961 resultados para harmonic oscillators


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We consider the Shannon mutual information of subsystems of critical quantum chains in their ground states. Our results indicate a universal leading behavior for large subsystem sizes. Moreover, as happens with the entanglement entropy, its finite-size behavior yields the conformal anomaly c of the underlying conformal field theory governing the long-distance physics of the quantum chain. We study analytically a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators and numerically the Q-state Potts models (Q = 2, 3, and 4), the XXZ quantum chain, and the spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikov model. The Shannon mutual information is a quantity easily computed, and our results indicate that for relatively small lattice sizes, its finite-size behavior already detects the universality class of quantum critical behavior.


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Within the context of exoplanetary atmospheres, we present a comprehensive linear analysis of forced, damped, magnetized shallow water systems, exploring the effects of dimensionality, geometry (Cartesian, pseudo-spherical, and spherical), rotation, magnetic tension, and hydrodynamic and magnetic sources of friction. Across a broad range of conditions, we find that the key governing equation for atmospheres and quantum harmonic oscillators are identical, even when forcing (stellar irradiation), sources of friction (molecular viscosity, Rayleigh drag, and magnetic drag), and magnetic tension are included. The global atmospheric structure is largely controlled by a single key parameter that involves the Rossby and Prandtl numbers. This near-universality breaks down when either molecular viscosity or magnetic drag acts non-uniformly across latitude or a poloidal magnetic field is present, suggesting that these effects will introduce qualitative changes to the familiar chevron-shaped feature witnessed in simulations of atmospheric circulation. We also find that hydrodynamic and magnetic sources of friction have dissimilar phase signatures and affect the flow in fundamentally different ways, implying that using Rayleigh drag to mimic magnetic drag is inaccurate. We exhaustively lay down the theoretical formalism (dispersion relations, governing equations, and time-dependent wave solutions) for a broad suite of models. In all situations, we derive the steady state of an atmosphere, which is relevant to interpreting infrared phase and eclipse maps of exoplanetary atmospheres. We elucidate a pinching effect that confines the atmospheric structure to be near the equator. Our suite of analytical models may be used to develop decisively physical intuition and as a reference point for three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of atmospheric circulation.


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We consider a universal set of quantum gates encoded within a perturbed decoherence-free subspace of four physical qubits. Using second-order perturbation theory and a measuring device modelled by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators, simply coupled to the system, we show that continuous observation of the coupling agent induces inhibition of the decoherence due to spurious perturbations. We thus advance the idea of protecting or even creating a decoherence-free subspace for processing quantum information.


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A procedure for designing the optimal bounded control of strongly non-linear oscillators under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations for minimizing their first-passage failure is proposed. First, a stochastic averaging method for strongly non-linear oscillators under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations using generalized harmonic functions is introduced. Then, the dynamical programming equations and their boundary and final time conditions for the control problems of maximizing reliability and of maximizing mean first-passage time are formulated from the averaged Ito equations by using the dynamical programming principle. The optimal control law is derived from the dynamical programming equations and control constraint. Finally, the conditional reliability function, the conditional probability density and mean of the first-passage time of the optimally controlled system are obtained from solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and Pontryagin equation. An example is given to illustrate the proposed procedure and the results obtained are verified by using those from digital simulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reproducing Fourier's law of heat conduction from a microscopic stochastic model is a long standing challenge in statistical physics. As was shown by Rieder, Lebowitz and Lieb many years ago, a chain of harmonically coupled oscillators connected to two heat baths at different temperatures does not reproduce the diffusive behaviour of Fourier's law, but instead a ballistic one with an infinite thermal conductivity. Since then, there has been a substantial effort from the scientific community in identifying the key mechanism necessary to reproduce such diffusivity, which usually revolved around anharmonicity and the effect of impurities. Recently, it was shown by Dhar, Venkateshan and Lebowitz that Fourier's law can be recovered by introducing an energy conserving noise, whose role is to simulate the elastic collisions between the atoms and other microscopic degrees of freedom, which one would expect to be present in a real solid. For a one-dimensional chain this is accomplished numerically by randomly flipping - under the framework of a Poisson process with a variable “rate of collisions" - the sign of the velocity of an oscillator. In this poster we present Langevin simulations of a one-dimensional chain of oscillators coupled to two heat baths at different temperatures. We consider both harmonic and anharmonic (quartic) interactions, which are studied with and without the energy conserving noise. With these results we are able to map in detail how the heat conductivity k is influenced by both anharmonicity and the energy conserving noise. We also present a detailed analysis of the behaviour of k as a function of the size of the system and the rate of collisions, which includes a finite-size scaling method that enables us to extract the relevant critical exponents. Finally, we show that for harmonic chains, k is independent of temperature, both with and without the noise. Conversely, for anharmonic chains we find that k increases roughly linearly with the temperature of a given reservoir, while keeping the temperature difference fixed.


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Starting from a microscopic theory, we derive a master equation for a harmonic oscillator coupled to a bath of noninteracting oscillators. We follow a nonperturbative approach, proposed earlier by us for the free Brownian particle. The diffusion constants are calculated analytically and the positivity of the master equation is shown to hold above a critical temperature. We compare the long time behavior of the average kinetic and potential energies with known thermodynamic results. In the limit of vanishing oscillator frequency of the system, we recover the results of the free Brownian particle.


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The first-passage time of Duffing oscillator under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations is studied. The equation of motion of the system is first reduced to a set of averaged Ito stochastic differential equations by using the stochastic averaging method. Then, a backward Kolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function and a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of first-passage time are established. Finally, the conditional reliability function, and the conditional probability density and moments of first-passage time are obtained by solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and generalized Pontryagin equations with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Numerical results for two resonant cases with several sets of parameter values are obtained and the analytical results are verified by using those from digital simulation.


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We address the problem of springlike coupling between bosons in an open-chain configuration where the counter-rotating terms are explicitly included. We show that fruitful insight can be gained by decomposing the time-evolution operator of this problem into a pattern of linear-optics elements. This allows us to provide a clear picture of the effects of the counter-rotating terms in the important problem of long-haul entanglement distribution. The analytic control over the variance matrix of the state of the bosonic register allows us to track the dynamics of the entanglement. This helps in designing a global addressing scheme, complemented by a proper initialization of the register, which quantitatively improves the entanglement between the extremal oscillators in the chain, thus providing a strategy for feasible long-distance entanglement distribution.


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We investigate entanglement between collective operators of two blocks of oscillators in an infinite linear harmonic chain. These operators are defined as averages over local operators (individual oscillators) in the blocks. On the one hand, this approach of "physical blocks" meets realistic experimental conditions, where measurement apparatuses do not interact with single oscillators but rather with a whole bunch of them, i.e., where in contrast to usually studied "mathematical blocks" not every possible measurement is allowed. On the other, this formalism naturally allows the generalization to blocks which may consist of several noncontiguous regions. We quantify entanglement between the collective operators by a measure based on the Peres-Horodecki criterion and show how it can be extracted and transferred to two qubits. Entanglement between two blocks is found even in the case where none of the oscillators from one block is entangled with an oscillator from the other, showing genuine bipartite entanglement between collective operators. Allowing the blocks to consist of a periodic sequence of subblocks, we verify that entanglement scales at most with the total boundary region. We also apply the approach of collective operators to scalar quantum field theory.


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The generation of entanglement between two oscillators that interact via a common reservoir is theoretically studied. The reservoir is modeled by a one-dimensional harmonic crystal initially in thermal equilibrium. Starting from a separable state, the oscillators can become entangled after a transient time, that is of the order of the thermalization time scale. This behaviour is observed at finite temperature even when the oscillators are at a distance significantly larger than the crystal's interparticle spacing. The underlying physical mechanisms can be explained by the dynamical properties of the collective variables of the two oscillators which may decouple from or be squeezed by the reservoir. Our predictions can be tested with an ion chain in a linear Paul trap. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011


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Numerical sound synthesis is often carried out using the finite difference time domain method. In order to analyse the stability of the derived models, energy methods can be used for both linear and nonlinear settings. For Hamiltonian systems the existence of a conserved numerical energy-like quantity can be used to guarantee the stability of the simulations. In this paper it is shown how to derive similar discrete conservation laws in cases where energy is dissipated due to friction or in the presence of an energy source due to an external force. A damped harmonic oscillator (for which an analytic solution is available) is used to present the proposed methodology. After showing how to arrive at a conserved quantity, the simulation of a nonlinear single reed shows an example of an application in the context of musical acoustics.


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The charged oscillator, defined by the Hamiltonian H = -d2/dr2+ r2 + lambda/r in the domain [0, infinity], is a particular case of the family of spiked oscillators, which does not behave as a supersingular Hamiltonian. This problem is analysed around the three regions lambda --> infinity, lambda --> 0 and lambda --> -infinity by using Rayleigh-Ritz large-order perturbative expansions. A path is found to connect the large lambda regions with the small lambda region by means of the renormalization of the series expansions in lambda. Finally, the Riccati-Pade method is used to construct an implicit expansion around lambda --> 0 which extends to very large values of Absolute value of lambda.


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We analyze the transport of heat along a chain of particles interacting through anharmonic potentials consisting of quartic terms in addition to harmonic quadratic terms and subject to heat reservoirs at its ends. Each particle is also subject to an impulsive shot noise with exponentially distributed waiting times whose effect is to change the sign of its velocity, thus conserving the energy of the chain. We show that the introduction of this energy conserving stochastic noise leads to Fourier's law. That is for large system size L the heat current J behaves as J ‘approximately’ 1/L, which amounts to say that the conductivity k is constant. The conductivity is related to the current by J = kΔT/L, where ΔT is the difference in the temperatures of the reservoirs. The behavior of heat conductivity k for small intensities¸ of the shot noise and large system sizes L are obtained by assuming a scaling behavior of the type k = ‘L POT a Psi’(L’lambda POT a/b’) where a and b are scaling exponents. For the pure harmonic case a = b = 1, characterizing a ballistic conduction of heat when the shot noise is absent. For the anharmonic case we found values for the exponents a and b smaller then 1 and thus consistent with a superdiffusive conduction of heat without the shot noise. We also show that the heat conductivity is not constant but is an increasing function of temperature.


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In this paper, a new linear method for optimizing compact low noise oscillators for RF/MW applications will be presented. The first part of this paper makes an overview of Leeson's model. It is pointed out, and it is demonstrates that the phase noise is always the same inside the oscillator loop. It is presented a general phase noise optimization method for reference plane oscillators. The new method uses Transpose Return Relations (RRT) as true loop gain functions for obtaining the optimum values of the elements of the oscillator, whatever scheme it has. With this method, oscillator topologies that have been designed and optimized using negative resistance, negative conductance or reflection coefficient methods, until now, can be studied like a loop gain method. Subsequently, the main disadvantage of Leeson's model is overcome, and now it is not only valid for loop gain methods, but it is valid for any oscillator topology. The last section of this paper lists the steps to be performed to use this method for proper phase noise optimization during the linear design process and before the final non-linear optimization. The power of the proposed RRT method is shown with its use for optimizing a common oscillator, which is later simulated using Harmonic Balance (HB) and manufactured. Then, the comparison of the linear, HB and measurements of the phase noise are compared.


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We report on generation of harmonic oscillations with frequencies of hundreds of MHz and radio-frequency linewidth of 13 Hz in unidirectional ring laser oscillator. This high stability makes these oscillators a suitable substitute for existing quartz resonators used in high frequency optoelectronics applications.