422 resultados para halogenated anesthetics


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This study compared the effectiveness of topical benzocaine 20% versus a combination of lidocaine, tetracaine, and phenylephrine in providing sufficient analgesia for the placement of orthodontic temporary anchorage devices (TADs). The 2 topical anesthetics were tested against each other bilaterally using a randomized, double-blind, crossover design. The agents were left in place for the amount of time prescribed by the manufacturer. The TAD was then placed, and each subject rated the degree of pain on a Heft-Parker visual analogue scale. A pulse oximeter was used to record the preoperative and postoperative pulse rates. Statistically significant differences in perceived pain (P < .05) and success rate (P < .01) between drugs were seen, but no significant difference in pulse rate change between the topical anesthetics was observed (P > .05). It was concluded that when the efficacy of topical benzocaine and of a combination product was compared as the sole anesthetic to facilitate acceptable pain control for placement of orthodontic temporary anchorage devices, the combination product was considerably more efficacious.


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GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain and are the target for many clinically important drugs. Among the many modulatory compounds are also the intravenous anesthetics propofol and etomidate, and barbiturates. The mechanism of receptor modulation by these compounds is of mayor relevance. The site of action of these compounds has been located to subunit interfaces in the intra-membrane region of the receptor. In α1β2γ2 GABAA receptors there are five such interfaces, two β+/α- and one each of α+/β-, α+/γ- and γ+/β- subunit interfaces. We have used reporter mutations located in the second trans-membrane region in different subunits to probe the effects of changes at these subunit interfaces on modulation by propofol, etomidate and pentobarbital. We provide evidence for the fact that each of these compounds either modulates through a different set of subunit interfaces or through the same set of subunit interfaces to a different degree. As a GABAA receptor pentamer harbors two β+/α- subunit interfaces, we used concatenated receptors to dissect the contribution of individual interfaces and show that only one of these interfaces is important for receptor modulation by etomidate.


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Parylenes are poly(p-xylylene) polymers that are widely used as moisture barriers and in biomedicine because of their good biocompatibility. We have investigated MeV ion beam lithography using 16O+ ions for writing defined patterns in Parylene-C, which is evaluated as a coating material for the Cochlear Implant (CI) electrode array, a neuroprosthesis to treat some forms of deafness. Parylene-C and -F on silicon and glass substrates as well as 50 μm thick PTFE were irradiated to different fluences (1×1013-1×10161×1013-1×1016 1 MeV 16O+ ions cm−2) through aperture masks under high vacuum and a low pressure (<10−3 mbar) oxygen atmosphere. Biocompatibility of the irradiated and unirradiated surfaces was tested by cell-counting to determine the proliferation of murine spiral ganglion cells. The results reveal that an oxygen ion beam can be used to pattern Parylene-C and -F without using a liquid solvent developer in a similar manner to PTFE but with a ∼25× smaller removal rate. Biocompatibility tests showed no difference in cell adhesion between irradiated and unirradiated areas or ion fluence dependence. Coating the Parylene surface with an adhesion-promoting protein mixture had a much greater effect on cell proliferation.


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The neural pathway that governs an escape response of Drosophila to sudden changes in light intensity can be artificially induced by electrical stimulation of the brain and monitored by electrical recording from the effector muscles. We have refined previous work in this system to permit reliable ascertainment of two kinds of response: (i) a short-latency response that follows from direct excitation of a giant fiber neuron in the interior of the fly brain and (ii) a long-latency response in which electrical stimulation triggers neurons in the optic ganglia that ultimately impinge on the giant fiber neuron. The general anesthetic halothane is reported here to have very different potencies in inhibiting these two responses. The long-latency response is obliterated at concentrations similar to those that cause gross behavioral effects in adult flies, whereas the short-latency response is only partially inhibited at doses that are 10-fold higher. Three other volatile anesthetic agents show a similar pattern. Thus, as in higher organisms, the Drosophila nervous system is differentiated into components of high and low sensitivity to general anesthetics. Moreover, this work shows that one of the sensitive components of the nervous system lies in the optic lobe and is readily assayed by its effect on downstream systems; it should provide a focus for exploring the effects of genetic alteration of anesthetic sensitivity.


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The authors thank the research project CTQ2008-05520 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER from the Valencian Community Government (Spain) for the support provided.


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Risk assessment for public health related to exposure to Halogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons present in ludic waters


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Thyroid hormones are essential for normal growth and development and disruption of thyroid homeostasis can be critical to young developing individuals. The aim of the present study was to assess plasma concentrations of halogenated organic contaminants (HOCs) in chicks of two seabird species and to investigate possible correlations of HOCs with circulating thyroid hormone (TH) concentrations. Plasma from black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) and northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) chicks were sampled in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard in 2006. The samples were analyzed for thyroid hormones and a wide range of HOCs (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hydroxylated (OH-) and methylsulphoned (MeSO-) PCB metabolites, organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), brominated flame retardants (BFRs), and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs)). Concentrations of HOCs were generally low in kittiwake and fulmar chicks compared to previous reports. HOC concentrations were five times higher in fulmar chicks compared to in kittiwake chicks. PFCs dominated the summed HOCs concentrations in both species (77% in kittiwakes and 69% in fulmars). Positive associations between total thyroxin (TT4) and PFCs (PFHpS, PFOS, PFNA) were found in both species. Although correlations do not implicate causal relationships per se, the correlations are of concern as disruption of TH homeostasis may cause developmental effects in young birds.


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The potential energy surfaces for the reactions of atomic oxygen in its ground electronic state, O(P-3), with the olefins: CF2=CCl2 and CF2=CF - CF3, have been characterized using ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Geometry optimization and vibrational frequency calculations were performed for reactants, transition states and products at the MP2 and QCISD levels of theory using the 6-31G(d) basis set. This database was then used to calculate the rate constants by means of Transition-State-Theory. To obtain a better reference and to test the reliability of the activation barriers we have also carried out computations using the CCSD(T)(fc)/6-311Gdagger, MP4(SDQ)(fc)/CBSB4 and MP2(fc)/CBSB3 single point energy calculations at both of the above levels of theory, as well as with the composite CBS-RAD procedure ( P. M. Mayer, C. J. Parkinson, D. M. Smith and L. Radom, J. Chem. Phys., 1998, 108, 604) and a modi. cation of this approach, called: CBS-RAD( MP2, MP2). It was found that the kinetic parameters obtained in this work particularly with the CBS-RAD ( MP2, MP2) procedure are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values. For both reactions it is found that the channels leading to the olefin double-bond addition predominates with respect to any other reaction pathway. However, on account of the different substituents in the alkenes we have located, at all levels of theory, two transition states for each reaction. Moreover, we have found that, for the reactions studied, a correlation exists between the activation energies and the electronic structure of the transition states which can explain the influence of the substituent effect on the reactivity of the halo-olefins.