898 resultados para herbal medicines
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Plant secondary metabolites are a group of naturally occurring compound classes biosynthesized by differing biochemical pathways whose plant content and regulation is strongly susceptible to environmental influences and to potential herbal predators. Such abiotic and biotic factors might be specifically induced by means of various mechanisms, which create variation in the accumulation or biogenesis of secondary metabolites. Hence the dynamic aspect of bioactive compound synthesis and accumulation enables plants to communicate and react in order to overcome imminent threats. This contribution aims to review the most important mechanisms of various abiotic and biotic interactions, such as pathogenic microorganisms and herbivory, by which plants respond to exogenous influences, and will also report on time-scale variable influences on secondary metabolite profiles. Transmission of signals in plants commonly occurs by 'semiochemicals', which are comprised of terpenes, phenylpropanoids, benzenoids and other volatile compounds. Due to the important functions of volatile terpenes in communication processes of living organisms, as well as its emission susceptibility relative to exogenous influences, we also present different scenarios of concentration and emission variations. Toxic effects of plants vary depending on the level and type of secondary metabolites. In farming and cattle raising scenarios, the toxicity of plant secondary metabolites and respective concentration shifts may have severe consequences on livestock production and health, culminating in adverse effects on crop yields and/or their human consumers, or have an adverse economic impact. From a wider perspective, herbal medicines, agrochemicals or other natural products are also associated with variability in plant metabolite levels, which can impact the safety and reliable efficacy of these products. We also present typical examples of toxic plants which influence livestock production using Brazilian examples of toxicity of sapogenins and alkaloids on livestock to highlight the problem. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Untersuchung steht die Nutzung von Medizinalpflanzen vor dem Hintergrund einer zurückgehenden Phytodiversität in Nordbenin. Die Dissertation ba-siert auf ethnologischen Forschungen, die in das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt BIOTA (Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in Africa) eingebunden sind. Das BIOTA-Projekt untersucht die Wirkung menschlichen Handelns (insbesondere Nutzung) auf die Biodiversi-tät und versucht aus diesen Erkenntnissen Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt abzuleiten. Die vorliegende Studie basiert auf einem 13-monatigen Feldforschungsaufenthalt im Zeitraum von April 2004 bis August 2006 in der nordbeninischen Gemeinde Ouassa-Pehunco. Meine Informanten sind überwiegend traditionelle Heiler, mit denen ich standardi-sierte und offene Interviews durchführte, deren Behandlungsverfahren und Heilzeremonien ich teilnehmend beobachtete sowie dokumentierte und auf deren Initiative hin ich mich bei dem Aufbau eines Medizinalpflanzengartens einbrachte (cf. Kap. 1). In diesem Forschungsfeld situiere ich mich mit der Frage nach dem Einfluss einer verän-derten Pflanzenvielfalt auf die traditionelle medizinische Versorgung der Baatombu Nordbe-nins. Die Beantwortung dieser Frage erfolgt in mehreren Schritten. 1. Die Phytodiversität nimmt, wie von naturwissenschaftlicher Seite bestätigt, in der Region ab. 2. Lokale Heilkun-dige nehmen diesen Rückgang an verfügbaren Heilpflanzen ebenso wahr. 3. Die Abnahme der Pflanzenbestände führen die Heiler vor allem auf den Baumwollanbau und die demogra-fischen Entwicklungen der Region zurück - dies entspricht ebenfalls den Auffassungen von Naturwissenschaftlern, die eine Verdichtung der landwirtschaftlichen Bodennutzung fest-stellten. 4. Heilkundige und Heilpflanzenverkäuferinnen vermerken eine zunehmende Nach-frage nach lokaler Pflanzenmedizin aufgrund der steigenden Bevölkerungszahlen. 5. Die pflanzenbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung der lokalen Bevölkerung ist jedoch relativ gesi-chert, da die Heiler sich alternativ wirkender Medizinalpflanzen bedienen, ihre Therapiefor-men der veränderten Lage anpassen (z.B. geringere Dosierungen) und sie regelmäßig genutz-te Pflanzen im Medizinalpflanzengarten Guson wieder anpflanzen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt der Arbeit ist, dass die Heilpraktiken der Baatombu nicht allein auf naturheilkundlichem Erfahrungswissen beruhen, sondern in magisch-religiöse Vorstellungen eingebettet sind (cf. Kap. 2). Demzufolge untersuche ich die lokalen Krankheits- und Ge-sundheitsvorstellungen und die symbolischen Klassifikationen von Heilpflanzen und Krank-heiten (cf. Kap. 3). Ich stellte fest, dass nach Auffassung von Heilkundigen soziokulturelle Faktoren wie der Zeitpunkt und der Ort einer Sammlung sowie entsprechende Ernte-Rituale die medizinische Wirksamkeit von Pflanzen maßgeblich bedingen (cf. Kap. 5). Die Umwelt-klassifikation der Heiler (Landschafts- und Vegetationstypen) richtet sich demzufolge nach dem medizinischen Wert, den sie einer Heilpflanze zuschreiben (cf. Kap.4). Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurde von einigen engagierten Heilern und mit Un-terstützung von BIOTA, der GTZ und der Deutschen Botschaft der Medizinalpflanzengarten Guson eingerichtet, der eine Antwort auf die regionale Ressourcenverknappung darstellt und in seiner Anlage dem lokalen ökologischen und heilkundlichen Wissen der Heiler entspricht (cf. Kap. 6). Den Anwendungsbezug der Forschung nutzten die Heiler, um sich als Interes-sensgemeinschaft für den Erhalt der benötigten pflanzlichen Ressourcen einzusetzen.
The objectives of this study were to ascertain consumer knowledge and behaviour about hypertension and treatment and to compare these with health care providers' perceptions (of 'most' consumers). The design for the study was a problem detection study (PDS): focus groups and then survey. Focus groups and survey participants were convenience samples of consumers, doctors, nurses and pharmacists. The main outcome measures were agreement on a 5-point Likert scale with statements about consumers' knowledge and behaviour about high blood pressure and medication. The survey identified areas of consensus and disagreement between consumers and health providers. While general knowledge and concordance with antihypertensive therapy among consumers was good, consequences such as eye and kidney disease, interactions with herbal medicines, and how to deal with missing a dose were less well known. Side effects were a problem for over one-quarter of participants, and cost was a problem in continuing therapy. Half the consumers had not received sufficient written information. Providers overall disagreed that most consumers have an adequate understanding of the condition. They agreed that most consumers adhere to therapy and can manage medicines; and about their own profession's role in information provision and condition management. Consumers confirmed positive provider behaviour, suggesting opportunities for greater communication between providers about actions taken with their consumers. In conclusion, the PDS methodology was useful in identifying consumer opinions. Differences between consumer and provider responses were marked, with consumers generally rating their knowledge and behaviour above providers' ratings of 'most' consumers. There are clear gaps to be targeted to improve the outcomes of hypertension therapy.
Published literature reports rates of dietary supplement usage by individuals aged 60 years or more to be 16−60%. Prevalence figures are dependent on the population studied and the method of data collection. In general, older supplement users are female, Caucasian and well educated, with healthier lifestyle practices than non-supplement users, and they are less likely to be overweight or to smoke. Neither income nor self-rated health status are reliable predictors of supplement use in this group. In many cases older supplement users report higher intakes of several micronutrients from food than older non-supplement users. Current patterns of supplement use by the older person reveal that although they consume a range of products, they do not supplement with nutrients that are of particular benefit to them. The supplements most commonly consumed by individuals aged 60 years and over are multivitamins and minerals, vitamin C and vitamin E preparations. There is insufficient data to quantify the dosage, frequency and duration of supplement use by the older population. Obtaining this information and data about herbal medicine use is an important step towards minimising the risk of drug–nutrient–herbal interactions. Identifying the health professionals who monitor the appropriateness and safety of supplement use in older individuals, particularly given the already high use of medication in this population, also needs to be a focus of future utilisation investigations. This systematic review of the literature published between 1982 and 2003 aims to measure the patterns of dietary supplement use by community-living individuals aged 60 years and over and to profile the characteristics of older supplement users.
Echinacea preparations are widely used herbal medicines for the prevention and treatment of colds and minor infections. There is little evidence for the individual components in Echinacea that contribute to immune regulatory activity. Activity of an ethanolic Echinacea extract and several constituents, including cichoric acid, have been examined using three in vitro measures of macrophage immune function - NF-kappa B, TNF-alpha and nitric oxide (NO). In cultured macrophages, all components except the monoene alkylamide (AA1) decreased lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated NF-kappa B levels. 0.2 mu g/ml cichoric acid and 2.0 mu g/mL Echinacea Premium Liquid (EPL) and EPL alkylamide fraction (EPL AA) were found to significantly decrease TNF-alpha production under LPS stimulated conditions in macrophages. In macrophages, only the alkylamide mixture isolated from the ethanolic Echinacea extract decreased LPS stimulated NO production. In this study, the mixture of alkylamides in the Echinacea ethanolic liquid extract did not respond in the same manner in the assays as the individual alkylamides investigated. While cichoric acid has been shown to affect NF-kappa B, TNF-alpha and NO levels, it is unlikely to be relevant in the Echinacea alterations of the immune response in vivo due to its nonbioavailability - i.e. no demonstrated absorption across the intestinal barrier and no detectable levels in plasma. These results demonstrate that Echinacea is an effective modulator of macrophage immune responses in vitro.
The fast developing international trade of products based on traditional knowledge and their value chains has become an important aspect of the ethnopharmacological debate. The structure and diversity of value chains and their impact on the phytochemical composition of herbal medicinal products has been overlooked in the debate about quality problems in transnational trade. Different government policies and regulations governing trade in herbal medicinal products impact on such value chains. Medicinal Rhodiola species, including Rhodiola rosea L. and Rhodiola crenulata (Hook.f. & Thomson) H.Ohba, have been used widely in Europe and Asia as traditional herbal medicines with numerous claims for their therapeutic effects. Faced with resource depletion and environment destruction, R. rosea and R. crenulata are becoming endangered, making them more economically valuable to collectors and middlemen, and also increasing the risk of adulteration and low quality. We compare the phytochemical differences among Rhodiola raw materials available on the market to provide a practical method for Rhodiola authentication and the detection of potential adulterant compounds. Samples were collected from Europe and Asia and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis software and high performance thin layer chromatography techniques were used to analyse the samples. A method was developed to quantify the amount of adulterant species contained within mixtures. We compared the phytochemical composition of collected Rhodiola samples to authenticated samples. Rosavin and rosarin were mainly present in R. rosea whereas crenulatin was only present in R. crenulata. 30% of the Rhodiola samples purchased from the Chinese market were adulterated by other Rhodiola spp. Moreover, 7 % of the raw-material samples were not labelled satifactorily. The utilisation of both 1H-NMR and HPTLC methods provided an integrated analysis of the phytochemical differences and novel identification method for R. rosea and R. crenulata. Using 1H-NMR spectroscopy it was possible to quantify the presence of R. crenulata in admixtures with R. rosea. This quantitative technique could be used in the future to assess a variety of herbal drugs and products. This project also highlights the need to further study the links between producers and consumers in national and trans-national trade.
Natural resources like plants are currently used all over developed and under developed countries of the world as traditional home remedies and are promising agents for drug discovery as they play crucial role in traditional medicine. The use of plants for medicinal purpose usually varies from country to country and region to region because their use depends on the history, culture, philosophy and personal attitudes of the users (Ahmad et al., 2015). The use of plants and plant products as drugs predates the written human history (Hayta et al., 2014). Plants are a very important resource for traditional drugs and around 80% of the population of the planet use plants for the treatment of many diseases and traditional herbal medicine accounts for 30-50% of the total medicinal consumption in China. In North America, Europe and other well-developed regions over 50% of the population have used traditional preparations at least once (Dos Santos Reinaldo et al., 2015). Medicinal plants have been used over years for multiple purposes, and have increasingly attract the interest of researchers in order to evaluate their contribution to health maintenance and disease’s prevention (Murray, 2004). Recently between 50,000 and 70,000 species of plants are known and are being used in the development of modern drugs. Plants were the main therapeutic agents used by humans from the 19th century, and their role in medicine is always topical (Hayta et al., 2014). The studies of medicinal plants are rapidly increasing due to the search for new active molecules, and to improve the production of plants or bioactive molecules for the pharmaceutical industries (Rates, 2001). Several studies have been reported, but numerous active compounds directly responsible for the observed bioactive properties remain unknown, while in other cases the mechanism of action is not fully understood. According to the WHO 25% of all modern medicines including both western and traditional medicine have been extracted from plants, while 75% of new drugs against infective diseases that have arrived between 1981 and 2002 originated from natural sources, it was reported that the world market for herbal medicines stood at over US $60 billion per year and is growing steadily (Bedoya et al., 2009). Traditional medicine has an important economic impact in the 21st century as it is used worldwide, taking advantage on the low cost, accessibility, flexibility and diversity of medicinal plants (Balunas & Kinghorn, 2005).
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Nutrição, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição Humana, 2015.
There remains limited scientific evidence on the efficacy and safety of 'natural' therapies such as herbal remedies and dietary supplements. Nevertheless, breast cancer patients are particularly prone to purchasing such products because of the perception that 'natural' products are less toxic than conventional prescribed medicines. However, the potential for interactions of supplements with current medications, the potential for adverse effects from consumption at high levels, and the lack of disclosure of such treatments by the patient to their doctor are serious public health issues. Robust clinical trials are required to prove the efficacy and lack of adverse effects of such preparations, and communication between patients and doctors must be improved and doctors made more aware that their patients may be seeking advice and treatment from sources outside conventional medicine.
In recent years, an increasing percentage of people from industrialized countries have been using complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). This, combined with numerous warnings regarding the potential toxicity of these therapies, suggests the need for practitioners to keep abreast of the reported incidence of renal toxicity caused by the ingestion of medicinal herbs. The goal of the present two-part series, on the toxic or beneficial effects of medicinal herbs on renal health, is to provide practitioners with a summary of the most recent information as well as the means by which evidence for benefit or toxicity has been found. In this first article, we explore in vivo evidence of toxicity. Included are nephrotoxicity from aristolochic acid and other components within herbs, herb-drug interactions resulting in adverse renal effects, and renal toxicity from contaminants within the extracts. The review aims to provide a guide to encourage future toxicity studies and rigorous clinical trials.
Processed tea and herbal infusions were Studied for their phenol content, antioxidant activity and main flavonoids. Total phenolics were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method and ranged from N.D. to 46.46 +/- 0.44 mg/g GAE. Flavonoids were investigated by HPLC, and myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol were identified in black, green, and chamomile tea. Antioxidant activity was evaluated using two methods: DPPH and beta-carotene bleaching test (BCB). Using the BCB, the highest activities were found for infusions of black tea, mate, lemongrass, chamomile, and fennel; whereas fresh herbal infusions presented the lowest activities. Using the DPPH method, fresh herbal infusions presented the highest activities. Processed leaves with the lowest IC50 values were green and black tea (147.63 and 288.60 mu g/mL, respectively). The results of this research show that the infusions studied are good Source of compounds presenting antioxidant activity in vitro.