113 resultados para genistein
Consumers nowadays are playing an active role in their health-care. A special case is the increasing number of women, who are reluctant to use exogenous hormone therapy for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and are looking for complementary therapies. However, food supplements are not clearly regulated in Europe. The EFSA has only recently begun to address the issues of botanical safety and purity regulation, leading to a variability of content, standardization, dosage, and purity of available products. In this study, isoflavones (puerarin, daidzin, genistin, daidzein, glycitein, genistein, formononetin, prunetin, and biochanin A) from food supplements (n = 15) for menopausal symptoms relief are evaluated and compared with the labelled information. Only four supplements complied with the recommendations made by the EC on the tolerable thresholds. The intestinal bioavailability of these compounds was investigated using Caco-2 cells. The apparent permeability coefficients of the selected isoflavonoids across the Caco-2 cells were affected by the isoflavone concentration and product matrix.
Les cellules épithéliales des voies aériennes respiratoires sécrètent du Cl- via le canal CFTR. La fibrose kystique est une maladie génétique fatale causée par des mutations de ce canal. La mutation la plus fréquente en Amérique du Nord, ∆F508, met en péril la maturation de la protéine et affecte les mécanismes d’activation du canal. Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs molécules ont été identifiées par criblage à haut débit qui peuvent rétablir l’activation de protéines CFTR mutées. Ces molécules sont nommées potentiateurs. Les canaux K+ basolatéraux, dont KCa3.1, jouent un rôle bien documenté dans l’établissement d’une force électromotrice favorable à la sécrétion de Cl- par CFTR dans les cellules épithéliales des voies aériennes respiratoires. Il a par exemple été démontré que l’application de 1-EBIO, un activateur de KCa3.1, sur des monocouches T84 résulte en une augmentation soutenue de la sécrétion de Cl- et que cette augmentation était réversible suite à l’application de CTX, un inhibiteur de KCa3.1(Devor et al., 1996). Dans le cadre d’une recherche de potentiateurs efficaces en conditions physiologiques et dans un contexte global de transport trans-cellulaire, il devient essentiel de considérer les effets des potentiateurs de CFTR sur KCa3.1. Une caractérisation électrophysiologique par la méthode du patch clamp et structurelle via l’utilisation de canaux modifiés par mutagenèse dirigée de différents potentiateurs de CFTR sur KCa3.1 fut donc entreprise afin de déterminer l’action de ces molécules sur l’activité de KCa3.1 et d’en établir les mécanismes. Nous présentons ici des résultats portant sur les effets sur KCa3.1 de quelques potentiateurs de CFTR possédant différentes structures. Un criblage des effets de ces molécules sur KCa3.1 a révélé que la genisteine, le SF-03, la curcumine et le VRT-532 ont des effets inhibiteurs sur KCa3.1. Nos résultats suggèrent que le SF-03 pourrait agir sur une protéine accessoire et avoir un effet indirect sur KCa3.1. La curcumine aurait aussi une action inhibitrice indirecte, probablement via la membrane cellulaire. Nos recherches sur les effets du VRT-532 ont montré que l’accessibilité au site d’action de cette v molécule est indépendante de l’état d’ouverture de KCa3.1. L’absence d’effets inhibiteurs de VRT-532 sur le mutant constitutivement actif V282G indique que cette molécule pourrait agir via l’interaction CaM-KCa3.1 et nécessiter la présence de Ca2+ pour agir. Par ailleurs, un autre potentiateur de CFTR, le CBIQ, a des effets potentiateurs sur KCa3.1. Nos résultats en canal unitaire indiquent qu’il déstabilise un état fermé du canal. Nos travaux montrent aussi que CBIQ augmente la probabilité d’ouverture de KCa3.1 en conditions sursaturantes de Ca2+, ainsi que son affinité apparente pour le Ca2+. Des expériences où CBIQ est appliqué en présence ou en absence de Ca2+ ont indiqué que l’accessibilité à son site d’action est indépendante de l’état d’ouverture de KCa3.1, mais que la présence de Ca2+ est nécessaire à son action. Ces résultats sont compatibles avec une action de CBIQ déstabilisant un état fermé du canal. Finalement, des expériences en Ba2+ nous ont permis d’investiguer la région du filtre de sélectivité de KCa3.1 lors de l’action de CBIQ et nos résultats pointent vers une action de CBIQ dans cette région. Sur la base de nos résultats nous concluons que CBIQ, un potentiateur de CFTR, aurait un effet activateur sur KCa3.1 via la déstabilisation d’un état fermé du canal à travers une action sur sa ‘gate’ au niveau du filtre de sélectivité. De plus, les potentiateurs de CFTR ayant montré des effets inhibiteurs sur KCa3.1 pourraient agir via la membrane ou via une protéine accessoire du canal ou sur l’interaction CaM-KCa3.1. Dans l’optique de traitements potentiels de la fibrose kystique, nos résultats indiquent que le CBIQ pourrait être un potentiateur efficace pusiqu’il est capable de trimuler à la fois KCa3.1 et CFTR. Par contre, dans les cas du VRT-532 et du SF-03, une inhibition de KCa3.1 pourraient en faire des potentiateurs moins efficaces.
L’entérotoxine stable à la chaleur STb est produite par les Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes (ETEC). Son rôle dans la diarrhée post-sevrage porcine est établi. L’internalisation de STb a été observée dans des cellules épithéliales intestinales humaines et de rat. Cependant, le mécanisme d’internalisation n’est pas totalement compris, particulièrement dans le jéjunum porcin, la cible in vivo de STb. Par la cytométrie en flux, nous avons examiné l’internalisation de STb couplée à un marqueur fluorescent dans les cellules épithéliales intestinales porcines IPEC-J2 et les fibroblastes murins NIH3T3. Nos résultats révèlent que l’internalisation de STb est températureindépendante dans les IPEC-J2 tandis qu’elle est température-dépendante dans les NIH3T3, où la réorganisation de l’actine est aussi nécessaire. Toutefois, les niveaux de sulfatide, le récepteur de STb, sont semblables à la surface des deux lignées. Le sulfatide est internalisé à 37°C de façon similaire entre les deux types cellulaires. La rupture des lipid rafts, les microdomaines membranaires contenant le sulfatide, par la méthyl-βcyclodextrine ou la génistéine, n’affecte pas l’internalisation de STb dans les deux lignées. Notre étude indique que le mécanisme d’internalisation de STb est dépendant du type cellulaire. L’activité de la cellule hôte peut être requise ou non. Le récepteur de STb, le sulfatide, n’est pas directement impliqué dans ces mécanismes. L’internalisation activité cellulaire-dépendante suggère une endocytose, nécessitant la réorganisation de l’actine mais pas les lipid rafts. L’internalisation de STb est donc un processus complexe dépendant du type cellulaire, qu’il apparait plus relevant d’étudier dans des modèles cellulaires représentatifs des conditions in vivo.
Introduction Fanconi anemia is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by a variety of congenital abnormalities, progressive bone marrow failure, increased chromosomal instability and higher risk to acute myeloid leukemia, solid tumors. This entity can be considered an appropriate biological model to analyze natural substances with possible genotoxic effect. The aims of this study were to describe and quantify structural chromosomal aberrations induced by 5 flavones, 2 isoflavones and a topoisomerase II chemotherapeutic inhibitor in Fanconi anemia lymphocytes in order to determine chromosomal numbers changes and/ or type of chromosomal damage. Materials and methods Chromosomes stimulated by phytohaemagglutinin M, from Fanconi anemia lymphocytes, were analysed by conventional cytogenetic culture. For each chemical substance and controls, one hundred metaphases were evaluated. Chromosomal alterations were documented by photography and imaging analyzer. To statistical analysis was used chi square test to identify significant differences between frequencies of chromosomal damage of basal and exposed cell cultured a P value less than 0.05. Results There were 431 chromosomal alterations in 1000 metaphases analysed; genistein was the more genotoxic bioflavonoid, followed in descendent order by genistin, fisetin, kaempferol, quercetin, baicalein and miricetin. Chromosomal aberrations observed were: chromatid breaks, chromosomal breaks, cromatid and chromosomal gaps, quadriratials exchanges, dicentrics chromosome and complex rearrangements. Conclusion Bioflavonoids as genistein, genistin and fisetin, which are commonly present in the human diet, showed statistical significance in the number of chromosomal aberrations in Fanconi anemia lymphocytes, regarding the basal damage.
This study evaluated the effect of starter culture and fermentation period on the isoflavone content of protein-rich soybeans variety TG145. Initially, soybeans were washed, soaked in water for 16 h and autoclaved at 121°C for 40min. Three different bacterial starter cultures (~104 CFU/g) namely Bacillus subtilis BEST195, B. subtilis Asaichiban and B. subtilis TN51 were then added and the fermentation was allowed to proceed at 42°C for 24 h (natto-style) and 72 h (thua nao-style). The quantities of six major isoflavones (daidzin, genistin, glycitin, daidzein, genistein, and glycitein) were then determined in these fermented soybean products using reverse phase HPLC technique. Generally, our results clearly showed that the content of total isoflavones in the fermented products prepared by Bacillus starter cultures greatly increased ranging from 43 to 99% compared to that of the unfermented autoclaved soybeans. In addition, a dramatic increase of aglycones was also observed (> 400%) in the soybean products fermented by Bacillus subtilis strain TN51. This present study suggests a promising use of Bacillus starter cultures in improving isoflavone compounds especially the aglycones which would benefit for novel functional food development.
What is already known about this subject center dot Flavonoids are largely recognized as potential inhibitors of platelet function, through nonspecific mechanisms such as antioxidant activity and/or inhibition of several enzymes and signalling proteins. center dot In addition, we, and few others, have shown that certain antiaggregant flavonoids may behave as specific TXA2 receptor (TP) ligands in platelets. center dot Whether flavonoids interact with TP isoforms in other cell types is not known, and direct evidence that flavonoid-TP interaction inhibits signalling downstream TP has not been shown. What this study adds center dot This study first demonstrates that certain flavonoids behave as ligands for both TP isoforms, not only in platelets, but also in human myometrium and in TP-transfected HEK 293T cells. center dot Differences in the effect of certain flavonoids in platelet signalling, induced by either U46619 or thrombin, suggest that abrogation of downstream TP signalling is related to their specific blockage of the TP, rather than to a nonspecific effect on tyrosine kinases or other signalling proteins. Flavonoids may affect platelet function by several mechanisms, including antagonism of TxA(2) receptors (TP). These TP are present in many tissues and modulate different signalling cascades. We explored whether flavonoids affect platelet TP signalling, and if they bind to TP expressed in other cell types. Platelets were treated with flavonoids, or other selected inhibitors, and then stimulated with U46619. Similar assays were performed in aspirinized platelets activated with thrombin. Effects on calcium release were analysed by fluorometry and changes in whole protein tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ERK 1/2 by Western blot analysis. The binding of flavonoids to TP in platelets, human myometrium and TP alpha- and TP beta-transfected HEK 293T cells was explored using binding assays and the TP antagonist H-3-SQ29548. Apigenin, genistein, luteolin and quercetin impaired U46619-induced calcium mobilization in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 10-30 mu M). These flavonoids caused a significant impairment of U46619-induced platelet tyrosine phosphorylation and of ERK 1/2 activation. By contrast, in aspirin-treated platelets all these flavonoids, except quercetin, displayed minor effects on thrombin-induced calcium mobilization, ERK 1/2 and total tyrosine phosphorylation. Finally, apigenin, genistein and luteolin inhibited by > 50% H-3-SQ29548 binding to different cell types. These data further suggest that flavonoids may inhibit platelet function by binding to TP and by subsequent abrogation of downstream signalling. Binding of these compounds to TP occurs in human myometrium and in TP-transfected HEK 293T cells and suggests that antagonism of TP might mediate the effects of flavonoids in different tissues.
Previous studies have compared the oestrogenic properties of phytoestrogens in a wide variety of disparate assays. Since not all phytoestrogens have been tested in each assay, this makes inter-study comparisons and ranking oestrogenic potency difficult. In this report, we have compared the oestrogen agonist and antagonist activity of eight phytoestrogens (genistein, daidzein, equol, miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, 8-prenylnaringenin, coumestrol and resveratrol) in a range of assays all based within the same receptor and cellular context of the MCF7 human breast cancer cell line. The relative binding of each phytoestrogen to oestrogen receptor (ER) of MCF7 cytosol was calculated from the molar excess needed for 50 % inhibition of [H-3]oestradiol binding (IC50), and was in the order coumestrol (35x)/8-prenylnaringenin (45 x)/deoxymiroestrol (50 x) > miroestrol (260x) > genistein (1000x) > equol (4000x) > daidzein (not achieved: 40 % inhibition at 10(4)-fold molar excess) > resveratrol (not achieved: 10 % inhibition at 10(5)-fold molar excess). For cell-based assays, the rank order of potency (estimated in terms of the concentration needed to achieve a response equivalent to 50 % of that found with 17 beta-oestradiol (IC50)) remained very similar for all the assays whether measuring ligand ability to induce a stably transfected oestrogen-responsive ERE-CAT reporter gene, cell growth in terms of proliferation rate after 7 days or cell growth in terms of saturation density after 14 days. The IC50 values for these three assays in order were for 17 beta-oestradiol (1 x 10-(11) M, 1 x 10-(11) M, 2 x 10(-11) M), and in rank order of potency for the phytoestrogens, deoxymiroestrol (1 x 10(-10) M, 3 x 10(-11) M, 2 x 10(-11) M) > miroestrol (3 x 10(-10) M, 2 x 10(-11) M, 8 x 10(-11) M) > 8-prenylnaringenin (1 x 10(-9) M, 3 x 10(-10) M, 3 x 10(-10) M) > cournestrol (3 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M, 3 x 10(-8) M) > genistein (4 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M, 1 x 10(-8) M)/equol (1 x 10(-7) M, 3 x 10(-8) M, 2 x 10(-8) M) > daidzein (3 x 10(-7) M, 2 x 10(-7) M, 4 x 10(-8) M) > resveratrol (4 x 10(-6) M, not achieved, not achieved). Despite using the same receptor context of the MCF7 cells, this rank order differed from that determined from receptor binding. The most marked difference was for cournestrol and 8-prenylnaringenin which both displayed a relatively potent ability to displace [3H]oestradiol from cytosolic ER compared with their much lower activity in the cell-based assays. Albeit at varying concentrations, seven of the eight phytoestrogens (all except resveratrol) gave similar maximal responses to that given by 17 beta-oestradiol in cell-based assays which makes them full oestrogen agonists. We found no evidence for any oestrogen antagonist action of any of these phytoestrogens at concentrations of up to 10(-6) M on either reporter gene induction or on stimulation of cell growth. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Soy isoflavones are thought to have a cardioprotective effect that is partly mediated by an inhibitory influence on the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL). However, the aglycone forms investigated in many previous studies do not circulate in appreciable quantities because they are metabolised in the gut and liver. We investigated effects of various isoflavone metabolites, including for the first time the sulphated conjugates formed in the liver and the mucosa of the small intestine, on copper-induced LDL oxidation. The parent aglycones inhibited oxidation, although only 5% as well as quercetin. Metabolism increased or decreased their effectiveness. Equol inhibited 2.65-fold better than its parent compound daidzein and 8-hydroxydaidzein, not previously assessed, was 12.5-fold better than daidzein. However, monosulphated conjugates of genistein, daidzein and equol were much less effective and disulphates completely ineffective. Since almost all isoflavones circulate as conjugates, these data suggest that despite the increased potency produced by some metabolic changes, isoflavones may not be effective antioxidants in vivo unless they are deconjugated again.
1. Soy isoflavones have been extensively studied because of their possible health-promoting effects. Genistein and daidzein, the major isoflavone aglycones, have received most attention; however, they undergo extensive metabolism in the gut and liver, which might affect their biological properties. 2. The antioxidant activity, free radical-scavenging properties and selected cellular effects of the isoflavone metabolites equol, 8-hydroxydaidzein, O-desmethylangiolensin, and 1,3,5 trihydroxybenzene were investigated in comparison with their parent aglycones, genistein and daidzein. 3. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy indicated that 8-hydroxydaidzein was the most potent scavenger of hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Isoflavone metabolites also exhibited higher antioxidant activity than parent compounds in standard antioxidant (FRAP and TEAC) assays. However, for the suppression of nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, genistein showed the highest potency, followed by equol and daidzein. 4. The metabolism of isoflavones affects their free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties, and their cellular activity, but the effects are complex.
Background: Soy isoflavones show structural and functional similarities to estradiol. Available data indicate that estradiol and estradiol-like components may interact with gut "satiety hormones" such as peptide YY (PYY) and ghrelin, and thus influence body weight. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial with 34 healthy postmenopausal women (59 ± 6 years, BMI: 24.7 ± 2.8 kg/m2), isoflavone-enriched cereal bars (50 mg isoflavones/day; genistein to daidzein ratio 2:1) or non-isoflavone-enriched control bars were consumed for 8 weeks (wash-out period: 8-weeks). Seventeen of the subjects were classified as equol producers. Plasma concentrations of ghrelin and PYY, as well as energy intake and body weight were measured at baseline and after four and eight weeks of each intervention arm. Results: Body weight increased in both treatment periods (isoflavone: 0.40 ± 0.94 kg, P < 0.001; placebo: 0.66 ± 0.87 kg, P = 0.018), with no significant difference between treatments. No significant differences in energy intake were observed (P = 0.634). PYY significantly increased during isoflavone treatment (51 ± 2 pmol/L vs. 55 ± 2 pmol/L), but not during placebo (52 ± 3 pmol/L vs. 50 ± 2 pmol/L), (P = 0.010 for treatment differences, independent of equol production). Baseline plasma ghrelin was significantly lower in equol producers (110 ± 16 pmol/L) than in equol non-producers (162 ± 17 pmol/L; P = 0.025). Conclusion: Soy isoflavone supplementation for eight weeks did not significantly reduce energy intake or body weight, even though plasma PYY increased during isoflavone treatment. Ghrelin remained unaffected by isoflavone treatment. A larger and more rigorous appetite experiment might detect smaller differences in energy intake after isoflavone consumption. However, the results of the present study do not indicate that increased PYY has a major role in the regulation of body weight, at least in healthy postmenopausal women.
Soy isoflavones are thought to have a cardioprotective effect that is partly mediated by an inhibitory influence on the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL). However, the aglycone forms investigated in many previous studies do not circulate in appreciable quantities because they are metabolised in the gut and liver. We investigated effects of various isoflavone metabolites, including for the first time the sulphated conjugates formed in the liver and the mucosa of the small intestine, on copper-induced LDL oxidation. The parent aglycones inhibited oxidation, although only 5% as well as quercetin. Metabolism increased or decreased their effectiveness. Equol inhibited 2.65-fold better than its parent compound daidzein and 8-hydroxydaidzein, not previously assessed, was 12.5-fold better than daidzein. However, monosulphated conjugates of genistein, daidzein and equol were much less effective and disulphates completely ineffective. Since almost all isoflavones circulate as conjugates, these data suggest that despite the increased potency produced by some metabolic changes, isoflavones may not be effective antioxidants in vivo unless they are deconjugated again.
The isoflavone genistein is found predominantly in soyabeans and is thought to possess various potent biological properties, including anticarcinogenic effects. Studies have shown that genistein is extensively degraded by the human gut microflora, presumably with a loss of its anti-carcinogenic action. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential of a prebiotic to divert bacterial metabolism away from genistein breakdown: this may be of benefit to the host. Faecal samples were obtained from healthy volunteers and fermented in the presence of a source of soyabean isoflavones (Novasoy(TM) (10 g/l); ADM Neutraceuticals, Erith, Kent, UK). Bacterial genera of the human gut were enumerated using selective agars and genistein was quantified by HPLC. The experiment was repeated with the addition of glucose (10 g/l) or fructo-oligosaccharide (10 g/l; FOS) to the fermentation medium. The results showed most notably that counts of Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. were significantly increased (P<0.05 and P<0.01 respectively) under steady-state conditions in the presence of FOS. Counts of Bacteroides spp. and Clostridium spp. were, however, both significantly reduced (P<0.05) during the fermentation. A decline in genistein concentration by about 52 and 56% over the 120h culture period was observed with the addition of glucose or FOS to the basal medium (P<0.01), compared with about 91% loss of genistein in the vessels containing Novasoy(TM) (ADM Neutraceuticals) only. Similar trends were obtained using a three-stage chemostat (gut model), in which once again the degradation of genistein was about 22% in vessel one, about 24% in vessel two and about 26% in vessel three in the presence of FOS, compared with a degradation of genistein of about 67% in vessel one, about 95% in vessel two and about 93% in vessel three in the gut model containing Novasoy(TM) (ADM Neutraceuticals) only. The present study has shown that the addition of excess substrate appeared to preserve genistein in vitro. In particular, the use of FOS not only augmented this effect, but also conferred an additional benefit in selectively increasing numbers of purportedly beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
1. Soy isoflavones have been extensively studied because of their possible health-promoting effects. Genistein and daidzein, the major isoflavone aglycones, have received most attention; however, they undergo extensive metabolism in the gut and liver, which might affect their biological properties. 2. The antioxidant activity, free radical-scavenging properties and selected cellular effects of the isoflavone metabolites equol, 8-hydroxydaidzein, O-desmethylangiolensin, and 1,3,5 trihydroxybenzene were investigated in comparison with their parent aglycones, genistein and daidzein. 3. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy indicated that 8-hydroxydaidzein was the most potent scavenger of hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Isoflavone metabolites also exhibited higher antioxidant activity than parent compounds in standard antioxidant (FRAP and TEAC) assays. However, for the suppression of nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, genistein showed the highest potency, followed by equol and daidzein. 4. The metabolism of isoflavones affects their free radical scavenging and antioxidant properties, and their cellular activity, but the effects are complex.
Background: The hypocholesterolemic effects of soy foods are well established, and it has been suggested that isoflavones are responsible for this effect. However, beneficial effects of isolated isoflavones on lipid biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk have not yet been shown. Objective: The objective was to investigate the effects of isolated soy isoflavones on metabolic biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk, including plasma total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol; triacylglycerols; lipoprotein(a); the percentage of small dense LDL; glucose; nonesterified fatty acids; insulin; and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance. Differences with respect to single nucleotide polymorphisms in selected genes [ie, estrogen receptor a (Xbal and PvuII), estrogen receptor beta (AluI), and estrogen receptor beta(cx) (Tsp5091), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp), apolipoprotein E (Apo E2, E3, and E4), cholesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB), and leptin receptor (Gln223Arg)] and with respect to equol production were investigated. Design: Healthy postmenopausal women (n = 117) participated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover dietary intervention trial. Isoflavone-enriched (genistein-to-daidzein ratio of 2: 1; 50 mg/d) or placebo cereal bars were consumed for 8 wk, with a wash-out period of 8 wk before the crossover. Results: Isoflavones did not have a significant beneficial effect on plasma concentrations of lipids, glucose, or insulin. A significant difference between the responses of HDL cholesterol to isoflavones and to placebo was found with estrogen receptor 0(cx) Tsp5091 genotype AA, but not GG or GA. Conclusions: Isoflavone supplementation, when provided in the form and dose used in this study, had no effect on lipid or other metabolic biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women but may increase HDL cholesterol in an estrogen receptor P gene-polymorphic subgroup.
Background: Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective because of their structural similarity to estrogen. The reduction of concentrations of circulating inflammatory markers by estrogen may be one of the mechanisms by which premenopausal women are protected against cardiovascular disease. Objective: Our aim was to investigate the effects of isolated soy isoflavones on inflammatory biomarkers [von Willebrand factor, intracellular adhesion molecule 1, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), E-selectin, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, C-reactive protein (CRP), and endothelin 1 concentrations]. Differences with respect to single-nucleotide polymorphisms in selected genes [estrogen receptor alpha (XbaI and PvuII), estrogen receptor beta [ER beta (AluI) and ER beta[cx] (Tsp5091), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp), apolipoprotein E (Apo E2, E3, and E4), and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB)] and equol production were investigated. Design: One hundred seventeen healthy European postmenopausal women participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover dietary intervention trial. Isoflavone-enriched (genistein-to-daidzein ratio of 2:1;50 mg/d) or placebo cereal bars were consumed for 8 wk, with a washout period of 8 wk between the crossover. Plasma inflammatory factors were measured at 0 and 8 wk of each study arm. Results: Isoflavones improved CRP concentrations [odds ratio (95% Cl) for CRP values >1 mg/L for isoflavone compared with placebo: 0.43 (0.27, 0.69)]; no significant effects of isoflavone treatment on other plasma inflammatory markers were observed. No significant differences in the response to isoflavones were observed according to subgroups of equol production. Differences in the VCAM-1 response to isoflavones and to placebo were found with ER beta AluI genotypes. Conclusion: Isoflavones have beneficial effects on CRP concentrations, but not on other inflammatory biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women, and may improve VCAM-1 in an ER beta gene polymorphic subgroup.