952 resultados para genesis
Invocatio: KREIKKAA Sun to Theo aionio.
A small carbonatite dyke swarm has been identified at Naantali, southwest Finland. Several swarms of shoshonitic lamprophyres are also known along the Archean-Proterozoic boundary in eastern Finland and northwest Russia. These intrusions, along with the carbonatite intrusion at Halpanen, eastern Finland, represent a stage of widespread low-volume mantle-sourced alkaline magmatism in the Svecofennian Domain. Using trace element and isotope geochemistry coupled with precise geochronology from these rocks, a model is presented for the Proterozoic metasomatic evolution of the Fennoscandian subcontinental lithospheric mantle. At ~2.2-2.06 Ga, increased biological production in shallow seas linked to continental rifting, resulted in increased burial rates of organic carbon. Subduction between ~1.93-1.88 Ga returned organic carbon-enriched sediments of mixed Archean and Proterozoic provenance to the mantle. Dehydration reactions supplied water to the mantle wedge, driving arc volcanism, while mica, amphibole and carbonate were brought deeper into the mantle with the subducting slab. The cold subducted slab was heated conductively from the surrounding warm mantle, while pressures continued to gradually increase as a result of crustal thickening. The sediments began to melt in a two stage process, first producing a hydrous alkaline silicate melt, which infiltrated the mantle wedge and crystallised as metasomatic veins. At higher temperatures, carbonatite melt was produced, which preferentially infiltrated the pre-existing metasomatic vein network. At the onset of post-collisional extension, deep fault structures formed, providing conduits for mantle melts to reach the upper crust. Low-volume partial melting of the enriched mantle at depths of at least 110 km led to the formation of first carbonatitic magma and subsequently lamprophyric magma. Carbonatite was emplaced in the upper crust at Naantali at 1795.7 ± 6.8 Ma; lamprophyres along the Archean-Proterozoic boundary were emplaced between 1790.1 ± 3.3 Ma and 1781 ± 20 Ma.
The bedrock of old crystalline cratons is characteristically saturated with brittle structures formed during successive superimposed episodes of deformation and under varying stress regimes. As a result, the crust effectively deforms through the reactivation of pre-existing structures rather than by through the activation, or generation, of new ones, and is said to be in a state of 'structural maturity'. By combining data from Olkiluoto Island, southwestern Finland, which has been investigated as the potential site of a deep geological repository for high-level nuclear waste, with observations from southern Sweden, it can be concluded that the southern part of the Svecofennian shield had already attained structural maturity during the Mesoproterozoic era. This indicates that the phase of activation of the crust, i.e. the time interval during which new fractures were generated, was brief in comparison to the subsequent reactivation phase. Structural maturity of the bedrock was also attained relatively rapidly in Namaqualand, western South Africa, after the formation of first brittle structures during Neoproterozoic time. Subsequent brittle deformation in Namaqualand was controlled by the reactivation of pre-existing strike-slip faults.In such settings, seismic events are likely to occur through reactivation of pre-existing zones that are favourably oriented with respect to prevailing stresses. In Namaqualand, this is shown for present day seismicity by slip tendency analysis, and at Olkiluoto, for a Neoproterozoic earthquake reactivating a Mesoproterozoic fault. By combining detailed field observations with the results of paleostress inversions and relative and absolute time constraints, seven distinctm superimposed paleostress regimes have been recognized in the Olkiluoto region. From oldest to youngest these are: (1) NW-SE to NNW-SSE transpression, which prevailed soon after 1.75 Ga, when the crust had sufficiently cooled down to allow brittle deformation to occur. During this phase conjugate NNW-SSE and NE-SW striking strike-slip faults were active simultaneous with reactivation of SE-dipping low-angle shear zones and foliation planes. This was followed by (2) N-S to NE-SW transpression, which caused partial reactivation of structures formed in the first event; (3) NW-SE extension during the Gothian orogeny and at the time of rapakivi magmatism and intrusion of diabase dikes; (4) NE-SW transtension that occurred between 1.60 and 1.30 Ga and which also formed the NW-SE-trending Satakunta graben located some 20 km north of Olkiluoto. Greisen-type veins also formed during this phase. (5) NE-SW compression that postdates both the formation of the 1.56 Ga rapakivi granites and 1.27 Ga olivine diabases of the region; (6) E-W transpression during the early stages of the Mesoproterozoic Sveconorwegian orogeny and which also predated (7) almost coaxial E-W extension attributed to the collapse of the Sveconorwegian orogeny. The kinematic analysis of fracture systems in crystalline bedrock also provides a robust framework for evaluating fluid-rock interaction in the brittle regime; this is essential in assessment of bedrock integrity for numerous geo-engineering applications, including groundwater management, transient or permanent CO2 storage and site investigations for permanent waste disposal. Investigations at Olkiluoto revealed that fluid flow along fractures is coupled with low normal tractions due to in-situ stresses and thus deviates from the generally accepted critically stressed fracture concept, where fluid flow is concentrated on fractures on the verge of failure. The difference is linked to the shallow conditions of Olkiluoto - due to the low differential stresses inherent at shallow depths, fracture activation and fluid flow is controlled by dilation due to low normal tractions. At deeper settings, however, fluid flow is controlled by fracture criticality caused by large differential stress, which drives shear deformation instead of dilation.
Invokaatio: I.N.D.
Ce ms. a été légué au chapitre de Notre-Dame par Pierre du Jardin, prêtre du diocèse de Limoges et chapelain de Notre-Dame de Paris, mort en 1431, comme l'indique la note au f. 251v: "Venerabilis et discretus vir deffunctus dominus Petrus de Orto, alias dictus Mallerat, presbiter Lemovicensis diocesis, quondam cappellanus hujus venerabilis eccelesie Parisiensis, qui obiit anno M° CCCC° XXXI° die XXIII° mensis aprilis, legavit per suum testamentum supra dicte ecclesie hunc presentem librum..." (XVe s.). Au f. 1 figure l'ex-libris "A la bibliotheque de l'Eglise de Paris" (XVIIe s.). Notre-Dame.
Presently non-commercial occurrences of Mississippi Valley-type ore assemblages in the Middle Silurian strata of the Niagara Peninsula have been studied. Based on this detailed study, a new poly-stage genetic model is proposed which relates ore mineralization in carbonate environments to the evolution of the sedimentary basin. Sulphide ore mineralization occurred during two episodes: 1. During the late diagenesis stage, which is characterized by compaction-maturation of the sediments, the initial mineralization took place by upward and outward movement of connate waters. Metals were probably supplied from all the sediments regardless of their specific lithologies. However, clay minerals were possibly the main contributors. The possible source of sulphur was from petroleum-type hydrocarbons presently mixed with the sediments at the site of ore deposition. Evidence for this is the fact that the greatest abundance of ore minerals is in petroliferous carbonates. The hydrocarbons probably represent liquids remaining after upward migration to the overlying Guelph-Salina reservoirs. The majority of sphalerite and galena formed during this period, as well as accessory pyrite, marcasite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite; and secondary dolomite, calcite, celestite, and gypsum. 2. During the presently ongoing surface erosion and weathering phase, which is marked by the downward movement of groundwater, preexisting sulphides were probably remobilized, and trace amounts of lead and zinc were leached from the host material, by groundwaters. Metal sulphides precipitated at, or below, the water table, or where atmospheric oxygen could raise the Eh of groundwaters to the point where soluble metal complexes are unstable and native sulphur co-precipitates with sphalerite and galena. This process, which can be observed today, also results in the transport and deposition of the host rock material. Breakdown of pre-existing sulphide and sulphate, as well as hydrocarbon present in the host rock, provided sulphur necessary for sulphide precipitation. The galena and sphalerite are accompanied by dolomite, calcite, gypsum, anglesite, native sulphur and possibly zincite.
The Kerala region which forms a significant segment of the south—western Indian shield, dominantly comprises charnockites, khondalites and migmatitic gneisses of Precambrian age. Recent investigations have revealed the occurrences of a number of younger granite and syenite plutons in this region, .spatially related to regional fault—lineaments. The granite of Ambalavayal in Wynad district of northern Kerala is a typical member of this suite of intrusives. The thesis is based on a comprehensive study in terms of geology, petrology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Ambalavayal granite, basement gneisses, associated pegmatites, quartz veins and related mineralization that together cover an area of about 90 sq km in wynad district of northern Kerala
The Kerala region which forms a significant segment of the south—western Indian shield, dominantly comprises charnockites, khondalites and migmatitic gneisses of Precambrian age. Recent investigations have revealed the occurrences of a number of younger granite and syenite plutons in this region, .spatially related to regional fault—lineaments. The granite of Ambalavayal in Wynad district of northern Kerala is a typical member of this suite of intrusives. The thesis is based on a comprehensive study in terms of geology, petrology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Ambalavayal granite, basement gneisses, associated pegmatites, quartz veins and related mineralization that together cover an area of about 90 sq km in wynad district of northern Kerala.
Concienciar a los ni??os sobre el deterioro que est?? sufriendo el planeta. Esa es la m??xima que persigue el programa de educaci??n ambiental GENESIS, impulsado por el fot??grafo brasile??o Sebasti??o Salgado y su esposa, Lelia Wanick. El proyecto GENESIS ofrece un conjunto de materiales a partir de las fotograf??as que Sebasti??o Salgado realiz?? en distintos paisajes v??rgenes del planeta y pretende provocar en las escuelas la sensibilizaci??n y reflexi??n sobre la cuesti??n ambiental. Aunque las fotos retratan distintos y lejanos lugares del mundo, el proyecto tiene como objetivo promover estrategias formativas para la acci??n local, es decir, se espera que el alumnado asocie los problemas abordados con los de su propia experiencia de vida tomando iniciativas para mejorar esa realidad. El proyecto ofrece una combinaci??n de recursos pedag??gicos flexibles que se pueden adaptar a diferentes realidades locales y a las distintas franjas de edad y etapas educativas. Dispone de cuatro unidades did??cticas (Primeras notas; Volcanes; Gal??pagos; Gorilas del Parque Virunga) que se presentan cada una en un cuaderno y que van acompa??adas de este DVD que recoge el material audiovisual correspondiente a estas unidades did??cticas.
La teoría sociocultural es una teoría de la evolución de las funciones mentales superiores que tiene sus raíces en la filosofía alemana de los siglos dieciocho y diecinueve. Esta publicación integra la teoría, la investigación y la práctica en el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas extranjeras, desde una perspectiva sociocultural. También describe e ilustra el uso de la teoría como apoyo a las innovaciones conceptuales y prácticas en la educación de segunda lengua.
Quaternary-aged calcrete horizons are common weathering products in arid and semi-arid regions. It is, however, unclear how calcrete forming processes respond to the major oscillations in climate that occur over the Quaternary period. This paper presents a U-series-based calcrete age database from the Sorbas basin, southeast Spain. The study constructs an age frequency distribution of these ages which is consequently compared to a range of palaeoenvironmental records from the Mediterranean. The age distribution presented here suggests that the formation of pedogenic calcrete horizons in the Sorbas basin primarily occurs during 'warm' isotope stages (MIS 1 and 5), with very few calcrete ages occurring during cold glacial/stadial stages (MIS 2, 3 and 4). It is suggested that this is a function of the environments that existed during 'warm' isotope stages being more conducive to calcrete development than those that existed during cold climate episodes. In a semi-arid region such as the Sorbas basin it is likely that increased aridity during glacial stages, coupled with reduced vegetation and accelerated landscape instability, was crucial in reducing rates of calcrete formation. In a semi-arid region such as southeast Spain, calcrete formation during the Quaternary, therefore, oscillates with climate change but is primarily a "warm" episode phenomenon. It is suggested that further studies are required to see how calcrete genesis responds to environmental change in more humid parts of the Mediterranean. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.