55 resultados para hbt


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Squeezed correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs, also called back-to-back correlations (BBC), are predicted to appear if the hadron masses are modified in the hot and dense hadronic medium formed in high energy nucleus nucleus collisions. Although well established theoretically, the squeezed-particle correlations have not yet been searched for experimentally in high energy hadronic or heavy ion collisions, clearly requiring optimized forms to experimentally search for this effect. Within a non-relativistic treatment developed earlier we show that one promising way to search for the BBC signal is to look into the squeezed correlation function of pairs of phi's at RHIC energies, plotted in terms of the average momentum of the pair, K(12) = 1/2 (k(1) + k(2)). This variable's modulus, 2 vertical bar K(12)vertical bar, is the non-relativistic limit of the variable Q(bbc), introduced herewith. Some squeezing effects on the HBT correlation function are also discussed.


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The hadronic correlation among particle-antiparticle pairs was highlighted in the late 1990's, culminating with the demonstration that it should exist if the masses of the hadrons were modified in the hot and dense medium formed in high energy heavy ion collisions. They were called Back-to-Back Correlations (BBC) of particle-antiparticle pairs, also known as squeezed correlations. However, even though they are well-established theoretically, such hadronic correlations have not yet been experimentally discovered. Expecting to compel the experimentalists to search for this effect, we suggest here a clear way to look for the BBC signal, by constructing the squeezed correlation function of phi phi and K(+)K(-) pairs at RHIC energies, plotted in terms of the average momentum of the pair, K(12)=1/2(k(1) + k(2)), inspired by procedures adopted in Hanbury-Brown & Twiss (HBT) correlations.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Modern functional neuroimaging methods, such as positron-emission tomography (PET), optical imaging of intrinsic signals, and functional MRI (fMRI) utilize activity-dependent hemodynamic changes to obtain indirect maps of the evoked electrical activity in the brain. Whereas PET and flow-sensitive MRI map cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes, optical imaging and blood oxygenation level-dependent MRI map areas with changes in the concentration of deoxygenated hemoglobin (HbR). However, the relationship between CBF and HbR during functional activation has never been tested experimentally. Therefore, we investigated this relationship by using imaging spectroscopy and laser-Doppler flowmetry techniques, simultaneously, in the visual cortex of anesthetized cats during sensory stimulation. We found that the earliest microcirculatory change was indeed an increase in HbR, whereas the CBF increase lagged by more than a second after the increase in HbR. The increased HbR was accompanied by a simultaneous increase in total hemoglobin concentration (Hbt), presumably reflecting an early blood volume increase. We found that the CBF changes lagged after Hbt changes by 1 to 2 sec throughout the response. These results support the notion of active neurovascular regulation of blood volume in the capillary bed and the existence of a delayed, passive process of capillary filling.


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I uppsatsen görs en kritisk diskursanalys ur ett hbtq-perspektiv av Sverigedemokraternas styrdokument, den partianknutna tidningen SD-Kuriren och några andra relevanta texter. Materialet har delats in i tre tidsperioder, 1989-1995, 1996-2002 och 2003-2015 och frågorna som ställs till materialet handlar om vilka problem, orsaker till problem och lösningar på problem som går att identifiera som centrala i de studerade texterna. De identifierade problemen under de olika perioderna är ”den låga nativiteten”, ”osundheten” och ”den hotade kärnfamiljen; samt ”den hotade kärnfamiljen och den därmed hotade nationen”. Alla dessa problem kan kopplas ihop med Sverigedemokraternas hbtq-politik. I ett andra steg i uppsatsen görs en kvantitativ studie över frekvensen av ett antal ur det studerade perspektivet centrala ord i partiets styrdokument och hur användningen av dessa ord varierar över tid. De studerade orden är sund, familj, naturlig, nation, moral, folk och nativitet. Ett par av resultaten är att användningen av ordet ”nation” är som mest frekvent i det senaste styrdokumentet, medan ordet ”sund” var mest vanligt under den mittersta av de studerade perioderna. I analysens sista del görs utblickar mot Sverigedemokraternas agerande på det hbtq-politiska området, under de senaste åren. Med hjälp av begreppen heteronormativitet, homonormativitet och homonationalism görs avslutningsvis ytterligare en läsning av texterna där exempel på alla dessa företeelser går att identifiera i materialet.


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Studies have shown that the brand “owner” is very influential in positioning the brand and when the brand “owner” ceases his or her active role the brand will be perceived differently by the consumers. Balance Theory (HBT), a cognitive psychological theory, studies the triadic relationships between two persons and an entity and predicts that when a person’s original perception of the relationship is disturbed, the person restructures to a new balanced perception. Consequently, this research was undertaken to: conceptualize the brand owner’s impact on consumer’s brand perception; test the applicability of both the static and dynamic predictions of the Heider’s Balance Theory in brand owner-consumer-brand relation (OCB); construct and test a model of brand owner-consumer-brand relation; and examine if personality has an influence on OCB. A discovery-oriented approach was taken to understand the selected market segment, the ready-to-wear and diffusion lines of international designer labels. Chinese Brand Personality Scale, fashion proneness and hedonic and utilitarian shopping scales were developed, and validated. 51 customers were surveyed. Both traditional and extended methods used in the Balance Theory were employed in this study. Responses to liked brand have been used to test and develop the model, while those for disliked brand were used for test and confirmation. A “what if’ experimental approach was employed to test the applicability of dynamic HBT theory in OCB Model. The hypothesized OCB Model has been tested and validated. Consumers have been found to have separate views on the brand and the brand owner; and their responses to contrasting ethical and non-ethical news of the brand owner are different. Personality has been found to have an influence and two personality adapted models have been tested and validated. The actual results go beyond the prediction of the Balance Theory. Dominant triple positive balance mode, dominant negative balance mode, and mode of extreme antipathy have been found. It has been found that not all balanced modes are good for the brand. Contrary to Heider’s findings, simply liking may not necessarily lead to unit relation in the OCB Model.


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Hur ska psykoterapeutiskt arbete med transpersoner bedrivas? Bör psykoterapeuten tänka på ett särskilt sätt i mötet med den här patientgruppen? Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka psykodynamiskt orienterade psykoterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med transpersoner. Halvstrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med fem psykoterapeuter verksamma på HBT-hälsan på Södersjukhuset. Intervjuerna analyserades med Tematisk analys. Utfallet blev fyra övergripande teman med fjorton underkategorier: Heterogenitet (Generationsskillnader, Olika engagemang, Komplexitet), Bristande förståelse (Omgivningen förstår inte, Identitetsförvirring, Minoritetsproblematik), Anpassa psykoterapi (Försiktighet, Kroppen, Allians och alliansskapande, Stödsamtal, Interventioner och mål) samt Psykoterapeutens utveckling (Öppenhet, Omvärdering, Utveckling). Resultatet pekar på komplexiteten i behandlingen av en grupp som länge varit osynlig, men som nu har trätt fram. En central utmaning för psykoterapeuten tycks bestå i att anpassa behandlingen, utan att förlora det grundläggande psykoterapeutiska förhållningssättet.


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Purpose: To assess the compliance of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses (DDCLs) wearers with replacing lenses at a manufacturer-recommended replacement frequency. To evaluate the ability of two different Health Behavioural Theories (HBT), The Health Belief Model (HBM) and The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), in predicting compliance. Method: A multi-centre survey was conducted using a questionnaire completed anonymously by contact lens wearers during the purchase of DDCLs. Results: Three hundred and fifty-four questionnaires were returned. The survey comprised 58.5% females and 41.5% males (mean age 34. ±. 12. years). Twenty-three percent of respondents were non-compliant with manufacturer-recommended replacement frequency (re-using DDCLs at least once). The main reason for re-using DDCLs was "to save money" (35%). Predictions of compliance behaviour (past behaviour or future intentions) on the basis of the two HBT was investigated through logistic regression analysis: both TPB factors (subjective norms and perceived behavioural control) were significant (p. <. 0.01); HBM was less predictive with only the severity (past behaviour and future intentions) and perceived benefit (only for past behaviour) as significant factors (p. <. 0.05). Conclusions: Non-compliance with DDCLs replacement is widespread, affecting 1 out of 4 Italian wearers. Results from the TPB model show that the involvement of persons socially close to the wearers (subjective norms) and the improvement of the procedure of behavioural control of daily replacement (behavioural control) are of paramount importance in improving compliance. With reference to the HBM, it is important to warn DDCLs wearers of the severity of a contact-lens-related eye infection, and to underline the possibility of its prevention.