999 resultados para helium gas


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Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical tool very useful to investigate the composition of gaseous mixtures. The different gases are separated by specific columns but, if hydrogen (H2 ) is present in the sample, its detection can be performed by a thermal conductivity detector or a helium ionization detector. Indeed, coupled to GC, no other detector can perform this detection except the expensive atomic emission detector. Based on the detection and analysis of H2 isotopes by low-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (MS), a new method for H2 detection by GC coupled to MS with an electron ionization ion source and a quadrupole analyser is presented. The presence of H2 in a gaseous mixture could easily be put in evidence by the monitoring of the molecular ion of the protonated carrier gas. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The Beckman Helium Discharge Detector has been found to be sensitive to the fixed gases oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen at detection levels 10-100 times more sensitive than possible with a Bow-Mac Thermal Conductivity Detector. Detection levels o~ approximately 1.9 E-4 ~ v/v oxygen, 3.1 E-4 ~ v/v nitrogen, and 3.0 E-3 ~ v/v hydrogen are estimated. Response of the Helium Discharge Detector was not linear, but is useable for quantitation over limited ranges of concentration using suitably prepared working standards. Cleanliness of the detector discharge electrodes and purity of the helium carrier and discharge gas were found to be critical to the operation of the detector. Higher sensitivities of the Helium Discharge Detector may be possible by the design and installation of a sensitive, solid-state electrometer.


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The effect of ambient gas on the dynamics of the plasma generated by laser ablation of a carbon target using 1.06 μm radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been investigated using a spectroscopic technique. The emission characteristics of the carbon plasma produced in argon, helium and air atmospheres are found to depend strongly on the nature and pressure of the surrounding gas. It has been observed that hotter and denser plasmas are formed in an argon atmosphere rather than in helium or air as an ambient.


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A study has been carried out to understand the influence of ambient gases on the dynamics of laser-blow-off plumes of multi-layered LiF–C thin film. Plume images at various time intervals ranging from 100 to 3000 ns have been recorded using an intensified CCD camera. Enhancement in the plume intensity and change in size and shape occurs on introducing ambient gases and these changes are highly dependent on the nature and composition of the ambient gas used. Velocity of the plume was found to be higher in helium ambient whereas intensity enhancement is greater in argon environment. The plume shapes have maximum size at 10−2 and 10−1 Torr of Ar and He pressures, respectively. As the background pressure increases further (>10−2 Torr: depending on the nature of gas), the plume gets compressed/focused in the lateral direction. Internal structure formation and turbulences are observed at higher pressures (>10−1 Torr) in both ambient gases.


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A plasma source, sustained by the application of a floating high voltage (±15 kV) to parallel-plate electrodes at 50 Hz, has been achieved in a helium/air mixture at atmospheric pressure (P = 105 Pa) contained in a zip-locked plastic package placed in the electrode gap. Some of the physical and antimicrobial properties of this apparatus were established with a view to ascertain its performance as a prototype for the disinfection of fresh produce. The current–voltage (I–V) and charge–voltage (Q–V) characteristics of the system were measured as a function of gap distance d, in the range (3 × 103 ≤ Pd ≤ 1.0 × 104 Pa m). The electrical measurements showed this plasma source to exhibit the characteristic behaviour of a dielectric barrier discharge in the filamentary mode and its properties could be accurately interpreted by the two-capacitance in series model. The power consumed by the discharge and the reduced field strength were found to decrease quadratically from 12.0 W to 4.5 W and linearly from 140 Td to 50 Td, respectively, in the range studied. Emission spectra of the discharge were recorded on a relative intensity scale and the dominant spectral features could be assigned to strong vibrational bands in the 2+ and 1− systems of N2 and ${\rm N}_2^+$ , respectively, with other weak signatures from the NO and OH radicals and the N+, He and O atomic species. Absolute spectral intensities were also recorded and interpreted by comparison with the non-equilibrium synthetic spectra generated by the computer code SPECAIR. At an inter-electrode gap of 0.04 m, this comparison yielded typical values for the electron, vibrational and translational (gas) temperatures of (4980 ± 100) K, (2700 ± 200) K and (300 ± 100) K, respectively and an electron density of 1.0 × 1017 m−3. A Boltzmann plot also provided a value of (3200 ± 200 K) for the vibrational temperature. The antimicrobial efficacy was assessed by studying the resistance of both Escherichia coli K12 its isogenic mutants in soxR, soxS, oxyR, rpoS and dnaK selected to identify possible cellular responses and targets related with 5 min exposure to the active gas in proximity of, but not directly in, the path of the discharge filaments. Both the parent strain and mutants populations were significantly reduced by more than 1.5 log cycles in these conditions, showing the potential of the system. Post-treatment storage studies showed that some transcription regulators and specific genes related to oxidative stress play an important role in the E. coli repair mechanism and that plasma exposure affects specific cell regulator systems.


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Thin films were deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition from titanium (IV) ethoxide (TEOT)-oxygen-helium mixtures. Actinometric optical emission spectroscopy was used to obtain the relative plasma concentrations of the species H, CH, O and CO as a function of the percentage of oxygen in the feed, R(ox). The concentrations of these species rise with increasing R(ox) and tend to fall for R(ox) greater than about 45%. As revealed by a strong decline in the emission intensity of the actinometer Ar as R(ox) was increased, the electron mean energy or density (or both) decreased as greater proportions of oxygen were fed to the chamber. This must tend to reduce gas-phase fragmentation of the monomer by plasma electrons. As the TEOT flow rate was fixed, however, and since the species H and CH do not contain oxygen, the rise in their plasma concentrations with increasing R(ox) is explained only by intermediate reactions involving oxygen or oxygen-containing species. Transmission infrared (IRS) and X-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopies were employed to investigate film structure and composition. The presence of CH(2), CH(3), C=C, C-O and C=O groups was revealed by IRS. In addition, the presence of C-O and C=O groups was confirmed by XPS, which also revealed titanium in the +4 valence state. The Ti content of the films, however, was found to be much less than that of the monomer material itself. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Modern restorative dentistry has been playing an outstanding role lately since composite resins, allied to adhesive systems, have been widely applied on anterior and posterior teeth restorations. The evolution of composite resins has mostly been verified due to the improvement of their aesthetic behavior and the increase in their compressive and abrasive strengths. In spite of these developments, the polymerization shrinkage inherent to the material has been a major deficiency that, so far, has been impossible to avoid. Using a gas pycnometry, this research investigated the polymerization shrinkage of three packable composite resins: Filtek P60 (3M), Prodigy Condensable (Kerr), and SureFil (Dentsply/Caulk), varying the distance from the light source to the surface of the resins (2 mm or 10 mm). The pycnometer Accupyc 1330 (Micromeritics, USA) precisely records helium displacement, allowing fast and reliable measurements of the volume of composite resin immediately before and after polymerization, without interference of temperature or humidity. Results were not found to be statistically different for the three tested resins, either for 2 mm or 10 mm-distance from the light source to the composite surface.


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Background: Lung deposition of intravenous cephalosporins is low. The lung deposition of equivalent doses of ceftazidime administered either intravenously or by ultrasonic nebulization using either nitrogen-oxygen or helium-oxygen as the carrying gas of the aerosol was compared in ventilated piglets with and without experimental bronchopneumonia. Methods: Five piglets with noninfected lungs and 5 piglets with Pseudomonas aeruginosa experimental bronchopneumonia received 33 mg/kg ceftazidime intravenously. Ten piglets with noninfected lungs and 10 others with experimental P. aeruginosa bronchopneumonia received 50 mg/kg ceftazidime by ultrasonic nebulization. In each group, the ventilator was operated in half of the animals with a 65%/35% helium-oxygen or nitrogen-oxygen mixture. Animals were killed, and multiple lung specimens were sampled for measuring ceftazidime lung tissue concentrations by high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: As compared with intravenous administration, nebulization of ceftazidime significantly increased lung tissue concentrations (17 ± 13 vs. 383 ± 84 μg/g in noninfected piglets and 10 ± 3 vs. 129 ± 108 μg/g in piglets with experimental bronchopneumonia; P < 0.001). The use of a 65%/35% helium-oxygen mixture induced a 33% additional increase in lung tissue concentrations in noninfected piglets (576 ± 141 μg/g; P < 0.001) and no significant change in infected piglets (111 ± 104 μg/g). Conclusion: Nebulization of ceftazidime induced a 5- to 30-fold increase in lung tissue concentrations as compared with intravenous administration. Using a helium-oxygen mixture as the carrying gas of the aerosol induced a substantial additional increase in lung deposition in noninfected piglets but not in piglets with experimental bronchopneumonia. © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.


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The present paper concerns on the estimative of the pressure loss and entropy variation in an isothermal fluid flow, considering real gas effects. The 1D formulation is based on the isothermal compressibility module and on the thermal expansion coefficient in order to be applicable for both gas and liquid as pure substances. It is emphasized on the simple methodology description, which establishes a relationship between the formulation adopted for ideal gas and another considering real gas effects. A computational procedure has been developed, which can be used to determine the flow properties in duct with a variable area, where real gas behavior is significant. In order to obtain quantitative results, three virial coefficients for Helium equation of state are employed to determine the percentage difference in pressure and entropy obtained from different formulations. Results are presented graphically in the form of real gas correction factors, which can be applied to perfect gas calculations.


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Die diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) mit dem hyperpolarisierten Edelgas-Isotop 3He ist ein neues Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Erkrankungen der Atem-wege und der Lunge. Die Diffusionsbewegung der 3He-Atome in den Luftwegen der Lunge wird durch deren Wände begrenzt, wobei diese Einschränkung sowohl von den Dimensionen der Atemwege als auch von den Messparametern abhängt. Man misst daher einen scheinbaren Diffusionskoeffizienten (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC) der kleiner ist als der Diffusionskoeffizient bei freier Diffusion. Der ADC gestattet somit eine qualitative Abschät-zung der Größe der Luftwege und deren krankhafte Veränderung, ohne eine direkte Abbil-dung der Luftwege selbst. Eine dreidimensionale Abbildung der räumlichen Verteilung von Lungenschädigungen wird dadurch möglich. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein tieferes physikalisch fundiertes Verständnis der 3He-Diffusionsmessung zu ermöglichen und die Methode der diffusionsgewichteten 3He-MRT hin zur Erfassung des kompletten 3He-Diffusionstensors weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu wurde systematisch im Rahmen von Phantom- und tierexperimentellen Studien sowie Patientenmes-sungen untersucht, inwieweit unterschiedliche Einflussfaktoren das Ergebnis der ADC-Messung beeinflussen. So konnte beispielsweise nachgewiesen werden, dass residuale Luftströmungen am Ende der Einatmung keinen Einfluss auf den ADC-Wert haben. Durch Simulationsrechnungen konnte gezeigt werden, in welchem Maße sich die durch den Anregungspuls hervorgerufene Abnah-me der Polarisation des 3He-Gases auf den gemessenen ADC-Wert auswirkt. In einer Studie an lungengesunden Probanden und Patienten konnte die Wiederholbarkeit der ADC-Messung untersucht werden, aber auch der Einfluss von Gravitationseffekten. Diese Ergebnisse ermöglichen genauere Angaben über systematische und statistische Messfehler, sowie über Grenzwerte zwischen normalem und krankhaft verändertem Lungengewebe. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die bestehende diffusionsgewichtete Bildgebung methodisch zur Erfassung des kompletten Diffusionstensors von 3He in der Lunge weiterentwickelt. Dies war wichtig, da entlang der Luftwege weitestgehend freie Diffusion vorherrscht, während senkrecht zu den Luftwegen die Diffusion eingeschränkt ist. Mit Hilfe von Simulationsrech-nungen wurde der kritische Einfluss von Rauschen in den MRT-Bildern auf die Qualität der Messergebnisse untersucht. Diese neue Methodik wurde zunächst an einem Phantom beste-hend aus einem Bündel aus Glaskapillaren, deren innerer Durchmesser mit dem des mensch-lichen Azinus übereinstimmt, validiert. Es ergab sich eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen theoretischen Berechnungen und experimentellen Ergebnissen. In ersten Messungen am Menschen konnten so unterschiedliche Anisotropiewerte zwischen lungengesunden Proban-den und Patienten gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich eine Tendenz zu isotroper Diffusion bei Patienten mit einem Lungenemphysem. Zusammenfassend tragen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zu einem besseren Ver-ständnis der ADC-Messmethode bei und helfen zukünftige Studien aufgrund des tieferen Verständnisses der die 3He Messung beeinflussenden Faktoren besser zu planen.


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Advances in metastability exchange optical pumping (MEOP) of 3He at high laser powers, with its various applications, but also at high gas pressures p3 and high magnetic field strengths B, have provided strong motivation for revisiting the understanding and for investigating the limitations of this powerful technique. For this purpose, we present systematic experimental and theoretical studies of efficiency and of relaxation mechanisms in B≤30 mT and p3=0.63−2.45 mbar. 3He nuclear polarisation is measured by light absorption in longitudinal configuration where weak light beams at 1083 nm parallel to magnetic field and cell axis with opposite circular polarisations are used to probe the distribution of populations in the metastable state. This method is systematically tested to evaluate potential systematic biases and is shown to be reliable for the study of OP dynamics despite the redistribution of populations by OP light. Nuclear polarisation loss associated to the emission of polarised light by the plasma discharge used for MEOP is found to decrease above 10 mT, as expected, due to hyperfine decoupling in highly excited states. However, this does not lead to improved MEOP efficiency at high laser power. We find clear evidence of additional laser-induced relaxation instead. The strong OP-enhanced polarisation losses, currently limiting MEOP performances, are quantitatively investigated using an angular momentum budget approach and a recently developed comprehensive model that describes the combined effects of OP, ME and relaxation, validated by comparison to experimental results.


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In cystic fibrosis (CF), tests for ventilation inhomogeneity are sensitive but not established for clinical routine. We assessed feasibility of a new double-tracer gas single-breath washout (SBW) in school-aged children with CF and control subjects, and compared SBW between groups and with multiple-breath nitrogen washout (MBNW). Three SBW and MBNW were performed in 118 children (66 with CF) using a side-stream ultrasonic flowmeter setup. The double-tracer gas containing 5% sulfur hexafluoride and 26.3% helium was applied during one tidal breath. Outcomes were SBW phase III slope (SIII(DTG)), MBNW-derived lung clearance index (LCI), and indices of acinar (S(acin)) and conductive (S(cond)) ventilation inhomogeneity. SBW took significantly less time to perform than MBNW. SBW and MBNW were feasible in 109 (92.4%) and 98 (83.0%) children, respectively. SIII(DTG) differed between children with CF and controls, mean±sd was -456.7±492.8 and -88.4±129.1 mg·mol·L(-1), respectively. Abnormal SIII(DTG) was present in 36 (59%) children with CF. SIII(DTG) was associated with LCI (r= -0.58) and S(acin) (r= -0.58), but not with S(cond). In CF, steeply sloping SIII(DTG) potentially reflects ventilation inhomogeneity near the acinus entrance. This tidal SBW is a promising test to assess ventilation inhomogeneity in an easy and fast way.


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Asphyxial suicide by placing a plastic bag over the head, especially in combination with inhalation of gases, is a rarely described method of committing suicide. This article reports a case of suicidal asphyxiation by inhaling the inert gas helium inside a plastic bag. A 64-year-old man probably followed the instructions described in an article about committing suicide written by a medical practitioner from Zürich. This form of suicide is recommended by right-to-die groups and in the internet as a certain, fast, and painless suicide method. Additionally, it leaves only seldom externally visible marks or pathomorphological findings on the body. If the plastic bag and other auxiliary means are removed by another person, the forensic death investigation of cause and manner of death may be very difficult. Therefore, the death scene investigation and the inquiry ordered in the environment of the deceased are very important.


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BACKGROUND: The noble gas helium is devoid of anesthetic effects, and it elicits cardiac preconditioning. We hypothesized that inhalation of helium provides protection against postocclusive endothelial dysfunction after ischemia-reperfusion of the forearm in humans. METHODS: Eight healthy male subjects were enrolled in this study with a crossover design. Each volunteer was randomly exposed to 15 min of forearm ischemia in the presence or absence of helium inhalation. Helium was inhaled at an end-tidal concentration of 50 vol% from 15 min before ischemia until 5 min after the onset of reperfusion ("helium conditioning"). Hyperemic reaction, a marker of nitric oxide bioavailability and endothelial function, was determined at 15 and 30 min of reperfusion on the forearm using venous occlusion plethysmography. Expression of the proinflammatory markers CD11b, ICAM-1, PSGL-1, and L-selectin (CD62L) on leukocytes and P-selectin (CD62P), PSGL-1, and CD42b on platelets were measured by flow cytometry during reperfusion. RESULTS: Ischemia-reperfusion consistently reduced the postocclusive endothelium-dependent hyperemic reaction at 15 and 30 min of reperfusion. Periischemic inhalation of helium at 50 vol% did not improve postocclusive hyperemic reaction. Helium decreased expression of the proinflammatory marker CD11b and ICAM-1 on leukocytes and attenuated the expression of the procoagulant markers CD42b and PSGL-1 on platelets. CONCLUSIONS: Although inhalation of helium diminished the postischemic inflammatory reaction, our data indicate that human endothelium, which is a component of all vital organs, is not amenable to protection by helium at 50 vol% in vivo. This is in contrast to sevoflurane, which protects human endothelium at low subanesthetic concentrations.


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In 2010 more than 600 radiocarbon samples were measured with the gas ion source at the MIni CArbon DAting System (MICADAS) at ETH Zurich and the number of measurements is rising quickly. While most samples contain less than 50 mu g C at present, the gas ion source is attractive as well for larger samples because the time-consuming graphitization is omitted. Additionally, modern samples are now measured down to 5 per-mill counting statistics in less than 30 min with the recently improved gas ion source. In the versatile gas handling system, a stepping-motor-driven syringe presses a mixture of helium and sample CO2 into the gas ion source, allowing continuous and stable measurements of different kinds of samples. CO2 can be provided in four different ways to the versatile gas interface. As a primary method. CO2 is delivered in glass or quartz ampoules. In this case, the CO2 is released in an automated ampoule cracker with 8 positions for individual samples. Secondly, OX-1 and blank gas in helium can be provided to the syringe by directly connecting gas bottles to the gas interface at the stage of the cracker. Thirdly, solid samples can be combusted in an elemental analyzer or in a thermo-optical OC/EC aerosol analyzer where the produced CO2 is transferred to the syringe via a zeolite trap for gas concentration. As a fourth method, CO2 is released from carbonates with phosphoric acid in septum-sealed vials and loaded onto the same trap used for the elemental analyzer. All four methods allow complete automation of the measurement, even though minor user input is presently still required. Details on the setup, versatility and applications of the gas handling system are given. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.