1000 resultados para heat resistant mold
Lentil is a self-pollinating diploid (2n = 14 chromosomes) annual cool season legume crop that is produced throughout the world and is highly valued as a high protein food. Several abiotic stresses are important to lentil yields world wide and include drought, heat, salt susceptibility and iron deficiency. The biotic stresses are numerous and include: susceptibility to Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta lentis; Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum truncatum; Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum; Sclerotinia white mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; rust, caused by Uromyces fabae; and numerous aphid transmitted viruses. Lentil is also highly susceptible to several species of Orabanche prevalent in the Mediterranean region, for which there does not appear to be much resistance in the germplasm. Plant breeders and geneticists have addressed these stresses by identifying resistant/tolerant germplasm, determining the genetics involved and the genetic map positions of the resistant genes. To this end progress has been made in mapping the lentil genome and several genetic maps are available that eventually will lead to the development of a consensus map for lentil. Marker density has been limited in the published genetic maps and there is a distinct lack of co-dominant markers that would facilitate comparisons of the available genetic maps and efficient identification of markers closely linked to genes of interest. Molecular breeding of lentil for disease resistance genes using marker assisted selection, particularly for resistance to Ascochyta blight and Anthracnose, is underway in Australia and Canada and promising results have been obtained. Comparative genomics and synteny analyses with closely related legumes promises to further advance the knowledge of the lentil genome and provide lentil breeders with additional genes and selectable markers for use in marker assisted selection. Genomic tools such as macro and micro arrays, reverse genetics and genetic transformation are emerging technologies that may eventually be available for use in lentil crop improvement.
Background: Tuberculosis is a major threat to human health. The high disease burden remains unaffected and the appearance of extremely drug-resistant strains in different parts of the world argues in favor of the urgent need for a new effective vaccine. One of the promising candidates is heat-shock protein 65 when used as a genetic vaccine (DNAhsp65). Nonetheless, there are substantial data indicating that BCG, the only available anti-TB vaccine for clinical use, provides other important beneficial effects in immunized infants. Methods: We compared the protective efficacy of BCG and Hsp65 antigens in mice using different strategies: i) BCG, single dose subcutaneously; ii) naked DNAhsp65, four doses, intramuscularly; iii) liposomes containing DNAhsp65, single dose, intranasally; iv) microspheres containing DNAhsp65 or rHsp65, single dose, intramuscularly; and v) prime-boost with subcutaneous BCG and intramuscular DNAhsp65. Results: All the immunization protocols were able to protect mice against infection, with special benefits provided by DNAhsp65 in liposomes and prime-boost strategies. Conclusion: Among the immunization protocols tested, liposomes containing DNAhsp65 represent the most promising strategy for the development of a new anti-TB vaccine.
Demand for power is growing every day, mainly due to emerging economies in countries such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil. During the last 50 years steam pressure and temperature in power plants have been continuously raised to improve thermal efficiency. Recent efforts to improve efficiency leads to the development of a new generation of heat recovery steam generator, where the Benson once-through technology is applied to improve the thermal efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the mechanical behavior of a high pressure superheater manifold by applying finite element modeling and a finite element analysis with the objective of analyzing stress propagation, leading to the study of damage mechanism, e.g., uniaxial fatigue, uniaxial creep for life prediction. The objective of this paper is also to analyze the mechanical properties of the new high temperature resistant materials in the market such as 2Cr Bainitic steels (T/P23 and T/P24) and also the 9-12Cr Martensitic steels (T/P91, T/P92, E911, and P/T122). For this study the design rules for construction of power boilers to define the geometry of the HPSH manifold were applied.
Survival and molting incidence were studied after heat (40°C) and cold (0°C) shocks in specimens of Panstrongylus megistus with the aim of establishing its response to temperature stress under laboratory rearing conditions and to understand occasional changes in the biological characteristics of specimens captured in nature. The response to the thermal shocks was found to vary as a function of the temperature and duration of the shock, developmental phase and sex of the specimens, and in certain cases, the insect habit and nourishment conditions. P. megistus specimens were found to be less resistant to the heat shock assay than Triatoma infestans, another reduviid species. The short cold shock affected survival of P. megistus more than did the heat shock, survival of fully-nourished specimens being preferential. The response of adults to the short cold shock was affected by sex, males being generally less resistant. The insect sylvatic habit was found to seldom affect the thermal shock response established for specimens with domestic habit. A decrease in molting frequency and sometimes a slowdown of the molting rate were found after the short heat and cold shocks, possibly promoted by change in hormonal balance, and differing from patterns reported for T. infestans. The results indicate that no generalization should be made for different reduviid species in terms of the effects of temperature shocks.
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an essential chaperone involved in the fungal stress response that can be harnessed as a novel antifungal target for the treatment of invasive aspergillosis. We previously showed that genetic repression of Hsp90 reduced Aspergillus fumigatus virulence and potentiated the effect of the echinocandin caspofungin. In this study, we sought to identify sites of posttranslational modifications (phosphorylation or acetylation) that are important for Hsp90 function in A. fumigatus. Phosphopeptide enrichment and tandem mass spectrometry revealed phosphorylation of three residues in Hsp90 (S49, S288, and T681), but their mutation did not compromise Hsp90 function. Acetylation of lysine residues of Hsp90 was recovered after treatment with deacetylase inhibitors, and acetylation-mimetic mutations (K27A and K271A) resulted in reduced virulence in a murine model of invasive aspergillosis, supporting their role in Hsp90 function. A single deletion of lysine K27 or an acetylation-mimetic mutation (K27A) resulted in increased susceptibility to voriconazole and caspofungin. This effect was attenuated following a deacetylation-mimetic mutation (K27R), suggesting that this site is crucial and should be deacetylated for proper Hsp90 function in antifungal resistance pathways. In contrast to previous reports in Candida albicans, the lysine deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) was active alone against A. fumigatus and potentiated the effect of caspofungin against both the wild type and an echinocandin-resistant strain. Our results indicate that the Hsp90 K27 residue is required for azole and echinocandin resistance in A. fumigatus and that deacetylase inhibition may represent an adjunctive anti-Aspergillus strategy.
A constitutive alkaline phosphatase was purified to apparent homogeneity as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from mycelia of the wild strain 74A of the mold Neurospora crassa, after growth on acetate and in the presence of saturating amounts of inorganic phosphate (Pi) for 72 h at 30ºC. The molecular mass was 58 kDa and 56 kDa as determined by exclusion chromatography and SDS-PAGE, respectively. This monomeric enzyme shows an apparent optimum pH ranging from 9.5 to 10.5 and Michaelis kinetics for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 0.35 mM and 1.01, respectively), alpha-naphthyl phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 0.44 mM and 0.97, respectively), ß-glycerol phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 2.46 mM and 1.01, respectively) and L-histidinol phosphate (the Km and Hill coefficient values were 0.47 mM and 0.94, respectively) at pH 8.9. The purified enzyme is activated by Mg2+, Zn2+ and Tris-HCl buffer, and is inhibited by Be2+, histidine and EDTA. Also, 0.3 M Tris-HCl buffer protected the purified enzyme against heat inactivation at 70ºC(half-life of 19.0 min, k = 0.036 min-1) as compared to 0.3 M CHES (half-life of 2.3 min, k = 0.392 min-1) in the same experiment.
Rice bran is a byproduct commonly used for animal feeding; however its nutritional value and potential application in human diet have attracted market interest. Its preservation for safe use is still a challenge, so the objective of this study was to determine the quality of commercially available rice bran samples subjected to different heat treatments (extruding, parboiling, toasting, and microwave oven heating) in order to promote stabilization during storage under room temperature. Rice bran samples were collected from two industries, and each treatment was divided in three parts, each corresponding to three repetitions. All samples were evaluated for moisture content, total microorganisms, mold and yeast counting, hydrolytic rancidity, and lipase activity during 90 days of storage. Most of the heat treatments, including domestic and thermoplastic extrusion, generated products which may be used for human consumption under the tested conditions in terms of physicochemical and microbiological quality. The domestic treatments were more efficient in eliminating microorganisms or keeping them within acceptable limits. The toasted rice bran showed satisfactory results in terms of moisture, hydrolytic rancidity control, and lipase activity.
AbstractThe aim of this study was to analyze the impact that heat treatment with salts and freezing processes on the sensory, instrumental, and physico-chemical characteristics of fried potatoes of the Monalisa cultivar. The potatoes were blanched in distilled water (P); sodium chloride solution (B1); calcium chloride solution (B2), and a solution with both of these salts (B3). They were then pre-cooked and frozen for 24 hours and for 30 days. After frying, sensory characteristics were analyzed (color, texture, flavor, oiliness), along with overall preference and instrumental determinations of texture, color, and oil content. Further tests were conducted on the sample with the best results in the sensory analysis (B1), along with sample P as a control, to determine granule microstructure, carbohydrate fractions, glycemic index, and glycemic load. Blanching B3, despite reducing oil absorption and providing less oiliness, obtained lesser overall preference. Freezing for 30 days increased the lightness, except for when sodium chloride was used, which intensified the color yellow. The use of sodium chloride did not interfere with the type of starch granules, nor with the formation of resistant starch; however, longer freezing time reduced the glycemic index and concentrated the dietary fiber content. All samples exhibited low glycemic index and moderate glycemic loads.
The utilization and management of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) symbiosis may improve production and sustainability of the cropping system. For this purpose, native AM fungi (AMF) were sought and tested for their efficiency to increase plant growth by enhanced P uptake and by alleviation of drought stress. Pot experiments with safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and pea (Pisum sativum) in five soils (mostly sandy loamy Luvisols) and field experiments with peas were carried out during three years at four different sites. Host plants were grown in heated soils inoculated with AMF or the respective heat sterilized inoculum. In the case of peas, mutants resistant to AMF colonization were used as non-mycorrhizal controls. The mycorrhizal impact on yields and its components, transpiration, and P and N uptake was studied in several experiments, partly under varying P and N levels and water supply. Screening of native AMF by most probable number bioassays was not very meaningful. Soil monoliths were placed in the open to simulate field conditions. Inoculation with a native AMF mix improved grain yield, shoot and leaf growth variables as compared to control. Exposed to drought, higher soil water depletion of mycorrhizal plants resulted in a haying-off effect. The growth response to this inoculum could not be significantly reproduced in a subsequent open air pot experiment at two levels of irrigation and P fertilization, however, safflower grew better at higher P and water supply by multiples. The water use efficiency concerning biomass was improved by the AMF inoculum in the two experiments. Transpiration rates were not significantly affected by AM but as a tendency were higher in non-mycorrhizal safflower. A fundamental methodological problem in mycorrhiza field research is providing an appropriate (negative) control for the experimental factor arbuscular mycorrhiza. Soil sterilization or fungicide treatment have undesirable side effects in field and greenhouse settings. Furthermore, artificial rooting, temperature and light conditions in pot experiments may interfere with the interpretation of mycorrhiza effects. Therefore, the myc- pea mutant P2 was tested as a non-mycorrhizal control in a bioassay to evaluate AMF under field conditions in comparison to the symbiotic isogenetic wild type of var. FRISSON as a new integrative approach. However, mutant P2 is also of nod- phenotype and therefore unable to fix N2. A 3-factorial experiment was carried out in a climate chamber at high NPK fertilization to examine the two isolines under non-symbiotic and symbiotic conditions. P2 achieved the same (or higher) biomass as wild type both under good and poor water supply. However, inoculation with the AMF Glomus manihot did not improve plant growth. Differences of grain and straw yields in field trials were large (up to 80 per cent) between those isogenetic pea lines mainly due to higher P uptake under P and water limited conditions. The lacking N2 fixation in mutants was compensated for by high mineral N supply as indicated by the high N status of the pea mutant plants. This finding was corroborated by the results of a major field experiment at three sites with two levels of N fertilization. The higher N rate did not affect grain or straw yields of the non-fixing mutants. Very efficient AMF were detected in a Ferric Luvisol on pasture land as revealed by yield levels of the evaluation crop and by functional vital staining of highly colonized roots. Generally, levels of grain yield were low, at between 40 and 980 kg ha-1. An additional pot trial was carried out to elucidate the strong mycorrhizal effect in the Ferric Luvisol. A triplication of the plant equivalent field P fertilization was necessary to compensate for the mycorrhizal benefit which was with five times higher grain yield very similar to that found in the field experiment. However, the yield differences between the two isolines were not always plausible as the evaluation variable because they were also found in (small) field test trials with apparently sufficient P and N supply and in a soil of almost no AMF potential. This similarly occurred for pea lines of var. SPARKLE and its non-fixing mycorrhizal (E135) and non-symbiotic (R25) isomutants, which were tested in order to exclude experimentally undesirable benefits by N2 fixation. In contrast to var. FRISSON, SPARKLE was not a suitable variety for Mediterranean field conditions. This raises suspicion putative genetic defects other than symbiotic ones may be effective under field conditions, which would conflict with the concept of an appropriate control. It was concluded that AMF resistant plants may help to overcome fundamental problems of present research on arbuscular mycorrhiza, but may create new ones.
The search for sustainable technologies that can contribute to reduce energy consumption is a great challenge in the field of insulation materials. In this context, composites manufactured from vegetal sources are an alternative technology. The principal objectives of this work are the development and characterization of a composite composed by the rigid polyurethane foam derived from castor oil (commercially available as RESPAN D40) and sisal fibers. The manufacture of the composite was done with expansion controlled inside a closed mold. The sisal fibers where used in the form of needlepunched nonwoven with a mean density of 1150 g/m2 and 1350 g/m2. The composite characterization was performed through the following tests: thermal conductivity, thermal behavior, thermo gravimetric analysis (TG/DTG), mechanical strength in compression and flexural, apparent density, water absorption in percentile, and the samples morphology was analyzed in a MEV. The density and humidity percentage of the sisal fiber were also determined. The thermal conductivity of the composites was higher than the pure polyurethane foam, the addition of nonwoven sisal fibers will become in a higher level of compact foam, reducing empty spaces (cells) of polyurethane, inducing an increase in k value. The apparent density of the composites was higher than pure polyurethane foam. In the results of water absorption tests, was seen a higher absorption percent of the composites, what is related to the presence of sisal fibers which are hygroscopic. From TG/DTG results, with the addition of sisal fibers reduced the strength to thermal degradation of the composites, a higher loss of mass was observed in the temperature band between 200 and 340 °C, related to urethane bonds decomposition and cellulose degradation and its derivatives. About mechanical behavior in compression and flexural, composites presented a better mechanical behavior than the rigid polyurethane foam. An increase in the amount of sisal fibers induces a higher rigidity of the composites. At the thermal behavior tests, the composites were more mechanically and thermally resistant than some materials commonly used for thermal insulation, they present the same or better results. The density of nonwoven sisal fiber had influence over the insulation grade; this means that, an increaser in sisal fiber density helped to retain the heat
The effect of the addition of Cr and Nb on the microstructure and the electrochemical corrosion of the weldable, high-strength and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) resistant Al-5%Zn-1.67%Mg-0.23%Cu alloy (H) has been studied. Combined additions of the alloying elements, J (with Nb), L (with Cr) and O (with Cr and Nb) and different heat treatments, ST (cold-rolled), A (annealed), F (quenched), B (quenched and aged) and C (quenched in two steps and aged), to obtain different microstructures and hardness have been performed. To correlate the electrochemical corrosion with the microstructure of the specimens, corrosion potential (E(cor)) measurements in different chloride solutions were performed and optical microscopy, SEM, TEM and EDX were applied. In chloride solutions containing dissolved O-2 or H2O2, the present alloys were polarized up to the pitting attack. It was shown that the E(cor) measurements were very sensitive to the alloy composition and heat treatment, increasing in the order H < J < L < O < Al (for a given heat treatment) and F < A approximate to ST < B < C (for a given alloy). The MgZn2 precipitates of the annealed (A) and cold-rolled (ST) specimens were dissolved in chloride solutions containing oxidizing agents and pitting attack was shown to develop in the cavities where the precipitates were present. In the specimens B and C, the compositions of the precipitate free zones was found to be equal to that of the matrix solid solution and preferential intergranular attack was not evident, this being in agreement with their SCC resistance. The addition of Cr and Nb increased the pitting corrosion resistance. The effects of Cr and Nb were additive, that of Cr being predominant, either, in the E(cor) shift or in the increase in the pitting corrosion resistance.
Based on in vitro experiments, Bos indicus embryos were more resistant to heat stress (HS) than Bos taurus embryos. To increase knowledge regarding differences between Bos indicus and Bos taurus in resistance to HS, the primary objective of this study was to determine if tolerance to HS is due to the breed, origin of the oocyte, sperm, or both. Additionally, the influence of the interval between ovary acquisition (in the abattoir) and oocyte aspiration in the laboratory, on early embryo development was ascertained. Oocytes were collected from Nelore and Holstein cows in an abattoir; 4.0 or 6.5 h later, oocytes were aspired in the laboratory, and then matured and fertilized using semen from Nelore (N), Gir (GIR), or Holstein (H) bulls. Ninety-six h post insemination (hpi), embryos with >= 16 cells were divided in two groups: control and HS. In the control group, embryos were cultured at 39 degrees C, whereas in the HS group, embryos were subjected to 41 degrees C for 12 h, and then returned to 39 degrees C. Rates of cleavage, and formation of morula and blastocysts were higher (P < 0.05) for oocytes aspirated at 4.0 versus 6.5 h after ovaries were acquired. Heat stress decreased rates of blastocyst formation for all breeds (N X N; H x H; and H X GIR) and in both time intervals (4.0 and 6.5 h). However, N X N had higher cleavage rate (P < 0.05) in both time intervals when compared with H X H and H X GIR. In addition, Nelore oocytes fertilized with Nelore semen (N X N) had higher blastocyst yields (P < 0.05) in the control and HS group, when compared with the other two breeds (H X H and H X GIR). We concluded that the breed of origin of the oocyte was more important than that of the sperm for development of thermotolerance, because bull breed did not influence embryo development after HS, and in vitro early embryonic development was impaired by increasing (from 4 to 6.5 h) the interval between ovary acquisition and oocyte aspiration. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The selection and use of hard chairside reline resins must be made with regard to dimensional stability, which will influence the accuracy of fit of the denture base. This study compared the dimensional change of two hard chairside reline resins (Duraliner II and Kooliner) and one heat-curing denture base resin (Lucitone 550). A stainless steel mold with reference dimensions (AB, CD) was used to obtain the samples. The materials were processed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Measurements of the dimensions were made after processing and after the samples had been stored in distilled water at 37° C for eight different periods of time. The data were recorded and then analyzed with analysis of variance. All materials showed shrinkage immediately after processing (p < 0.05). The only resin that exhibited shrinkage after 60 days of storage in water was Duraliner II; these changes could be clinically significant in regard of tissue fit.