907 resultados para high-index InP substrate
En el marc del model transteòric de canvi (Prochaska, DiClemente i Norcross, 1992) i del model de l'autocontrol (Rachlin, 1989), s'examinen les característiques de la conducta de fumar així com la percepció de la magnitud i la demora de les conseqüències positives i negatives d'aquest consum, a fi de conèixer la seva relació amb l'etapa de canvi en la cessació tabàquica. Amb aquest objectiu s'entrevista a una mostra representativa de 281 membres (54,8% homes i 45,2% dones; mitjana d'edat = 37,26 anys, DT = 8,77; 48,8% no fumadors, 27,4% fumadors i 23,8% exfumadors) del personal acadèmic i d'administració i serveis de la Universitat de Girona. Els resultats mostren que més de la meitat dels fumadors es troben a l'etapa de Precontemplació (sense intenció ferma d'abandonar el consum de tabac en els propers 6 mesos) i la majoria d'exfumadors se situen a l'etapa de Manteniment (mínim de sis mesos sense fumar). També s'observen diferències en algunes de les variables examinades segons l'etapa de canvi de manera que els fumadors en Contemplació-Preparació (amb intenció ferma d'abandonar el consum de tabac en els propers 6 mesos) presenten un elevat índex de perjudicis percebuts, informen d'haver rebut més consell mèdic i realitzen amb major freqüència inhalacions a cada cigarreta. En canvi, els fumadors en Precontemplació són els qui més responen consumir tabac baix en nicotina mentre que els exfumadors en Acció o Manteniment són els qui més tendeixen a relacionar de manera immediata fumar i les seves conseqüències negatives a curt i mitjà termini, i els qui presenten major puntuació en l'índex de beneficis percebuts. Aquestes dades corroboren la importància de les intervencions clíniques específiques en les diferents etapes de l'abandonament del consum de tabac, suggereixen que les campanyes preventives s'haurien de focalitzar preferentment en les conseqüències negatives immediates de fumar i apunten a la conveniència de tenir en compte la notable valoració positiva dels beneficis de fumar per part dels exfumadors en els programes de prevenció de recaigudes. Així mateix, la constatació del poder explicatiu de la variable demora en la diferenciació dels subjectes en funció de l'etapa de canvi, planteja la conveniència d'incloure aquesta variable en les avaluacions dels pros i contres de fumar a fi de conèixer amb major precisió els seus pesos relatius.
The introduction of non-toxic fluride compounds as direct replacements for Thorium Fluoride (ThF4) has renewed interest in the use of low index fluoride compounds in high performance infrared filters. This paper reports the results of an investigation into the effects of combining these low index materials, particularly Barium Fluoride (BaF2), with the high index material Lead Telluride (PbTe) in bandpass and edge filters. Infrared filter designs using conventional and the new material ombination are compared, and infrared filters using these material combinations have been manufactured and have been shown to suffer problems with residual stress. A possible solution to this problem utilising Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) layers with compensating compressive stress is discussed.
A typical feature of the atmospheric circulation at middle and high latitudes is a tendency to fluctuate between two rather extreme circulation patterns. This behaviour of the atmosphere is most common at the Northern Hemisphere during the winter and has been known among the meteorologists for a considerable time (e.g. Garriott (1904)). One of these two states is identified by a predominantly zonal circulation or a so-called high-index circulation, the other state by a meridional or a low-index circulation. The meridional circulation is often broken up in a characteristic atmospheric pattern of cut-off lows and highs. These features usually have a time scale of several days during which they affect the weather in a very dominating way. The transition from the zonal to the meridional or cellular circulation is very characteristic and follows a very typical chain of events.
Spodoptera frugiperda beta-1,3-glucanase (SLam) was purified from larval midgut. It has a molecular mass of 37.5 kDa, an alkaline optimum pH of 9.0, is active against beta-1,3-glucan (laminarin), but cannot hydrolyze yeast beta-1,3-1,6-glucan or other polysaccharides. The enzyme is an endoglucanase with low processivity (0.4), and is not inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. In contrast to other digestive beta-1,3-glucanases from insects, SLam is unable to lyse Saccharomyces cerevisae cells. The cDNA encoding SLam was cloned and sequenced, showing that the protein belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 16 as other insect glucanases and glucan-binding proteins. Multiple sequence alignment of beta-1,3-glucanases and beta-glucan-binding protein supports the assumption that the beta-1,3-glucanase gene duplicated in the ancestor of mollusks and arthropods. One copy originated the derived beta-1,3-glucanases by the loss of an extended N-terminal region and the beta-glucan-binding proteins by the loss of the catalytic residues. SLam homology modeling suggests that E228 may affect the ionization of the catalytic residues, thus displacing the enzyme pH optimum. SLam antiserum reacts with a single protein in the insect midgut. Immunocytolocalization shows that the enzyme is present in secretory vesicles and glycocalyx from columnar cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Atualmente, os acidentes de trânsito têm se constituído como um grave problema sócio-econômico e de saúde pública, sendo responsáveis por 1,2 milhões de óbitos e 50 milhões de feridos por ano em todo mundo. Muitas são as causas que geram esses acidentes. O Brasil é tido como um dos líderes mundiais em acidentes de trânsito há mais de 30 anos. O custo desses acidentes de trânsito é muito elevado. Manaus, é uma cidade da Região Norte, considerada pólo regional, é uma das 49 aglomerações urbanas do país, e apresenta uma população de 1.688.524 habitantes aproximadamente. Como a maioria dos municípios brasileiros, o trânsito urbano é violento, vez que apresenta um alto índice de acidentes de trânsito. Durante os anos de 2007 e 2008, o Departamento Estadual de Trânsito do Amazonas(Detran/AM), colocou em funcionamento o programa educativo de prevenção de acidentes de trânsito denominado “Carona Solidária”, conhecido popularmente como “Disk Pileque”. Este trabalho consistiu em analisar as ações preventivas levadas a efeito durante os períodos carnavalescos de 2007 e 2008, com a execução do carona solidária, demonstrando sua efetividade na redução de acidentes de trânsito com vítimas fatais. A execução do programa se deu através do próprio Detran, que montou esquema no sentido de proporcionar melhor atendimento ao cidadão. Os dados foram obtidos através de relatórios emitidos pelo Detran/AM, de sorte que mostrassem as especificidades relacionadas aos acidentes. Os resultados mostraram que a execução do programa foi positiva, pois, o número de solicitações feitas superou as expectativas, gerando com isso redução de custos e principalmente redução da quantidade de vítimas fatais na cidade por ocasião dos períodos analisados.Foi sugerido que o programa seja executado em outros períodos do ano.
Esta pesquisa visou levantar as manifestações do comportamento de ajuda entre "bóias-frias" através de seu próprio reato, com o objetivo de analisar as implicações deste comportamento para sua organização social enquanto um grupo específico. Foram entrevistados 47 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, no seu local de trabalho . O instrumento utilizado foi uma entrevista estruturada construída pela autora desta pesquisa , composta de 26 questões. Estas questões buscaram levantar frequência, razões e situações de ajudai solicitada ou espontânea, do entrevistado em relação aos colegas e de seus colegas em relação a ele mesmo, no trabalho e fora dele . Observou-se que quando perguntados se prestam e recebem ajuda, houve um grande índice de respostas afirmativas e quando solicitados a relatar as situações ocorridas, o índice de respostas diminuiu consideravelmente . Foram discutidas as possíveis razões para a ocorrência de tal fato. A análise das situações de ajuda narradas serviu para a compreensão de como a estrutura do trabalho volante determina as formas que assumem as relações de ajuda entre os "bóias-frias" e o quanto estas relações I por sua vez, influenciam a estruturação das relações sociais destes trabalhadores.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e quantificar o uso da terra em dez microbacias ocorrentes na bacia do Rio Capivara, município de Botucatu - SP, a partir da estruturação de um banco de dados utilizando o Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) - IDRISI. Os resultados mostram que as classes de uso da terra, uso agrícola e pastagem, foram as mais significativas, pois ocuparam mais da metade da área das microbacias. O alto índice de uso da terra por pastagens, capoeiras, reflorestamento e matas reflete a predominância de solos arenosos com baixa fertilidade. As imagens obtidas do satélite LANDSAT 5 permitiram o mapeamento do uso da terra de maneira rápida, além de fornecer um excelente banco de dados para futuro planejamento e gerenciamento das atividades agropecuárias regionais. O SIG-IDRISI permitiu identificar, por meio de seus diferentes módulos para georreferenciamento, classificação digital e modelo matemático, as classes de uso da terra com rapidez.
There were studied the variation of the solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in four wavelengths (305 nm, 320 nm, 340 nm e 380 nm) and erythemic dose, measured in Natal RN Brazil, from January 2001 until December 2007, using the ground ultraviolet radiometer of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais / Centro Regional do Nordeste INPE-CRN, fixed on the roof of the Laboratório de Variáveis Ambientais Tropiciais LAVAT-INPE-CRN. It was verified that the mean value of the UVR in the city reachs the HIGH index before 09h00 a.m. and VERY HIGH before 09h40 a.m.; it was also verified that, except in the months of June and July, in the other months of the year the UVR reachs the HIGH index before 10h00 a.m., despite of the recommendations broadcasting in the media about the safe time to people stay ashore on the beaches of the city. After 14h30 p.m., the UVR reachs the MODERATE index in any month of the year. These evidence are valid to all years of the period studied, i.e., 2001 to 2007. The year of 2004 presented the lower mean values of UVR indices, and the year of 2007 presented the higher mean values of UVR index. It was prove, by means of the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the variation in the four wavelengths and in the erythemic dose. Considering that the city has high indices of skin cancer and cataract, the results of the research may be use as a data source to studies that intend to support programs of public health. At the same time, the results of the research may be applied to material science and agriculture studies
Silicon carbide (SiC) has been employed in many different fields such as ballistic armor, thermal coating, high performance mirror substrate, semiconductors devices, among other things. Plasma application over the silicon carbide ceramics is relatively recent and it is able to promote relevant superficial modifications. Plasma expander was used in this work which was supplied by nitrogen and switched by a capacitor bank. Nitrogen plasma was applied over ceramic samples for 20 minutes, in a total medium of 1440 plasma pulses. SiC ceramics were produced by uniaxial pressing method (40 MPa) associated to isostatic pressing (300 MPa) and sintered at 1950 degrees C under argon gas atmosphere. Silicon carbide (beta-sic - BF-12) supplied by HC-Starck and sintering additive (7.6% YAG - Yttrium Aluminum Garnet) were used in order to obtain the ceramics. Before and after the plasma application, the samples were characterized by SEM, AFM, contact angle and surface energy measurement.
The area between Galinhos and São Bento do Norte beaches, located in the northern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State is submitted to intense and constant processes of littoral and aeolian transport, causing erosion, alterations in the sediments balance and modifications in the shoreline. Beyond these natural factors, the human interference is huge in the surroundings due to the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole nearby, the greater terrestrial oil producing in Brazil. Before all these characteristics had been organized MAMBMARE and MARPETRO projects with the main objective to execute the geo-environmental monitoring of coastal areas on the northern portion of RN. There is a bulky amount of database from the study area such as geologic and geophysical multitemporal data, hydrodynamic measurements, remote sensing multitemporal images, thematic maps, among others; it is of extreme importance to elaborate a Geographic Database (GD), one of the main components of a Geographic Information System (GIS), to store this amount of information, allowing the access to researchers and users. The first part of this work consisted to elaborate a GD to store the data of the area between Galinhos and São Bento do Norte cities. The main goal was to use the potentiality of the GIS as a tool to support decisions in the environmental monitoring of this region, a valuable target for oil exploration, salt companies and shrimp farms. The collected data was stored as a virtual library to assist men decisions from the results presented as digital thematic maps, tables and reports, useful as source of data in the preventive planning and as guidelines to the future research themes both on regional and local context. The second stage of this work consisted on elaborate the Oil-Spill Environmental Sensitivity Maps. These maps based on the Environmental Sensitivity Index Maps to Oil Spill developed by the Ministry of Environment are cartographic products that supply full information to the decision making, contingency planning and assessment in case of an oil spilling incident in any area. They represent the sensitivity of the areas related to oil spilling, through basic data such as geology, geomorphology, oceanographic, social-economic and biology. Some parameters, as hydrodynamic data, sampling data, coastal type, declivity of the beach face, types of resources in risk (biologic, economic, human or cultural) and the land use of the area are some of the essential information used on the environmental sensitivity maps elaboration. Thus using the available data were possible to develop sensitivity maps of the study area on different dates (June/2000 and December/2000) and to perceive that there was a difference on the sensitivity index generated. The area on December presented more sensible to the oil than the June one because hydrodynamic data (wave and tide energy) allowed a faster natural cleaning on June. The use of the GIS on sensitivity maps showed to be a powerful tool, since it was possible to manipulate geographic data with correctness and to elaborate more accurate maps with a higher level of detail to the study area. This presented an medium index (3 to 4) to the long shore and a high index (10) to the mangrove areas highly vulnerable to oil spill
Hydrographic basins always exercised a big fascination over humankind that attracted for its scenery beauty or for its richness in natural resources, had been acting in order to modify these important ecosystems without, therefore, considering the possible consequences of these changes. The attributed importance to the coast ecosystems, in eminence to the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas, is had when it s verified the diversity of the ecosystems that contemplate it. Hydrographic basin in evidence in Rio Grande do Norte state, occupies an area of nearly 652.71 km², being it sited in the homogeneous micro-region Litoral Nordeste, with a regional population estimated in nearly 75,188 inhabitants, according to the Anuário Estatístico do Rio Grande do Norte 2004. The region of the researched basin is formed by seven municipal districts related as it follows: Maxaranguape, Pedra Grande, Pureza, Rio do Fogo, São Miguel de Touros, Taipu and Touros, but Maxaranguape, Rio do Fogo, Touros and Pureza have a direct participation in the basin. Basin in study have it lands evaluated according to the agriculturist aptitude by the conventionally methodology practiced in the country, having as objective, then, a compara-tive analysis between the ambient unities, Aeolian littoral and coast tray, identified in the researched area. From the characterization of the physic way of the area in study and owning the kept data, it was proceeded the integrated analysis of the structural elements of the landscape which were evidenced that the fragile areas are associated with the areas of agriculture cultivation, such as the ones of irregular occupation. About the degradation, the ambient diagnostic of the basin indicated that the equivalent to the Aeolian Littoral Ambient Unit correspond to the bigger pledging of the ambient quality, in other words, high ambient fragility, being this result due to the use and occupation of the soil, propitiating this way, vulnerability in the vegetal cover of the area, despite it disposes of a low agriculture cultivation percentage. Already in the Coast Ambient Tray, is emphasized the medium ambient fragility, despite of the high index of cultivated area. In a general way, the total area of the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas presented ambient impacts over the tolerance limit, indicating the necessity of a review of the practices of use and handling of the soil, reforesting of the water courses edges, control of erosion and contamination of the aqueous in the perspective to reduce the effects of the impacts due to the use and occupation of the basin in regard. The present search evaluated the ambient impacts diagnosised in the hydrographic basin of Punaú river and adjacent areas, pointing the causes and the probable consequences of the damages caused by these impacts to the basin ambient. From the analysis of these data, if was possible to become explicit how they are fundamental as key elements in the process of decision taking in the ambient questions
The cervical hypersensitivity tooth was analysed and treated by application of a varnish with high fluoride ions content (Duraphat) and of a glass ionomer cement usually indicated to cavity lining (XR-ionomer-Kerr). This technique was applied in sixty-seven teeth of Clinic Graduation patients (Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba) and demonstrated a high index of satisfactory results. The clinical findings of this study relate that, this technique is more one method of choose by clinicians.
Background: Canine mammary tumors are challenging for clinicians and pathologists because of complex histologic classification, low specificity of cytologic diagnosis, and unpredictable biological behavior. In histologic specimens, expression of tumor proliferation marker Ki-67, a nuclear nonhistone protein, has been shown to have prognostic value for canine mammary tumors and to correlate with malignancy and low survival rates. Objective: The objective of this study was to measure the proliferation index of canine mammary tumors by immunochemical detection of Ki-67 in cytologic specimens and to determine its relationship to clinical and pathologic variables and patient outcome. Methods: Spontaneous mammary tumors from 31 female dogs were surgically excised. Imprint specimens for cytologic evaluation were wet-fixed in ethanol; histologic specimens were prepared routinely. Immunostaining was performed with the PH 177 monoclonal antibody against Ki-67; proliferation index was graded from negative to +++. Dogs were followed for 18 months. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine correlations between immunocytochemical results, tumor and clinical variables, and patient outcome. Results: Ki-67 proliferation indices in cytologic specimens were significantly lower for nonmalignant tumors than for malignant tumors. High index values of Ki-67 were positively correlated with metastasis, death from neoplasia, low disease-free survival rates, and low overall survival rate. With the exception of 4 specimens for which cellularity was insufficient, positive expression of Ki-67 in cytologic specimens correlated with that of histologic specimens. Conclusions: The prognostic value of the Ki-67 index in canine mammary tumors by using wet-fixed cytology imprint specimens was similar to that observed previously for histologic specimens. Immunocytochemical detection of Ki-67 could improve the accuracy and value of cytology by providing safe and rapid information about malignancy and patient outcome. © 2004 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.
We address the bandgap effect and the thermo-optical response of high-index liquid crystal (LC) infiltrated in photonic crystal fibers (PCF) and in hybrid photonic crystal fibers (HPCF). The PCF and HPCF consist of solid-core microstructured optical fibers with hexagonal lattice of air-holes or holes filled with LC. The HPCF is built from the PCF design by changing its cladding microstructure only in a horizontal central line by including large holes filled with high-index material. The HPCF supports propagating optical modes by two physical effects: the modified total internal reflection (mTIR) and the photonic bandgap (PBG). Nevertheless conventional PCF propagates light by the mTIR effect if holes are filled with low refractive index material or by the bandgap effect if the microstructure of holes is filled with high refractive-index material. The presence of a line of holes with high-index LC determines that low-loss optical propagation only occurs on the bandgap condition. The considered nematic liquid crystal E7 is an anisotropic uniaxial media with large thermo-optic coefficient; consequently temperature changes cause remarkable shifts in the transmission spectrums allowing thermal tunability of the bandgaps. Photonic bandgap guidance and thermally induced changes in the transmission spectrum were numerically investigated by using a computational program based on the beam propagation method. © 2010 SPIE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)