997 resultados para herpes simples


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Os autores estudam a relação de zoster com soropositividade para HIV. Foram testados soros de 66 pacientes (31 homens e 35 mulheres) com quadro agudo de zoster, usando-se o método de ELISA para detectar anticorpos anti-HIV. Não houve seleção dos pacientes, evitando assim lidar com amostra viciada. Entre os 7 HIV +, 6 pertenciam a grupo de risco para AIDS, todos eram do sexo masculino e seis tinham idade entre 19 e 39 anos (idade média de 31,7 anos). Os resultados sugerem que o diagnóstico de herpes zoster em pacientes jovens não se vincule necessariamente à infecção pelo HIV. Quando, no entanto, o doente pertence a grupo de risco para AIDS, independentemente de sua idade, existe associação estatisticamente significativa, tornando-se imperativa a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-HIV.


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Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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The objective of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2) antibodies in child bearing women of 2 Brazilian populations with different socioeconomic status and to determine the risk of neonatal HSV exposure by means of maternal cultures at the onset of labor. The study was conducted at 2 hospitals: A, serving very low income patients and B, serving middle socioeconomic class. 173 participants from group A and 127 from B answered a questionnaire which showed that the patients had similar ages (27.7 and 26.8 years, respectively) but differed with regard to socioeconomic status, age at first intercourse (18.6 vs 20.6 years), number of sex partners (1.5 vs 1.2) and previous sexually transmitted diseases (15% vs. 1.5%). History of genital herpes was given by 11% of group A participants and by a similar number, 7%, of patients from group B. In addition, 200 serum samples from population A and 455 from B were tested by ELISA for and HSV antibodies and 92% and 86%, respectively, were found to be positive. Sixty seropositive samples from group A and 90 from B were further analyzed by Western blot, which showed the presence of type 2 specific antibodies in 46% and 36%, respectively, suggesting an overall HSV 2 prevalence of 42% in group A and 31% in B. Cervical specimens were obtained for culture from 299 asymptomatic patients of population A and 313 of B. HSV was isolated from one specimen in each group, indicating a 0.3% incidence of asymptomatic viral excretion in both populations. In conclusion, the prevalence of type 2 antibodies in childbearing women was very high, but it did not differ with the socioeconomic status. The risk of HSV perinatal transmission was also similar in the 2 study populations and it was comparable with the data from developed countries. Our findings do not indicate the need of special screening programs for asymptomatic HSV excretion in Brazilian pregnant women.


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The cyanobacteria are known to be a rich source of metabolites with a variety of biological activities in different biological systems. In the present work, the bioactivity of aqueous and organic (methanolic and hexane) crude extracts of cyanobacteria isolated from estuarine ecosystems was studied using different bioassays. The assessment of DNA damage on the SOS gene repair region of mutant PQ37 strain of Escherichia coli was performed. Antiviral activity was evaluated against influenza virus, HRV-2, CVB3 and HSV-1 viruses using crystal violet dye uptake on HeLa, MDCK and GMK cell lines. Cytotoxicity evaluation was performed with L929 fibroblasts by MTT assay. Of a total of 18 cyanobacterial isolates studied, only the crude methanolic extract of LEGE 06078 proved to be genotoxic (IF > 1.5) in a dose-dependent manner and other four were putative candidates to induce DNA damage. Furthermore, the crude aqueous extract of LEGE 07085 showed anti- herpes type 1 activity (IC50 = 174.10 μg dry extract mL−1) while not presenting any cytotoxic activity against GMK cell lines. Of the 54 cyanobacterial extracts tested, only the crude methanolic and hexane ones showed impair on metabolic activity of L929 fibroblasts after long exposure (48–72 h). The inhibition of HSV-1 and the strong cytotoxicity against L929 cells observed emphasizes the importance of evaluating the impact of those estuarine cyanobacteria on aquatic ecosystem and on human health. The data also point out their potential application in HSV-1 treatment and pharmacological interest.


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A total of 730 children aged less than 7 years, attending 8 day-care centers (DCCs) in Belém, Brazil were followed-up from January to December 1997 to investigate the occurrence of human-herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) infection in these institutional settings. Between October and December 1997 there have been outbreaks of a febrile- and -exanthematous disease, affecting at least 15-20% of children in each of the DCCs. Both serum- and- plasma samples were obtained from 401 (55%) of the 730 participating children for the detection of HHV-6 antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and viral DNA amplification through the nested-PCR. Recent HHV-6 infection was diagnosed in 63.8% (256/401) of them, as defined by the presence of both IgM and IgG-specific antibodies (IgM+/IgG+); of these, 114 (44.5%) were symptomatic and 142 (55.5%) had no symptoms (p = 0.03). A subgroup of 123 (30.7%) children were found to be IgM-/IgG+, whereas the remaining 22 (5.5%) children had neither IgM nor IgG HHV-6- antibodies (IgM-/IgG-). Of the 118 children reacting strongly IgM-positive ( > or = 30 PANBIO units), 26 (22.0%) were found to harbour the HHV-6 DNA, as demonstrated by nested-PCR. Taken the ELISA-IgM- and- nested PCR-positive results together, HHV-6 infection was shown to have occurred in 5 of the 8 DCCs under follow-up. Serological evidence of recent infections by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and parvovirus B19 were identified in 2.0% (8/401) and 1.5% (6/401) of the children, respectively. Our data provide strong evidence that HHV-6 is a common cause of outbreaks of febrile/exanthematous diseases among children attending DCCs in the Belém area.


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Em 1968 foram descritos sintomas autolimitados que surgiam até 30 minutos após refeição em restaurante chinês. Esta síndrome tem sido atribuída ao consumo de glutamato monossódico (GMS), sendo designada por “complexo de sintomas associado ao GMS”. Foi objectivo deste estudo avaliar a resposta ao GMS em dois adultos com história sugestiva de reacção adversa a este aditivo alimentar. Em ocultação simples, foram administrados oralmente, em jejum e em dias diferentes, placebo ou doses crescentes de GMS, até à dose cumulativa de 5 gramas, sendo a prova considerada positiva caso surgissem pelo menos dois sintomas de vinte descritos na literatura. Apenas a prova com GMS foi positiva num doente, que referiu mal-estar geral, astenia e hipersudorese, na dose máxima. À semelhança de outros estudos, os resultados sugerem que doses elevadas de GMS, administradas sem alimentos, podem provocar sintomas em indivíduos com história suspeita de “complexo de sintomas associado a GMS”.


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O herpes zoster (HZ) surge por reactivação do vírus varicella zoster, latente na raiz dorsal dos gânglios sensoriais. A incidência aumenta com a idade, sendo raro na infância. São descritos os casos de duas crianças de dez e 16 meses,previamente saudáveis, internadas por exantema vesicular localizado, respectivamente, aos dermátomos T11-T12 e ramo oftálmico do trigémio. Foram medicadas com aciclovir com boa evolução e o estudo da imunidade efectuado não apresentava alterações. A aquisição precoce de HZ é rara e tem sido atribuída à imaturidade do sistema imunitário da criança e à interferência com os anticorpos maternos. Numa criança pequena, previamente saudável, o HZ é um diagnóstico possível e a exclusão de imunodeficiência subjacente não é obrigatória.


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O método de união com ligações adesivas está cada vez mais a ser utilizado na conceção de estruturas mecânicas, por causa das vantagens significativas desta técnica em comparação com as ligações tradicionais. De facto, as juntas com ligação adesiva estão sob investigação intensa há bastante tempo. Entre as vantagens, destaca-se a redução de peso e possibilidade de unir diferentes materiais, incluindo compósitos, sem danificar as estruturas a ligar. Os adesivos comerciais variam desde resistentes e frágeis (por exemplo, Araldite® AV138) a menos resistentes e dúcteis (por exemplo, Araldite® 2015). Uma nova família de adesivos de poliuretano combina elevada resistência e ductilidade (por exemplo, Sikaforce® 7888). Este trabalho compara o desempenho à tração dos três adesivos supracitados, em juntas de alumínio (Al6082-T651) de sobreposição simples e dupla, com variação dos valores de comprimento de sobreposição (LO). A análise numérica de modelos de dano coesivo (MDC) foi realizada para analisar as tensões de arrancamento (oy) e as de corte (txy) na camada adesiva, para estudar a variável de dano do MDC durante o processo de rotura e para avaliar a capacidade MDC na previsão da resistência da junta. A análise da resistência e da variável de dano ajudou na compreensão das diferenças entre os adesivos no que se refere ao processo de rotura e resistência da junta. Observou-se que as juntas de sobreposição dupla apresentam uma distribuição de tensões bastante mais favorável relativamente às juntas de sobreposição simples, principalmente devido à eliminação da flexão do substrato interior. Como resultado, a resistência destas juntas foi tipicamente superior ao dobro da observada para as juntas de sobreposição simples, com exceção de algumas configurações de junta em que houve plastificação extensa ou mesmo rotura dos substratos por tração. O trabalho proposto permitiu também concluir que as previsões MDC são tipicamente precisas, e qual a família de adesivos é mais adequada para cada configuração de junta, com a clara vantagem para o Sikaforce® 7888. Como resultado deste trabalho, foram propostas diretrizes de conceção para juntas adesivas.


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Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) ophthalmic disease is the most common cause of corneal blindness in humans world-wide. Current culture techniques for HSV take several days and commercially available HSV laboratory based diagnostic techniques vary in sensitivity. Our study was conducted to evaluate the use of a quicker and simpler method to herpes ophthalmic diagnosis. Corneal smears were made by firm imprints of infected mouse eyes to glass slides, after smears were fixated with cold acetone, and an indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) method was performed using monoclonal antibodies in a murine model of ophthalmic herpes. Eye swabs from infected mice were inoculated in Vero cells for virus isolation. Cytology and histology of the eye were also performed, using hematoxylin-eosin routine. Mouse eyes were examined by slit-lamp biomicroscopy for evidence of herpetic disease at various times postinoculation. We made a comparative evaluation of sensitivity, specificity and speed of methods for laboratory detection of HSV. Our results indicate that this IIF method is quick, sensitive, specific and can be useful in the diagnosis of ophthalmic herpes as demonstrated in an animal model.


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HHV-6 is the etiological agent of Exanthem subitum which is considered the sixth most frequent disease in infancy. In immuno-compromised hosts, reactivation of latent HHV-6 infection may cause severe acute disease. We developed a Sybr Green Real Time PCR for HHV-6 and compared the results with nested conventional PCR. A 214 pb PCR derived fragment was cloned using pGEM-T easy from Promega system. Subsequently, serial dilutions were made in a pool of negative leucocytes from 10-6 ng/µL (equivalent to 2465.8 molecules/µL) to 10-9 (equivalent to 2.46 molecules/µL). Dilutions of the plasmid were amplified by Sybr Green Real Time PCR, using primers HHV3 (5' TTG TGC GGG TCC GTT CCC ATC ATA 3)'and HHV4 (5' TCG GGA TAG AAA AAC CTA ATC CCT 3') and by conventional nested PCR using primers HHV1 (outer): 5'CAA TGC TTT TCT AGC CGC CTC TTC 3'; HHV2 (outer): 5' ACA TCT ATA ATT TTA GAC GAT CCC 3'; HHV3 (inner) and HHV4 (inner) 3'. The detection threshold was determined by plasmid serial dilutions. Threshold for Sybr Green real time PCR was 24.6 molecules/µL and for the nested PCR was 2.46 molecules/µL. We chose the Real Time PCR for diagnosing and quantifying HHV-6 DNA from samples using the new Sybr Green chemistry due to its sensitivity and lower risk of contamination.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, Perfil de Estruturas


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BACKGROUND: Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune disease characterized by blistering of the skin and mucosa, which develops due to the interaction between predisposing genetic and environmental factors. Infections caused by members of the Herpesviridae family have been suggested as a possible triggering factor for PV. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: In this report, we investigate the presence of herpesviruses in refractory lesions on the right upper eyelid. The lesion has persisted despite the treatment with corticosteroids. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequence analysis have been used to detect the DNA of HSV 1/2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7, and HHV-8. RESULTS: The sample collected from the right upper eyelid has tested positive for HSV 1/2. Sequence analysis has confirmed the PCR results and allowed the identification of the HSV strain as belonging to type 1. After treatment with acyclovir, the lesion of the right upper eyelid has cleared and not relapsed. CONCLUSION: When patients present PV lesions which are refractory to corticosteroid therapy, herpetic infection should be considered.


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SUMMARY The herpes simplex virus type 2 (HVS-2) is the most prevalent infection worldwide. It is a cofactor in the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV). This study evaluated the prevalence of HSV-2, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and associated factors in patients treated at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and Basic Health Units (BHU) in Rio Grande, Brazil. The observed prevalence of HSV-2 was 15.6%. Among the 302 women studied, 158 had received assistance in BHU and 144 were treated at FURG. The prevalence of HSV-2 in these groups was 10.8% and 20.8%, respectively, RR 1.9 and p = 0.012. Knowledge about the Pap smear, and the presence of lesions showed no association with HSV-2 infection. Multivariate analysis showed that the variable that most influenced the risk of HSV-2 infection was the presence of HIV infection, with a relative risk of 1.9 and p = 0.04. Discussion: Genital ulcers are an important entry point for HIV, and condom use is an important strategy to reduce transmission of HIV and HSV-2.


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As juntas adesivas têm vindo a ser usadas em diversas áreas e contam com inúmeras aplicações práticas. Devido ao fácil e rápido fabrico, as juntas de sobreposição simples (JSS) são um tipo de configuração bastante comum. O aumento da resistência, a redução de peso e a resistência à corrosão são algumas das vantagens que este tipo de junta oferece relativamente aos processos de ligação tradicionais. Contudo, a concentração de tensões nas extremidades do comprimento da ligação é uma das principais desvantagens. Existem poucas técnicas de dimensionamento precisas para a diversidade de ligações que podem ser encontradas em situações reais, o que constitui um obstáculo à utilização de juntas adesivas em aplicações estruturais. O presente trabalho visa comparar diferentes métodos analíticos e numéricos na previsão da resistência de JSS com diferentes comprimentos de sobreposição (LO). O objectivo fundamental é avaliar qual o melhor método para prever a resistência das JSS. Foram produzidas juntas adesivas entre substratos de alumínio utilizando um adesivo époxido frágil (Araldite® AV138), um adesivo epóxido moderadamente dúctil (Araldite® 2015), e um adesivo poliuretano dúctil (SikaForce® 7888). Consideraram-se diferentes métodos analíticos e dois métodos numéricos: os Modelos de Dano Coesivo (MDC) e o Método de Elementos Finitos Extendido (MEFE), permitindo a análise comparativa. O estudo possibilitou uma percepção crítica das capacidades de cada método consoante as características do adesivo utilizado. Os métodos analíticos funcionam apenas relativamente bem em condições muito específicas. A análise por MDC com lei triangular revelou ser um método bastante preciso, com excepção de adesivos que sejam bastante dúcteis. Por outro lado, a análise por MEFE demonstrou ser uma técnica pouco adequada, especialmente para o crescimento de dano em modo misto.