931 resultados para glucose tolerance test


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Lycopene can exert antioxidant effects against peripheral and cellular oxidative stress and may be associated with reduced diabetic risk. Conversely, exercise-induced free radicals are thought to underpin many of the desirable whole-body adaptations following training and the use of antioxidants within the exercise model remains debatable. PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of lycopene supplementation on oxidative stress and glucose homeostasis following acute aerobic exercise. METHOD: Twenty-eight (n=28) apparently healthy male volunteers were recruited (age 24 ± 4 years; weight 78 ± 10 kg; height 178 ± 8 cm; 2max 40 ± 7 ml·kg-1 ·min-1 ) in a randomised, single blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants were required to attend the Laboratory on two occasions: prior to and following 6 weeks of supplementation of either 10mg lycopene (LG; n=15) or placebo (PG; n=13) followed by a bout of acute exercise for one hour at 65% 2max. Exogenous glucose oxidation was then measured on an isotope ratio mass spectrometer in a sub-group of participants (n=14) following exercise, by administration of a standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; 75g glucose). Venous blood samples were drawn for measurement of oxidative stress parameters, plasma glucose and insulin. RESULTS: Plasma lycopene increased in LG only (0.01 ± 0.004 vs.0.02 ± 0.007 µmol/L; P <0.05) following supplementation and remained elevated post exercise compared to PG (0.01 ± 0.004 vs. 0.02 ± 0.009 µmol/L; P <0.05). There were no changes in other markers of oxidative stress (SOD, LOOHs, F2 ISP and Alkoxyl radical) either between or within the trials, (P >0.05, respectively). A main effect for an increase in insulin was observed two hours post OGTT in the sub-groups (Pooled data, P <0.05) but trends in the HOMA scores were evident with a 57% increase for LG (2.20 ± 1.84 vs. 5.14 ± 2.5; P >0.05) and an 11% decrease for PG (2.17 ± 1.06 vs. 1.94 ± 1.53; P >0.05). No change in plasma glucose was detected at any point, or after the OGTT (P >0.05). CONCLUSION: In healthy males, lycopene supplementation had no effect on post exercise levels of ROS or markers of lipid peroxidation, despite an increase in plasma lycopene. However, lycopene supplementation may affect post exercise insulin sensitivity in response to glucose consumption, but further parallel research is required.


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) are incretins secreted in response to oral glucose ingestion by intestinal L and K cells, respectively. The molecular mechanisms responsible for intestinal cell glucose sensing are unknown but could be related to those described for beta-cells, brain and hepatoportal sensors. We determined the role of GLUT2, GLP-1 or GIP receptors in glucose-induced incretins secretion, in the corresponding knockout mice. GLP-1 secretion was reduced in all mutant mice, while GIP secretion did not require GLUT2. Intestinal GLP-1 content was reduced only in GIP and GLUT2 receptors knockout mice suggesting that this impairment could contribute to the phenotype. Intestinal GIP content was similar in all mice studied. Furthermore, the impaired incretins secretion was associated with a reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and an impaired glucose tolerance in all mice. In conclusion, both incretins secretion depends on mechanisms involving their own receptors and GLP-1 further requires GLUT2.


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Parmi l’ensemble des désordres métaboliques retrouvés en insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC), la résistance à l’insuline demeure l’un des plus importantes à considérer en raison des risques de morbidité et de mortalité qu’elle engendre via les complications cardiovasculaires. Peu d’études ont considéré la modulation de transporteurs de glucose comme mécanisme sous-jacent à l’apparition et à la progression de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. Nous avons exploré cette hypothèse en étudiant l’expression de transporteurs de glucose issus d’organes impliqués dans son homéostasie (muscles, tissus adipeux, foie et reins) via l’utilisation d’un modèle animal d’IRC (néphrectomie 5/6e). La sensibilité à l’insuline a été déterminée par un test de tolérance au glucose (GTT), où les résultats reflètent une intolérance au glucose et une hyperinsulinémie, et par les études de transport au niveau musculaire qui témoignent d’une diminution du métabolisme du glucose en IRC (~31%; p<0,05). La diminution significative du GLUT4 dans les tissus périphériques (~40%; p<0,001) peut être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. De plus, l’augmentation de l’expression protéique de la majorité des transporteurs de glucose (SGLT1, SGLT2, GLUT1; p<0,05) au niveau rénal en IRC engendre une plus grande réabsorption de glucose dont l’hyperglycémie subséquente favorise une diminution du GLUT4 exacerbant ainsi la résistance à l’insuline. L’élévation des niveaux protéiques de GLUT1 et GLUT2 au niveau hépatique témoigne d’un défaut homéostatique du glucose en IRC. Les résultats jusqu’ici démontrent que la modulation de l’expression des transporteurs de glucose peut être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. L’impact de la parathyroïdectomie (PTX) sur l’expression du GLUT4 a été étudié étant donné que la PTX pourrait corriger l’intolérance au glucose en IRC. Nos résultats démontrent une amélioration de l’intolérance au glucose pouvant être attribuable à la moins grande réduction de l’expression protéique du GLUT4 dans les tissus périphériques et ce malgré la présence d’IRC. L’excès de PTH, secondaire à l’hyperparathyroïdie, pourrait alors être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC en affectant l’expression du GLUT4. L’IRC partage de nombreuses similitudes avec le prédiabète quant aux défaillances du métabolisme du glucose tout comme l’hyperinsulinémie et l’intolérance au glucose. Aucune étude n’a tenté d’évaluer si l’IRC pouvait ultimement mener au diabète. Nos résultats ont par ailleurs démontré que l’induction d’une IRC sur un modèle animal prédisposé (rats Zucker) engendrait une accentuation de leur intolérance au glucose tel que constaté par les plus hautes glycémies atteintes lors du GTT. De plus, certains d’entre eux avaient des glycémies à jeun dont les valeurs surpassent les 25 mmol/L. Il est alors possible que l’IRC puisse mener au diabète via l’évolution de la résistance à l’insuline par l’aggravation de l’intolérance au glucose.


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The addition of oligofructose as a dietary fiber decreases the serum concentration and the hepatic release of VLDL-triglycerides in rats. Because glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and gut peptides [i.e., glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)]) are factors involved in the metabolic response to nutrients, this paper analyzes their putative role in the hypolipidemic effect of oligofructose. Male Wistar rats were fed a nonpurified diet with or without 10% oligofructose for 30 d. Glucose, insulin, IGF-I and GIP concentrations were measured in the serum of rats after eating. GIP and GLP-1 contents were also assayed in small intestine and cecal extracts, respectively. A glucose tolerance test was performed in food-deprived rats. Serum insulin level was significantly lower in oligofructose-fed rats both after eating and in the glucose tolerance test, whereas glycemia was lower only in the postprandial state. IGF-I serum level did not differ between groups. GIP concentration was significantly higher in the serum of oligofructose-fed rats. The GLP-1 cecal pool was also significantly higher. In this study, we have shown that cecal proliferation induced by oligofructose leads to an increase in GLP-1 concentration. This latter incretin could be involved in the maintenance of glycemia despite a lower insulinemia in the glucose tolerance test in oligofructose-fed rats. We discuss also the role of hormonal changes in the antilipogenic effect of oligofructose.


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Increased central adiposity and abnormalities in glucose tolerance preceding type 2 diabetes can have demonstrable negative effects on cognitive function, even in ostensibly healthy, middle-aged females. The potential for GL manipulations to modulate glycaemic response and cognitive function in type 2 diabetes and obesity merits further investigation..


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Isolated source monitoring recollection deficits indicate that abnormalities in glucose metabolism are not detrimental for global episodic memory processes. This enhances our understanding of how metabolic disorders are associated with memory impairments.


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There is an increasing body of research investigating whether abnormal glucose tolerance is associated with cognitive impairments, the evidence from which is equivocal. A systematic search of the literature identified twenty-three studies which assessed either clinically defined impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or variance in glucose tolerance within the clinically defined normal range (NGT). The findings suggest that poor glucose tolerance is associated with cognitive impairments, with decrements in verbal memory being most prevalent. However, the evidence for decrements in other domains was weak. The NGT studies report a stronger glucose tolerance-cognition association than the IGT studies, which is likely to be due to the greater number of glucose tolerance parameters and the more sensitive cognitive tests in the NGT studies compared to the IGT studies. It is also speculated that the negative cognitive impact of abnormalities in glucose tolerance increases with age, and that glucose consumption is most beneficial to individuals with poor glucose tolerance compared to individuals with normal glucose tolerance. The role of potential mechanisms are discussed.


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Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity in people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Methods: A randomised controlled trial in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1995–98. Participants included 67 adults (38 men; 29 women) aged 24–75 years with IGT. The intervention consisted of regular diet and physical activity counselling based on the stages of change model. Main outcome measures were changes between baseline and 6 months in nutrient intake; physical activity; anthropometric and physiological measurements including serum lipids; glucose tolerance; insulin sensitivity. Results: The difference in change in total fat consumption was significant between intervention and control groups (difference −21.8 (95% confidence interval (CI) −37.8 to −5.8) g/day, P=0.008). A significantly larger proportion of intervention participants reported taking up vigorous activity than controls (difference 30.1, (95% CI 4.3–52.7)%, P=0.021). The change in body mass index was significantly different between groups (difference −0.95 (95% CI −1.5 to −0.4) kg/m2, P=0.001). There was no significant difference in change in mean 2-h plasma glucose between groups (difference −0.19 (95% CI −1.1 to 0.71) mmol/l, NS) or in serum cholesterol (difference 0.02 (95% CI −0.26 to 0.31) mmol/l, NS). The difference in change in fasting serum insulin between groups was significant (difference −3.4 (95% CI −5.8 to −1.1) mU/l, P=0.005). Conclusions: After 6 months of intensive lifestyle intervention in participants with IGT, there were changes in diet and physical activity, some cardiovascular risk factors and insulin sensitivity, but not glucose tolerance. Further follow-up is in progress to investigate whether these changes are sustained or augmented over 2 years.


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OBJECTIVE--The goal of this study was to assess the associations of physical activity time and television (TV) time with risk of "undiagnosed" abnormal glucose metabolism in Australian adults.

This population-based cross-sectional study using a stratified cluster design involving 42 randomly selected Census Collector Districts across Australia included 8,299 adults aged 25 years or older who were free from new type 2 diabetes and self-reported ischemic disease and did not take lipid lowering or antihypertensive drugs. Abnormal glucose metabolism (impaired fasting glycetnia [IFG], impaired glucose tolerance [IGT], or new type 2 diabetes) was based on an oral glucose tolerance test Self reported physical activity time and TV time (previous week) were assessed using interviewer administered questionnaires.

RESULTS--Alter adjustment for known confounders and TV time, the odds ratio (OR) of having abnormal glucose metabolism was 0.62 (95% CI 0.41-0.96) in men and 0.71 (0.501.00) in women for those engaged in physical activity [greater than or equal to] 2.5 h/week compared with those who were sedentary (0 h/week). The ORs of having abnormal glucose metabolism were 1.16 (0.791.70) in men and 1.49 (1.12-1.99) in women who watched TV > 14 h/week compared with those who watched [less than or equal to] 7.0 h/week. Higher TV viewing (> 14 h/week) was also associated with an increased risk of new type 2 diabetes in men and women and IGT in women compared with those watching < 14 h/week. Total physical activity of [greater than or equal to] 2.5 h/week was associated with a reduced risk of IFG, IGT, and new type 2 diabetes in both sexes: however, only the association with IGT in women was statistically significant.

CONCLUSIONS--These findings suggest a protective effect of physical activity and a deleterious effect of TV time on the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism in adults. Population strategies to reduce risk of abnormal glucose metabolism should focus on reducing sedentary behaviors such as TV time, as well as increasing physical activity.


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OBJECTIVE—We examined the associations of television viewing time with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2-h postchallenge plasma glucose (2-h PG) levels in Australian adults.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A total of 8,357 adults aged >35 years who were free from diagnosed diabetes and who attended a population-based cross-sectional study (Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study [AusDiab]) were evaluated. Measures of FPG and 2-h PG were obtained from an oral glucose tolerance test. Self-reported television viewing time (in the previous week) was assessed using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) of insulin sensitivity (HOMA-%S) and ß-cell function (HOMA-%B) were calculated based on fasting glucose and insulin concentrations.

RESULTS—After adjustment for confounders and physical activity time, time spent watching television in women was positively associated with 2-h PG, log fasting insulin, and log HOMA-%B and inversely associated with log HOMA-%S (P < 0.05) but not with FPG. No significant associations were observed with glycemic measures in men. The ß-coefficients across categories of average hours spent watching television per day (<1.0, 1.0–1.9, 2.0–2.9, 3.0–3.9, and ≥4.0) for 2-h PG in women were 0 (reference), 0.009, 0.047, 0.473, and 0.501, respectively (P for trend = 0.02).

CONCLUSIONS—Our findings highlight the unique deleterious relationship of sedentary behavior (indicated by television viewing time) and glycemic measures independent of physical activity time and adiposity status. These relationships differed according to sex and type of glucose measurement, with the 2-h PG measure being more strongly associated with television viewing. The findings suggest an important role for reducing sedentary behavior in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, especially in women.