994 resultados para genome duplication


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation plays an important role in cell growth, development and oncogenesis. No classical protein tyrosine kinase has hitherto been cloned from plants. Does protein tyrosine kinase exist in plants? To address this, we have performed a genomic survey of protein tyrosine kinase motifs in plants using the delineated tyrosine phosphorylation motifs from the animal system. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes 57 different protein kinases that have tyrosine kinase motifs. Animal non-receptor tyrosine kinases, SRC, ABL, LYN, FES, SEK, KIN and RAS have structural relationship with putative plant tyrosine kinases. In an extended analysis, animal receptor and non-receptor kinases, Raf and Ras kinases, mixed lineage kinases and plant serine/threonine/tyrosine (STY) protein kinases, form a well-supported group sharing a common origin within the superfamily of STY kinases. We report that plants lack bona fide tyrosine kinases, which raise an intriguing possibility that tyrosine phosphorylation is carried out by dual-specificity STY protein kinases in plants. The distribution pattern of STY protein kinase families on Arabidopsis chromosomes indicates that this gene family is partly a consequence of duplication and reshuffling of the Arabidopsis genome and of the generation of tandem repeats. Genome-wide analysis is supported by the functional expression and characterization of At2g24360 and phosphoproteomics of Arabidopsis. Evidence for tyrosine phosphorylated proteins is provided by alkaline hydrolysis, anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblotting, phosphoamino acid analysis and peptide mass fingerprinting. These results report the first comprehensive survey of genome-wide and tyrosine phosphoproteome analysis of plant STY protein kinases.


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Background: Phosphorylation by protein kinases is central to cellular signal transduction. Abnormal functioning of kinases has been implicated in developmental disorders and malignancies. Their activity is regulated by second messengers and by the binding of associated domains, which are also influential in translocating the catalytic component to their substrate sites, in mediating interaction with other proteins and carrying out their biological roles. Results: Using sensitive profile-search methods and manual analysis, the human genome has been surveyed for protein kinases. A set of 448 sequences, which show significant similarity to protein kinases and contain the critical residues essential for kinase function, have been selected for an analysis of domain combinations after classifying the kinase domains into subfamilies. The unusual domain combinations in particular kinases suggest their involvement in ubiquitination pathways and alternative modes of regulation for mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MAPKKs) and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)-like kinases. Previously unexplored kinases have been implicated in osteoblast differentiation and embryonic development on the basis of homology with kinases of known functions from other organisms. Kinases potentially unique to vertebrates are involved in highly evolved processes such as apoptosis, protein translation and tyrosine kinase signaling. In addition to coevolution with the kinase domain, duplication and recruitment of non-catalytic domains is apparent in signaling domains such as the PH, DAG-PE, SH2 and SH3 domains. Conclusions: Expansion of the functional repertoire and possible existence of alternative modes of regulation of certain kinases is suggested by their uncommon domain combinations. Experimental verification of the predicted implications of these kinases could enhance our understanding of their biological roles.


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The mitochondrial DNA of the rice frog, Fejervarya limnocharis (Amphibia, Anura), was obtained using long-and-accurate polymerase chain reaction (LA-PCR) combining with subcloning method. The complete nucleotide sequence (17,717 bp) of mitochondrial genome was determined subsequently. This mitochondrial genome is characterized by four distinctive features: the translocation of ND5 gene, a cluster of rearranged tRNA genes (tRNA(Thr), tRNA(Pro), tRNA(Leu) ((CUN))) a tandem duplication of tRNA(Mer) gene, and eight large 89-bp tandem repeats in the control region, as well as three short noncoding regions containing two repeated motifs existing in the gene cluster of ND5/tRNA(Thr)/tRNA(Pro)/tRNA(Leu)/tRNA(Phe). The tandem duplication of gene regions followed by deletions of supernumerary genes can be invoked to explain the shuffling of tRNAM(Met) and a cluster of tRNA and ND5 genes, as observed in this study. Both ND5 gene translocation and tandem duplication of tRNA(Met) were first observed in the vertebrate mitochondrial genomes. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases play key roles in the metabolism of a wide variety of substrates and they are closely associated with endocellular physiological processes or detoxification metabolism under environmental exposure. To date, however, none has been systematically characterized in the phylum Ciliophora. T. thermophila possess many advantages as a eukaryotic model organism and it exhibits rapid and sensitive responses to xenobiotics, making it an ideal model system to study the evolutionary and functional diversity of the P450 monooxygenase gene family. Results: A total of 44 putative functional cytochrome P450 genes were identified and could be classified into 13 families and 21 sub-families according to standard nomenclature. The characteristics of both the conserved intron-exon organization and scaffold localization of tandem repeats within each P450 family clade suggested that the enlargement of T. thermophila P450 families probably resulted from recent separate small duplication events. Gene expression patterns of all T. thermophila P450s during three important cell physiological stages (vegetative growth, starvation and conjugation) were analyzed based on EST and microarray data, and three main categories of expression patterns were postulated. Evolutionary analysis including codon usage preference, sit-especific selection and gene-expression evolution patterns were investigated and the results indicated remarkable divergences among the T. thermophila P450 genes. Conclusion: The characterization, expression and evolutionary analysis of T. thermophila P450 monooxygenase genes in the current study provides useful information for understanding the characteristics and diversities of the P450 genes in the Ciliophora, and provides the baseline for functional analyses of individual P450 isoforms in this model ciliate species.


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Duplications and rearrangements of coding genes are major themes in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes, bearing important consequences in the function of mitochondria and the fitness of organisms. Yu et al. (BMC Genomics 2008, 9: 477) reported the complete mt genome sequence of the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis (16,475 bp) and found that a DNA segment containing four tRNA genes (trnK(1), trnC, trnQ(1) and trnN), a duplicated (rrnS) and a split rRNA gene (rrnL5') was absent compared with that of two other Crassostrea species. It was suggested that the absence was a novel case of "tandem duplication-random loss" with evolutionary significance. We independently sequenced the complete mt genome of three C. hongkongensis individuals, all of which were 18,622 bp and contained the segment that was missing in Yu et al.'s sequence. Further, we designed primers, verified sequences and demonstrated that the sequence loss in Yu et al.'s study was an artifact caused by placing primers in a duplicated region. The duplication and split of ribosomal RNA genes are unique for Crassostrea oysters and not lost in C. hongkongensis. Our study highlights the need for caution when amplifying and sequencing through duplicated regions of the genome.


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Alzheimer's disease is a complex and progressive neurodegenerative disease leading to loss of memory, cognitive impairment, and ultimately death. To date, six large-scale genome-wide association studies have been conducted to identify SNPs that influence disease predisposition. These studies have confirmed the well-known APOE epsilon4 risk allele, identified a novel variant that influences disease risk within the APOE epsilon4 population, found a SNP that modifies the age of disease onset, as well as reported the first sex-linked susceptibility variant. Here we report a genome-wide scan of Alzheimer's disease in a set of 331 cases and 368 controls, extending analyses for the first time to include assessments of copy number variation. In this analysis, no new SNPs show genome-wide significance. We also screened for effects of copy number variation, and while nothing was significant, a duplication in CHRNA7 appears interesting enough to warrant further investigation.


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Sequence repeats are an important phenomenon in the human genome, playing important roles in genomic alteration often with phenotypic consequences. The two major types of repeat elements in the human genome are tandem repeats (TRs) including microsatellites, minisatellites, and satellites and transposable elements (TEs). So far, very little has been known about the relationship between these two types of repeats. In this study, we identified TRs that are derived from TEs either based on sequence similarity or overlapping genomic positions. We then analyzed the distribution of these TRs among TE families/subfamilies. Our study shows that at least 7,276 TRs or 23% of all minisatellites/satellites is derived from TEs, contributing ∼0.32% of the human genome. TRs seem to be generated more likely from younger/more active TEs, and once initiated they are expanded with time via local duplication of the repeat units. The currently postulated mechanisms for origin of TRs can explain only 6% of all TE-derived TRs, indicating the presence of one or more yet to be identified mechanisms for the initiation of such repeats. Our result suggests that TEs are contributing to genome expansion and alteration not only by transposition but also by generating tandem repeats.


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Affiliation: Henner Brinkmann : Département de biochimie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montreal


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The xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B (XPB) protein is involved in both DNA repair and transcription in human cells. It is a component of the transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) and is responsible for DNA helicase activity during nucleotide (nt) excision repair (NER). Its high evolutionary conservation has allowed identification of homologous proteins in different organisms, including plants. In contrast to other organisms, Arabidopsis thaliana harbors a duplication of the XPB orthologue (AtXPB1 and AtXPB2), and the proteins encoded by the duplicated genes are very similar (95% amino acid identity). Complementation assays in yeast rad25 mutant strains suggest the involvement of AtXPB2 in DNA repair, as already shown for AtXPB1, indicating that these proteins may be functionally redundant in the removal of DNA lesions in A. thaliana. Although both genes are expressed in a constitutive manner during the plant life cycle, Northern blot analyses suggest that light modulates the expression level of both XPB copies, and transcript levels increase during early stages of development. Considering the high similarity between AtXPB1 and AtXPB2 and that both of predicted proteins may act in DNA repair, it is possible that this duplication may confer more flexibility and resistance to DNA damaging agents in thale cress. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Foxl2 (forkhead box L2) gene is an important member of the forkhead domain family, primarily responsible for the development of ovaries during female sex differentiation. The evolutionary studies conducted previously considered the presence of paralog Foxl2 copies only in teleosts. However, to search for possible paralog copies in other groups of vertebrates and ensure that all predicted copies were homolog to the Foxl2 gene, a broad evolutionary analysis was performed, based on the forkhead domain family. A total of 2464 sequences for the forkhead domain were recovered, and subsequently, 64 representative sequences for Foxl2 were used in the evolutionary analysis of this gene. The most important contribution of this study was the discovery of a new subgroup of Foxl2 copies (ortholog to Foxl2B) present in the chondrichthyan Callorhinchus milii, in the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae, in the avian Taeniopygia guttata and in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica. This new scenario indicates a gene duplication event in an ancestor of gnathostomes. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the syntenic regions of both Foxl2 copies, the duplication event was not exclusive to Foxl2. Moreover, the duplicated copy distribution was shown to be complex across vertebrates, especially in tetrapods, and the results strongly support a loss of this copy in eutherian species. Finally, the scenario observed in this study suggests an update for Foxl2 gene nomenclature, extending the actual suggested teleost naming of Foxl2A and Foxl2B to all vertebrate sequences and contributing to the establishment of a new evolutionary context for the Foxl2 gene. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report on a boy presenting submucous cleft palate, hydronephrosis, ventriculoseptal defect, aniridia, and developmental delay. Additional material on 11p13 was cytogenetically visible and array analyses identified a duplicated segment on 15q25-26 chromosome region; further, array analyses revealed a small deletion (49?kb) at 11p13 region involving the ELP4 gene and a duplication at 8p23.1. Results were confirmed with both molecular and molecular cytogenetics techniques. Possibilities for etiological basis of clinical phenotype are discussed. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Abstract Background The integrity of DNA molecules is fundamental for maintaining life. The DNA repair proteins protect organisms against genetic damage, by removal of DNA lesions or helping to tolerate them. DNA repair genes are best known from the gamma-proteobacterium Escherichia coli, which is the most understood bacterial model. However, genome sequencing raises questions regarding uniformity and ubiquity of these DNA repair genes and pathways, reinforcing the need for identifying genes and proteins, which may respond to DNA damage in other bacteria. Results In this study, we employed a bioinformatic approach, to analyse and describe the open reading frames potentially related to DNA repair from the genome of the alpha-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus. This was performed by comparison with known DNA repair related genes found in public databases. As expected, although C. crescentus and E. coli bacteria belong to separate phylogenetic groups, many of their DNA repair genes are very similar. However, some important DNA repair genes are absent in the C. crescentus genome and other interesting functionally related gene duplications are present, which do not occur in E. coli. These include DNA ligases, exonuclease III (xthA), endonuclease III (nth), O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (ada gene), photolyase-like genes, and uracil-DNA-glycosylases. On the other hand, the genes imuA and imuB, which are involved in DNA damage induced mutagenesis, have recently been described in C. crescentus, but are absent in E. coli. Particularly interesting are the potential atypical phylogeny of one of the photolyase genes in alpha-proteobacteria, indicating an origin by horizontal transfer, and the duplication of the Ada orthologs, which have diverse structural configurations, including one that is still unique for C. crescentus. Conclusion The absence and the presence of certain genes are discussed and predictions are made considering the particular aspects of the C. crescentus among other known DNA repair pathways. The observed differences enlarge what is known for DNA repair in the Bacterial world, and provide a useful framework for further experimental studies in this organism.


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Gene duplication is one of the key factors driving genetic innovation, i.e., producing novel genetic variants. Although the contribution of whole-genome and segmental duplications to phenotypic diversity across species is widely appreciated, the phenotypic spectrum and potential pathogenicity of small-scale duplications in individual genomes are less well explored. This review discusses the nature of small-scale duplications and the phenotypes produced by such duplications. Phenotypic variation and disease phenotypes induced by duplications are more diverse and widespread than previously anticipated, and duplications are a major class of disease-related genomic variation. Pathogenic duplications particularly involve dosage-sensitive genes with both similar and dissimilar over- and underexpression phenotypes, and genes encoding proteins with a propensity to aggregate. Phenotypes related to human-specific copy number variation in genes regulating environmental responses and immunity are increasingly recognized. Small genomic duplications containing defense-related genes also contribute to complex common phenotypes.


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We report a high-quality draft sequence of the genome of the horse (Equus caballus). The genome is relatively repetitive but has little segmental duplication. Chromosomes appear to have undergone few historical rearrangements: 53% of equine chromosomes show conserved synteny to a single human chromosome. Equine chromosome 11 is shown to have an evolutionary new centromere devoid of centromeric satellite DNA, suggesting that centromeric function may arise before satellite repeat accumulation. Linkage disequilibrium, showing the influences of early domestication of large herds of female horses, is intermediate in length between dog and human, and there is long-range haplotype sharing among breeds.