrolyzate with the addition of a dried yeast strain Y-940 manufactured by MAURI OF BRAZIL SA (2%) at a temperature of 25º C. The results of the laboratory analysis showed that the byproducts derived from the hydrolysis and fermentation showed very similar chemical compositions. With levels between 39 and 41% fiber, 0.5% lipids, 20 and 30% carbohydrates, protein 0.5 and 1.50, 6 and 8% acidity, and 20 and 30% soluble solids.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This project was born with the aim of developing an environmentally and financially sustainable process to dispose of end-life tires. In this perspective was devised an innovative static bed batch pilot reactor where pyrolysis can be carried out on the whole tires in order to recover energy and materials and simultaneously save the energy costs of their shredding. The innovative plant is also able to guarantee a high safety of the process thanks to the presence of a hydraulic guard. The pilot plant was used to pyrolyze new and end-life tires at temperatures from 400 to 600°C with step of 50°C in presence of steam. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of the maximum process temperature on yields and chemical-physics properties of pyrolysis products. In addition, in view of a scale-up of the plant in continuous mode, the influence of the nature of several different tires as well as the effects of the aging on the final products were studied. The same pilot plant was also used to carry out pyrolysis on polymeric matrix composites in order to obtain chemical feedstocks from the resin degradation together with the recovery of the reinforcement in the form of fibers. Carbon fibers reinforced composites ad fiberglass was treated in the 450-600°C range and the products was fully characterized. A second oxidative step was performed on the pyrolysis solid residue in order to obtain the fibers in a suitable condition for a subsequent re-impregnation in order to close the composite Life Cycle in a cradle-to-cradle approach. These investigations have demonstrated that steel wires, char, carbon and glass fibers recovered in the prototypal plant as solid residues can be a viable alternative to pristine materials, making use of them to obtain new products with a commercial added value.


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Subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Mariana forearc releases fluids to the overlying mantle wedge that ascend, producing serpentinite "mud" that discharges on the ocean floor. As part of Leg 195 of the Ocean Drilling Program cores were obtained from drill-holes into the mud volcanoes. We report the isotopic composition of Sr in water squeezed from intervals of the cores, in the serpentinite mud, in leaches of the serpentinite mud, and in entrained small harzburgitic clasts. Except in the upper few meters below the seawater-mud interface, where pore water approaches seawater Sr concentration and isotopic ratio, Sr concentration and isotopic composition remain constant at 3-6 µmol/kg and ~0.7054. Because the elemental chemistry of the pore water is unlike seawater, this isotopic composition reflects fluids derived from the subducted slab, probably modified by reaction with mantle material during ascent. Higher Sr isotopic ratios, up to 0.7087, - but not with higher Sr concentrations in pore water - occur superimposed on an advection profile at 13-16 mbsf surrounding a thin layer of foraminiferal sand. Since the upward seepage velocity of slab fluids in the mud volcano vents is a few cm/yr, exchange of Sr between these carbonates and the rising fluids must have occurred within a maximum of a few hundred years, essentially instantaneously given the millions, or tens of millions, of years the mud volcanoes have been in existence. In contrast, the strontium isotopic compositions of leached serpentinite mud, and of small harzburgite clasts entrained in the mud, are always significantly greater than that of the pore water. In small harzburgite clasts the ratio reaches 0.7088, almost as high as the seawater value of 0.7092 and much higher than the value of typical mantle-derived strontium of ~0.704. The serpentinite muds and harzburgite clasts clearly equilibrated with seawater Sr when they were initially deposited at the surface of the seamount, but following burial they have not fully equilibrated with strontium in the pore water now discharging through the vents. These variations in the strontium isotopic composition of solids and pore waters are more consistent with episodic expulsion of fluids in the subduction zone than steady state flow. Whereas strontium in carbonates equilibrates isotopically within a few hundred years, strontium in buried harzburgite clasts does not equilibrate in the same time, assuming steady state rates of upward fluid flow. By inference, the harzburgite clasts and associated serpentinite mud must have been near the seafloor, unburied, for a yet undetermined but much longer period of time to have equilibrated from ~0.704 to 0.709 prior to subsequent burial. It may be possible to characterize at least the periodicity of fluid release in the mud volcano setting by investigating the zonation of strontium isotopic composition of hartzburgite clasts throughout the 60-meter deep composite cores.


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Las características de heterogeneidad de los residuos sólidos urbanos así como la degradación biológica de sus componentes orgánicos influyen en los aspectos geotécnicos de los vertederos. La magnitud y duración de los asientos son factores muy importantes en el estudio del comportamiento de vertederos. La velocidad de asiento disminuye con el tiempo pero se mantiene durante muchos años después de su clausura. Para reducir los asientos del relleno, uno de los métodos de tratamiento que se utiliza es la compactación dinámica de los residuos sólidos. En este trabajo se estudia la mejora, a través de la compactación dinámica por impacto tipo “Menard”, de un vertedero de residuos sólidos en Madrid y los asientos provocados por la aplicación de una sobrecarga. Se analiza el comportamiento de los residuos sólidos con tratamiento de mejora, así como la predicción de asientos a 10 años aplicando los modelos Sowers (1973), Yen & Scanlon (1975), Gandola et al. (1992) y Meruelo (1994). Heterogonous characteristics of solid urban residues as well as biological decomposition of its organic components affect the geotechnical aspects of the landfills. The magnitude and the duration of the landfill settlement are one of the significant factors in studying the behavior of landfills. Although the rate of the settlement decreases as the time passes, however it is still maintained during many years after its closure. One of the methods used to reduce the settlement waste is through the dynamic consolidation methods of the solid residues. In this work, by applying the “Menard” dynamic consolidation method, we are studying the improvement of solid residue landfill in Madrid and the settlements provoked by overloading. The behavior of the solid residues through the improvement treatments as well as 10 years ahead prediction are analyzed by applying the models by Sowers (1973), Yen & Scanlon (1975), Gandola et al. (1992) and Meruelo (1994).


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Este trabajo se integra en el marco de un estudio de valoración energética de subproductos obtenidos de la palmera datilera, disponibles en grandes cantidades y que actualmente no se valorizan. El objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en evaluar los subproductos de la palmera datilera, y en concreto, estudiar el poder calorífico superior de las principales especies presentes en los oasis, y en obtener, mediante pirolisis de estos subproductos, carbón activo, y de esta al forma valorar residuos, obtener un aprovechamiento económico secundario, al mismo tiempo que estamos valorando estos residuos. El estudio se realiza sobre siete especies arbóreas, entre ellas cinco variedades de palmera datiliera, y en concreto sobre un único subproducto. Los resultados de estas pruebas permitieron poner de manifiesto que el Poder Calorífico de las especies que habitan los oasis es más importante que el de las otras especies arbóreas. El residuo sólido se obtiene de la madera de la parte inferior del árbol que se llama (Kornaf), activada a una temperatura de 700 °C utilizando el vapor de agua como agente de activación. Se estudió la calidad del carbón activo obtenido, mediante el cálculo de su superficie específica, y resultó de buena calidad (1050m2/g).


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The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of particle size on the non-isothermal pyrolysis of almond shells (AS) and olive stones (OS) and to show possible differences in the composition of the different fractions obtained after milling and sieving. The results obtained from the study of different particle size of AS and OS samples show significant differences in the solid residue obtained and in the shape and overlapping degree of the peaks, especially with the smaller particle size. These differences can be due to different factors: (a) the amount of inorganic matter, which increases as particle size decreases, (b) heat and mass transfer processes, (c) different sample composition as a consequence of the milling process which may provoke changes in the structure and the segregation of the components (in addition to the ashes) increasingly changes the composition of the sample as the particle size decreases.


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On the basis of laboratory experiments with model mixtures (active carbon + CuBr2 at different loads), this work studies the formation of polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs) by de novo synthesis. For the different samples, the temperature of the maximum carbon oxidation rate was determined by thermogravimetric analysis, and a kinetic model was proposed for the degradation of the materials in an oxidizing atmosphere (synthetic air). The effect of the addition of different amounts of CuBr2 was studied, finding that its presence accelerates the degradation of the carbonaceous structure in the presence of oxygen. The thermal degradation of the samples in air is satisfactorily described by a first-order single-reaction model. In addition, combustion runs of one of the mixtures (consisting of activated carbon + 50 wt % CuBr2, pyrolyzed at 700 °C) were performed in a quartz horizontal laboratory furnace. The analysis of the emissions and the solid residue proved the formation of brominated dioxins and furans at 300, 400, and 500 °C, with a maximum yield at 300 °C (91.7 ng/g of total PBDD/Fs) and a higher bromination degree with increasing temperature.


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The aim of this study is to quantity the effect of filter bed depth and solid waste inputs on the performance of small-scale vermicompost filter beds that treat the soluble contaminants within domestic wastewater. The study also aims to identify environmental conditions within the filters by quantifying the oxygen content and pH of wastewater held within it. Vermicompost is being utilised within commercially available on-site domestic waste treatment systems however, there are few reported studies that have examined this medium for the purpose of wastewater treatment. Three replicate small-scale reactors were designed to enable wastewater sampling at five reactor depths in 10-cm intervals. The surface of each reactor received household solid organic waste and 1301 m(-2) per day of raw domestic wastewater. The solid waste at the filter bed surface leached oxygen demand into the wastewater flowing through it. The oxygen demand was subsequently removed in lower reactor sections. Both nitrification and denitrification occurred in the bed. The extent of denitrification was a function of BOD leached from the solid waste. The environmental conditions measured within the bed were found to be suitable for earthworms living within them. The study identified factors that will affect the performance and application of the vermicompost filtration technology. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vermicompost filtration is a new on-site waste treatment system. Consequently, little is known about the filter medium properties. The aim of this preliminary study was to quantify physical and compositional properties of vermicompost filter beds that had been used to treat domestic solid organic waste and wastewater. This paper presents the trials performed on pilot-scale reactors filled with vermicompost from a full-scale vermicompost filtration system. Household solid organic waste and raw wastewater at the rate of 130 L/m(2)/d was applied to the reactor bed surface over a four-month period. It was found that fresh casts laid on the bed surface had a BOD of 1290 mg/g VS while casts buried to a depth of 10 cm had a BOD of 605 mg/g VS. Below this depth there was little further biodegradation of earthworm casts despite cast ages of up to five years. Solid material in the reactor accounted for only 7-10% of the reactor volume. The total voidage comprised of large free-draining pores, which accounted for 15-20% of the reactor volume and 60-70% micropores, able to hold up water against gravity. It was shown that water could flow through the medium micropores and macropores following a wastewater application. The wastewater flow characteristics were modeled by a two-region model based on the Richards Equation, an equation used to describe porous spatially heterogeneous materials.


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De-inking sludge is a waste product generated from secondary fibre paper mills who manufacture recycled paper into new paper sheets; it refers directly to the solid residues which evolve during the de-inking stage of the paper pulping process. The current practice for the disposal of this waste is either by land-spreading, land-filling or incineration which are unsustainable. This work has explored the intermediate pyrolysis of pre-conditioned de-inking sludge pellets in a recently patented 20 kg/h intermediate pyrolysis reactor (The Pyroformer). The reactor is essentially two co-axial screws which are configured in such a way as to circulate solids within the reactor and thus facilitate in the cracking of tars. The potential application of using the volatile organic vapours and permanent gases evolved would be to generate both combined heat and power (CHP) located at paper making sites. The results show that de-inking sludge could be successfully pyrolysed and the organic vapours produced were composed of a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and some fatty acid methyl esters as detected by liquid GC-MS. The calorific value of the oil after condensing was between 36 and 37 MJ/kg and the liquid fuel properties were also determined, permanent gases were detected by a GC-TCD and were composed of approximately 24% CO, 6% CH and 70% CO (v/v%). The solid residue from pyrolysis also contained a small residual calorific value, and was largely composed of mainly calcium based inert metal oxides. The application of applying intermediate pyrolysis to de-inking sludge for both CHP production and waste reduction is in principle a feasible technology which could be applied at secondary fibre paper mills. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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De-inking sludge is a waste product generated from secondary fibre paper mills who manufacture recycled paper into new paper sheets; it refers directly to the solid residues which evolve during the de-inking stage of the paper pulping process. The current practice for the disposal of this waste is either by land-spreading, land-filling or incineration which are unsustainable. This work has explored the intermediate pyrolysis of pre-conditioned de-inking sludge pellets in a recently patented 20 kg/h intermediate pyrolysis reactor (The Pyroformer). The reactor is essentially two co-axial screws which are configured in such a way as to circulate solids within the reactor and thus facilitate in the cracking of tars. The potential application of using the volatile organic vapours and permanent gases evolved would be to generate both combined heat and power (CHP) located at paper making sites. The results show that de-inking sludge could be successfully pyrolysed and the organic vapours produced were composed of a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and some fatty acid methyl esters as detected by liquid GC-MS. The calorific value of the oil after condensing was between 36 and 37 MJ/kg and the liquid fuel properties were also determined, permanent gases were detected by a GC-TCD and were composed of approximately 24% CO, 6% CH and 70% CO (v/v%). The solid residue from pyrolysis also contained a small residual calorific value, and was largely composed of mainly calcium based inert metal oxides. The application of applying intermediate pyrolysis to de-inking sludge for both CHP production and waste reduction is in principle a feasible technology which could be applied at secondary fibre paper mills. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.