114 resultados para glycosyl enaminoester


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L’auto-incompatibilité (AI) est une barrière reproductive prézygotique qui permet aux pistils d’une fleur de rejeter leur propre pollen. Les systèmes d’AI peuvent prévenir l’autofertilisation et ainsi limiter l’inbreeding. Dans l’AI gamétophytique, le génotype du pollen détermine son propre phénotype d’incompatibilité, et dans ce système, les déterminants mâles et femelles de l’AI sont codés par un locus multigénique et multi-allélique désigné le locus S. Chez les Solanaceae, le déterminant femelle de l’AI est une glycoprotéine stylaire extracellulaire fortement polymorphique possédant une activité ribonucléase et désignée S-RNase. Les S-RNases montrent un patron caractéristique de deux régions hypervariables (HVa et HVb), responsables de leur détermination allélique, et cinq régions hautement conservées (C1 à C5) impliquées dans l’activité catalytique ou la stabilisation structurelle de ces protéines. Dans ce travail, nous avons investigué plusieurs caractéristiques des S-RNases et identifié un nouveau ligand potentiel aux S-RNases chez Solanum chacoense. L’objectif de notre première étude était l’élucidation du rôle de la région C4 des S-RNases. Afin de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle la région C4 serait impliquée dans le repliement ou la stabilité des S-RNases, nous avons généré un mutant dans lequel les quatre résidus chargés présents en région C4 furent remplacés par des résidus glycine. Cette protéine mutante ne s’accumulant pas à des niveaux détectables, la région C4 semble bien avoir un rôle structurel. Afin de vérifier si C4 est impliquée dans une liaison avec une autre protéine, nous avons généré le mutant R115G, dans lequel un acide aminé chargé fût éliminé afin de réduire les affinités de liaison dans cette région. Ce mutant n’affectant pas le phénotype de rejet pollinique, il est peu probable que la région C4 soit impliquée dans la liaison des S-RNases avec un ligand ou leur pénétration à l’intérieur des tubes polliniques. Enfin, le mutant K113R, dans lequel le seul résidu lysine conservé parmi toutes les S-RNases fût remplacé par un résidu arginine, fût généré afin de vérifier si cette lysine était un site potentiel d’ubiquitination des S-RNases. Toutefois, la dégradation des S-RNases ne fût pas inhibée. Ces résultats indiquent que C4 joue probablement un rôle structurel de stabilisation des S-RNases. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons analysé le rôle de la glycosylation des S-RNases, dont un site, en région C2, est conservé parmi toutes les S-RNases. Afin d’évaluer la possibilité que les sucres conjugués constituent une cible potentielle d’ubiquitination, nous avons généré une S11-RNase dont l‘unique site de glycosylation en C2 fût éliminé. Ce mutant se comporte de manière semblable à une S11-RNase de type sauvage, démontrant que l’absence de glycosylation ne confère pas un phénotype de rejet constitutif du pollen. Afin de déterminer si l’introduction d’un sucre dans la région HVa de la S11-RNase pourrait affecter le rejet pollinique, nous avons généré un second mutant comportant un site additionnel de glycosylation dans la région HVa et une troisième construction qui comporte elle aussi ce nouveau site mais dont le site en région C2 fût éliminé. Le mutant comportant deux sites de glycosylation se comporte de manière semblable à une S11-RNase de type sauvage mais, de manière surprenante, le mutant uniquement glycosylé en région HVa peut aussi rejeter le pollen d’haplotype S13. Nous proposons que la forme non glycosylée de ce mutant constitue un allèle à double spécificité, semblable à un autre allèle à double spécificité préalablement décrit. Il est intéressant de noter que puisque ce phénotype n’est pas observé dans le mutant comportant deux sites de glycosylation, cela suggère que les S-RNases ne sont pas déglycosylées à l’intérieur du pollen. Dans la dernière étude, nous avons réalisé plusieurs expériences d’interactions protéine-protéine afin d’identifier de potentiels interactants polliniques avec les S-RNases. Nous avons démontré que eEF1A, un composant de la machinerie de traduction chez les eucaryotes, peut lier une S11-RNase immobilisée sur résine concanavaline A. Des analyses de type pull-down utilisant la protéine eEF1A de S. chacoense étiquetée avec GST confirment cette interaction. Nous avons aussi montré que la liaison, préalablement constatée, entre eEF1A et l’actine est stimulée en présence de la S11-RNase, bien que cette dernière ne puisse directement lier l’actine. Enfin, nous avons constaté que dans les tubes polliniques incompatibles, l’actine adopte une structure agrégée qui co-localise avec les S-RNases. Ces résultats suggèrent que la liaison entre eEF1A et les S-RNases pourrait constituer un potentiel lien fonctionnel entre les S-RNases et l’altération du cytosquelette d’actine observée lors des réactions d’AI. Par ailleurs, si cette liaison est en mesure de titrer les S-RNases disponibles à l’intérieur du tube pollinique, ce mécanisme pourrait expliquer pourquoi des quantités minimales ou « seuils » de S-RNases sont nécessaires au déclenchement des réactions d’AI.


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Le remodelage cardiaque est le processus par lequel la structure ou la fonction cardiaque change en réponse à un déséquilibre pathophysiologique tel qu'une maladie cardiaque, un contexte d'arythmie prolongée ou une modification de l'équilibre hormonal. Le système rénine-angiotensine (SRA) est un système hormonal largement étudié et il est impliqué dans de nombreuses activités associées au remodelage cardiovasculaire. L’existence d'un système circulatoire couplé à un système de tissus locaux est une représentation classique, cependant de nouvelles données suggèrent un SRA indépendant et fonctionnellement actif à l'échelle cellulaire. La compréhension de l'activité intracellulaire du SRA pourrait mener à de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques qui pourraient prévenir un remodelage cardiovasculaire défavorable. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'élucider le rôle du SRA intracellulaire dans les cellules cardiaques. Récemment, les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPG), les protéines G et leurs effecteurs ont été détectés sur des membranes intracellulaires, y compris sur la membrane nucléaire, et les concepts de RCPG intracellulaires fonctionnels sont en voie d'être acceptés comme une réalité. Nous avons dès lors fait l'hypothèse que la signalisation du SRA délimitant le noyau était impliquée dans le contrôle de l'expression des gènes cardiaques. Nous avons démontré la présence de récepteurs d'angiotensine de type-1 (AT1R) et de type-2 (AT2R) nucléaires dans les cardiomyocytes ventriculaires adultes et dans une fraction nucléaire purifiée de tissu cardiaque. Des quantités d'Ang II ont été détectées dans du lysat de cardiomyocytes et des microinjections d'Ang-II-FITC ont donné lieu à des liaisons préférentielles aux sites nucléaires. L'analyse transcriptionnelle prouve que la synthèse d'ARN de novo dans des noyaux isolés stimulés à l'Ang-II, et l'expression des ARNm de NF-κB étaient beaucoup plus importants lorsque les noyaux étaient exposés à de l'Ang II par rapport aux cardiomyocytes intacts. La stimulation des AT1R nucléaires a engendré une mobilisation de Ca2+ via les récepteurs de l'inositol trisphosphate (IP3R), et le blocage des IP3R a diminué la réponse transcriptionnelle. Les méthodes disponibles actuellement pour l'étude de la signalisation intracrine sont limitées aux méthodes indirectes. L'un des objectifs de cette thèse était de synthétiser et caractériser des analogues d'Ang-II cellule-perméants afin d’étudier spécifiquement dans les cellules intactes l'activité intracellulaire du SRA. Nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé pharmacologiquement des analogues photosensibles Ang-II encapsulée en incorporant un groupement 4,5-diméthoxy-2-nitrobenzyl (DMNB) photoclivable sur les sites actifs identifiés du peptide. Chacun des trois analogues d'Ang II encapsulée synthétisés et purifiés: [Tyr(DMNB)4]Ang-II, Ang-II-ODMNB et [Tyr(DMNB)4]Ang-II-ODMNB a montré une réduction par un facteur deux ou trois de l'affinité de liaison envers AT1R et AT2R dans les dosages par liaison compétitive et une activité réduite dans la contraction de l'aorte thoracique. La photostimulation de [Tyr(DMNB)4]Ang-II dans des cellules HEK a augmenté la phosphorylation d'ERK1/2 (via AT1R) et la production de cGMP (via AT2R) alors que dans les cardiomyocytes isolés elle générait une augmentation de Ca2+ nucléoplasmique et initiait la synthèse d'ARNr 18S et d'ARNm du NF-κB. Les fibroblastes sont les principaux générateurs de remodelage cardiaque structurel, et les fibroblastes auriculaires sont plus réactifs aux stimuli profibrotiques que les fibroblastes ventriculaires. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que l’Ang-II intracellulaire et l'activation des AT1R et AT2R nucléaires associés contrôlaient les profils d'expression des gènes des fibroblastes via des systèmes de signalisation distincts et de ce fait jouaient un rôle majeur dans le développement de la fibrose cardiaque. Nous avons remarqué que les fibroblastes auriculaires expriment l’AT1R et l’AT2R nucléaire et l'Ang-II au niveau intracellulaire. L’expression d'AT1R nucléaire a été régulés positivement dans les cas d’insuffisance cardiaque (IC), tandis que l'AT2R nucléaire a été glycosylé post-traductionnellement. La machinerie protéique des protéines G, y compris Gαq/11, Gαi/3, et Gβ, a été observée dans des noyaux isolés de fibroblastes. AT1R et AT2R régulent l'initiation de la transcription du fibroblaste via les voies de transduction de signal d'IP3R et du NO. La photostimulation de [Tyr(DMNB)4]Ang-II dans une culture de fibroblastes auriculaire déclenche la libération de Ca2+ nucléoplasmique, la prolifération, et la synthèse et sécrétion de collagène qui ne sont pas inhibées par les bloqueurs d'AT1R et/ou AT2R extracellulaires.


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Lignocellulosic biomass is probably the best alternative resource for biofuel production and it is composed mainly of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. Cellulose is the most abundant among the three and conversion of cellulose to glucose is catalyzed by the enzyme cellulase. Cellulases are groups of enzymes act synergistically upon cellulose to produce glucose and comprise of endoglucanase, cellobiohydrolase and β-glucosidase. β -glucosidase assumes great importance due to the fact that it is the rate limiting enzyme. Endoglucanases (EG) produces nicks in the cellulose polymer exposing reducing and non reducing ends, cellobiohydrolases (CBH) acts upon the reducing or non reducing ends to liberate cellobiose units, and β - glucosidases (BGL) cleaves the cellobiose to liberate glucose completing the hydrolysis. . β -glucosidases undergo feedback inhibition by their own product- β glucose, and cellobiose which is their substrate. Few filamentous fungi produce glucose tolerant β - glucosidases which can overcome this inhibition by tolerating the product concentration to a particular threshold. The present study had targeted a filamentous fungus producing glucose tolerant β - glucosidase which was identified by morphological as well as molecular method. The fungus showed 99% similarity to Aspergillus unguis strain which comes under the Aspergillus nidulans group where most of the glucose tolerant β -glucosidase belongs. The culture was designated the strain number NII 08123 and was deposited in the NII culture collection at CSIR-NIIST. β -glucosidase multiplicity is a common occurrence in fungal world and in A.unguis this was demonstrated using zymogram analysis. A total 5 extracellular isoforms were detected in fungus and the expression levels of these five isoforms varied based on the carbon source available in the medium. Three of these 5 isoforms were expressed in higher levels as identified by the increased fluorescence (due to larger amounts of MUG breakdown by enzyme action) and was speculated to contribute significantly to the total _- β glucosidase activity. These isoforms were named as BGL 1, BGL3 and BGL 5. Among the three, BGL5 was demonstrated to be the glucose tolerant β -glucosidase and this was a low molecular weight protein. Major fraction was a high molecular weight protein but with lesser tolerance to glucose. BGL 3 was between the two in both activity and glucose tolerance.121 Glucose tolerant .β -glucosidase was purified and characterized and kinetic analysis showed that the glucose inhibition constant (Ki) of the protein is 800mM and Km and Vmax of the enzyme was found to be 4.854 mM and 2.946 mol min-1mg protein-1respectively. The optimumtemperature was 60°C and pH 6.0. The molecular weight of the purified protein was ~10kDa in both SDS as well as Native PAGE indicating that the glucose tolerant BGL is a monomeric protein.The major β -glucosidase, BGL1 had a pH and temperature optima of 5.0 and 60 °C respectively. The apparent molecular weight of the Native protein is 240kDa. The Vmax and Km was 78.8 mol min-1mg protein-1 and 0.326mM respectively. Degenerate primers were designed for glycosyl hydrolase families 1, 3 and 5 and the BGL genes were amplified from genomic DNA of Aspergillus unguis. The sequence analyses performed on the amplicons results confirmed the presence of all the three genes. Amplicon with a size of ~500bp was sequenced and which matched to a GH1 –BGL from Aspergillus oryzae. GH3 degenerate primers producing amplicons were sequenced and the sequences matched to β - glucosidase of GH3 family from Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus acculateus. GH5 degenerate primers also gave amplification and sequencing results indicated the presence of GH5 family BGL gene in the Aspergillus unguis genomic DNA.From the partial gene sequencing results, specific as well as degenerate primers were designed for TAIL PCR. Sequencing results of the 1.0 Kb amplicon matched Aspergillus nidulans β -glucosidase gene which belongs to the GH1 family. The sequence mainly covered the N-Terminal region of the matching peptide. All the three BGL proteins ie. BGL1, BGL3 and BGL5 were purified by chromatography an electro elution from Native PAGE gels and were subjected to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric analysis. The results showed that BGL1 peptide mass matched to . β -glucosidase-I of Aspergillus flavus which is a 92kDa protein with 69% protein coverage. The glucose tolerant β -glucosidase BGL5 mass matched to the catalytic C-terminal domain of β -glucosidase-F from Emericella nidulans, but the protein coverage was very low compared to the size of the Emericella nidulans protein. While comparing the size of BGL5 from Aspergillus unguis, the protein sequence coverage is more than 80%. BGL F is a glycosyl hydrolase family 3 protein.The properties of BGL5 seem to be very unique, in that it is a GH3 β -glucosidase with a very low molecular weight of ~10kDa and at the same time having catalytic activity and glucose 122 tolerance which is as yet un-described in GH β -glucosidases. The occurrence of a fully functional 10kDA protein with glucose tolerant BGL activity has tremendous implications both from the points of understanding the structure function relationships as well as for applications of BGL enzymes. BGL-3 showed similarity to BGL1 of Aspergillus aculateus which was another GH3 β -glucosidase. It may be noted that though PCR could detect GH1, GH3 and GH5 β-glucosidases in the fungus, the major isoforms BGL1 BGL3 and BGL5 were all GH3 family enzymes. This would imply that β-glucosidases belonging to other families may also co-exist in the fungus and the other minor isoforms detected in zymograms may account for them. In biomass hydrolysis, GT-BGL containing BGL enzyme was supplemented to cellulase and the performances of blends were compared with a cocktail where commercial β- glucosidase was supplemented to the biomass hydrolyzing enzyme preparation. The cocktail supplemented with A unguis BGL preparation yielded 555mg/g sugar in 12h compared to the commercial enzyme preparation which gave only 333mg/g in the same period and the maximum sugar yield of 858 mg/g was attained in 36h by the cocktail containing A. unguis BGL. While the commercial enzyme achieved almost similar sugar yield in 24h, there was rapid drop in sugar concentration after that, indicating probably the conversion of glucose back to di-or oligosaccharides by the transglycosylation activity of the BGl in that preparation. Compared this, the A.unguis enzyme containing preparation supported peak yields for longer duration (upto 48h) which is important for biomass conversion to other products since the hydrolysate has to undergo certain unit operations before it goes into the next stage ie – fermentation in any bioprocesses for production of either fuels or chemicals.. Most importantly the Aspergillus unguis BGL preparation yields approximately 1.6 fold increase in the sugar release compared to the commercial BGL within 12h of time interval and 2.25 fold increase in the sugar release compared to the control ie. Cellulase without BGL supplementation. The current study therefore leads to the identification of a potent new isolate producing glucose tolerant β - glucosidase. The organism identified as Aspergillus unguis comes under the Aspergillus nidulans group where most of the GT-BGL producers belong and the detailed studies showed that the glucose tolerant β -glucosidase was a very low molecular weight protein which probably belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase family 3. Inhibition kinetic studies helped to understand the Ki and it is the second highest among the nidulans group of Aspergilli. This has promoted us for a detailed study regarding the mechanism of glucose tolerance. The proteomic 123 analyses clearly indicate the presence of GH3 catalytic domain in the protein. Since the size of the protein is very low and still its active and showed glucose tolerance it is speculated that this could be an entirely new protein or the modification of the existing β -glucosidase with only the catalytic domain present in it. Hydrolysis experiments also qualify this BGL, a suitable candidate for the enzyme cocktail development for biomass hydrolysis


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Crude cell-free extracts from Lactobacillus reuteri grown on cellobiose, maltose, lactose and raffinose were assayed for glycosidic activities. When raffinose was used as the carbon source, alpha-galactosidase was produced, showing the highest yield at the beginning of the stationary growth phase. A 64 kDa enzyme was purified by ultra- and gel filtration, and characterized for its hydrolytic and synthetic activity. Highest hydrolytic activity was found at pH 5.0 at 50 degreesC (K-M 0.55 mM, V-max 0.80 mumol min(-1) mg(-1) of protein). The crude cell-free extract was further used in glycosyl transfer reactions to synthesize oligosaccharides from melibiose and raffinose. At a substrate concentration of 23% (w/v) oligosaccharide mixtures were formed with main products being a trisaccharide at 26% (w/w) yield from melibiose after 8 h and a tetrasaccharide at 18% (w/w) yield from raffinose after 7 h. Methylation analysis revealed the trisaccharide to be 6' alpha-galactosyl melibiose and the tetrasaccharide to be stachyose. In both cases synthesis ceased when hydrolysis of the substrate reached 50%.


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A genomic library of Bifidobacterium bifidum (NCIMB 41171) DNA was constructed in Escherichia coli RA11r (melA(-)B(+)) and one alpha-galactosidase encoding gene was isolated. Conceptual translation combined with insertional mutagenesis analysis indicated an open reading frame (ORF) of 759 amino acid (aa) residues encoding an alpha-galactosidase (named as MelA) of 82.8 kDa. Partial purification and characterisation showed that the enzyme had an apparent native molecular mass of a parts per thousand 243 kDa and a subunit size of a parts per thousand 85 kDa. The enzyme belongs to glycosyl hydrolases 36 family with high aa sequence similarities (a parts per thousand 73%) to other known alpha-galactosidases of bifidobacterial origin. Under optimum pH conditions for activity (pH 6.0) and high melibiose concentration (40% w/v), the enzyme was able to form oligosaccharides with degree of polymerisation (DP) a parts per thousand yen3 at higher concentration than DP = 2, with a total yield of 20.5% (w/w).


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Because of its elevated cellulolytic activity, the filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum has a considerable potential in biomass hydrolysis applications. Trichoderma harzianum cellobiohydrolase I (ThCBHI), an exoglucanase, is an important enzyme in the process of cellulose degradation. Here, we report an easy single-step ion-exchange chromatographic method for purification of ThCBHI and its initial biophysical and biochemical characterization. The ThCBHI produced by induction with microcrystalline cellulose under submerged fermentation was purified on DEAE-Sephadex A-50 media and its identity was confirmed by mass spectrometry. The ThCBHI biochemical characterization showed that the protein has a molecular mass of 66 kDa and pi of 5.23. As confirmed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), both full-length ThCBHI and its catalytic core domain (CCD) obtained by digestion with papain are monomeric in solution. Secondary structure analysis of ThCBHI by circular dichroism revealed alpha-helices and beta-strands contents in the 28% and 38% range, respectively. The intrinsic fluorescence emission maximum of 337 nm was accounted for as different degrees of exposure of ThCBHI tryptophan residues to water. Moreover, ThCBHI displayed maximum activity at pH 5.0 and temperature of 50 degrees C with specific activities against Avicel and p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-cellobioside of 1.25 U/mg and 1.53 U/mg, respectively.


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Glycosyl hydrolases are enzymes capable of breaking the glycosidic linkage of polysaccharides and have considerable industrial and biotechnological applications. Driven by the later applications, it is frequently desirable that glycosyl hydrolases display stability and activity under extreme environment conditions, such as high temperatures and extreme pHs. Here, we present X-ray structure of the hyperthermophilic laminarinase from Rhodothermus marinus (RmLamR) determined at 1.95 angstrom resolution and molecular dynamics simulation studies aimed to comprehend the molecular basis, for the thermal stability of this class of enzymes. As most thermostable proteins, RmLamR contains a relatively large number of salt bridges, which are not randomly distributed on the structure. On the contrary, they form clusters interconnecting beta-sheets of the catalytic domain. Not all salt bridges, however, are beneficial for the protein thermostability: the existence of charge-charge interactions permeating the hydrophobic core of the enzymes actually contributes to destabilize the structure by facilitating water penetration into hydrophobic cavities, as can be seen in the case of mesophilic enzymes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mobility of the side-chains is perturbed differently in each class of enzymes. The side-chains of loop residues surrounding the catalytic cleft in the mesophilic laminarinase gain mobility and obstruct the active site at high temperature. By contrast, thermophilic laminarinases preserve their active site flexibility, and the active-site cleft remains accessible for recognition of polysaccharide substrates even at high temperatures. The present results provide structural insights into the role played by salt-bridges and active site flexibility on protein thermal stability and may be relevant for other classes of proteins, particularly glycosyl hydrolases.


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The relative contributions to the specificity and catalysis of aglycone, of residues E190, E194, K201 and M453 that form the aglycone-binding site of a beta-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (EC, were investigated through site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme kinetic experiments. The results showed that E190 favors the binding of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones (up to the sixth methylene group) and also the first glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones, whereas a balance between interactions with E194 and K201 determines the preference for glucose units versus alkyl moieties. E194 favors the binding of alkyl moieties, whereas K201 is more relevant for the binding of glucose units, in spite of its favorable interaction with alkyl moieties. The three residues E190, E194 and K201 reduce the affinity for phenyl moieties. In addition, M453 favors the binding of the second glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones and also of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones. None of the residues investigated interacted with the terminal portion of alkyl-type aglycones. It was also demonstrated that E190, E194, K201 and M453 similarly contribute to stabilize ES double dagger. Their interactions with aglycone are individually weaker than those formed by residues interacting with glycone, but their joint catalytic effects are similar. Finally, these interactions with aglycone do not influence glycone binding.


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Spodoptera frugiperda beta-1,3-glucanase (SLam) was purified from larval midgut. It has a molecular mass of 37.5 kDa, an alkaline optimum pH of 9.0, is active against beta-1,3-glucan (laminarin), but cannot hydrolyze yeast beta-1,3-1,6-glucan or other polysaccharides. The enzyme is an endoglucanase with low processivity (0.4), and is not inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. In contrast to other digestive beta-1,3-glucanases from insects, SLam is unable to lyse Saccharomyces cerevisae cells. The cDNA encoding SLam was cloned and sequenced, showing that the protein belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 16 as other insect glucanases and glucan-binding proteins. Multiple sequence alignment of beta-1,3-glucanases and beta-glucan-binding protein supports the assumption that the beta-1,3-glucanase gene duplicated in the ancestor of mollusks and arthropods. One copy originated the derived beta-1,3-glucanases by the loss of an extended N-terminal region and the beta-glucan-binding proteins by the loss of the catalytic residues. SLam homology modeling suggests that E228 may affect the ionization of the catalytic residues, thus displacing the enzyme pH optimum. SLam antiserum reacts with a single protein in the insect midgut. Immunocytolocalization shows that the enzyme is present in secretory vesicles and glycocalyx from columnar cells. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cells from rat bone marrow exhibit the proliferation-differentiation sequence of osteoblasts, form mineralized extracellular matrix in vitro and release alkaline phosphatase into the medium. Membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase was obtained by method that is easy to reproduce, simpler and fast when compared with the method used to obtain the enzyme from rat osseous plate. The membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase from cultures of rat bone marrow cells has a MWr of about 120 kDa and specific PNPP activity of 1200 U/tng. The ecto-enzyme is anchored to the plasma membrane by the GPI anchor and can be released by PIPLC (selective treatment) or polidocanol (0.2 mg/mL protein and 1% (w/v) detergent). The apparent optimum pH for PNPP hydrolysis by the enzyme was pH 10. This fraction hydrolyzes ATP (240 U/mg), ADP (350 U/ mg), glucose 1-phosphate (1100 U/mg), glucose 6-phosphate (340 Wing), fructose 6-phosphate (460 U/mg), pyrophosphate (330 U/mg) and (3glycerophosphate (600 U/mg). Cooperative effects were observed for the hydrolysis of PPi and beta-glycerophosphate. PNPPase activity was inhibited by 0.1 mM vanadate (46%), 0.1 mM ZnCl2 (68%), 1 mM levamisole (66%), 1 mM arsenate (44%), 10 mM phosphate (21%) and 1 mM theophylline (72%). We report the biochemical characterization of membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase obtained from rat bone marrow cells cultures, using a method that is simple, rapid and easy to reproduce. Its properties are compared with those of rat osseous plate enzyme and revealed that the alkaline phosphatase obtained has some kinetics and structural behaviors with higher levels of enzymatic activity, facilitating the comprehension of the mineralization process and its function. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alkaline phosphatase is required for the mineralization of bone and cartilage. This enzyme is localized in the matrix vesicle, which plays a role key in calcifying cartilage. In this paper. we standardize a method for construction an alkaline phosphatase liposome system to mimic matrix vesicles and examine a some kinetic behavior of the incorporated enzyme. Polidocanol-solubilized alkaline phosphatase, free of detergent, was incorporated into liposomes constituted from dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), dilaurilphosphatidylcholine (DLPC) or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). This process was time-dependent and >95% of the enzyme was incorporated into the liposome after 4 h of incubation at 25 degreesC. Although, incorporation was more rapid when vesicles constituted from DPPC were used, the incorporation was more efficient using vesicles constituted from DMPC. The 395 nm diameter of the alkaline phosphatase-liposome system was relatively homogeneous and more stable when stored at 4 degreesC.Alkaline phosphatase was completely released from liposome system only using purified phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC). These experiments confirm that the interaction between alkaline phosphatase and lipid bilayer of liposome is via GPI anchor of the enzyme, alone. An important point shown is that an enzyme bound to liposome does not lose the ability to hydrolyze ATP, pyrophosphate and p-nitrophenyl phosphate (PNPP), but a liposome environment affects its kinetic properties, specifically for pyrophosphate.The standardization of such system allows the study of the effect of phospholipids and the enzyme in in vitro and in vivo mineralization, since it reproduces many essential features of the matrix vesicle. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Endochondral calcification involves the participation of matrix vesicles (MVs), but it remains unclear whether calcification ectopically induced by implants of demineralized bone matrix also proceeds via MVs. Ectopic bone formation was induced by implanting rat demineralized diaphyseal bone matrix into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue of Wistar rats and was examined histologically and biochemically. Budding of MVs from chondrocytes was observed to serve as nucleation sites for mineralization during induced ectopic osteogenesis, presenting a diameter with Gaussian distribution with a median of 306 ± 103 nm. While the role of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) during mineralization involves hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi), it is unclear how the microenvironment of MV may affect the ability of TNAP to hydrolyze the variety of substrates present at sites of mineralization. We show that the implants contain high levels of TNAP capable of hydrolyzing p-nitrophenylphosphate (pNPP), ATP and PPi. The catalytic properties of glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored, polidocanol-solubilized and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C-released TNAP were compared using pNPP, ATP and PPi as substrates. While the enzymatic efficiency (k cat/Km) remained comparable between polidocanol-solubilized and membrane-bound TNAP for all three substrates, the k cat/Km for the phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C-solubilized enzyme increased approximately 108-, 56-, and 556-fold for pNPP, ATP and PPi, respectively, compared to the membrane-bound enzyme. Our data are consistent with the involvement of MVs during ectopic calcification and also suggest that the location of TNAP on the membrane of MVs may play a role in determining substrate selectivity in this micro-compartment.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Parkia platycephala lectin 2 was purified from Parkia platycephala (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) seeds by affinity chromatography and RP-HPLC. Equilibrium sedimentation and MS showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is a nonglycosylated monomeric protein of molecular mass 29 407 +/- 15 Da, which contains six cysteine residues engaged in the formation of three intramolecular disulfide bonds. Parkia platycephala lectin 2 agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes, and this activity was specifically inhibited by N-acetylglucosamine. In addition, Parkia platycephala lectin 2 hydrolyzed beta(1-4) glycosidic bonds linking 2-acetoamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose units in chitin. The full-lengthamino acid sequence of Parkia platycephala lectin 2, determined by N-terminal sequencing and cDNA cloning, and its three-dimensional structure, established by X-ray crystallography at 1.75 angstrom resolution, showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is homologous to endochitinases of the glycosyl hydrolase family 18, which share the (beta alpha)(8) barrel topology harboring the catalytic residues Asp125, Glu127, and Tyr182.