932 resultados para hidden semi-Markov model


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Dynamic variations in channel behavior is considered in transmission power control design for cellular radio systems. It is well known that power control increases system capacity, improves Quality of Service (QoS), and reduces multiuser interference. In this paper, an adaptive power control design based on the identification of the underlying pathloss dynamics of the fading channel is presented. Formulating power control decisions based on the measured received power levels allows modeling the fading channel pathloss dynamics in terms of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Applying the online HMM identification algorithm enables accurate estimation of the real pathloss ensuring efficient performance of the suggested power control scheme.


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In neuroscience, the extracellular actions potentials of neurons are the most important signals, which are called spikes. However, a single extracellular electrode can capture spikes from more than one neuron. Spike sorting is an important task to diagnose various neural activities. The more we can understand neurons the more we can cure more neural diseases. The process of sorting these spikes is typically made in some steps which are detection, feature extraction and clustering. In this paper we propose to use the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) to extract spike features associated with Hidden Markov model (HMM) in the clustering step. Our results show that using MFCC features can differentiate between spikes more clearly than the other feature extraction methods, and also using HMM as a clustering algorithm also yields a better sorting accuracy.


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Smartphone applications are getting more and more popular and pervasive in our daily life, and are also attractive to malware writers due to their limited computing source and vulnerabilities. At the same time, we possess limited understanding of our opponents in cyberspace. In this paper, we investigate the propagation model of SMS/MMS-based worms through integrating semi-Markov process and social relationship graph. In our modeling, we use semi-Markov process to characterize state transition among mobile nodes, and hire social network theory, a missing element in many previous works, to enhance the proposed mobile malware propagation model. In order to evaluate the proposed models, we have developed a specific software, and collected a large scale real-world data for this purpose. The extensive experiments indicate that the proposed models and algorithms are effective and practical. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For a Digital Performing Agent to be able to perform live with a human dancer, it would be useful for the agent to be able to contextualize the movement the dancer is performing and to have a suitable movement vocabulary with which to contribute to the performance. In this paper we will discuss our research into the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as a means of allowing a software agent to learn a shared vocabulary of movement from a dancer. The agent is able to use the learnt movements to form an internal representation of what the dancer is performing, allowing it to follow the dancer, generate movement sequences based on the dancer's current movement and dance independently of the dancer using a shared movement vocabulary. By combining the ANN with a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) the agent is able to recognize short full body movement phrases and respond when the dancer performs these phrases. We consider the relationship between the dancer and agent as a means of supporting the agent's learning and performance, rather than developing the agent's capability in a self-contained fashion.


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Amplifications and deletions of chromosomal DNA, as well as copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity have been associated with diseases processes. High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays are useful for making genome-wide estimates of copy number and genotype calls. Because neighboring SNPs in high throughput SNP arrays are likely to have dependent copy number and genotype due to the underlying haplotype structure and linkage disequilibrium, hidden Markov models (HMM) may be useful for improving genotype calls and copy number estimates that do not incorporate information from nearby SNPs. We improve previous approaches that utilize a HMM framework for inference in high throughput SNP arrays by integrating copy number, genotype calls, and the corresponding confidence scores when available. Using simulated data, we demonstrate how confidence scores control smoothing in a probabilistic framework. Software for fitting HMMs to SNP array data is available in the R package ICE.


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This master thesis deals with determining of innovative projects "viability". "Viability" is the probability of innovative project being implemented. Hidden Markov Models are used for evaluation of this factor. The problem of determining parameters of model, which produce given data sequence with the highest probability, are solving in this research. Data about innovative projects contained in reports of Russian programs "UMNIK", "START" and additional data obtained during study are used as input data for determining of model parameters. The Baum-Welch algorithm which is one implementation of expectation-maximization algorithm is used at this research for calculating model parameters. At the end part of the master thesis mathematical basics for practical implementation are given (in particular mathematical description of the algorithm and implementation methods for Markov models).


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Due to the limitation of current condition monitoring technologies, the estimates of asset health states may contain some uncertainties. A maintenance strategy ignoring this uncertainty of asset health state can cause additional costs or downtime. The partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a commonly used approach to derive optimal maintenance strategies when asset health inspections are imperfect. However, existing applications of the POMDP to maintenance decision-making largely adopt the discrete time and state assumptions. The discrete-time assumption requires the health state transitions and maintenance activities only happen at discrete epochs, which cannot model the failure time accurately and is not cost-effective. The discrete health state assumption, on the other hand, may not be elaborate enough to improve the effectiveness of maintenance. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a continuous state partially observable semi-Markov decision process (POSMDP). An algorithm that combines the Monte Carlo-based density projection method and the policy iteration is developed to solve the POSMDP. Different types of maintenance activities (i.e., inspections, replacement, and imperfect maintenance) are considered in this paper. The next maintenance action and the corresponding waiting durations are optimized jointly to minimize the long-run expected cost per unit time and availability. The result of simulation studies shows that the proposed maintenance optimization approach is more cost-effective than maintenance strategies derived by another two approximate methods, when regular inspection intervals are adopted. The simulation study also shows that the maintenance cost can be further reduced by developing maintenance strategies with state-dependent maintenance intervals using the POSMDP. In addition, during the simulation studies the proposed POSMDP shows the ability to adopt a cost-effective strategy structure when multiple types of maintenance activities are involved.


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This thesis analyses certain problems in Inventories and Queues. There are many situations in real-life where we encounter models as described in this thesis. It analyses in depth various models which can be applied to production, storag¢, telephone traffic, road traffic, economics, business administration, serving of customers, operations of particle counters and others. Certain models described here is not a complete representation of the true situation in all its complexity, but a simplified version amenable to analysis. While discussing the models, we show how a dependence structure can be suitably introduced in some problems of Inventories and Queues. Continuous review, single commodity inventory systems with Markov dependence structure introduced in the demand quantities, replenishment quantities and reordering levels are considered separately. Lead time is assumed to be zero in these models. An inventory model involving random lead time is also considered (Chapter-4). Further finite capacity single server queueing systems with single/bulk arrival, single/bulk services are also discussed. In some models the server is assumed to go on vacation (Chapters 7 and 8). In chapters 5 and 6 a sort of dependence is introduced in the service pattern in some queuing models.


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In this paper, we discuss how discriminative training can be applied to the hidden vector state (HVS) model in different task domains. The HVS model is a discrete hidden Markov model (HMM) in which each HMM state represents the state of a push-down automaton with a finite stack size. In previous applications, maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) is used to derive the parameters of the HVS model. However, MLE makes a number of assumptions and unfortunately some of these assumptions do not hold. Discriminative training, without making such assumptions, can improve the performance of the HVS model by discriminating the correct hypothesis from the competing hypotheses. Experiments have been conducted in two domains: the travel domain for the semantic parsing task using the DARPA Communicator data and the Air Travel Information Services (ATIS) data and the bioinformatics domain for the information extraction task using the GENIA corpus. The results demonstrate modest improvements of the performance of the HVS model using discriminative training. In the travel domain, discriminative training of the HVS model gives a relative error reduction rate of 31 percent in F-measure when compared with MLE on the DARPA Communicator data and 9 percent on the ATIS data. In the bioinformatics domain, a relative error reduction rate of 4 percent in F-measure is achieved on the GENIA corpus.