949 resultados para group identity


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The objective of the study was to explore the dimensions of group identity in the guilds of World of Warcraft. Previous research shows that social interaction has an important role in playing games for many players. Social identities are an important aspect of self-concept and since group related cues are more salient than personal clues in computer-mediated communication, the social gaming experience was approached through group identity. In the study a new scale will be developed to measure the group identity in games. Secondary goal is to study how different guild attributes affect the group identity and third goal is to explore the connection between group identity and gaming experience and amount of play. Subjects were 1203 guild members and 106 players not in a guild. The data was gathered by an Internet survey which measured group identity with nine scales, gaming experience with three scales and guild attributes with four scales. Also various background data was gathered. The construct of group identity was analyzed with explorative factor analysis. The typical experiences of group identity was analyzed with cluster analysis and effects of guild attributes with multivariate analysis of covariance. As a result of the study a new scale was developed which measured group identity on six dimensions: self-stereotyping, public and private evaluation, importance, interconnection of self and others and awareness of content. Group identity was experienced strongest in elder middle-sized guilds that had formal rules and that emphasized social interaction. The players with strong group identity had more positive gaming experience and played World of Warcraft more per week than the players who were not in a guild or identified to guild weakly. This result encourages game developers to produce environments that enhance group identity as it seems to increase the enjoyment in games. As a whole this study proposes that group identity in guilds is constructed from the same elements as in traditional groups. If this is truly the case, guild membership may have similar positive effects on individual’s mental well-being as traditional positively evaluated group memberships have.


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Biopower, Otherness and Women's Agency in Assisted Reproduction. This sociological study analyses how, why and with what kind of consequences assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have become the primary technology for governing infertility in Finland both on the level of individuals and society. The phenomenon is construed as one the strategies of the Focaultian biopower since ART are political techniques of the beginning of life par excellence, as they are used to prepare the bodies of certain types of women to create certain kind of life, i.e. certain kind of children. Moreover, ART are interpreted to be gendered control techniques with which the pure, and at the same time prevailing, social order symbolised by a female body is maintained by naming and excluding otherness, unsuitable mother candidates and children. Finally, it is considered how the agency, subjectivity, of women experiencing infertility and seeking treatment appears in the prevailing context of ART. The introduction of IVF-based reproductive technologies to Finland and the treatment practices of the early 1990s have been studied on the basis of a clinic questionnaire, medical doctor interviews and articles of the Medical Journal Duodecim from 1969 to 2000. Opinions on the method of the treatment providers were studied by conducting a theme interview with fertilisation doctors in 1993. Experiences of women who have received treatment or experienced infertility were studied by means of a survey in 1994 and by analysing the content of messages in an online discussion forum in 2000. On the basis of the medical doctor interviews, significant criterion for choosing mother candidates turned out to be her vitality and her mental and physical health, which are considered prerequisites for a vitality of the child to be born. The hierarchies concerning children became evident. While people normally make their children on their own, this is what people experiencing infertility are trying to do as well. In the era of ART, the primary child is genetically the parents' own child, a secondary option for Finnish parents is a genetically Finnish child conceived by donated Finnish gametes or embryos and the last option is an adopted child of foreign origin. Women's agency mainly appears in their way of using ART as a technology of the self for self-control on one's own nature, which helps them to prepare their bodies in order to become pregnant in co-operation with a fertilisation doctor. Women's creative free agency exceeding governance appeared as a distinctive use of language with which they created shared meaning for their infertility experience, their own individual and group identity and distinctive reality. ART are very political techniques as they have a possibility to change the methods of having children and to shape life. Therefore, further sociological research on them is important and needed. Key words: practises of assisted reproduction, women's agency, biopower, vital politics of the beginning of life, otherness


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The Eastern Mafia Threat policy, crime phenomena, and cultural meanings An interdisciplinary research on the crime phenomena and the threat policy relating to the organized crime and the mafia of Russia and Estonia is based on 151 expert interviews, statistics, documents, research literature, and press material. The main part of the material consists of interviews of the Finnish, Estonian and Russian police authorities specialized in the problem of organized crime, and the reports on the crime situation drawn up in the Finnish diplomatic representations in Tallinn and St Petersburg. The interviews have been gathered in the years 1996-2001. The main theoretical tools of the research are constructivist research on social problems, and political psychology. Definitional processes of social problems and cultural semantic structures behind them are identified in the analysis and connected to the analysis of the crime cases. Both in the Anglo-American and Russian cultural frames there appears an inflated and exaggerated talk, according to which the mafia rules everything in Russia and is spreading everywhere. There is the traditional anti-Semitic paranoia in the core of this cultural symbiosis produced by Russian legal nihilism, the theory of totalitarianism of Sovietology, and the inertia of Russian anti-capitalism. To equate the Sicilian Mafia with Russia is an anachronism, since no empirical proof of systematic uncontrolled violence or absolute power vacuum in Russia can be found. In the Anglo-American policy of threat images, "the Russian mafia" was seen as a commodified conspiracy theory, which the police, the media, and the research took advantage of, blurring the line between fact and fiction. In Finland, the evolution of the policy of threat images proceeded in three phases: Initially, extensive rolling of refugees and criminals from Russia to Finland was emphasized in the beginning of the 1990's. In the second phase, the eastern mafia was said to infiltrate all over Finnish society and administration. Finland was, however, found immune to this kind of spreading. In the third phase, in the 21st century, the organized crime of Finland was said to be lead from abroad. In Finland, the policy of threat images was especially canalised to moral panics connected to "eastern prostitution". In Estonia, the policy of threat images emphasized the crime organized by the Russian authorities and politicians in order to weaken Estonia. In Russia, the policy of threat images emphasized the total criminalizing of society caused by criminal capitalism. In every country, the policy of threat images was affected by a so-called large-group identity, a term by Vamik Volkan, in which a so-called chosen trauma caused a political paranoia of an outer and inner danger. In Finland, procuring, car theft, and narcotics crimes were at their widest arranged by the Finnish often with the help of the Estonians. The Russians had no influence in the most serious violent crimes in Finland, although the number of assassinations were at least 5, 000 in Russia in the 1990's. In Russia, the assassinations were on one hand connected to marital problems, on the other hand to the pursuit of public attention and a hoped-for effect by the aid of the murder of an influential person. In the white-collar crime phenomena between Finland and Russia, the Finnish state and Finnish corporations gained remarkable benefit of the frauds aimed at the states of the Soviet Union and Russia in 1980's-21st century. The situation of Estonia was very difficult compared to that of Russia in the 1990's, which was manifested in the stagnation of the Estonian police and judicial authorities, the crimes of the police and the voluntary paramilitary organization, bomb explosions, the rebellion called "the jaeger crisis" in the voluntary paramilitary organization, and the "blood autumn" of Eastern Virumaa, in other words terror. The situation of Estonia had a powerful effect on the crime situation of Finland and on the security of the Finnish diplomats. In the continuum of the Finnish policy of threat images, Russia and the Russians were, however, presented as a source of a marked danger.


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An imagined nobleman Nobility as an enemy image and in-group identity in nineteenth-century Finland The focal point of this study is the difficult relationship between two seemingly very different 19th-century elite groups, the upwardly mobile bourgeois intelligentsia and the slowly declining traditional nobility. In the thinking of the bourgeois contender the two emerged as exact opposites, styled as conflicting ideal types: an outdated, exclusive, degenerate hereditary aristocracy versus a dynamic and progressive new force in society, recruited solely on the basis of personal merit, originating from the common people and representing the nation. The appearance of an important 19th-century novelty, print publicity, coincided with the emergence of the bourgeois intelligentsia. The institutions of the developing publishing industry were manned by the aspiring new group. The strengthening flow of progressive, democratic, nationalist ideas distributed via the printing presses carried an undercurrent of self-promotion. It transmitted to the developing readership the self-image of the new cultural bourgeoisie as the defender and benevolent educator of the nation. Having won the contest over the media, the intelligentsia was free to present its predecessor and rival as an enemy of the people. In its politics the nobility emerged as an ideal scapegoat, represented as the source for existing social evils, all if which would promptly go away after its disappearance. It also served as a black backcloth, against which the democratic, national, progressive bourgeois intelligentsia would shine more brightly. In order to shed light on the 19th-century process of (re)modelling the image of nobility as a public enemy I have used four different types of source materials. These include three genres of print publicity, ranging from popular historical and contemporary fiction to nonfictional presentations of national history and the news and political commentaries of the daily papers, complemented by another, originally oral type of publicity, the discussion protocols of the Finnish four-estate parliament. To counterpoint these I also analysed the public self-image of the nobility, particularly vis-à-vis the nationalist and democratic ethos of the modernising politics.


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A dissertação trata de recente fenômeno juvenil urbano marcado pela identificação com um estilo musical chamado emo; os jovens que fazem parte dessa cultura juvenil se consideram mais emotivos que as outras pessoas em geral. Os emos caracterizam se também pela negação, tanto de uma identidade de grupo quanto da associação estigmatizada com um estilo específico de se vestir, se comportar e se expressar. As questões teóricas presentes nesse trabalho discutem como emos se utilizam das categorias nativas, emoções e expressões de sentimentos para representar a música, os indivíduos e o próprio grupo. A abordagem analítica central é sobre esta articulação entre música e emoção como um recurso identitário. A Internet é uma importante referência para os sujeitos pesquisados, e como ferramenta de investigação está acompanhada de considerações metodológicas sobre a etnografia virtual.


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A fibromialgia é uma síndrome reumática que atinge cerca de 2% da população brasileira, sendo 90% dos pacientes do gênero feminino. Os principais sintomas são dor crônica generalizada, depressão, desânimo e fadiga acentuada, provocando dificuldades sociais e afetivas cotidianas. Objetivo: O objetivo principal deste estudo foi apreender e interpretar sentidos e significados que mulheres com fibromialgia atribuem às práticas terapêuticas corporais realizadas no Projeto de Extensão: Tratamento Multidisciplinar para Pacientes Portadores de Fibromialgia realizado na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Todas as mulheres foram diagnosticadas em ambulatórios públicos e privados e depois se inscreveram voluntariamente no tratamento gratuito disponibilizado. Nossa principal hipótese de estudo procura relacionar o adoecimento dessas mulheres com o regime social de trabalho, que aumenta o sofrimento e, por conseguinte, provoca somatização do mal-estar gerado. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo socioantropológico com campo etnográfico, no qual foram observadas as práticas corporais semanais nos anos 2009-2010. Também foram realizadas fotografias e entrevistas em profundidade com todas as mulheres que participavam regularmente das práticas corporais. De igual modo, realizamos entrevistas por computador e por telefone com mulheres diagnosticadas por fibromialgia em diversas cidades brasileiras. Resultados: Foi possível compreender que estar em um local onde podem se relacionar com outras pessoas com os mesmos sinais e sintomas e que compartilhar situações de sofrimento semelhantes contribui para construção de uma identidade de grupo baseada no cuidado e no acolhimento. Assim, elas constroem coletivamente valores de cuidado com o corpo e com a saúde. Conclusões: A participação assídua no tratamento oferecido aumenta a qualidade de vida e a vitalidade de mulheres com fibromialgia, contribuindo para a promoção da saúde não apenas na sua dimensão físico-orgânica, mas em sua totalidade sócio-afetiva.


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O objeto deste estudo é a análise do comportamento da palavra nos discursos de posse dos Presidentes do Supremo Tribunal Federal, tendo como foco o enunciador e o lugar que ocupa no mundo em que constrói seu discurso, quando toma a palavra que lhe é de direito. Verificamos as relações de poder estabelecidas pela palavra e a ação que ela é capaz de realizar: a construção de imagens, a percepção do outro no momento do costuramento discursivo e os ajustamentos necessários entre o eu e o outro para o desenvolvimento da argumentação. Considerando que o poder imanente da palavra política é premissa fundamental para identificar o ethos dos enunciadores discursivos, demos, pois, enfoque ao modo como se dá a sua constituição nesses discursos, tendo em vista a representação histórica, social, linguística e discursiva dos sujeitos enunciadores, cuja identidade individual ou coletiva, bem como a do auditório a que se destina inscreve o binômio língua/sociedade como premissa fundamental para a realização do estudo da estrutura linguística utilizada em sua redação. Analisar os discursos de posse dos presidentes do Supremo Tribunal Federal, nos últimos 47 anos da República no Brasil, permite que apontemos uma das imagens do Poder Judiciário, forjada pelos membros do próprio Poder e o espelhamento inegável entre presidência e presidentes; que observemos as características que os inserem em determinados domínios discursivos e o contrato que confirma a interdependência e relevância de enunciador e auditório para a constituição do ethos de credibilidade nesses discursos, que tratamos como subgênero textual do gênero discurso de posse; que identifiquemos os ajustamentos e interação entre a tríade enunciador, discurso e auditório responsável pelo desenvolvimento da argumentação e da construção de uma das faces do ethos do Poder Judiciário


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a formação de chorões na Escola Portátil de Música (EPM) do Rio de Janeiro. Nesse projeto de formação musical, que reúne alunos interessados pelo choro, é possível perceber como os músicos passam a compartilhar determinados gostos e preferências e como eles se submetem a determinadas regras quanto à forma de tocar. Há regras na formação do pandeirista do choro que o distinguem dos pandeiristas de samba, por exemplo. Na Escola Portátil há a formulação de regras, o fortalecimento do grupo que lá se forma e seu distanciamento de outros grupos que não têm a mesma formação. O uso do pandeiro de couro é uma das regras que contribui para o fortalecimento do grupo. Essas regras, que são passadas por um grupo de professores, direta ou indiretamente, a seus alunos, são apreendidas e incorporadas ao cotidiano da Escola, fortalecendo a identidade do grupo. O resultado é a formação de músicos, pouco receptivos a formulações distintas daquelas geradas na Escola. Por outro ladonovas configurações do choro surgem a partir da disseminação da música que é traduzida na Escola tanto na esfera nacional como internacional. Em suma, este trabalho surge a partir da tentativa de avaliar o universo de regras que surge na Escola Portátil de Música do Rio de Janeiro, levando em conta a afirmação da identidade a partir da diferença.


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The present paper studies the explicit, implicit and the neural mechanism of group bias on rural residents, off-farm workers and urban citizens in Off-farm workers. The relations between group-bias and these factors such as collective self-esteem, self-esteem, group identity and depression were also discussed. The main results of this paper can be summarized as follows: 1. There were dissociations between explicit and implicit group-bias of the Off-farm workers on all three groups. Off-farm workers favored urban citizens implicitly most, and the bias on rural residents was least;. However, the rural residents was the group they liked most, but the urban citizens was the least. 2. The more the implicit and the less the explicit in-group bias they had, the more they felt depressive. 3. Collecitve self-esteem was only related to the explicit in-group bias. 4. The undergraduates showed bias on urban citizens and prejudice to rural residents as Off-farm workers, but their attitude towards Off-farm worker was more positive than Off-farm worker themselves was. 5.The implicit group-bias occurs rapidly and automatically which includes two potential processes as activation and inhibition and it isn’t necessary for them coexist in the same object. Besides, N400 and LPC are sensitive to the two processes respectively.


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Background: Research has shown that counselling skills training in undergraduate programmes is effective. However, there is potential that premature intimacy and disclosures during triad work may impact on relationships which must be maintained out-with the counselling component of the course. Little research has examined individual pedagogical practices within training. Aim: The aim of this research was to explore the experience of the practical skills training component of a counselling course for a cohort of undergraduate students, and the impact of this learning experience. The objective being an evaluation of the use of this approach for this group and of the impact of personal sharing within cohorts of undergraduates. Method: Semi-structured interviews focusing on the experience of skills training and self-disclosure during training were carried out on 12 undergraduates taking counselling skills modules as part of their BSc Psychology and Counselling degree. Thematic analysis was carried out on the interview transcripts. Results: As a result of engagement in skills training and acting as ‘clients’ for one another, individuals perceived the formation of a positive group identity with implicit ‘rules’, but also an impact of training on relationships within the group which relied on the ability to maintain boundaries and personal identities with peers, and this influenced the learning experience. The ability to manage their engagement on the programme was dependent on ongoing support and guidance from tutors. Discussion: While this pedagogical approach appears appropriate for facilitating learning and potentially provides a rich learning journey for undergraduate students, tutors must act proactively to ensure a safe learning environment.


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This thesis explores the impact of Christianity on the landscape in Ireland from the conversion period to the coming of the Anglo-Normans. The premise is that ecclesiastical and secular settlement formed a cohesive whole which characterised the societal organisation of early medieval Ireland. The matter of the thesis is to isolate some of the agents of cohesion to see was this homogenous or did it vary in different areas. One of these agents was the ownership of land and the thesis undertakes to identify ecclesiastical landholding and examine the manner of settlement on it. A corollary is to explore the contribution of the genealogical link between kin-group, founding saint and territory to the construction of local identities. This necessitated a narrow focus; thus small study areas were chosen, which approximated to early medieval kingdoms in North Louth, Rathdown, Co Dublin and Ross, Co Cork. A multidisciplinary approach was taken using both archaeological and documentary evidence. The thesis found ecclesiastical sites were at the same density through the study areas, but there were considerable regional variations in related secular settlement. Ecclesiastical estates were identified in the three study areas and common settlement patterns were found in two of them. Settlement in all areas indicated the foundation of minor churches by local groups. Ecclesiastical sites were found to be integral to kin-group identity and status, but the manner in which each group negotiated this, was very different. Finally the thesis examined material evidence for a change from diffused to concentrated power in the political organisation of Irish society, a process entwined with developments of the Viking Age. This centralisation of power and associated re-formation of identity was still often mediated through the ecclesiastical sphere but the thesis demonstrates diversity in the materialising of the mediation.


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Trust and cooperation constitute cornerstones of common-pool resource theory, showing that "prosocial" strategies among resource users can overcome collective action problems and lead to sustainable resource governance. Yet, antisocial behavior and especially the coexistence of prosocial and antisocial behaviors have received less attention. We broaden the analysis to include the effects of both "prosocial" and "antisocial" interactions. We do so in the context of marine protected areas (MPAs), the most prominent form of biodiversity conservation intervention worldwide. Our multimethod approach relied on lab-in-the-field economic experiments (n = 127) in two MPA and two non-MPA communities in Baja California, Mexico. In addition, we deployed a standardized fishers' survey (n = 544) to verify the external validity of our findings and expert informant interviews (n = 77) to develop potential explanatory mechanisms. In MPA sites, prosocial and antisocial behavior is significantly higher, and the presence of antisocial behavior does not seem to have a negative effect on prosocial behavior. We suggest that market integration, economic diversification, and strengthened group identity in MPAs are the main potential mechanisms for the simultaneity of prosocial and antisocial behavior we observed. This study constitutes a first step in better understanding the interaction between prosociality and antisociality as related to natural resources governance and conservation science, integrating literatures from social psychology, evolutionary anthropology, behavioral economics, and ecology.


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Agricultural intensification can affect biodiversity and related ecosystem services such as biological control, but large-scale experimental evidence is missing. We examined aphid pest populations in cereal fields under experimentally reduced densities of (1) ground-dwelling predators (-G), (2) vegetation-dwelling predators and parasitoids (-V), (3) a combination of (1) and (2) (-G-V),compared with open-fields (control), in contrasting landscapes with low vs. high levels of agricultural intensification (AI), and in five European regions. Aphid populations were 28%, 97%, and 199% higher in -G, -V, and -G -V treatments, respectively, compared to the open fields, indicating synergistic effects of both natural-enemy groups. Enhanced parasitoid : host and predator : prey ratios were related to reduced aphid population density and population growth. The relative importance of parasitoids and vegetation-dwelling predators greatly differed among European regions, and agricultural intensification affected biological control and aphid density only in some regions. This shows a changing role of species group identity in diverse enemy communities and a need to consider region-specific landscape management.


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Infection control policies recommend segregation of people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) according to bacterial status. This involves isolating those people with cepacia from all other CF patients in order to prevent additional infection. These policies are reliant on the understanding and adherence of those colonised with cepacia. Service user reports suggest that emotions like anxiety and anger are aroused when those with cepacia are faced with cross infection measures (UK CF Trust, 2009). No studies to date investigate this anecdotal emotional reaction. This research was conducted to ask what it is like to live with cepacia, using in depth interviews. A phenomenological approach was used. Three themes that appeared to characterise the experience of living with cepacia were identified: (1) Lost Identity: cepacia can challenge one’s self identity, and along with cross infection measures lead to feeling objectified and even alienated from the CF group identity. (2) Status: Condemned: being colonised with cepacia brings with it knowledge of a certain type of restricted future, and an imagined death. There is loss of normality and hope. (3) I Am Cepacia: making decisions about preventing cross infection is influenced by medical knowledge as well as human emotions and social information; therefore adherence to these measures is fluid and contextual. These themes have real world clinical implications for all CF services, where preventing the spread of cepacia is paramount. Responsibility for cross infection is a burden and requires knowledge and understanding from both those living with and without cepacia. We need to see beyond the bacteria to the person.