991 resultados para general matrix-matrix multiplication


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Many natural and technological applications generate time ordered sequences of networks, defined over a fixed set of nodes; for example time-stamped information about ‘who phoned who’ or ‘who came into contact with who’ arise naturally in studies of communication and the spread of disease. Concepts and algorithms for static networks do not immediately carry through to this dynamic setting. For example, suppose A and B interact in the morning, and then B and C interact in the afternoon. Information, or disease, may then pass from A to C, but not vice versa. This subtlety is lost if we simply summarize using the daily aggregate network given by the chain A-B-C. However, using a natural definition of a walk on an evolving network, we show that classic centrality measures from the static setting can be extended in a computationally convenient manner. In particular, communicability indices can be computed to summarize the ability of each node to broadcast and receive information. The computations involve basic operations in linear algebra, and the asymmetry caused by time’s arrow is captured naturally through the non-mutativity of matrix-matrix multiplication. Illustrative examples are given for both synthetic and real-world communication data sets. We also discuss the use of the new centrality measures for real-time monitoring and prediction.


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This paper provides general matrix formulas for computing the score function, the (expected and observed) Fisher information and the A matrices (required for the assessment of local influence) for a quite general model which includes the one proposed by Russo et al. (2009). Additionally, we also present an expression for the generalized leverage on fixed and random effects. The matrix formulation has notational advantages, since despite the complexity of the postulated model, all general formulas are compact, clear and have nice forms. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eigenvector and eigenvalue analyses are carried out for double three-phase transmission lines, studying the application of a constant and real phase-mode transformation matrix and the errors of this application to mode line models. Employing some line transposition types, exact results are obtained with a single real transformation matrix based on Clarke's matrix and line geometrical characteristics. It is shown that the proposed technique leads to insignificant errors when a nontransposed case is considered. For both cases, transposed and nontransposed, the access to the electrical values (voltage and current, for example) is provided through a simple matrix multiplication without convolution methods. Using this facility, an interesting model for transmission line analysis is obtained even though the nontransposed case errors are not eliminated. The main advantages of the model are related to the transformation matrix: single, real, frequency independent, and identical for voltage and current.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work presents the concept, design and implementation of a MP-SoC platform, named STORM (MP-SoC DirecTory-Based PlatfORM). Currently the platform is composed of the following modules: SPARC V8 processor, GPOP processor, Cache module, Memory module, Directory module and two different modles of Network-on-Chip, NoCX4 and Obese Tree. All modules were implemented using SystemC, simulated and validated, individually or in group. The modules description is presented in details. For programming the platform in C it was implemented a SPARC assembler, fully compatible with gcc s generated assembly code. For the parallel programming it was implemented a library for mutex managing, using the due assembler s support. A total of 10 simulations of increasing complexity are presented for the validation of the presented concepts. The simulations include real parallel applications, such as matrix multiplication, Mergesort, KMP, Motion Estimation and DCT 2D


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Lemonte and Cordeiro [Birnbaum-Saunders nonlinear regression models, Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 53 (2009), pp. 4441-4452] introduced a class of Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) nonlinear regression models potentially useful in lifetime data analysis. We give a general matrix Bartlett correction formula to improve the likelihood ratio (LR) tests in these models. The formula is simple enough to be used analytically to obtain several closed-form expressions in special cases. Our results generalize those in Lemonte et al. [Improved likelihood inference in Birnbaum-Saunders regressions, Comput. Stat. DataAnal. 54 (2010), pp. 1307-1316], which hold only for the BS linear regression models. We consider Monte Carlo simulations to show that the corrected tests work better than the usual LR tests.


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Multibody System Dynamics has been responsible for revolutionizing Mechanical Engineering Design by using mathematical models to simulate and optimize the dynamic behavior of a wide range of mechanical systems. These mathematical models not only can provide valuable informations about a system that could otherwise be obtained only by experiments with prototypes, but also have been responsible for the development of many model-based control systems. This work represents a contribution for dynamic modeling of multibody mechanical systems by developing a novel recursive modular methodology that unifies the main contributions of several Classical Mechanics formalisms. The reason for proposing such a methodology is to motivate the implementation of computational routines for modeling complex multibody mechanical systems without being dependent on closed source software and, consequently, to contribute for the teaching of Multibody System Dynamics in undergraduate and graduate levels. All the theoretical developments are based on and motivated by a critical literature review, leading to a general matrix form of the dynamic equations of motion of a multibody mechanical system (that can be expressed in terms of any set of variables adopted for the description of motions performed by the system, even if such a set includes redundant variables) and to a general recursive methodology for obtaining mathematical models of complex systems given a set of equations describing the dynamics of each of its uncoupled subsystems and another set describing the constraints among these subsystems in the assembled system. This work also includes some discussions on the description of motion (using any possible set of motion variables and admitting any kind of constraint that can be expressed by an invariant), and on the conditions for solving forward and inverse dynamics problems given a mathematical model of a multibody system. Finally, some examples of computational packages based on the novel methodology, along with some case studies, are presented, highlighting the contributions that can be achieved by using the proposed methodology.


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The stable similarity reduction of a nonsymmetric square matrix to tridiagonal form has been a long-standing problem in numerical linear algebra. The biorthogonal Lanczos process is in principle a candidate method for this task, but in practice it is confined to sparse matrices and is restarted periodically because roundoff errors affect its three-term recurrence scheme and degrade the biorthogonality after a few steps. This adds to its vulnerability to serious breakdowns or near-breakdowns, the handling of which involves recovery strategies such as the look-ahead technique, which needs a careful implementation to produce a block-tridiagonal form with unpredictable block sizes. Other candidate methods, geared generally towards full matrices, rely on elementary similarity transformations that are prone to numerical instabilities. Such concomitant difficulties have hampered finding a satisfactory solution to the problem for either sparse or full matrices. This study focuses primarily on full matrices. After outlining earlier tridiagonalization algorithms from within a general framework, we present a new elimination technique combining orthogonal similarity transformations that are stable. We also discuss heuristics to circumvent breakdowns. Applications of this study include eigenvalue calculation and the approximation of matrix functions.


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We introduce a general matrix formulation for multiuser channels and analyse the special cases of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output channels, channels with interference and relay arrays under LDPC coding using methods developed for the statistical mechanics of disordered systems. We use the replica method to provide results for the typical overlaps of the original and recovered messages and discuss their implications. The results obtained are consistent with belief propagation and density evolution results but also complement them giving additional insights into the information dynamics of these channels with unexpected effects in some cases.


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As massive data sets become increasingly available, people are facing the problem of how to effectively process and understand these data. Traditional sequential computing models are giving way to parallel and distributed computing models, such as MapReduce, both due to the large size of the data sets and their high dimensionality. This dissertation, as in the same direction of other researches that are based on MapReduce, tries to develop effective techniques and applications using MapReduce that can help people solve large-scale problems. Three different problems are tackled in the dissertation. The first one deals with processing terabytes of raster data in a spatial data management system. Aerial imagery files are broken into tiles to enable data parallel computation. The second and third problems deal with dimension reduction techniques that can be used to handle data sets of high dimensionality. Three variants of the nonnegative matrix factorization technique are scaled up to factorize matrices of dimensions in the order of millions in MapReduce based on different matrix multiplication implementations. Two algorithms, which compute CANDECOMP/PARAFAC and Tucker tensor decompositions respectively, are parallelized in MapReduce based on carefully partitioning the data and arranging the computation to maximize data locality and parallelism.


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Field-programmable gate arrays are ideal hosts to custom accelerators for signal, image, and data processing but de- mand manual register transfer level design if high performance and low cost are desired. High-level synthesis reduces this design burden but requires manual design of complex on-chip and off-chip memory architectures, a major limitation in applications such as video processing. This paper presents an approach to resolve this shortcoming. A constructive process is described that can derive such accelerators, including on- and off-chip memory storage from a C description such that a user-defined throughput constraint is met. By employing a novel statement-oriented approach, dataflow intermediate models are derived and used to support simple ap- proaches for on-/off-chip buffer partitioning, derivation of custom on-chip memory hierarchies and architecture transformation to ensure user-defined throughput constraints are met with minimum cost. When applied to accelerators for full search motion estima- tion, matrix multiplication, Sobel edge detection, and fast Fourier transform, it is shown how real-time performance up to an order of magnitude in advance of existing commercial HLS tools is enabled whilst including all requisite memory infrastructure. Further, op- timizations are presented that reduce the on-chip buffer capacity and physical resource cost by up to 96% and 75%, respectively, whilst maintaining real-time performance.


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Developing complex computational-intensiveand data-intensive scientific applications requires effectiveutilization of the computational power of the availablecomputing platforms including grids, clouds, clusters, multicoreand many-core processors, and graphical processingunits (GPUs). However, scientists who need to leverage suchplatforms are usually not parallel or distributed programmingexperts. Thus, they face numerous challenges whenimplementing and porting their software-based experimentaltools to such platforms. In this paper, we introduce asequential-to-parallel engineering approach to help scientistsin engineering their scientific applications. Our approach isbased on capturing sequential program details, plannedparallelization aspects, and program deployment details usinga set of domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs). Then, usingcode generation, we generate the corresponding parallelprogram using necessary parallel and distributedprogramming models (MPI, OpenCL, or OpenMP). Wesummarize three case studies (matrix multiplication, N-Bodysimulation, and signal processing) to evaluate our approach.


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This study is to look the effect of change in the ordering of the Fourier system on Szegö’s classical observations of asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of finite Toeplitz forms.This is done by checking proofs and Szegö’s properties in the new set up.The Fourier system is unconditional [19], any arbitrary ordering of the Fourier system forms a basis for the Hilbert space L2 [-Π, Π].Here study about the classical Szegö’s theorem.Szegö’s type theorem for operators in L2(R+) and check its validity for certain multiplication operators.Since the trigonometric basis is not available in L2(R+) or in L2(R) .This study discussed about the classes of orderings of Haar System in L2 (R+) and in L2(R) in which Szegö’s Type TheoreT Am is valid for certain multiplication operators.It is divided into two sections. In the first section there is an ordering to Haar system in L2(R+) and prove that with respect to this ordering, Szegö’s Type theorem holds for general class of multiplication operators Tƒ with multiplier ƒ ε L2(R+), subject to some conditions on ƒ.Finally in second section more general classes of ordering of Haar system in L2(R+) and in L2(R) are identified in such a way that for certain classes of multiplication operators the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues exists.


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A computational scheme for determining the dynamic stiffness coefficients of a linear, inclined, translating and viscously/hysteretically damped cable element is outlined. Also taken into account is the coupling between inplane transverse and longitudinal forms of cable vibration. The scheme is based on conversion of the governing set of quasistatic boundary value problems into a larger equivalent set of initial value problems, which are subsequently numerically integrated in a spatial domain using marching algorithms. Numerical results which bring out the nature of the dynamic stiffness coefficients are presented. A specific example of random vibration analysis of a long span cable subjected to earthquake support motions modeled as vector gaussian random processes is also discussed. The approach presented is versatile and capable of handling many complicating effects in cable dynamics in a unified manner.